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Jan 7, 2019 9:42 PM

Jan 2017
Challenge Period: January 01, 2019 to December 15, 2019 (PST time)
Use this thread to
  • Ask questions related to the challenge.
  • Ask for and/or give recommendations for items of the challenge list.
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Frequently Asked Questions

If you're not sure what to read in this Manga Reading Challenge, or if you're trying to find something new, be sure to check out the
MRC Staff's Challenge list recs:

If you notice that a manga is invalid for an item, please let us know so we can change it. :)
MRC_modOct 30, 2019 4:31 PM
2025 Manga Reading Challenge: Sign Up Discussion

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Jan 7, 2019 10:28 PM

Dec 2018
Recently got back into Manga and decided this challenge will give me a good motivation to try new things. At the moment I'm only reading Hajime No Ippo and going to aim for novice to start, any recommendations for novice level challenges would be much appreciated.

Not big into harem/school settings but otherwise pretty open to most stuff. Hope this is an okay post, pretty new here, community seems cool, nice to meet you all!

Jan 8, 2019 3:11 AM

Apr 2011
Quick question. How do I complete a challenge with an ongoing manga. Suppose I want to use "Kaguya-sama wa Kokusaretai", which hasn't finished publishing, but wanna use it for one of the Novice challenges (rating > 8.00). If I remember correct, in the previous years, being caught up to the latest chapter at the time of submitting the completion was what you had to do.

So for this year, is it "caught up to the latest chapter by the time I've completed the Novice challenge and am ready to move onto apprentice" or "move on to the next level and still be caught up to the latest chapter when submitting for challenge completion"?........ Sorry if that made no sense.
Jan 8, 2019 3:26 AM

May 2017
@MRC_mod i made some badges donations for the challenge~

Jan 8, 2019 3:27 AM

Mar 2016
@Flash87: It's completely up to you. The genre-items are fairly easy and give you a wide range of titles to choose from. The ones about length are pretty open to your own preferences, too.

@yhunata: You have to be caught up with the latest chapter for the stage you are at. You can state the latest chapter at the time of completing the stage and move on to the next. Afterwards you don't have to be up-to-date for said title. Thanks for pointing it out, we'll make it more clear in the FAQs.

@k3ti: Thank you! They're looking great! ~
Jan 8, 2019 5:22 AM

Jul 2017
Hi, this might be a dumb question, but i'm struggling a bit.

When said: "Read a manga ranked BELOW 15,000.""

It means 15001 or 14999?
Jan 8, 2019 5:26 AM

Mar 2016
Armandoriel said:
Hi, this might be a dumb question, but i'm struggling a bit.

When said: "Read a manga ranked BELOW 15,000.""

It means 15001 or 14999?

It means 15001 (+).
Jan 8, 2019 5:27 AM

Jul 2017
Schlopsi said:
Armandoriel said:
Hi, this might be a dumb question, but i'm struggling a bit.

When said: "Read a manga ranked BELOW 15,000.""

It means 15001 or 14999?

It means 15001 (+).

I see, thank you.
Jan 8, 2019 6:02 AM

Apr 2013
Flash87 said:
Recently got back into Manga and decided this challenge will give me a good motivation to try new things. At the moment I'm only reading Hajime No Ippo and going to aim for novice to start, any recommendations for novice level challenges would be much appreciated.

Not big into harem/school settings but otherwise pretty open to most stuff. Hope this is an okay post, pretty new here, community seems cool, nice to meet you all!

Once you choose which items you want to do for Novice, come back and we can give you some recommendations. :)
Jan 8, 2019 7:30 AM

Nov 2015
Hello guys, here for you recommendation!

I'm already reading Kengan Asura so maybe that can fit here?

I'm not picky about anything. If you want my mangalist to cross reference then here.

Thanks for the help!
Jan 8, 2019 8:23 AM
Jul 2018
bluebear_tora said:
Hello guys, here for you recommendation!

I'm already reading Kengan Asura so maybe that can fit here?

I'm not picky about anything. If you want my mangalist to cross reference then here.

Thanks for the help!

Fits a few of them I guess, namely challenge numbers 4,7 and 11
Jan 8, 2019 8:33 AM

Nov 2015
Frostbytes said:
bluebear_tora said:
Hello guys, here for you recommendation!

I'm already reading Kengan Asura so maybe that can fit here?

I'm not picky about anything. If you want my mangalist to cross reference then here.

Thanks for the help!

Fits a few of them I guess, namely challenge numbers 4,7 and 11

I want recommendation for the other entries too.

(and lol when did you reach 200 so quickly?)
Jan 8, 2019 8:40 AM
Jul 2018
bluebear_tora said:
Frostbytes said:

Fits a few of them I guess, namely challenge numbers 4,7 and 11

I want recommendation for the other entries too.

