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Apr 3, 2015 12:57 PM

Dec 2013
[center][b][size=150][color=hotpink]Spring Season 2015 Seasonal Discussion Thread[/b][/color][/size]

Seasonal Preview Thread-

So at last the long Winter has come to an end. The birds have return to their nests. The snow that covered quite a bit of the Winter in Northern USA have dissipated, and if your in Florida it is going to get hot as shit again XD.

The Spring Season seems to have a good amount of hype to it compared to last season so without further ado let's proceed to the commentary ^.^!

SpeakssJul 2, 2015 2:23 PM
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Apr 3, 2015 12:59 PM

Dec 2013
Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sure-me Episode 1

So my short started already XD.
It was a good episode on learning about Kaoru Tsunashi past.
There was no out loud laughing though, hopefully next episode will get me to.

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Episode 1

Well it took around 10 minutes to feel like Yahari again and it might of been since it's a different studio doing the artwork. Once we got back into their "consultancy firm" then the wheels started rolling. There was really no recap this episode either and I think that would of helped little bit.
Apr 3, 2015 1:34 PM

Apr 2014
Yahari episode 1.

I don't like the artwork much, it doesn't really fit as much as Brains Base's artwork, it doesn't really feel like Yahari. But eh, it's still Yahari, not better, not worse so I'm not disappointed.
No validation, no applause
You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours
Apr 3, 2015 2:28 PM

Jan 2014
Yahari EP1

As a fan of the LN I'd say it was rushed a bit. 8man eyes look less dead. Looking forward for new eps.
Apr 3, 2015 2:33 PM

Dec 2013
Shokugeki no Souma Episode 1 Review

Now i didn't watch Koufuku Graffiti but i believe some people referred to it as Food Porn. If that is so than Koufuku must be the soft-core version of food porn and Shokugeki no Souma is the hardcore version of food porn XD.

Besides that, the first episode was able to thrive from a high intensity throughout the episode through the situation the main character was in plus the "Superpowers" of cooking. I liked the current setting but...
Apr 3, 2015 9:34 PM

Dec 2012
OreGairu Episode 1

I'm hoping the over all pace of this show slows down. The reason I say this is because they've skipped several things already including the following:

Episode synopsis:

I enjoyed how the added a lot of detail into facial expressions when, for example, Miura nonchalantly looks at hachiman after Yui greets him. Gives off that very strong vibe that people still dont like it.
I loved the comfort the trio has formed while they sit with each other in The Service Club. Specially the way Yuki goes out of her way to pour 8man some tea and he says "oops" with his little "cant handle hot stuff" excuse.
The cute walk back to the apartment where Yukino was too emberrassed to be seen with 8man walking into the front doors, which I assume is because of the girl gossip from earlier that evening. Anyways, cute, shows how they actually enjoy each others company and Yukino is being less cold to 8man.
Apr 4, 2015 12:39 AM

Dec 2013
Re-Kan! Episode 1 Review

Well I thought I'd try out this show before I go to bed, and i'm not going to lie. The song in the first 5 minutes almost put me to sleep. When we finally started getting to the plot of the ghost seeing my interest started to pick up. Generally this show seems very heartfelt so far. The connection between the two main characters has been entertaining. I'll stick around for a couple more.
Apr 4, 2015 7:08 AM
Jul 2018
DanMachi episode 1

Originally reading this as a manga, I knew what this first episode would be like in its entirety. Thankfully thanks to the surprisingly good animation from J.C Staff I actually liked this more but only a tiny bit. The power of love is always a great plot point for people to be more powerful right? Just like Kirito!

Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sure-me Episode 1

The sequel to my favourite short series really shifted its style to me. The editing seemed more choppy and the potential gags more common trying for as much laughs as possible. It just wasn't that funny unfortunately.

Shokugeki no Soma Episode 1

What did I just watch? What is this? I'm confused with all the imagery I got from this episode! I just wish it doesn't try to take itself seriously and goes even more ridiculous because it could be a fun comedy.

Vampire Holmes Episode 1

Best anime of the season already hands down 10/10 I love it. It deconstructs the vampire genre with a large amount of great CGI splendor! Words cannot describe the joy you can get from this series!
Apr 4, 2015 7:54 PM

Jun 2014
DanMachi 1/ i dont give a fuck

So, you start watching this, it has a cool premise, its like a RPG game, the main character its not OP, he struggles in the first fight and is saved. You think: " This can work! Can be a fun and simple adction adventure thing, I knew this had potential". But you cant be happy for too long, they do a boring exposition on a fucking cafe, and your hopes goes down a little but its not the worst thing that could happen, if its once its fine, i still have faith, lets just see they background of the two main characters and this will be fun.

