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Oct 3, 2013 8:45 PM

Jul 2013
Thank you for your efforts! Can't wait to finally make a sig that isn't just a jumble of Url and Img words!
Oct 3, 2013 8:49 PM

Jun 2007
BurntJelly said:
Xinil said:
It's a 'basic access authentication' injection.
It's a browser issue. Unfortunately they all seem to handle this in the worst possible way. (I have since replicated the issue with wamp on my machine for fun)

I think the only thing you can do is have the server request the resources that people try to post for images. If there isn't an image on the other end... well, you decide what the consequences are. (easymode would be just stripping it from the post... or autoban, but that might be too much). Obviously that would put a load on the server. Even this can be bypassed, by detecting the MAL server IP and serving an image to it so the post gets made... unless you proxy...

There is no way to deal with this 100% without the browsers doing something about it. There will always be people that don't know any better.

Ah I was under the impression that it was XSS, my bad. I'm not familiar with authentication injection but couldn't you just check the image's exif info using exif_imagetype in PHP? If it's an authentication injection than php wont be able to return any exif info since it'll be redirected by the "hackers" sever to a script. Xinil could do something like this when converting to BBcode to html. If the image fails then strip the bbcode out.

$bbcodeImage = '';

if (exif_imagetype($bbcodeImage) != IMAGETYPE_PNG){
if (exif_imagetype($bbcodeImage) != IMAGETYPE_JPEG){
if (exif_imagetype($bbcodeImage) != IMAGETYPE_GIF) {
echo 'This is not an image';
echo 'this is a gif';
}else {
echo 'this is a jpeg';
echo 'this is a png';
Oct 3, 2013 9:14 PM

Jul 2008
Xinil said:

There are still issues we're trying to solve for [ img ], and if you're knowledgeable in the web space, please let us know any ideas you have on how to prevent [ img ] tags from loading malicious content from other sites. Our current best idea is a blacklist or whitelist of domains.

From an usability point of view, a whitelist is never a good idea since it restrict the user too much. A blacklist is a good second measure idea but it will also not be able to fully protect the users since it is easy for anyone to create a get a new domain. This also means that you will have to rely on people's report submission to find the problematic images and ban their domain which in every case will create some incident.

As for a primary solution have you tried the following?
-Verify if every image URL have tags inside of them before actually accepting the image, if they do you only have to refuse the post.
-Verify if the link to the image exist before actually showing it. This will stop people form abusing the onerror injection. Now I'm sure there's a way to test if the link contains only an image or not but I'm still not experienced enough to help on that end.

You also might want to check this
Oct 3, 2013 9:28 PM

Jul 2013
Oct 3, 2013 9:36 PM

Mar 2010
Yey! Hoping for [img] code next time.
Oct 3, 2013 9:57 PM

Aug 2011
Thank you! Good luck with the [img] issues...

Please take your time to make MAL a safer place ^^
Oct 3, 2013 11:18 PM
Mar 2012
Oct 3, 2013 11:26 PM

Dec 2012
Oct 4, 2013 12:11 AM

Jun 2010
Why not [img] m8?

Oct 4, 2013 12:50 AM
Oct 2013

I'm the author of a text-formatting library that handles BBCodes and other kinds of markup. You can find it on GitHub: s9e\TextFormatter. I've found this thread via a Google Alert that I have on BBCode-related keywords. I use Google Alerts to keep abreast of issues other people have with BBCodes, which brought me here.

@Xinil: what do you mean exactly by "loading malicious content from other sites"?

Some people mentionned XSS. There are two ways to exploit XSS: via a javascript: link and by breaking out of the attribute value. For the first one, I recommend having a whitelist of allowed schemes. In simple terms, test that every links starts with "http://" or "https://". For the second one, as long as the value is output between quotes (and since this page is XHTML, quotes are not optional anyway) and that you use htmlspecialchars() (possibly with ENT_QUOTES if you use single-quotes for HTML attributes) you should be safe. Although, come to think of it I realize that you might be simply using preg_replace() to replace BBCodes with HTML. That's typically the problem with most BBCode engines. In that case, you can use preg_replace_callback() to specifically target img BBCodes (and url BBCodes too) so that you can actually validate and sanitize the URL.

