MANLY Anime - Starter Pack
What is a manly anime? It may be hard to define them at first glance. Rather than a textbook definition, it's more of a specific "vibe". You can feel when you're watching one of them.
One might associate them with a specific artstyle, starring adult male characters with a muscular build and detailed facial features, and while that is definitely a common trend, it's not necessarily a requisite.
To me, a manly series is one where the characters represent the ideals of manhood. They have an unbreakable determination, they protect their loved ones and are willing to risk their own lives for what they believe in, to achieve their dreams, or for a better future. And while the majority are battle oriented, they might not even need to throw a punch to be considered manly, sometimes their strong will speaks for themselves.
These characteristics apply to many other series, but a manly anime just hits different. You look at them and think "that's what a man would do".
This is not a comprehensive list, but rather, a collection of the series I feel represent these ideals best and would recommend to those interested in this type of anime.
MANLY Manga:
One might associate them with a specific artstyle, starring adult male characters with a muscular build and detailed facial features, and while that is definitely a common trend, it's not necessarily a requisite.
To me, a manly series is one where the characters represent the ideals of manhood. They have an unbreakable determination, they protect their loved ones and are willing to risk their own lives for what they believe in, to achieve their dreams, or for a better future. And while the majority are battle oriented, they might not even need to throw a punch to be considered manly, sometimes their strong will speaks for themselves.
These characteristics apply to many other series, but a manly anime just hits different. You look at them and think "that's what a man would do".
This is not a comprehensive list, but rather, a collection of the series I feel represent these ideals best and would recommend to those interested in this type of anime.
MANLY Manga: