I found manga to be a bit genaric; same old shounen story, main character's a guy (of course lolz) who loves to eat food, is super strong, and is an idiot, with a girl who's thrown in there that can sometimes seem like a nuisance and also an idiot *coughKyokocoughfromcoughcoughKHRcough* The story's arc isn't all that interesting and doesn't seem to catch a person's attention; reading through it somemore, it actually reminds me of One Piece. Only with less characters (from where I'm reading it so far lolz) and a seemingly Sasuke like rival with the goal being the "Demon Stone" instead of the goal of the Grand Line. Think of the main characters as a sort of Luffy and Nami pairing, only slightly different with a WAAAY dumber Nami in it. Heck, even the opening/beginning of it is very much like Nami and Luffy's first chane meeting.
The main character, John, has a power in his arm that allows him to deflect and lift heavy things, just like Luffy with his *spoiler* of a body. Instead of John liking all foods, he apparently loves curry very much.
I can't exactly say that it's a very good manga, seeing as I haven't read that many chapters of it yet, but so far, it's a bit too genaric. I gave it a chance since this was done by the same creator of Samurai Deeper Kyo, one of the best animes/ mangas EVER (only like... well, let's just say that it doesn't top Naruto nor Bleach for now XD). It might not be your exact cup of tea, but hopefully you found this none so inciting review totally un-useless. Who knows, this manga may even be on par with KHR (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) or Naruto for all I care.