Now if your concern is that malicious users could use img BBCodes to load arbitrary resources in a user's cache, then there's no way but using a whitelist of trusted hosts, such as Blacklists can be sidestepped with any URL redirector and checking the resource to see if it's an image only works if the server serves the resource indiscriminately. For instance, a server could send an image to Firefox users and something completely different to Internet Explorer users. Or it can be an image at the time of the posting and something different five minutes later.

Now with that said, I don't see a need for checking images. To the best of my knowledge the img element cannot be abused that. You can load the most virulent virus of the universe in an img element, it won't do anything. If it could, spammers would infect the whole planet via reddit's /r/pics.
Oct 4, 2013 12:58 AM

Jun 2010
JoshyPHP said:
Oct 4, 2013 1:27 AM
Apr 2008
Truck Yeah!
Oct 4, 2013 2:38 AM

Jan 2013
Undim said:
For now, a strict whitelist would probably satisfy most users.

ao_no_exo said:
I say you should make a whitelist with the most used web image hosters, like flickr, imageshack, photobucket, signavatar. And slowly expand it to some other websites by having request from users. And where we have the signature settings to have the supported websites listed so people can see why their picture might not work and what they could use.

Add to that and I would be happy.

The only thing bothering me is the fact that the attack itself seems so simple and yet I have never personally seen any other site that has embed code have it happen to them. Seems like there must be a simple answer but maybe not.
Well that and imgur, I just gave examples of the most used that came in my mind at that moment :D
Oct 4, 2013 6:00 AM

Dec 2009
Great work man. Appreciate the update and I hope we can prevent future attacks also. Looking forward to having [img] codes back up.
Oct 4, 2013 6:35 AM
May 2012
Oct 4, 2013 7:35 AM

Mar 2013
Good news indeed. xD
Still waiting for the [ img ] code. :)
Oct 4, 2013 8:52 AM

Apr 2012
Even if whitelisting of image hosters is used it would deny a shitload of other legit hosts, leading to support threads like "Why is my image not working" and users who copy the desired images and upload it to white listed image hosters.
Also, some (or at least one) of the gore pics were on legit image hosters like photobucket.
Whitelisting might prevent the auth prompt but leads to much more issues in the everyday use.

Same with black lists, you could black list all the obvious gore sites that you know of, but again, auth prompts can't be prevented with that either and getting a new address for new gore sites' still a problem.
Best solution seems to check if linked images are delivered images, the prompt would interrupt any image request.

However, black/white lists are no reliable solutions at all.
Oct 4, 2013 9:02 AM

Jan 2013
nantuko said:
Even if whitelisting of image hosters is used it would deny a shitload of other legit hosts, leading to support threads like "Why is my image not working" and users who copy the desired images and upload it to white listed image hosters.
Also, some (or at least one) of the gore pics were on legit image hosters like photobucket.
Whitelisting might prevent the auth prompt but leads to much more issues in the everyday use.

Same with black lists, you could black list all the obvious gore sites that you know of, but again, auth prompts can't be prevented with that either and getting a new address for new gore sites' still a problem.
Best solution seems to check if linked images are delivered images, the prompt would interrupt any image request.

However, black/white lists are no reliable solutions at all.
White lists are still a solution. Yes gore pictures will appear... but those should just be reported, there's at least 2-4 mods online at the same time it will be taken down in minutes if not an hour or so.
Oct 4, 2013 9:11 AM

Apr 2012
ao_no_exo said:
nantuko said:
Even if whitelisting of image hosters is used it would deny a shitload of other legit hosts, leading to support threads like "Why is my image not working" and users who copy the desired images and upload it to white listed image hosters.
Also, some (or at least one) of the gore pics were on legit image hosters like photobucket.
Whitelisting might prevent the auth prompt but leads to much more issues in the everyday use.

