May 2, 2017
Rate a 5
English Subtitled in the opening credits only. No use of words or spoken audio is done in this film.
Note:This animation is the first to use a Multi plane camera. If you are like me and have no idea what i am talking about i will explain it. In other words consider a picture you took from your phone let's say of a selfie. That would be one plane. Inside that picture are objects that are at multiple distances such as the background is most likely farther than your face form the camera. What the Mutli plane camera did was used glass that same
picture but only objects of a certain depth away stayed on a glass plane. In other words say plane 1 glass had objects that looked like 1 inch away. Plane 2 had objects that looked 1 foot away. Yada yada... any-who, the point of this was to make for a proper movement zoom in. That is the concept idea in general form. If you are still confused Disney did a good video providing answers on that.
A kind illustration on why stealing is bad without a rough approach. To me a rough approach in teaching a lesson is like spanking. It gets the point across but at what cost? The gentle approach they used was through the main character get you the viewer to feel the connection people have with things. Like observing someone mow the grass... or cleaning a pool. Yes, they both are jobs that require work but one does the work so they can appreciate what ever they are working. Do you wish to swim in a filthy pool? Do you want play in the yard if the grass is up to knees?
-black and white
- no vocals.
-Mainly instrumental for some of the instrumental music doubles as slight animation noise in some rare events.
-perfect amount of history for a character. One doesn't need to know further information.
Oh if all cartoons/anime could deliver kind hearted messages in this way perhaps then life would be violent? One could only hope. Although, you might be curious to why a 5 when i appear to show such love for this. While i did enjoy the message behind the story the story by itself wasn't gripping. I know it goes against what i just mentioned but i love car chases. I love gun fights. Here, one could say was tame. While can teach your kid a lesson don't expect him/her to re-watch it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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