I would first like to establish that I did not enjoy God Sider. Does that mean I think everyone won't enjoy God Sider? No. I think you need a specific kind of taste to appreciate God Sider.
Do you enjoy manga that's over the top with characters constantly pulling new attacks out of nowhere to stay alive for extensive periods of time? Do you enjoy a lot of blood and guts? Do you enjoy crazy character designs coupled with fantastic art? This may be a good pickup for you. The art is consistently very good and the action almost never stops. This makes for a manga that never really lets up on going full throttle and getting more and more absurd, so if you're into that, it can be quite the ride.
However, this manga does have problems, primarily with the story being weird fluff that exists mostly to just further the plot along for more battles (this can be a plus or a minus depending on the reader), the battles often feeling low stakes (primarily due to the stakes constantly being said to be so high that eventually it feels like the boy who cried wolf even while you're witnessing them being super high), and the characters being incredibly simplistic and hard to get interest in or even a feel for the personalities of the majority of them.
The manga is a very mixed bag where you're either going to love it or hate it, and if you prefer heavily character-driven stories (or even...story-driven stories), this is probably not going to be one for you, unfortunately. If you don't care about that and just want to see some good old fashioned violence, this has a decent chance to be up your alley.