Same with black lists, you could black list all the obvious gore sites that you know of, but again, auth prompts can't be prevented with that either and getting a new address for new gore sites' still a problem.
Best solution seems to check if linked images are delivered images, the prompt would interrupt any image request.

However, black/white lists are no RELIABLE SOLUTIONS at all.
White lists are still a solution. Yes gore pictures will appear... but those should just be reported, there's at least 2-4 mods online at the same time it will be taken down in minutes if not an hour or so.

Just skimming the text, huh? Please read it again and this time try to comprehend what I wrote. Especially the problems that will occur. Thanks.
Oct 4, 2013 10:40 AM

Jan 2013
nantuko said:
Just skimming the text, huh? Please read it again and this time try to comprehend what I wrote. Especially the problems that will occur. Thanks.
Wow how did you come up with that? Just skimming the text...
Obviously I read it, otherwise I wouldn't have went trough making a quote of your text and reply too... So what if threads like "Why is my image not working" going to be a problem? I said it that there should be a list of accepted pages on the signature options. If people are unable to see it, well it's a bummer for them. And will most probably google it, ask someone or make a thread like that and be surprised how blind they were. Obviously at first there will be allot like these but it will settle down after a while. Still better than making something complicated that might strain the servers(not that I would know how much that would affect it, I'm no server admin guy for sure).
But I do agree with the black list, that is just impossible to do. It would be in a never ending update of the list. Also I didn't say that white-listing is the solution, I said it's still one solution.
Oct 4, 2013 11:06 AM

Dec 2011
So good to have url back. Thankyou.
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Oct 4, 2013 11:50 AM

Apr 2012
ao_no_exo said:
Also I didn't say that white-listing is the solution, I said it's still one solution.

You said it in a way as if I said it's no solution without mentioning any (good) reasoning I gave against such lists.
Skimming is what I call that, yes. It deflects my argument to your favour.

Also, regarding upcoming threads, that's the easiest argument to go up against, isn't it?
Going a bit further: what about, let's say news and images.
Let's say it's an official image for a new anime on that anime's official website, you couldn't link to it per white listing 'cause the URL might not be in the white list. Annoying.
Now what to do? Potentially (encouraged by MAL) infringing copyright by downloading it and upload it to another - white listed - service. Sure, an arguable point as you Americans have your DMCA. However, it creates a high level of uncertainty for the user who might not be in America and therefore be liable for the infringement - even if he doesn't know that.
Germany for example is hilariously strict there at times.

Now keep in mind that gore pics could still be uploaded to white listed image hosters.
With this the whitelist makes no sense as it creates more work for everyone involved by - at the same time - limiting the freedom of images and hosters to use.
And for what? A one per year hacking attempt where the user might see an authentication prompt and is - excuse my wording - so stupid that he enters his login credentials.
An authentication prompt that targets every single website on earth with user generated content because of the poor implementation of this auth prompt.
Seems very unreasonable to me.

There is no perfect solution to this, you have to make compromises. Either screw the users (wich is in my eyes completely unreasonable) or make some cuts in server performance.
What I am for is pretty obvious.
Now, the latter is an ongoing problem on MAL, okay but that is surely not the website that is causing so much strain, it's most likely a very bad infrastructure nobody's gonna improve upon because CraveOnline doesn't give a damn.
But as an argument against security without limiting functions really a bad choice to make. Update the server if necessary, check if linked pictures are actually pictures (possible through HEAD requests? Didn't test it myself but would decrease transferred data) or block 'em/delete 'em from the post. Done.
This could also be implemented with some kind of cache and a timeframe a picture is checked. Old ones (whatever that is, >=6month?) never. In newer threads (<1 week) every hour/10mins or so or when the thread is accessed the next time.
Much more reasonable.

The latter could for example be switched on only when the hacker comes back. So we have nearly all year long no problem with the performance but have to deal with it when he's back.
And in the worst case we get maybe 1-5 compromised accounts now until this function is switched on. All in all very easier to handle.
nantukoOct 4, 2013 12:02 PM
Oct 4, 2013 12:33 PM

Nov 2012
At least color is back!!!

