Interest Stacks

Healthy relationship - BL manga (Part 2)

Nov 03 2024, 8:19 PM | Updated Nov 8, 2024 4:35 PM
Part 2 of my other interest stack of healthy BLs
Part 1:
Perfect Propose
Manga, 1 vol, 2019 Me:- Author:8
i started reading because i knew that it would have a live action series, and i was excited for that. (it already aired, i watched and it's very good!)
this manga is amazing, this is my jam!! a character is already in love with the other and really is pretty direct about what he wants. also deals with other topics like family and unhealthy work environment.
Kimi ni wa Fureru to Naru Toko ga Atte
Manga, 1 vol, 2018 Me:- Author:7
Number Call
Manga, 1 vol, 2013 Me:- Author:7
Healthy, but too short!
Kimi no Sumire
Manga, 2 vol, 2019 Me:- Author:8
Keisenjou no Cantata
Manga, 1 vol, 2020 Me:- Author:7
it's good and the art is pretty but it's 3 stories in 5 ch. if it just focused on one, it would be better developed.
Saishuu Densha
Manga, 1 vol, 2015 Me:- Author:7
i loved how Yutaka is always asking for consent! something kinda of rare on BLs.
Koishii Revival
Manga, 1 vol, 2018 Me:- Author:7
it was a good red, but it really didn't show how they fall in love properly. the reader kinda of has to accept that Hiragushi fell in love with Yoyama without question.
Okaeri Aureole
Manga, 1 vol, 2016 Me:- Author:7
its was very cute, but it should have more chapters!
Eigyou Ni-ka!
Manga, 2 vol, 2014 Me:- Author:8
Hidamari no Orange
Manga, 1 vol, 2019 Me:- Author:8
I'm gonna die from the cuteness!!
Ore no Koibito no Hanbun wa Junjou de Dekiteiru
Manga, 1 vol, 2019 Me:- Author:7
Service Time ga Owaranai
Manga, 1 vol, 2017 Me:- Author:8
Oku made Furetemo Ii desu ka
Manga, 1 vol, 2016 Me:- Author:8
Yuuki's behavior on the first chapter scared me a bit, but it's a cute and healthy relationship.
Akaiito no Shikkou Yuuyo
Manga, 1 vol, 2015 Me:- Author:8
super cute, Hiro is the greenest green flag!
Hatsukoi Kids Sitter
Manga, 1 vol, 2022 Me:- Author:7
cute with the kids and all but it kinda of lacked chemistry between the main characters for me. they gave off bro vibes than love vibes. but still a good read.
Manga, 1 vol, 2020 Me:- Author:9
gostei muito por se passar num passado bem distante. foi ótimo ler algo diferente. acho que precisava de mais um volume pra entender esse mundo. foi fofo! Yamato tem muita atitude, amei! acho que valia 8 ou 8,5, mas fiquei tão feliz de não ser o clichê de universidade ou escola que dei 9! a arte também é muito lindaaa!

i liked this one a lot because the setting is a very distant past. it was nice reading something different for once. i think maybe it needed more volumes to explain this world, but it was very cute! Yamato is very proactive, i loved it! the art is so beautiful! it's definitely worth it!
Goshujinsama wa Ouji ga Osuki
Manga, 1 vol, 2017 Me:- Author:8
cute. it's the cliche i like
Ameiro Curriculum
Manga, 1 vol, 2018 Me:- Author:7
cute and fluffly. but nothing new and exciting, totally predictable.
Kamisama to Tobenai Tsukai
Manga, 1 vol, 2018 Me:- Author:7
very cute and wholesome! i would definitely recommend this one, it gave me feels! i only missed more of the relationship part. the art style is very much what i like!
Kare no Iru Seikatsu
Manga, 1 vol, 2018 Me:- Author:8
this was made for me! super cute, friends to lovers and well done overall!
it has a live action series that already aired!
Tasogare Out Focus
Manga, 1 vol, 2018 Me:- Author:8
so cute! i really liked this story and art style. i was scared at some time, but turned out this one is healthy after all.
it has an anime!
Zutto Kimi no Turn
Manga, 1 vol, 2019 Me:- Author:7
it could've been better, but the unnecessary smut kinda of ruined it. but i really liked the story and the overall message to not judge people by their looks or hobbies.
Suki ni Sasete Miseru kara!
Manga, 1 vol, 2020 Me:- Author:7
its very cliche, but it was very cute. only problem is that Hiro sometimes acted a little bit like a red flag guy, but then he would realize he messed up and apologized.
Yuutousei wa Unmei no Akaiito ni Sakaraitai
Manga, ? vol, 2021 Me:- Author:8
so cuteeee. even though it didn't have much physical touch, it made me feel a lot of things!
Kimi ni Koisuru Hazu ga Nai
Manga, 1 vol, 2020 Me:- Author:8
healthy and super cute! i'd definitely recommend this! its cliche bit at the same time its quite surprising!
Off Stage Love Side
Manga, 1 vol, 2022 Me:- Author:7
is was very cute and i loved the art style. but i couldn't see Kei-san feelings, he falling with tomoya wasn't very well developed.
Spoon ga Magattara
Manga, 1 vol, 2019 Me:- Author:7
very cute! loved the art style and the plot. also nice we could see them falling in love with each other!
Hoshii Toki dake, Suki na dake
Manga, 1 vol, 2021 Me:- Author:8
this was pretty good! even though it has sex on every chapter, it made sense with the story. the art style is beautiful and the story was nice!
Takara no Vidro
Manga, 1 vol, 2020 Me:- Author:8
very cute and i was shocked that it didn't have the hot obligatory scene at the end.
ah i also found out that I've read like 3 other bl mangas from this author.
it has a live action series!
Rakka Ryuusui no Hoshi
Manga, 1 vol, 2017 Me:- Author:7
very cute. age gap (19-28), but with consent
Kanawanu Koi no Musubikata
Manga, 1 vol, 2017 Me:- Author:8
i really liked this one and even cried a lot!
Migite ni Miemasu no ga, Ore no Kareshi de Gozaimasu
Manga, 1 vol, 2021 Me:- Author:7
so cuutee! i love this art style!
Otameshi to wa Ie, Sukisugiru
Manga, 1 vol, 2021 Me:- Author:7
very healthy and cute. but kinda boring or cliche. its was a good read so 7/10
Matataki no Ao wo Tadotte
Manga, 1 vol, 2022 Me:- Author:8
It's so gooood!
Koi ni mo Naranai.
Manga, 1 vol, 2015 Me:- Author:8
super cute! that's my jam!
Manga, 1 vol, 2013 Me:- Author:8
Ashita wa Ieru ka na
Manga, 1 vol, 2014 Me:- Author:8
so cuteee! this really is the kind of BL i enjoy! so cute and wholesome. im just like icchi in real life lol
Ashita, Kimi no Mono ni Shite
Manga, 1 vol, 2020 Me:- Author:7
Very cute! a little cliche, but so adorable!

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