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BL Manhwa

Jul 24 2022, 8:54 PM | Updated Dec 26, 2024 8:14 AM
These are some BL. Anyway that I enjoy reading currently or have enjoyed reading previously! I hope you find something new to read! These aren’t in any specific order!
At the End of the Road
Manhwa, 4 vol, 2016 Me:- Author:-
This manhwa is a favorite of mine, it’s great at keeping you curious. The male romantic interest keeps you wondering about what could’ve happened to him to change him. The two main characters also have amazing chemistry and the art is fantastic. Definitely give this a read.
Semantic Error
Manhwa, ? vol, 2020 Me:- Author:9
This manhwa is the cutest BL I’m ongoingly reading. Everything about the two main characters keeps you invested and makes your heart throb. The sexual tension, romantic and funny banter, and amazing artwork leave you absolutely enthralled. It’s an amazing story and it’s worth putting your time into.
Love Shuttle
Manhwa, ? vol, 2019 Me:- Author:-
This omegaverse BL is everything. It’s my favorite completed omegaverse and I’ve read an awful lot of them. The two main characters just bounce off each other so well. I love all of this author’s works but this one is my favorite. They feel like real people and I just love them so much.
To Take an Enemy's Heart
Manhwa, 9 vol, 2012 Me:- Author:-
This series by Yusa is the first I’ve ever read and it created an obsession for their stuff ever since. It’s not my favorite of their works just because the two main male leads are in a toxic relationship but I have a tremendous amount of respect for the author. The characters are all just so well written and the world building is amazing. Read all of Yusa’s works.
Royal Servant
Manhwa, ? vol, 2016 Me:- Author:-
This manhwa is an underrated gem in a fantastical world with amazing characters, intrigue, and emotional moments. It’s a wonderful example of a main couple who have amazing chemistry, a believable bond, and look wonderful together. It’s just great and it’s criminally unknown. Find this and read it.
Totally Captivated
Manhwa, 6 vol, 2007 Me:- Author:-
This toxic manhwa is probably one of the most over dramatic things I’ve ever read in my life. It’s good, the relationship between the main male leads is intriguing to say the least but it’s still very toxic. It’s a fun read and it can be pretty hilarious at times so try it and see if you’ll like it.
Totally Captivated: The Last Episode
Doujinshi, 2 vol, 2010 Me:- Author:-
A Good Day to Go Crazy
Manhwa, 7 vol, 2016 Me:- Author:-
My favorite story by Yusa and I’ve got to say that they did absolutely amazing with this one. The two main male leads are amazing together. The mystery of both of their pasts are intriguing, and watching these two go through it while they’re so in love with each other is so heartwarming and sad at the same time. This is a must read.
About Desire
Manhwa, 6 vol, 2016 Me:- Author:-
The couples in this BL are so cute and different that I can help giggling and squealing to myself every time I reread this one. It’s a funny and adorable story with great characters and art. It’s everything you could wish for in a BL.
The Sweetest Man
Manhwa, 11 vol, 2015 Me:- Author:-
Another criminally underrated gem that deserves way more attention than it gets. This story is so good that it will make you cry. Every couple in the series will sweep you off your feet and more. The art is beautiful and every character is so well written. A vampire in love with his best friend who doesn’t know his secret finally comes clean and he has to learn to adapt to the new world his intriguiging and mysterious friend (future lover) into. Its just a lovely series with an amazing plot and I reread it like every two months. It’s that good.
Make Me Bark
Manhwa, ? vol, 2017 Me:- Author:-
This just a funny and sexy story about two different couples. It’s not a really deep series or anything but the characters are easy to get attached to. I’d say that it’s a definite must watch if you’re looking for something fun and simple.
Stranger Than Friends
Manhwa, ? vol, 2020 Me:- Author:-
Written by the same person who wrote Make Me Bark, this is a more deep series immediately going in. I think that each character is well developed and mysterious and it still has that easy going vibe. The main characters are pretty angsty but it’s just so cute too. Definitely a must read.
Wolf in the House
Manhwa, 5 vol, 2017 Me:- Author:-
This story is beautiful in every way imaginable. Beautiful story? Check. Beautiful art? Check. Characters? Check. Beautiful chemistry and bonds? Check. It’s just everything that you could possibly want in a BL.
Love Is an Illusion!
Manhwa, ? vol, 2018 Me:- Author:-
This omegaverse manhwa is a very funny series but the two main characters are annoying to be honest. I can’t say I ship them but their dynamic is hilarious so watching them interact is still fun despite that. It’s a fun series so I’d say it’s worth the read. The baby they have together is cute too so yeah give this a go.