Thanks for working so hard for all of us, can't wait until images are back =^.^=
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 4, 2013 12:42 PM

Jan 2013
nantuko said:
ao_no_exo said:
Also I didn't say that white-listing is the solution, I said it's still one solution.

You said it in a way as if I said it's no solution without mentioning any (good) reasoning I gave against such lists.
Skimming is what I call that, yes. It deflects my argument to your favour.

Also, regarding upcoming threads, that's the easiest argument to go up against, isn't it?
Going a bit further: what about, let's say news and images.
Let's say it's an official image for a new anime on that anime's official website, you couldn't link to it per white listing 'cause the URL might not be in the white list. Annoying.
Now what to do? Potentially (encouraged by MAL) infringing copyright by downloading it and upload it to another - white listed - service. Sure, an arguable point as you Americans have your DMCA. However, it creates a high level of uncertainty for the user who might not be in America and therefore be liable for the infringement - even if he doesn't know that.
Germany for example is hilariously strict there at times.

Now keep in mind that gore pics could still be uploaded to white listed image hosters.
With this the whitelist makes no sense as it creates more work for everyone involved by - at the same time - limiting the freedom of images and hosters to use.
And for what? A one per year hacking attempt where the user might see an authentication prompt and is - excuse my wording - so stupid that he enters his login credentials.
An authentication prompt that targets every single website on earth with user generated content because of the poor implementation of this auth prompt.
Seems very unreasonable to me.

There is no perfect solution to this, you have to make compromises. Either screw the users (wich is in my eyes completely unreasonable) or make some cuts in server performance.
What I am for is pretty obvious.
Now, the latter is an ongoing problem on MAL, okay but that is surely not the website that is causing so much strain, it's most likely a very bad infrastructure nobody's gonna improve upon because CraveOnline doesn't give a damn.
But as an argument against security without limiting functions really a bad choice to make. Update the server if necessary, check if linked pictures are actually pictures (possible through HEAD requests? Didn't test it myself but would decrease transferred data) or block 'em. Done.
This could also be implemented with some kind of cache and a timeframe a picture is checked. Old ones (whatever that is, >=6month?) never. In newer threads (<1 week) every hour/10mins or so or when the thread is accessed the next time.
Much more reasonable.

The latter could for example be switched on only when the hacker comes back. So we have nearly all year long no problem with the performance but have to deal with it when he's back.
And in the worst case we have maybe 1-5 compromised accounts now. All in all very easier to handle.
Oh wow, now if I don't reply I look like the guy who ran away from a friendly chat :D.
Okay the news section is indeed fitting your argument, one at which I didn't think. Since when do I live in America? ~where did you read this?. And yeah the infringing of a copyright could be a problem, but since when do news on the internet care so much for their picture, I never had problems of such (though it's true I always posted the source of image and/or the source of the article).

"Now keep in mind that gore pics could still be uploaded to white listed image hosters." -True but gore pictures don't represent a threat towards losing your account, and because it's not fitting I already said: "those should just be reported, there's at least 2-4 mods online at the same time it will be taken down in minutes if not an hour or so". No matter what method you use you can't restrict pictures, those will always come up and easiest way to get rid of it is delete post by admin. And ban the user(obviously because there's a chance that the account was hacked, the account should not be taken down immediately but rather just banned from posting).

"There is no perfect solution to this, you have to make compromises." well unless MAL changes to a much secure and better server you are right "because CraveOnline doesn't give a damn".

"check if linked pictures are actually pictures (possible through HEAD requests? Didn't test it myself but would decrease transferred data)" And I don't know not even this much, as I told you I never worked on a server.

