Sports Man (ga/hua/hwa) (From Every Demographic)
If it’s a sports manga or webtoon, it’s in this. Doesn’t matter if it’s yaoi, got a romance plot line, or is just heavily sports related, I’ve got it here. Hopefully, you guys will find something you haven’t read on here. Enjoy! (Still working on writing all of the explanations)

Manga, 7 vol, 2017
A really interesting golf manga from the creator of Kuroko no Basket! I’m not a fan of golf but like Kuroko no Basket, they find a way to make it incredibly entertaining even if you know nothing about the sport. It’s got a great cast of characters and the art is beautiful, definitely give this one a go.

Manga, 28 vol, 2014
Hinomaruzumou is a fantastic manga about sumo wrestling that has a phenomenal respect for the sport. This series is handled with so much care that even someone like me who knows nothing about the sport, has gained a lot of respect for it. The art is great and it’s amazing to see the impact of hits and the detail that goes into each movement and training. This is a beautiful piece of work and everything about this manga is great for me. This is a must watch for sports animanga fans.

Manga, 45 vol, 2012
This manga is popular in the anime community for a reason. It’s got a fun cast of well developed characters and the sport is handled so well that I know people who’ve gotten into playing volleyball because of it. This manga is a powerhouse and deserves all of the respect it gets. If you’re tired of waiting for the rest of the series to be animated, check out the manga.

Manga, ? vol, 2011
This BL manga about two men who are professional dancers from slightly different genres, is fantastic. The movements in the dancing scene are drawn so well it feels real and the inside look into the lives of dancers is very interesting as well. The romance is put sort of on the back burner for the progress in their careers as dancers and you don’t even mind because everything is done so well and their flirty chemistry leaves you burning for more. This is a fantastic read for a sports manga about dancing, especially if don’t mind a romance involved. If you’re a fan of Yuri on Ice, you’ll definitely love this one.

Manga, 30 vol, 2008
By the same author of Robot x Laserbeam, this legendary sports manga is a really fun one. Although, it can be overtop in its portrayal of basketball, it's really cool. If you're an avid basketball fan this manga might seem crazy but it would still be appealing because of how interesting the games always look. It's not heavily realistic but that's part of the fun. It's an amazing manga that both non-fans and fans of the sport would love.

Manga, ? vol, 2011
This manga about ballet dancing is rather interesting. It's very accurate in its portrayal of what dancing is like and you can tell it took an incredible amount of work and studying to create this. It's a wonderful love letter to the sport and even if you don't know a whole lot about it, it makes it easy to see how hard someone works to become a professional in ballet dancing. This is an amazing manga that deserves so much more attention than it has.

Manga, ? vol, 2015
Ao Ashi is probably my favorite modern soccer manga. I'm not a huge fan of soccer, but while reading this I gained an immense respect for soccer players. Like basketball, it requires strategy, thought, perception and quite a lot of other skills to win a game. This manga is more realistic in its approach than blue lock and I think that it's incredible for it. It's a fun and amazing series with some really impressionable characters that you can't help rooting for.

Manga, 31 vol, 1999
Baki is the definition of absurd. It is definitely not realistic in the slightest and that's what makes it so fun. I think the reason why it's so amazing despite it being probably one of the most ridiculous things I've ever laid eyes on is because it is passionate about every martial art that has ever existed. It's a creative and fun love letter to karate and boxing and judo and sumo and so many other different types that it's easy to lose track of them. The story is about Baki a teenager absorbing all of the martial arts that he can and using them to eventually defeat his father, the strongest creature on earth. The story is fascinating, absurd, and so fun that you'll lose track of time and before you know it you'll be reading every version of Baki you can. BAKI DESERVES YOUR TIME!!!

Manhwa, ? vol, 2019
A young boy seen as genius in the boxing field meets an actual genius who has been suffering in silence despite his ability to see through people’s attacks. This genius finds out the joy in hurting people for the first time. It’s a really fun read, definitely check it out.

Manhwa, ? vol, 2017
This adorable manhwa is a must if you want to read a BL sports series like Yuri on Ice. The baseball is a very prominent part of the series, it doesn’t take a back burner for the romance. The main character is a promising young pitcher for baseball and he wants to play on the same team as his sunbae. It’s such a sweet read.

Manga, ? vol, 2008
A manga about biking, an otaku who bikes to akihabara everyday gets noticed by people in the biking club and he finds something he loves equally to anime. It’s a funny and strangely unique anime. As a person who is not a biker, it presses all the right buttons.

Manga, 23 vol, 2014
Rikudou is a dark story about a young boy who has suffered through very traumatizing circumstances as a child and finds boxing as a way to cope. The people around him want him to stop as it’s a dangerous sport and eventually begin to see him as dangerous as well. This is a story about a young man finding himself and finding something he loves as well. It’s emotional, the action is great, and it’s beautifully written.

Manga, ? vol, 2003
A basketball manga about an extremely skilled boy who just so happens to be short. This story is about him overcoming adversity and yet still managing to grow and be a better basketball player. As he faces more and more skillful players the more tactical the manga gets and the more fun and intense it gets. It’s an amazing manga, definitely read it.

Manga, 3 vol, 2014
This manga is a BL boxing manga with a man who was so utterly torn apart that he doesn’t understand a lot of social norms and a man who he falls in love with helping him. It’s so sad and emotional and the boxing element is interesting as well. Definitely read this.