I’ll start by saying, I don't usually have a problem with finding anime I like, actually where genre is concerned I'm pretty easy to please. As long as it; Has some funny moments, a cute guy here and there, and a main lead that uses words with more than one syllable (sometimes). I mean that’s not so hard to do. Maybe throw in a cute animal just to add to the overall cuteness. So how, HOW, can a show that the girls kick ass be such a disappointment? For me it was because it just made me feel extra dumb. Hey I'm the first to admit I love certain genre because it requires minimal brain usage, no shame in admitting it.
Yeah, so if you plan to watch this one just hit the eject button on that brain of yours, send it out to clean or something and use that in between time to watch shows like this.
What is Master of Martial Hearts about?
It's about the the world of Martial Hearts. What the heck is it? A fighting contest/tournament that one enters which has the prize of a gem that can grant the winner her one and only wish.
The main leads are friends Aya and Natsume who happen to stumbled into the Martial Hearts world by mistake when walking into a fight in progress between a priestess named Miko and a flight attendant. After saving and hearing Miko’s story and the learning about how the tournament is and a few happenings in between they decide to join.
Who will come out victorious?….dah duh dum, wow no one will ever contract me to do soundtracks lol
Requirement to be recruited in the Martial Heart:
-Have knowledge of the martial arts. Which just so happens ALL the girls in this one have. Love it when that happens.
-Be a girl, which is just code for have boobs you don't mind being displayed to the world. And wear tornable (should be a word, clothes that can be easily torn, or made of foam) clothes.
-Have a wish that seems impossible and you want it to come true
-A cell phone, so that they can text you with the contest information
-Appear half naked at impromptu times throughout the day while fighting another female.
How it works when you‘re in?.. It’s not that easy, there are rules people!
They supply you with the money necessary to get ready and you start battling your way up the pyramid. If you end up being the winner you will receive the gem.
-That’s it?
-But I thought you said it wasn’t that easy?
-Don’t blame me I don’t make the rules. Anyway you have to fight girls in really skimpy outfits. Maybe it makes you uncomfortable…
This contest isn’t for the faint hearted and boys can’t participate. I guess in this anime world boys have no hearts, sorry guys there’s always a next time. Don’t worry I feel insulted for you. But to be fair the fan service is ALL for you.
Actually even above all that it wasn't soooo bad. More annoying with than anything, and for a fairly short show that’s saying something.
For instance, every time (EVERY TIME) they hit, punch scratch their opponent their clothes magically shred leaving them in their underwear or naked, all I can do is call forth the 14 year old dude inside all of us and he'll say, "Boobies!" Fine he probably won't say it, but he'll think it. For those wondering, no, I don’t even take myself seriously sometimes. And with anime like these, that’s a silver lining.
As for the soundtrack and animation. Nothing stood out and the animation is rather plain. It’s not a new anime therefore it’s actually pretty ordinary in character design and color as a whole. No major flaws that I could see but I'll be honest I dozed off a lot of times. No worries when I came back five minutes later I still understood the plot, so no harm done.
The ending is where you get a feel for the main characters and you see they have some depths. It's a shame it's only for 10 minutes and you don't really care at this point.
Which honestly I just didn’t see throughout the show to begin with. Well maybe in a few instances but they get stripped away by battle scenes, pun intended. It’s also at the end where you see the perverseness behind the show, I mean it’s there (duh, the ecchiness?) but it shows you more in the end.
They tried to stuff us with useless plot lines and complicate the story to make it more interesting when if you really stayed and watched until the last second it was probably because you (as I was) were wondering if the "gem" was a symbol for anything but gem. Maybe that's just me cause seriously this was a piece of work... yeah let's go with "work."
What does Aya want as her wish? Watch and find out, why should I suffer alone….