(and lol when did you reach 200 so quickly?)

Read a manga below 1000 ; Black Jack ni Yoroshiku (also Read a manga with less than 10,000 completed members)

Read a Comedy or Slice of Life manga- Not simple

Read a manga that is 1 to 5 volumes in length: The Music of Marie

That score below 6 is tricky, rest are pretty easy.

Read some short manga/one-shot/one shot collection
Jan 8, 2019 8:57 AM

Nov 2015
Frostbytes said:
bluebear_tora said:

I want recommendation for the other entries too.

(and lol when did you reach 200 so quickly?)

Read a manga below 1000 ; Black Jack ni Yoroshiku (also Read a manga with less than 10,000 completed members)

Read a Comedy or Slice of Life manga- Not simple

Read a manga that is 1 to 5 volumes in length: The Music of Marie

That score below 6 is tricky, rest are pretty easy.

Read some short manga/one-shot/one shot collection

Thanks and good luck for your challenge.
Jan 8, 2019 9:26 AM

Jan 2009
@MRC_mod Question:

2. This means you can only read manga for one section at a time.
  -- If the last manga you completed for Novice has a finish date of January 31st (on your form), then all Apprentice level items must have start dates of January 31st or later (on your form). You cannot begin reading manga for Apprentice items on January 30th.

4. You will only turn-in your form for inspection once.
  -- If you would like to continue to the Apprentice level after finishing Novice, then you should then paste the Apprentice challenge items into your post without submitting the turn-in form.

OK. So, I move from Novice to Apprentice up to the Expert without submitting the turn-in form. What will happen if upon the turn-in it's decided that I made a mistake and have to read another title for the Novice level? Will it affect other difficulty levels (finish date for the Novice will change)?
Jan 8, 2019 9:36 AM

Mar 2016
lubryka said:
OK. So, I move from Novice to Apprentice up to the Expert without submitting the turn-in form. What will happen if upon the turn-in it's decided that I made a mistake and have to read another title for the Novice level? Will it affect other difficulty levels (finish date for the Novice will change)?

If you made a mistake, the inspector will notify you and offer a certain amount of time for you to fix it (meaning read another fitting title). It won't affect any other stages.
However: if it seems suspicious and there are much more mistakes made, the inspector can nullify your challenge. At least when it looks like someone took the short route...
Jan 8, 2019 9:52 AM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007
Ok, I have a silly question. I know you said we should keep the format as is, but I am using a specific one that I feel comfortable with that is just a tiny bit different than yours!

So instead of

can I use

I really don't like having everything on the same line and it only confuses me more with all the information it needs. My last year's challenge looked like this, so as you can see, not that different. Of course, I wouldn't like to go against your wishes since you are making this for us, but I will be looking at my challenge post A LOT, so if I could use my way, it'd be great!
Jan 8, 2019 10:04 AM

Mar 2016
Maffy said:
I really don't like having everything on the same line and it only confuses me more with all the information it needs. My last year's challenge looked like this, so as you can see, not that different. Of course, I wouldn't like to go against your wishes since you are making this for us, but I will be looking at my challenge post A LOT, so if I could use my way, it'd be great!

Yeah, sure you can. But please(!) change it back to the intended format after your turn-in, as it makes the inspection process more comfortable (i.e. not having to adjust to every formatchange made by users ;)).
Jan 8, 2019 10:16 AM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007
@Schlopsi Thank you :D I will tryyyy to change it, but it honestly just looks better as a 2-liner AND both the item and manga title are in the same line :'D

As a note though, I was copying the section codes and I noticed that the code itself makes each item have 2 lines with the item challenge in the first line and the manga title in the second, even though it is mentioned in bold: "Make sure to leave the item + manga's title in the same line."

Maybe it was on purpose like that, but just thought to mention it :D Thanks for the challenge :)
Jan 8, 2019 10:27 AM

Mar 2016
@Maffy: It was intended to put the title next to the item and add the necessary extra info in the line below. just to keep stuff neatly organized. Just go with your system now, one of our inspectors gave the okay. :D
SchlopsiJan 8, 2019 10:51 AM
Jan 8, 2019 10:50 AM
Review Moderator

Jun 2007
@Schlopsi THANK YOU :D

And I should have figured it was on purpose, but a small part of me wanted to make sure haha.