And then the guy meets with the godess and instead of showing their background and motivations, to makes the audience, you know, give a shit about whats happening, they go into pure retarded fanservise mode. And then every girl that looks to the main guy falls in love with him, and i think there was another exposition on a cafe. And then he gets the power of love and becomes an OP main character. And the episode ends with so many things that doesnt make sense and questions that should've been answered left open. And you get a great and fun action adventure premise ruined by modern anime things.

And after this you start not trusting your decisions anymore, you starting questioning all you did your whole life and think everything you did was wrong. This anime made you full of doubts. :/
FellenerApr 4, 2015 7:59 PM

Apr 4, 2015 8:48 PM

Dec 2014
Owari no Seraph

So this show is attack on vampires, and that's fine for me. The first episode established the past, present, and future of what the story is and I honestly think they did a really good job with the introduction. The story seems like your cliche revenge story with the weaker character gaining strength to defeat the stronger characters which I'm alright with because this style of story has not been washed out with me yet. Characters seem above average with their traits which is welcoming.

Arslan Senki

Shorty here, I really like the enviorment of the city so far. The princes journey with mini macho man showed the structure of the city and was honestly very believable and immersive. Queen is 2deep4me so far and the king seems to be a over confident dick. Sums up the first episode, I really enjoyed it.
duffy553Apr 7, 2015 8:54 PM
Apr 4, 2015 9:18 PM

Apr 2014
Fellener said:
DanMachi 1/ i dont give a fuck

So, you start watching this, it has a cool premise, its like a RPG game, the main character its not OP, he struggles in the first fight and is saved. You think: " This can work! Can be a fun and simple adction adventure thing, I knew this had potential". But you cant be happy for too long, they do a boring exposition on a fucking cafe, and your hopes goes down a little but its not the worst thing that could happen, if its once its fine, i still have faith, lets just see they background of the two main characters and this will be fun.

And then the guy meets with the godess and instead of showing their background and motivations, to makes the audience, you know, give a shit about whats happening, they go into pure retarded fanservise mode. And then every girl that looks to the main guy falls in love with him, and i think there was another exposition on a cafe. And then he gets the power of love and becomes an OP main character. And the episode ends with so many things that doesnt make sense and questions that should've been answered left open. And you get a great and fun action adventure premise ruined by modern anime things.

And after this you start not trusting your decisions anymore, you starting questioning all you did your whole life and think everything you did was wrong. This anime made you full of doubts. :/

It's fine, you can make it through :D It does sounds completely retarded though :3

Either way:

Owari no Seraph

This show is completely trash so far. One-dimensional MC, terrible world-building, shock factor, victimizing, black and white morality, plot armor, retarded pacing from timeskips and probably something more I've forgotten. Empowerment fantasy 101 I guess. Also it has the stupid SnK visuals where the backgrounds are well detailed and nuanced but the character designs looks stupid.

Gunslinger Stratos

I'm not sure about this one entirely. It has okay exposition I guess, but it was way too convenient for it's own good. Add some pretentious dialogue about sheep and a older brother with a loli and we have trainwreck potential, but the story and characters might be aight I guess. Idk. The character designs suck ass.

Plastic Memories

PICK A TONE AND KEEP WITH IT PLEASE. This combines melodrama about characters we dont give a fuck about, bad comedy and some existential question thrown in. If they expand on the last part it might be decent, otherwise it might suck. And I dont think they will expand on it. Also, the character design is plain retarded, what's with the character designs this season? Also, how are androids able to drink wtf
No validation, no applause
You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours
Apr 4, 2015 10:56 PM

Dec 2012
Hibbington said:

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Episode 1

Well it took around 10 minutes to feel like Yahari again and it might of been since it's a different studio doing the artwork. Once we got back into their "consultancy firm" then the wheels started rolling. There was really no recap this episode either and I think that would of helped little bit.
ftFate said:
Yahari episode 1.

I don't like the artwork much, it doesn't really fit as much as Brains Base's artwork, it doesn't really feel like Yahari. But eh, it's still Yahari, not better, not worse so I'm not disappointed.