"This could also be implemented with some kind of cache and a time-frame a picture is checked. Old ones (whatever that is, >=6month?) never. In newer threads (<1 week) every hour/10mins or so or when the thread is accessed the next time." Hmm, seems reasonable. But I'm sure that this can be bypassed by editing the post after 6 months, the bright side of it is that who the heck reads 6 months old comments xD(well except for rare anime discussion pages, where not many post and that 6months old post might be 1st on page.). So I would rather go by when that page of the thread is accessed rather than the whole thread, thus in my theory decreasing stress on the server. (As a side note: this might induce another vulnerability for DDoS-ing, as someone could send his DDoS attack by accessing multiple pages and the server would have to check everything again slowing it down to the point of not working for quite a while)

"The latter could for example be switched on only when the hacker comes back." How fast do you think that someone is hacking? Even so, it's a better solution than nothing.
"And in the worst case we have maybe 1-5 compromised accounts now. All in all very easier to handle." Umm yeah well the archives can help, but those 1-5 who lost a month of whatever they did, will spread the word quite fast. Not a matter for many, but yeah stuff happens, doesn't it?
Oct 4, 2013 2:12 PM

Mar 2013
It's nice to see that MAL is getting back to normal.
Oct 4, 2013 2:14 PM

Jan 2013
A step closer at least. :3
Oct 4, 2013 2:40 PM

Apr 2012
ao_no_exo said:
Since when do I live in America? ~where did you read this?

Nowhere, I just assumed it for the sake of the argument.

ao_no_exo said:
And yeah the infringing of a copyright could be a problem, but since when do news on the internet care so much for their picture, I never had problems of such (though it's true I always posted the source of image and/or the source of the article).

What if a non-news Moderator creates a thread with news and wants to embed a picture of the orignal artwork directly? I've seen such threads in the past. Or just in the anime discussion subforum?
There will probably be no police officer searching through MAL to discover such infringements, nevertheless it's not something MAL should encourage anyone to do.
Again, in Germany for example it'd be illegal to download a copyrighted artwork from an official site to upload it somewhere else without consent.
As I said, no police officer will say I am in the wrong even though I am but that should not be encouraged by whoever, this creates uncertainty for the user and is a bad choice.
It's more of a moral thing one should and need to think about.

ao_no_exo said:
"Now keep in mind that gore pics could still be uploaded to white listed image hosters." -True but gore pictures don't represent a threat towards losing your account, and because it's not fitting I already said: "those should just be reported, there's at least 2-4 mods online at the same time it will be taken down in minutes if not an hour or so".

You're right, we're dealing with two things here: the auth prompts and the gore pics.
Unfortunately those two go hand in hand as the auth prompt is embedded disguised as an image. Now that embedded image lies in a folder on another server that is password protected, so when accessing the image you get this prompt.
That means either allow images and the danger of such a prompt to appear - as this is just poorly implemented, every website has this problem not only MAL - or don't at all.
A whitelist would prevent the prompt but not the pictures and that makes it unreasonable as we have one hacking attack per year - if at all.

ao_no_exo said:
"check if linked pictures are actually pictures (possible through HEAD requests? Didn't test it myself but would decrease transferred data)" And I don't know not even this much, as I told you I never worked on a server.

That was not specifically directed at you, just a general idea that popped up in my head.

ao_no_exo said:
"This could also be implemented with some kind of cache and a time-frame a picture is checked. Old ones (whatever that is, >=6month?) never. In newer threads (<1 week) every hour/10mins or so or when the thread is accessed the next time." Hmm, seems reasonable. But I'm sure that this can be bypassed by editing the post after 6 months, the bright side of it is that who the heck reads 6 months old comments xD(well except for rare anime discussion pages, where not many post and that 6months old post might be 1st on page.). So I would rather go by when that page of the thread is accessed rather than the whole thread, thus in my theory decreasing stress on the server. (As a side note: this might induce another vulnerability for DDoS-ing, as someone could send his DDoS attack by accessing multiple pages and the server would have to check everything again slowing it down to the point of not working for quite a while)

Editing posts later on to show gore pics was my concern as well, but this idea is just a little pointer as a possible approach to deal with it (checking only the requested pages images was my idea, too, though), I haven't thought every possibility through, like what if a thread is neither old (>6month) nor new (<1week) regarding the timeframe. Good point with the DDoS, though.

ao_no_exo said:
"The latter could for example be switched on only when the hacker comes back." How fast do you think that someone is hacking? Even so, it's a better solution than nothing.
"And in the worst case we have maybe 1-5 compromised accounts now. All in all very easier to handle." Umm yeah well the archives can help, but those 1-5 who lost a month of whatever they did, will spread the word quite fast. Not a matter for many, but yeah stuff happens, doesn't it?
Well, when the hacker's back it's just to prevent too many people of a) seeing gore pics, b) limiting the compromising of accounts through pictures *without* deleting [ img ] BBCode for the time being.