Love Is an Illusion! The Queen
Manhwa, ? vol, 2022 Me:- Author:-
Manhwa, ? vol, 2018 Me:- Author:-
This series is a very tragic read and it is such a unique story. I’ve never read a BL with Egyptian gods before this and it’s just so intriguing. The story is mysterious and every minute spent with the main character keeps you guessing and on your toes. I love this series.
Manhwa, ? vol, 2021 Me:- Author:-
This story is incredible, it’s one of my favorites of this artist’s work. The story is just everything to me. So much so, that I went on an internet search for the novel and am still obsessed. Every character is so cool and the main character is so easy to get attached too. He’s an amazing protagonist and he’s very refreshing in these types of stories.
Peach Love
Manhwa, ? vol, 2015 Me:- Author:-
My favorite in this artist’s works. It’s not a very deep story but it can get emotional when it needs to. It’s a light hearted series and it’s incredibly funny and cute. It’s just such a fun read.
Manhwa, ? vol, 2021 Me:- Author:-
This series is so sexy and fun and dark. I love this manhwa, the two main characters have so much chemistry that my heart races in almost every interaction these two have. They’re messy and toxic but I still love them. Read this for sure.
Manhwa, ? vol, 2017 Me:- Author:-
This adorable series is a very unique series to me. The artwork is like no other BL I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen a lot. The two main characters are so cute and have so much chemistry and their dynamic is so adorable. This is a favorite series of mine and I love them.
BJ Alex
Manhwa, 9 vol, 2017 Me:- Author:-
This series is everyone’s favorite series and while I do love it, it’s not my favorite. It deserves the hype. The characters are well written and I love that in the series the toxic behavior in the main couple was addressed and wasn’t romanticized. It’s refreshing and unique in a lot of ways and I think that it’s great.
Manhwa, 3 vol, 2015 Me:- Author:-
These are short little stories about couples compiled into one long series. Not every couple has a happy ending band they’re all very believable stories. I absolutely adore this series and it’s not a very popular one despite all of its amazing qualities. It’s by the same people who made Wolf in the House, and it’s brilliant. You guys have to read it.
I'm Yours, Blood and Soul
Manhwa, ? vol, 2018 Me:- Author:-
This rare gem is a really fun and well drawn series with great main characters. I’d say this is quite a funny one and it’s worth the read. It’s got dark fantasy elements and it’s quite cool and different for a BL.
The Devil's Temptation
Manhwa, ? vol, 2018 Me:- Author:-
This is so funny I never stopped laughing unless it was to cry at the emotional scenes. Hen is adorable and the chemistry between the two main leads is off the chart. Everything about this series is so funny and cool.
BL Motel
Manhwa, ? vol, 2017 Me:- Author:-
BL Motel has one of the sweetest couples I’ve ever encountered. The main couple is so adorable together that it just makes you swoon. While some BL a have the side couples that are better and sweeter I’d say the main couple in this one is just a lot better. The art is also so different from other series and I recommend this.
Tale of the Yellow Dragon
Manhwa, ? vol, 2018 Me:- Author:-
This fantastical story about a dragon in another world and a modern day human is sure and dramatic that it’s hard to pull your eyes away. It’s swoon worthy art and a couple so beautiful it’s hard to look at them. It’s definitely worth a read.
Painter of the Night
Manhwa, ? vol, 2019 Me:- Author:-
This dark romance is one of a kind, I’ve never seen anything quite like it. The main male lead is rather interesting to figure out. His past is mysterious and it’s fun to try and figure out his behavior. It’s a toxic relationship but other than that it’s good.
Blood Bank
Manhwa, ? vol, 2015 Me:- Author:-
This bdsm vampire story is nail bitingly interesting, sexy, dramatic, and emotional enough to give you a little cry. It’s beautiful and it deserves a lot more attention than it has on this site. The art style is so dreamy and I love this beautiful story. Read this now!
King's Maker
Manhwa, 3 vol, 2017 Me:- Author:-
King’s Maker is a sort of slower paced romance and it has a lot of politics and world building that would have kept it interesting even if it wasn’t a BL. The cute little romantic moments, though, definitely enhance the story and make it a lot of fun to read.
If You Hate Me So
Manhwa, ? vol, 2015 Me:- Author:-
This is a more angsty romance with quite a lot of drama. I’m not really a big fan of romances with a lot of drama but I did read this pretty quickly. I haven’t reread it in a while so I’m definitely missing some key points but if you’re interested in something with a bit of angst, this is for you.
Mad Dog
Manhwa, ? vol, 2021 Me:- Author:-
This is an ongoing series and it’s written and drawn by the same author of ‘At the End of the Road’ and so far I love it. There aren’t a lot of chapters out but it’s definitely something to keep track of.
Penthouse XXX
Manhwa, ? vol, 2018 Me:- Author:-
A completed and short silly story about two chaotic idiots. It’s a crazy story and I laughed through most of it. I couldn’t take it seriously at all. Don’t take it too seriously and it becomes a lot more fun.