Is it bad that I actually like the newer artwork? And I think it matches more with the LN's artwork than season 1.
Apr 4, 2015 11:24 PM

Dec 2013
Speakss said:
Hibbington said:

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Episode 1

Well it took around 10 minutes to feel like Yahari again and it might of been since it's a different studio doing the artwork. Once we got back into their "consultancy firm" then the wheels started rolling. There was really no recap this episode either and I think that would of helped little bit.
ftFate said:
Yahari episode 1.

I don't like the artwork much, it doesn't really fit as much as Brains Base's artwork, it doesn't really feel like Yahari. But eh, it's still Yahari, not better, not worse so I'm not disappointed.

Is it bad that I actually like the newer artwork? And I think it matches more with the LN's artwork than season 1.

It looks higher in budget, just some of the characters looked REALLY different.
Apr 5, 2015 12:41 AM

Nov 2013
Hibbington said:
Shokugeki no Souma Episode 1 Review

Now i didn't watch Koufuku Graffiti but i believe some people referred to it as Food Porn. If that is so than Koufuku must be the soft-core version of food porn and Shokugeki no Souma is the hardcore version of food porn XD.

Besides that, the first episode was able to thrive from a high intensity throughout the episode through the situation the main character was in plus the "Superpowers" of cooking. I liked the current setting but...

I dropped this. It was so erotic and not funny.
even the food itself disgust me
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Apr 5, 2015 6:46 AM

Apr 2014
Speakss said:
Hibbington said:

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Episode 1

Well it took around 10 minutes to feel like Yahari again and it might of been since it's a different studio doing the artwork. Once we got back into their "consultancy firm" then the wheels started rolling. There was really no recap this episode either and I think that would of helped little bit.
ftFate said:
Yahari episode 1.

I don't like the artwork much, it doesn't really fit as much as Brains Base's artwork, it doesn't really feel like Yahari. But eh, it's still Yahari, not better, not worse so I'm not disappointed.

Is it bad that I actually like the newer artwork? And I think it matches more with the LN's artwork than season 1.

It looks too plastic and generic to me
No validation, no applause
You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours
Apr 5, 2015 11:36 AM

Dec 2013
[b]Owari no Seraph Episode 1 Review[/b]

4 years later dis, 4 years later dat XD.

So the voice acting at the beginning was pretty bad and I was getting disinterested. I essentially skipped a couple minutes between 12 to 14 until we got to the obviously climax of the episode. The ending of the episode was fun but since i didn't care about the characters there were no feels.

[b]Arslan Senki Episode 1 Review[/b]

So our weak prince kind of reminds me of a young Lui Bei, a man that will walk the path of Benevolence instead of Ambition like his father. This episode did a pretty good job outlaying the environment of the capital city. Now they tried to give us a big battle scene at the beginning and thanks to watching Shirobako. I know how hard it is to animate a large group of horses moving so I'll give them a pass for the low quality fight. It was also very consistent in tone so maybe this is something Fate will actually enjoy.

[B]Nagato Yukichan no Shoushitsu Episode 1 Review[/b]

Not sure what the point of this show is yet and there really isn't much to say about it. Might of been just to reintroduce characters.

High School DXD Born Episode 1 Review

hehehe hehehe
It was uncensored ^.^

Let the guilty pleasure anime begin! BOOST!
HibbingtonApr 5, 2015 12:01 PM
Apr 5, 2015 12:54 PM

Jun 2014
Hibbington said:
thanks to watching Shirobako. I know how hard it is to animate a large group of horses moving

Yeah... Sure... Shirobako trully shows how it is to work at anime industry and how you should animate horses.

Arslam Senki 1/?

This one is actually good. You get to know a lot about the empire with the visuals (Great "show, dont tell" use), the morality questions were fine, not great, but acceptable. I was invested in the chase scene and in the action. The best part: NO HIGHSCHOOLS. I want to watch the journey of young Arslam becoming GAR. I just want some more characterization and the queen is obviously evil. :/
FellenerApr 5, 2015 1:17 PM

Apr 5, 2015 2:44 PM

Apr 2014
Fellener said:
Hibbington said:
thanks to watching Shirobako. I know how hard it is to animate a large group of horses moving

Yeah... Sure... Shirobako trully shows how it is to work at anime industry and how you should animate horses.

