
Aug 9, 2008
___________________________________________ Review the 1st

Chihuahua Review(short&sweet): A fun, addictive shounen(bunch of guys and action) filled with more unique characters than probably any anime out.

------------------------------>In Depth Review:<------------------------
STORY: You definitely dont have to be a tennis fan or player to enjoi this anime. This could be like any other action anime but, with tennis as the medium. Story is about a young tennis star who joins the infamous tennis club known as Seigaku. Through his time there he and his teammates play through tournaments to become Japan's best team. This may seem boring but with the most hilarious fillers i've seen and experiencing unexpected players(probably over 50 and all different) using unexpected strategies with unexpected endings (main characters actually lose). This anime easily is one of the best sport animes to date. Which is proven with the ova(National Tournament) that continues today!^_^

ART: This was unexpectedly well drawn. The specials each player had looked cool and smooth. Again even with the plethora of characters none of them were that similiar. In the early episodes the characters were a little fugly but soon they become more likeable as animation quality developed. The chibi episodes(best fillers ever)>_< were fun to watch.

SOUND: Not to fond of the english dub version but, probably a result of hearin the japanese version which was voiced decently well by the seiyus.
OP's , ED's, and backround music fits well but doesnt really enchance the experience so most of the time i skipped the opening and ending. T_T

CHARACTER: There was alot of character developement. Just about every character and alot of the supporting characters CHANGED. It may not have been drastic but they changed. They werer all pretty enjoyable in their own way wether it be their lame jokes or their own tennis style that makes them become ur favorite. Other than an unamed female (who never changes)>_< U will probably wont hate anybody since even the" badguys" become somewat likeable after seeing their backrounds.

ENJOIMENT: Very fun anime and since matches lasted two or three episodes and a tournament around 13eps i usually marathoned(ALOT of episodes at a time 24 a day) and like i said again u dont have to be a tennis fan to enjoi. Great fillers and fun characters who EVOLVE will keep ur face glued to the t.v. or computer until ur done. ^_^ And if u do become a hardcore fan ova's are still comin out!

OVERALL: The soundtracks may sound boring but there is a fastforwad button. Art may start unappealing but with 178 episodes it improves with the times. Story may get repetitive with tournament after tournament but with the fresh characters u cant not be excited for the next episode.

Recommendation: If you like tennis(u dont have to) or a superpowered sport with great quality then watch this. If you like this watch Law of Ueki or Hajime no Ippo there also great.

If you dissagreed OR agreed fully with me on anything feel free to message me and discss it. Always fun. @_@

Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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