Another (lazy) possibility would be to automatically embed img in spoilers (exceptions may apply as for signatures/about me and clubs?).
When I remember correctly those pictures were loaded when someone clicks on the spoiler, not earlier.
That would prevent making threads a gore fest and should limit - not prevent - at least the auth prompts to appear. Certainly a compromise between usability and security.
Oct 4, 2013 2:50 PM

Jan 2013
nantuko said:
Well I hope our conversation was of help for Xinil, and if not then at-least for entertainment :D. I do wonder when it will be enabled again. And now I'm a bit curious what solution will be used too. We shall see :)
Oct 4, 2013 2:53 PM

Jun 2010
nantuko said:
ao_no_exo said:
nantuko said:
Even if whitelisting of image hosters is used it would deny a shitload of other legit hosts, leading to support threads like "Why is my image not working" and users who copy the desired images and upload it to white listed image hosters.
Also, some (or at least one) of the gore pics were on legit image hosters like photobucket.
Whitelisting might prevent the auth prompt but leads to much more issues in the everyday use.

Same with black lists, you could black list all the obvious gore sites that you know of, but again, auth prompts can't be prevented with that either and getting a new address for new gore sites' still a problem.
Best solution seems to check if linked images are delivered images, the prompt would interrupt any image request.

However, black/white lists are no RELIABLE SOLUTIONS at all.
White lists are still a solution. Yes gore pictures will appear... but those should just be reported, there's at least 2-4 mods online at the same time it will be taken down in minutes if not an hour or so.

Just skimming the text, huh? Please read it again and this time try to comprehend what I wrote. Especially the problems that will occur. Thanks.

rodacOct 5, 2013 1:24 AM
Oct 4, 2013 4:48 PM
Oct 2013

That script literally turns your server into an open proxy. It's cool if you want to help pedophiles remain anonymous, but otherwise its usefulness is relatively limited.
Oct 4, 2013 7:00 PM

Jan 2013
Keep up the good work!

Oct 4, 2013 9:42 PM

Oct 2012
Yeah, you need to white/black list the sites you don't want.
Oct 4, 2013 9:43 PM
May 2012
Pls, just turn back image bbcodes! The hacker can't still be here. Who the fk has that much free time?
Oct 4, 2013 9:49 PM

Oct 2012
Sushiii said:
Pls, just turn back image bbcodes! The hacker can't still be here. Who the fk has that much free time?

Lol right about that but what if it's more than one person? O_o
Oct 5, 2013 3:30 AM

Aug 2013
1. Have a server to host image
2. User must upload image to server
3. Mods approved the image usage
4. User can see the picture now.

Cant be done?
I know it gonna take much more time for mods and the cost to store the picture somewhere.
Nah, i dont think sharing anime ratings in signature is cool thing.

Here, stare at this pointless signature instead.
Oct 5, 2013 5:17 AM

Jun 2013

I'm still waiting for [ img ] though. :|

Still happy though.
Oct 5, 2013 6:00 AM

Feb 2012
Oct 5, 2013 10:03 AM

Jul 2012
I never used either of these
Oct 5, 2013 1:25 PM

Nov 2010
Furykury1 said:
So, I assume, that my signature will still not work due to no [img]. Yet, many signatures are working just fine. Very interesting!!!!
It's because you updated your signature after they disabled BBcode. Everyone's whos' works, didn't.
Oct 5, 2013 1:36 PM

Aug 2013
IntroverTurtle said:
Furykury1 said:
So, I assume, that my signature will still not work due to no [img]. Yet, many signatures are working just fine. Very interesting!!!!
It's because you updated your signature after they disabled BBcode. Everyone's whos' works, didn't.