You beat me to it x)

Arslan Senki

Agreed with Fel on what he said about it, this one is actually good. A bit too shonen maybe, but nothing I can't look past. And good room for character development.

Kekkai Sensen

The surprise of the season! It was actually fun, doesn't really take itself seriously and wasn't a bad watch.

Current ranking list

Arslan Senki
Kekkai Sensen

Gunslinger Stratos
Plastic Memories
Owari no Seraph
MikochondriaApr 6, 2015 10:19 AM
No validation, no applause
You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours
Apr 5, 2015 7:04 PM
Jul 2018
Owari no Seraph episode 1

Might as well get my piece in before all is said and done! Attack on Vampires as some people call it, is just starting off completely laughable and just plain wrong. From the first random moment to the horrible pacing, it just makes me cringe. Despite some really nice looking backgrounds at points, if one pays attention to the crowds they'll notice the CGI they managed to shove in. The cilmax of the episode makes me feel one of two things. Sadness or disgust, and knowing my feeling on the episode its kind of obvious which I will go with. All in all I can't see any potential coming from this shameless series.

Hopefully Kekkai Sensen and Arslan Senki as you guys say will do me some good, because all this pessimism is ruining my groove XD.

Potential likable series so far:
Plastic Memories - if it manages to develop the characters well enough and have a fluid story, I'm more than willing to accept some awkward tone shifts here and there if it pulls it out.
Re-Kan! - Seems like just another average series with ghosts references, actually turned out to be quite the calming ride for the first episode with some pretty good moments. Hopefully it doesn't ruin itself trying to be too comedic and drop the more somber moments.
removed-userApr 5, 2015 7:17 PM
Apr 5, 2015 9:03 PM

Dec 2013
[color=crimson]Kekkai Sensen Episode 1 Review[/color]

This show has a interesting mixture of Supernatural and Aliens that leaves you with a unique feeling to it. The episode itself started off 10 times better than Owari with a good glimpse into the world. They'll need to build the platform of the city better throughout the series but so far the general premise is fine. I'm kind of worried that the premise of how this city came to be might be forced but that is all just theorizing.

Plastic Memories Episode 1 Review

So I've been hearing a lot of positivity and negativity from this series so far. I finally felt that I needed to finally check it out for myself. I had issue one issue the episode at the beginning with no big noticeable different between the androids and the humans. I'm contemplating if it's just to further the mistake that the company is doing to society by making them so human-like.

That being said, I the premise of the plot because it feels real if society were to make such a human-like technology. We get to see it through the eyes of people having to do the dirty work of tearing up the human emotion to their items. This stuff happens with anything from a Car to a nerd collection nowhere days but because of how real the androids are should up the ante tenfold and those goodbye scenes was pretty effective for being something episodic.
Apr 5, 2015 9:15 PM

Dec 2012
Hibbington said:

High School DXD Born Episode 1 Review

hehehe hehehe
It was uncensored ^.^

Let the guilty pleasure anime begin! BOOST!

>mfw you didn't wait to watch it with me.

High school DxD BorN 1

Lol, so, they skipped about a whole chapter from the novel already. At least the oppai and boosto! was on point.
SpeakssApr 6, 2015 1:20 AM
Apr 5, 2015 9:16 PM

Jun 2014
Highschool DxD 1/ 2lewd4fate

Some notes i did below, final impression after the notes.

Characters that are defined by their breats sizes, because fuck personality. They did nothing in the episode. All the plot progression happened in 2 minutes. The oterh 22 were basically hentai. Why all the girls like the main guy, btw? The only thing i know about him is that he is perverted, fuck personality, again. At least the anime know it is retarded and knows the target audience.

Veredic: Unfufilling porn. 2lewd4fate.

Apr 6, 2015 2:03 AM

Oct 2014
Fellener said:
Highschool DxD 1/ 2lewd4fate

Some notes i did below, final impression after the notes.

Characters that are defined by their breats sizes, because fuck personality. They did nothing in the episode. All the plot progression happened in 2 minutes. The oterh 22 were basically hentai. Why all the girls like the main guy, btw? The only thing i know about him is that he is perverted, fuck personality, again. At least the anime know it is retarded and knows the target audience.

Veredic: Unfufilling porn. 2lewd4fate.

but... but... but... Oppai :P
Don't worry i completely agree with everything you just said. If you want hentai go watch hentai, don't mix it in with anime :(
Apr 6, 2015 8:34 AM

Apr 2014
Fellener said:
Highschool DxD 1/ 2lewd4fate

Some notes i did below, final impression after the notes.

