I'd give it a 7/10. It could've been a 9/10 if they had made a few different decisions.
The issue with this manga is that it feels very immature with a fairytale ending, which is juxtaposed amongst characters that feel real. That's the strength and weakness of this manga, the characters. This honestly feels similar to Helter Skelter as far as writing potential goes, but with a few differences.
The issue with Helter Skelter was that it felt like an outline to a masterpiece. The plot and ending were great, but it felt too rushed. If Helter Skelter had allowed itself to breath, it would've been a 10/10.
The issue with this is that the beginning and even the middle were intriguing. Because it allowed itself to properly breathe. And then it threw itself away towards the end. The characters were great, even though certain characters weren't called out enough, and the plot itself was intriguing in some aspects. It's just that the plot went off the rails towards the middle and end. It could've been a great manga if they had just changed a few things. Now it's merely slightly above average, carried somewhat by how realistic and raw the characters feel. In a way, this is like the Josei version of Oniisama E. Great characters and good until the end, where it lost the plot. It went away from what made it good in the first place.
Do I recommend it? Yeah! It was a fun read overall. Even when it went off the rails, there was still some rawness to the characters that made it great. You still had some characters who went through great development.