Interest Stacks

Fâtê Seríes

Sep 15 2022, 7:33 AM | Updated Feb 4, 6:56 AM
The ones who didn't start yet or confused, try starting from the recommended part. If you don't like my recommendation, start with whatever Universe. Everything is in Order with Short and presice Instructions.

This is the best explanation of 'Fate' you'll ever find. (Probably)
TV, 2011, 13 eps Me:- Author:9
(Recommended) Start

Fate Stay Night Universe -
The 4th Holi Grail War
Fate/Zero 2nd Season
TV, 2012, 12 eps Me:- Author:9
Lord El-Melloi II-sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note - Hakamori to Neko to Majutsushi
TV Special, 2018, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Fate Stay Night Universe -
Stories after 4th Holi Grail War
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
TV, 2014, 12 eps Me:- Author:10
Fate Stay Night Universe -
The 5th Holi Grail War - Rin route
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works 2nd Season - Sunny Day
Special, 2015, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Alternate Ending
Fate/strange Fake
TV, 2025, ? eps Me:- Author:10
Fate stay night Universe -
The 6th Holi Grail War (Probably)
Emiya-san Chi no Kyou no Gohan
ONA, 2018, 13 eps Me:- Author:10
(Recommended) End

Fate stay night Universe - Peaceful route
Fate/stay night Movie: Heaven's Feel - I. Presage Flower
Movie, 2017, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Fate stay night Universe -
The 5th Holi Grail War - Sakura route
Fate/stay night
TV, 2006, 24 eps Me:- Author:-
Fate stay night Universe -
The 5th Holi Grail War - Saber route
Fate/stay night TV Reproduction
OVA, 2010, 2 eps Me:- Author:-
TV, 2017, 25 eps Me:- Author:-
The 3rd Holi Grail War Universe 1 -
Nazi's join the 3rd Holi Grail War(in short - HGW). So the public knows about the HGW, then people makes cheap imitations of HGW. Thus, no 4th HGW happens in this timeline. Then someone who wanted to make the HGW great again came and at the time of 5th HGW their - Great Holi Grail War Starts.
Fate/Extra: Last Encore
TV, 2018, 10 eps Me:- Author:-
The 3rd Holi Grail War Universe 2 -
After 3rd Holi Grail War, Incident occurs causing all the world's mana to begin drying up.....
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya Movie: Sekka no Chikai
Movie, 2017, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Fate Kaleid liner multiverse-

1.Fate Miyu_universe - The 5th Ainsworth Holi Grail War

(Recommended to watch this after 2nd season)
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya
TV, 2013, 10 eps Me:- Author:-
Fate Kaleid liner multiverse-

2.Fate Illia_universe - Kiritsugu & Irisveil from 4th Holi Grail War ends Grail ritual, preventing 5th Holi Grail War
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya Specials
Special, 2013, 5 eps Me:- Author:-
Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 3rei!!
TV, 2016, 12 eps Me:- Author:-
Fate Kaleid liner multiverse-

3.Fate Miyu_universe - The 6th Ainsworth Holi Grail War
Fate/Grand Order: First Order
TV Special, 2016, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Fate Grand Order Universe - Beginning
A Universe where no Holi Grail War happened, but the world was still devestated. So they go to past to fix the timeline.
Fate/Grand Order
CM, 2014, ? eps Me:- Author:-
Fate Grand Order Universe - Arc (1-5)
{Game- preview & cut-scenes, not adapted to anime}
Have to play the game to know the story (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Fate/Grand Order: Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot 1 - Wandering; Agateram
Movie, 2020, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Fate Grand Order Universe - 6th Arc
Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majuu Sensen Babylonia - Initium Iter
Special, 2019, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Fate Grand Order Universe - 7th Arc
Fate/Grand Order: Shuukyoku Tokuiten - Kani Jikan Shinden Solomon
Movie, 2021, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Fate Grand Order Universe - Final Arc
Fate/Grand Order: Moonlight/Lostroom
TV Special, 2017, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Fate Grand Order Universe -.....
OVA, 2011, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Fate Prototype Universe - .....
Fate/Grand Carnival
OVA, 2020, 4 eps Me:- Author:-
Fate Afterlife -
Everyone from every fate Universe comes together to Play and make jokes
Carnival Phantasm
OVA, 2011, 12 eps Me:- Author:-
Carnival Phantasm EX Season
OVA, 2011, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Carnival Phantasm: HibiChika Special
Special, 2012, 1 ep Me:- Author:-
Fate/Zero Cafe
Movie, 2013, 2 eps Me:- Author:-

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