Characters that are defined by their breats sizes, because fuck personality. They did nothing in the episode. All the plot progression happened in 2 minutes. The oterh 22 were basically hentai. Why all the girls like the main guy, btw? The only thing i know about him is that he is perverted, fuck personality, again. At least the anime know it is retarded and knows the target audience.

Veredic: Unfufilling porn. 2lewd4fate.

Hahahahah. I'd watch it for a laugh if it wasn't for 2lewd4me.
No validation, no applause
You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours
Apr 7, 2015 9:21 AM
Jul 2018
Diamond no Ace 2 episode 1

One of the only anime I was excited for this season and well it technically hasn't even started yet. With a potential two episode recap, this first episode reuses the first opening which I don't mind since I loved it but I want new content. I really don't want this to be a precursor for them cutting corners this season.

Arslan Senki episode 1

Finally something to me that screams potential from the get go and that's what I wanted from this season. I wanted something to get excited for and with this interesting setting with a potential long running series could really flesh it out. Religion, a war torn country, the dynamic between the prince and his family, everything seems to be a maelstrom of potential.

Kekkai Sensen episode 1

Vampire Anime Avengers is truly the right title for this. With a crazy start and a stand out and interesting OST I may be able to enjoy myself quite a bit on this supernatural rollercoaster.
Apr 7, 2015 12:32 PM

Dec 2012
Hibike! Euphonium

Animation - On point. Lets see how well they keep it up throughout the whole show 5/5

Story - Predictable 2/5 so far.

Characters - 3 Main characters that were introduced were alright. Band leader is 10/10 awesome.

Over all feel of the first episode - It was fun. Makes me laugh and is very light hearted.
Apr 7, 2015 7:54 PM

Dec 2013
Kyoukai no Rinne Episode 1 Review

So apparently this show hasn't been picked up by one of the major subbing groups because it was clearly done by a fan sub group. Which is kind of sad because I really liked this first episode. It felt like a mixture of Inuyasha and Noragami. Two shows that I really enjoyed. The fan-sup group left out some explanations but I'm not really sure i should fault the anime for that. Either way we have another show about seeing ghosts and with inugami's. I'm looking forward to it.
Apr 7, 2015 7:57 PM

Apr 2014
what subgroup
No validation, no applause
You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours
Apr 7, 2015 7:59 PM

Dec 2013
ftFate said:
what subgroup

How would I find out?
Apr 7, 2015 8:01 PM

Jun 2014
Where you downloaded it?

Apr 7, 2015 8:09 PM

Aug 2013
I checked out Kyoukai no Rinne also, but I have no idea who subbed it either... I did very much enjoy the similarity to Noragami (and supposedly Inuyasha, but I haven't watched it yet). The artstyle and the opening kind of reminds me of the older style that anime used to have. Plus, it was nice to finally get some comedy and silly school hijinks after watching Kekkai Sensen, Owari no Seraph (depressing as hell), and Plastic Memories (the drama was quite nice). I'm looking forward to future episodes and where the plot could go.
Apr 7, 2015 9:53 PM

Jan 2012
I'd like to say something about the rest of the stuff airing this season, but it's really all about:

Apr 8, 2015 12:26 PM

Dec 2012
StyleF1re said:
I'd like to say something about the rest of the stuff airing this season, but it's really all about:


This guy gets it.

Hibike is love. Hibike is life
Apr 8, 2015 2:35 PM

Mar 2015
Ore Monogatari Episode 1
I wasn't sure if I would like this, but indeed I do. Takeo is incredibly relatable, the OST sounds nice, and the art is good. Also, Takeo and Yamato remind me of Nozaki and Sakura. :P I wasn't too sure about this show when I read the description, as the characters could easily turn out to be assholes. But I thought "it's Madhouse, I'll give it a try." I enjoyed it a lot, the characters seem great, and I'm interested to see what will come in later episodes.

Apr 8, 2015 3:42 PM

Jan 2012
Speakss knows what's up!

