Will I Possibly Be The Greatest Alchemist of All Time is the question asked in this cute anime series. The answer is, if your competition is Kinomi Master, then you surely will. I finished both series days apart, both had similar storylines (main character gains powers, uses the said powers for the good of humanity, acquires loyal female friends or slaves, and fights against the forces of evil. Yes, one is isekai and the other is just fantasy, I know that.). The execution of the story, attention to detail and to character development, and how the secondary characters are developed and kept in the loop set these two animes apart and boy, how good is the execution in Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time as opposed to how bad it was on Kinomi Master speaks volumes.
Iruma Takumi is a likeable hero. A 40 years old salaryman in Japan, he is transferred from our world to another world by mistake with three other heroes and cannot return to his time and land, so, the goddess Nolyn gives him special powers, makes him 17 years old (and easy on the eyes, too), and sends him to one year before the other three heroes are to appear with special alchemist’s powers and things develop from there. The story is straightforward. There is no novelty concerning guilds, adventuring, use of magic in daily life, slavery, non-human races’ existence, and pseudo-harem use compared to similar stories. However, at least some of the females in here can be seen as Bond girls, helping the main character while looking pleasing. What makes Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time is the way the main character develops, interacts, has self-doubt, and that he pursues what will be to the society’s benefit even though he is afraid at times. I believe the voice actor for Takumi did a great job as he is always doubtful, unsure, uncertain and it is wonderfully reflected in the great voice-work which sometimes even compensates for the poor quality animation. When you have a good, well-balanced, sympathetic main character and good secondary characters surrounding him, when you place every character carefully to their supposed place in the storyline, then you cannot fail. That’s why this is one great anime. It is good for entertainment, for feeling good, for fun, and for good ideas on friendship and loyalty. That’s why, though it ends on some sort of a cliffhanger, even if isn’t to have a second season, anyone watching it may have fun.
I’d recommend Possibly the Greatest Alchemist of All Time easily. Go watch it and have fun.