Wow, I got punked. Literally, the time interval I decided to change my sig (Oct 3) was the time that BBCodes stopped working.
Oct 5, 2013 2:37 PM

Jan 2012
Looks like one of my blogs won't update properly because the contained code triggers some sort of "security issue." I end getting blocked and having to delete my cookies every time I attempt to edit that one particular entry. Already tried deleting portions of the code and copy/pasting the code into a new blog entry, all to no avail.

Just thought I'd bring this up. It's not that big of a deal for me.

It appears you can't use a slash mark other than within brackets. Disregard this post.
StyleF1reOct 6, 2013 5:39 AM
Oct 5, 2013 4:10 PM

Aug 2011
NeoAnkara said:
I'm itching to change my sig.

I'm quite content with my set, though I do want [img] back :(
Oct 5, 2013 4:14 PM
Jul 2013
Kyuutoryuu said:
IntroverTurtle said:
Furykury1 said:
So, I assume, that my signature will still not work due to no [img]. Yet, many signatures are working just fine. Very interesting!!!!
It's because you updated your signature after they disabled BBcode. Everyone's whos' works, didn't.

Wow, I got punked. Literally, the time interval I decided to change my sig (Oct 3) was the time that BBCodes stopped working.

The [img] tag stopped long before October the 3rd.
Oct 5, 2013 6:28 PM

Jun 2007
iwansquall said:
1. Have a server to host image
2. User must upload image to server
3. Mods approved the image usage
4. User can see the picture now.

Cant be done?
I know it gonna take much more time for mods and the cost to store the picture somewhere.

True, MAL could just use a CDN like Amazon S3 to host all the images. They'd only be paying for what they actually use to. Pricing is dirt cheap too not to mention MAL would load faster since all the images are coming from Amazon instead of a bunch of 3rd party servers.
Oct 5, 2013 6:35 PM

Feb 2008
Simple blacklisting/whitelisting sites is no good. If you allow big image hosting sites it's still an attack point as they could still host the gore images there. Ofcourse the image hosts may delete the images after they are reported, but that brings delay, uncertainty because of a third party and ofcourse the attacker still can just rotate the hosting sites, upload routes.

The most reliable would be community moderation combined with the work of real moderators. Like reporting images themselves which automatically hides it under some warning and a moderator could allow it if it was falsely reported. Also log who reported what and punish if somebody regurarly sends false reports.
Oct 5, 2013 8:33 PM

Feb 2013
I doubt images are still disabled because of gore images. (that is just a simple violation of the TOS, and should be reported when seen).

The real issue is the authentication + clueless-user issue. Considering how many accounts were compromised, it's a legitimate concern.

I think the best way to deal with the issue is to first check white/black lists (this should be relatively fast). If the url is not in the list, then have the server request the image to verify it exists. White-listed sites, even if the image itself could be questionable, are unlikely to be requesting authorization.

It's pretty easy to reproduce the "exploit" with WAMP. Just put a ".htaccess" file in a folder under web root with the following:
AuthUserFile c:\wamp\pwds\.htpasswd
AuthName "passwords om nom nom"
AuthType Basic
require valid-user

Then create an HTML file and reference a (fake) image inside the above folder. Instant authorization popup.

DeathfireD basically posted the answer:
Oct 5, 2013 11:09 PM

Jun 2013
Am I putting the img code in wrong? Why are other people's signatures showing up but now mine? Maybe I'm stupid and I know people are saying it's disabled but I see other users on this thread with custom signatures.
Oct 5, 2013 11:12 PM

Jun 2013
Maria_Sama is beautiful

Thank you chinil
Xinil said:
Thanks for joining MAL.

Oct 5, 2013 11:12 PM

Jun 2013
Forgetfulness said:
RT251 said:
Am I putting the img code in wrong? Why are other people's signatures showing up but now mine? Maybe I'm stupid and I know people are saying it's disabled but I see other users on this thread with custom signatures.

That is because they stopped working after they were disabled. Any signatures/pictures that were put in before and not changed will still show

Okay just making sure
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