My roots are in romance when it comes to anime, so Ore Monogatari gets a thumbs up for me. It's a bit awkward and cheesy to watch at times, but it's the "right" type of awkward and cheesy in my book. Can't wait to see how this quirky bunch meshes together for the long-haul. Didn't even know Madhouse was animating it until after I watched the premiere, so that's more than reassuring. This might just scoop up the third spot on my hype train, which already includes Hibike, primed to become one of the best anime in history, and the contagious Kiniro Mosaic sequel.
Apr 8, 2015 6:44 PM

Dec 2013
Ore Monogatari!! Episode 1 Review

Two people checked this out today and I wasn't really doing anything so I thought I'd join in. For the most part I like the set-up we have. We got our friendly giant that gets none of the girls and the cool suave dude that says no to all the girls; about to get stuck in a love triangle setting. I think it can be quite entertaining.
Apr 9, 2015 8:21 AM

Dec 2014
Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works Season 2
And so the hero of justice, the relationship challenged girl, and some bad ass servants return. Im going to start off by saying this show already has a 8.78 rating. Anyway the first episode brings back the feel of the show as-well as poking at some concepts that will obviously be reintroduced later in the show. A big plot twist happens in this episode but it is also obvious that it was a fluke

The awkward fan service made this episode quite hilarious, it seems as they want to incorporate fan service towards the girls of the show but they don't quite know how. For example this picture:

Anyway the awkward romance, amazing visuals, and crappy characters are all back and im excited to see what an anime with a limitless budget can do.
Apr 10, 2015 8:02 AM

Jan 2014
Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku

Hikigaya being Hikigaya
Apr 10, 2015 10:48 PM

Dec 2014
Houkago no Pleiades


So this show is pretty fun and relaxing. Its rated G, has likable characters and has a playful feel to it. I'm just going to kick back Friday afternoons (with fate of course) and watch this show through.
Apr 10, 2015 11:53 PM

Dec 2013
Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sure-me Episode 2

I probably would be someone in a relationship that would look up all those compatibility percentages. Now...I just you know need to see how it would effect a relationship... #Single

Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Episode 2

Hachiman is the man, I would probably hate to be around the damn guy but just the way he's able to scheme and strategize situations is so intriguing.

Bravo Hachiman Bravo XD

[B]Nagato Yukichan no Shoushitsu Episode 2 Review[/b]

At least this episode wasn't as boring as the last one.
The show continues to keep this mellow tone but with Haruhi Suzumiya joining the picture. That might not last for long XD

Shokugeki no Souma Episode 2 Review

Well they toned down the food porn this episode, which is a good thing. We got a pretty big dose of that the first episode. This episode was all about meeting our Rival for the show in Erina Nakiri, who is a cooking tsundere snob XD. There was more really in-depth explanations of what was being cooked. That so far is the best part of the show. All in all, this show has the change to being one of my favorites of the season. But there is a lot of contenders in the early stages -.^. This has the feeling like a really good season for me.

Nisekoi Season 2 Episode 1 Review

Then finally I saved the debut of Nisekoi Season 2 as the main event!
and what a great way to start it off with an episode dedicated to the best girl Chitoge. She is all messed up in her head right now about how she really feels about Raku and what exactly does she want from the forced relationship.
Apr 11, 2015 1:52 AM

Dec 2012
OreGairu 2
Hibbington said:

Was a little fast, but whatever. They kep to what they needed and skipped a few things that didn't really need to be put into the anime.

Ending conversation was the best part of the episode. Fight me, if you think I'm wrong.
SpeakssApr 12, 2015 1:41 AM
Apr 11, 2015 11:13 AM

Dec 2013
@Speakss Because Hachiman is the MAN!

[b]Owari no Seraph Episode 2 Review[/b]

So this episode was SO much better than the first. I wish that first episode would of been episode 0 instead. This episode was mostly just used to introduce two characters that will most likely play major roles. That fight scene though was awesome again. I'm really going to be enjoying the action of this show.

P.S. That opening gave too many spoilers >.>

Re-Kan! Episode 2 Review

So took awhile for this to get subbed but that's fine.

Most shows we see are about saving ghosts or exterminating ghosts. It's nice watching a show that actually portrays ghosts as being nice. Some might still be a little perverted but they have a lot of "pent up energy" over the years XD. This episode did a good job in giving a couple of the side characters more define roles, like that in-between girl...those things scare the crap out of me.
HibbingtonApr 11, 2015 11:17 AM
Apr 11, 2015 12:24 PM
Jul 2018
Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku episode 1

A surprisingly good episode from a series based of a song series. It set up the school and those characters involved pretty well. I hope it doesn't go the Mekaku City Actors route and not know what it wants to do with itself.

