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The Story of Our Unlikely Love

*This is a digital eBook, not a physical book.


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Jun 10, 2020
anchovyrat (All reviews)
Where do I even start? In my humble opinion, the art was the only redeeming quality of this manga. With the amount of times the main male love interest, Kisaragi, pulled her arms, her arms should be dislocated by now.

For an 8 chapter shoujo manga the story was alright. It was centered around their romance but there was nothing besides their relationship. I'm not hating on shoujo manga (I've read some good manga), but this is just not it. It's like they put almost every popular shoujo trope they could think of and tried to fit it all into 8 chapters.

What character? read more
Sep 1, 2019
OrganicRaider (All reviews)
So this manga was pretty short, but sweet I'd say. It was not unlike the many Shoujo manga that you read every other time, but that fact that it didn't drag on and on really made it worth the read.

The story is short, but you feel a sense of completetion at the end without going through the absolute rollar coaster of drama in many other, which aren't always bad but it can drag on for too long.

The art was very well done and resembled that of may other Shoujo manga. Though it was so unique, the execution was welldone and beautiful.

Overall this was a read more

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