Oh god, When I first heard of this show, I thought that it would be different. Why did I even think it was going to be different? The characters are perverted, and act strangely odd.
The story goes way to fast, bringing up more questions then answers. All the story is becomes a love triangle with a short little kid in the middle of it. This is pretty much Hentai without the sex. It’s messed up and would be much better if they just used the sex in order to have a more interesting story line. AND THERE IS NO ENDING! It gives us a ‘read the manga’ ending that always pisses me off. If I wanted to read the manga, I would of done so already or read it instead of watching the anime.
Chizuru is a really interesting girl who is really hangs onto Kouta all the time. She is extremely pushy and keeps wanting him to go out with her. All this teasing really pushes him from her all the time. It also seems that all the time, she ends up trying to sleep with him. When she shows that she’s a fox, he actually for some reason doesn’t care much. Then we have the problem with him falling in love with her slightly. There is also the fact that he and her end up becoming one whenever they kiss and she wants to be with him. Nozomu doesn’t seem to have much personality in the beginning but and always seems to act like a love rival.
Characters rarely have any personality out of just a standard archy types with not much of a story behind how they act. The characters are all 2 Dimensional.
Now, the show actually got better as it went on, and around the 4th episode, it actually got a lot better artwork and the voices weren’t as stale. It feels like they got into the show more. Not only that but I believe it was the 5th episode where my favorite character was introduced. To bad he only stayed for one episode though. I really liked Saku Ezomori.
The music in the beginning is pretty standard as well as the animation. It pretty much has a loneliness walking style to it and showing the characters. And then somehow, the main character turning into a ‘fox boy’ for some strange reason. The animation is really butt ugly in many aspects for the background characters, making them lose much detail. The main characters may be detailed in a sense but the personality is really bland.
The voices… dear god the voices… They messed them all up. Chizuru is really high voiced and can probably hurt my ears. Kouta sounds like a little child, not like he would be in the same grade as all the other characters. The script is a bit choppy and again really doesn’t explain much. Sometimes the script is delivered without much feeling. Also some of the lip sinks are bad, they don’t work right.