Ore Monogatari!! episode 1

An unorthodox romance basically involving the Iron Giant trying to help others find love since he believes he won't find it himself. Nice characters to start off with and its a cute dynamic that I hope fleshes out well over the 24 episodes.

Etotama episode 1

At first I thought this would be stupid beyond belief and don't get me wrong it is. The fight sequences though are well done and I'm looking forward to more of them as they could easily make this series. If they decide to go with more humor regarding the zodiacs and explain some things it could be an alright show.
Apr 11, 2015 3:40 PM

Jan 2014
Owari no Seraph Episode 2
I guess the story starts this episode. Ep1 felt like a prolouge compared to this one. Still have mixed feelings about this, AoT influence is too big on this one.

Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka EP2
I just read the LN Volume 1 for unknown reason. I have to say the source material is decent, but the adaption is awful. So much important things are not said in anime.

Highschool DxD BorN
Some heavy training going on. Also good to know more about Koneko's past. Felt like it had less fanservice this episode.
Apr 11, 2015 11:38 PM

Dec 2013
High School DXD Born Episode 2 Review

So this episode didn't have much fanservice honestly.
Once and awhile we get an episode like this and this is why I really love this series. Besides the training we get to see more of the politics revolving the demon world and meet more of the young devils. We also at the beginning of our first major conflict.

P.S. Speakss must be going crazy for the cat girls XD

Plastic Memories Episode 2 Review

This episode wasn't as great as the first episode but you understand how the androids decline better and the MC makes a gameplan with Isla.

[color=crimson]Kekkai Sensen Episode 2 Review[/color]

So this episode was so confusing...and i think it's because it felt not even a little rushed but scary rushed. Things just kept happening with all these different powers and it was really hard to follow. This show is showing signs of a train wreck...I'm going to give it one more episode to see if it rebounds but it's not looking good.

Kyoukai no Rinne Episode 2 Review

So after two episodes that didn't live up to it's previous episode. It was nice to end it on something that did. We learned a lot about the spirit world in it's own funky way. A lot of questions were answered straight away instead of us having to wait long. This show is an above average show, it's nothing special but at least it's keeping it's pace.
Apr 12, 2015 1:44 AM

Dec 2012
High school dxd BorN 2

Apr 12, 2015 2:19 PM

Mar 2015
Kekkai Sensen Episode 2
Ngl I liked this episode. Yeah, it was totally rushed. But I managed to follow along but hopefully it won't become a trend. Mostly though I liked the OST. The OP not only had a great song, but all the colors and images were rather hypnotic in a way I enjoyed. Idk this show just gives me Bebop and Durarara vibes, and I like it.

Plastic Memories Episode 2
Couldn't make it through the episode. Characters are bland and cliche, and I honestly think it would be much better without the comedy aspect. Also the art style kinda freaks me out.

Kyoukai no Rinne Episode 2
I think I like this one. I like the music and the retro-sorta art. Reminds me of Kamisama Hajimemashita/Noragami. It's cool we got some questions answered in this episode, and I'm glad the subs got figured out.

Arslan Senki Episode 2
This episode seemed like it was following closely to the manga, so that's good. While reading, I got confused about the logistics of the battle, so I'm glad I could see it animated out. Not sure how I feel about the OP yet, but the ED and the OST sound good.

Apr 12, 2015 5:45 PM

Oct 2014
Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo Episode 1
Finally it's out! i have waited the most for this Spring Anime, i like everything about it, i hope it keeps like this.
Apr 12, 2015 5:58 PM

Dec 2013
[b]Arslan Senki Episode 2 Review[/b]

ah yes the power of strategy over brute strength. As a man of strategy myself I found this episode thrilling. Seems the only barbaric force on that field was the man who claimed all others barbaric.

Apr 14, 2015 11:24 AM

Jun 2014
Arslan Senki. 2/?

This one was really good, the battle was thrilling, there was some decent foreshadowing and when Arslan fought you clearly felt what he was feeling. We also discovered that he is not really the son of the king, that explain the apathy his parents have towards him. Please continue this way and be a simple and fun adventure, i'm not asking much. The only think that is making me worried is that the novel the anime is based on has 14 volumes and its not finished yet. For terms of comparison, the other novel series by the same writer has 10 volumes and had 110 episodes.

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