A Guy Like You
Manhwa, ? vol, 2016 Me:- Author:-
This BL is so angsty it could cut through a steel pipe. It’s a lot of drama and there’s somewhat of a love triangle thing. It’s got a somewhat interesting plot but if you’re just in the mood for something light this isn’t for you.
Blunder Turned Wonder
Manhwa, ? vol, 2018 Me:- Author:-
This is a wild one, it’s absolutely absurd and hilarious. It’s a lighthearted series with so much going on and it’s just so much fun. The two main male leads are cute when they want to be while at other times you straight up laugh at them for being so crazy. I love this one with my whole heart.
Heesu in Class 2
Manhwa, 4 vol, 2017 Me:- Author:-
This one is a sweet one, it’s a slow paced romance that’s so sweet like candy that you get heartburn our main character Heesu is actually so cute and pure that I sort of adopted him and he’s now my child who I want to protect with my life. The storyline itself is fun to follow and everything about the two main male leads just makes me tear up. This one is a must read.
Playtime with Hakdo
Manhwa, ? vol, 2017 Me:- Author:-
These two are a switch couple and they’re both so every well rounded characters. Their attraction to each other is immediate but they aren’t automatically in love and I love that. I think that the slow progression from lust to love is so adorable that I became obsessed with them. I iterally reread this once a month.
Dream Away
Manhwa, ? vol, 2019 Me:- Author:-
This series is seriously so adorable! The main characters are seriously so sweet together and they have so much chemistry I could die. It’s a completed series so you can binge it and there’s only around 50 something chapters so it won’t take up your entire life unles you want it too which… fair. Lmfao, definitely give this a read.
Prince Bari
Manhwa, 6 vol, 2016 Me:- Author:9
This magical series will pull on your heart strings as the mythical Ana making world draws you in. The main character is a strong willed, ambitious man who wants to help people with his ability. The other one is a big teddy bear and they make such an iconic duo. This is another must read.
Interview with the Criminal
Manhwa, 3 vol, 2018 Me:- Author:-
This is a rather dark one. It’s a psychological mystery so that’s all I’ll say about it because I don’t want to spoil but other than that… check it out.
Manhwa, ? vol, 2019 Me:- Author:-
This series isn’t my favorite from fujoking but it’s still a good one. I think the story itself is a bit diffferent from what they usually do and I kind of like that. The main characters are so intense and I love how their relationship develops.
Jazz for Two
Manhwa, ? vol, 2017 Me:- Author:-
This dramatic, angsty, teen romance is so cute and sad. It pulled some tears out me I won’t even lie. The hate to love trope is portrayed properly in this series and so I’m sure you all would love this one. The series involves music and the art is pretty as well. Try it out and see if it’s for you.
Pearl Boy
Manhwa, ? vol, 2020 Me:- Author:-
The art in this series is phenomenal, I’m going to be real with you guys and tell you that I’m not caught up with it just because I’ve been a busy gal but it has everything you could ever want in it. Great art, amazing chemistry between the two main characters, drama, angst, a caring male lead, it’s just the full package. I need to catch up with it and y’all need to read it.
Under the Greenlight
Manhwa, ? vol, 2021 Me:- Author:-
This dark and serious series has a very sexy relationship between a starving artist and man who he is utterly obsessed with and who has power in ways he doesn’t understand. It’s an amazing love story and the plot itself is dark but investing. Read this now.
Window to Window
Manhwa, ? vol, 2016 Me:- Author:-
Two best friends in a room… they might kiss. This slow burn really scorches you in all of the drama that occurs because everyone knows they’re meant to be together romantically except them. It’s frustrating but I still think it’s worth a read.
Voice of Love
Manhwa, ? vol, 2017 Me:- Author:-
Voice of love is about a mind reader and him teasing a guy who likes him. It’s so sweet and fluffy and it’s all very adorable. It can get angsty at times too so it’s very diverse. The main characters are cute together deserve the world. Definitely give this a go.
Manhwa, ? vol, 2018 Me:- Author:-
A silly series about a photographer, it’s all super cute and dramatic. Again it’s pretty angsty sometimes but it’s a semi-lighthearted go story. The art is rather nice and while it’s definitely not the best in this list but it’s definitely a good BL.
An Easy Target
Manhwa, ? vol, 2016 Me:- Author:-
This series is chaotic, messy, and dark. Really, really dark. You will not ship the two main characters and it’s messed up that they ended up together. You will be incredibly frustrated the entirety of the read so if you want to get angry, read this. Unlike everything in this list, I disliked this series the most and so it’s the only one that is put in an order. It’s the last one on this list for a reason so tread with caution.

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