The first ~20 chapters are bait. This is vile. It clearly is supposed to be a harsher theme hidden behind that wacky and fun facade but this is just a bad taste lame fetish hentai.
The other reviews that rated the manga after ~7-8 chapters call it "wholesome and cute" or a "good story".
I am 35 chapters deep now and this is all factually and objectively wrong. This series as a whole is NTR. That is the whole story. "Alien girls evil and chocolate strong + NTR" is the whole story. But there is no depth in said NTR. Is it wacky and fun? Sure. But it is not complex or wholesome and cute.
Another review mentions the "MC and his girlfriends" living together and it being "fun and wholesome". EVERY character is hentai style mindbroken NTRd. EVERY female char, no matter who you ship. MC is also not the MC anymore. The hentai protag is.
This is NOT for you if are looking for fun, romance, wholesomeness, cuteness, an actual story or.. well anything beyond the usual mindbreak NTR hentai.