Again, thanks for everything and have fun with this as I hope I will once again :D
Jan 8, 2019 11:06 AM

Dec 2009
Hey xD
I might have a very dumb question but yeah I dont wanna make any mistakes for now (last year I did in a similar question) so:

20. Read a manga that is on one of the active MRC staff's Plan to Read list. - Note which staff member it was as well as the date or add a screenshot

Is there any link for those Active MRC Staffs?? Can I use for example Schlopsi ?? xDD
Thanks x)
Jan 8, 2019 11:12 AM

Mar 2016
MarissaRob said:
Is there any link for those Active MRC Staffs?? Can I use for example Schlopsi ?? xDD
Thanks x)

Everyone listed in the @MRC_mod profile can be used (Main organizer, as well as helpers). :)
Jan 8, 2019 11:55 AM

Dec 2009
@Schlopsi Thanks a lot xDD I will use your PTR list then x))
Jan 8, 2019 12:00 PM

Dec 2008
Hello, I just want to make sure my dumb self is understanding the rules correctly before I start. So if I were to read a manga like Slam Dunk I could apply it to Apprentice level even if I start reading it now because it's longer than 20 volumes, correct?
Jan 8, 2019 12:05 PM

Apr 2013
letsgomeisei said:
Hello, I just want to make sure my dumb self is understanding the rules correctly before I start. So if I were to read a manga like Slam Dunk I could apply it to Apprentice level even if I start reading it now because it's longer than 20 volumes, correct?

So it seems, yep. :D
Jan 8, 2019 3:50 PM

May 2017
Can I use manhwa in the challenge instead of manga?
Jan 8, 2019 4:07 PM
Aug 2016
Is there a way to get random 10 options from the novice list or it is completely up to the participants to select this time.
Jan 8, 2019 4:12 PM

Apr 2013
MizuchiMari said:
Can I use manhwa in the challenge instead of manga?

Yep. :)

Nagato-Uzumaki13 said:
Is there a way to get random 10 options from the novice list or it is completely up to the participants to select this time.

It's up to the participants to select this time, unfortunately.

It's not the same, but for anyone who wants randomized items, you can go to and do something like this:

and you get a list of random items in the range you specified.
KazzeonJan 8, 2019 4:31 PM
Jan 8, 2019 7:54 PM

Dec 2018
End of the Korean school year so I've had plenty of time to get started on this.

Completed my first yesterday and started a longer one.

Read an award winning Manga - Sayonara Sorcier - Chose this at absolute random as it seemed short and an unusual subject matter. Was a really fun alternative history story, well worth checking out.

Read a best selling manga - Death Note - I know this is crazy popular but I've never seen the anime or read it so been reading this. I'm about 26 chapters in. It started a little slow but I'm really getting into it now there's a lot of plotting and double crossing going on.

My request for recommendations was too vague earlier so I'd like recommendations for:

#15 - Read a manga about food, music, or art - I was a big fan of the early series of Shokugeki no Soma so I'd love to find something else related to food. Any recommendations here??

#1 - Read a collection of short stories

#18 - Read a manga with a non-human main character. - Not sure I've read or watched an anime with a non human main (unless you count Goku being Saiyan). Anything must read?

Otherwise I think I'm going to do #9 and #10 as they're short and have a wide scope. Not sure on the other 3 yet but recommendations on 1, 15 and 18 would be hugely appreciated.

Jan 8, 2019 9:28 PM

Mar 2016
#15 - Bambino was a great cooking manga, though it was less shounen
#18 - I'm planning on using Gon for that one, heard a lot of praise for it
#1 - If you like horror try something by Junji Ito or Kago Shintaro. I'd give actual titles for this one, but the only things coming to mind are a little too sketchy to give a general recommendation
Jan 8, 2019 9:53 PM

Dec 2018

Thanks! Bambino and Gon look interesting, I do remember Gon from Tekken 3 lol.

Not so big on horror and currently reading Death Note so not sure I want something so heavy again.

Jan 8, 2019 10:07 PM

Mar 2016
Fair enough on the horror front, though I will say Kago Shintaro adds a lot of humor into his work. Very dark humor, but humor all the same. Probably a bit too much for most, but check him out if it sounds interesting.
If not, Nickelodeon is a solid choice that I can't believe I forgot about. It's got a little bit of everything as far as genres go, but it stays lighthearted throughout
Jan 8, 2019 10:28 PM

Dec 2018
Death Note is getting pretty out there... Up to chapter 37... can't say I'm loving this series. It's ridiculously heavy on dialogue and over explaining every little part, from 3 characters... seriously let the reader come up with their own theories and have some surprises.

EDIT: Yeah seems it's going to be a slog to go through the second half. Each character is truly amazing in the writers eyes, it's weird. We just got introduced to a thief and a spy and told immediately how super amazing they are. It's a shame, the series was intense when L wasn't the main character, now the 2 Kira's are just forgotten for a while.
Flash87Jan 8, 2019 10:57 PM

Jan 8, 2019 11:58 PM

Mar 2013
@flash87 you can try goggles for #1
Jan 9, 2019 2:10 AM

Apr 2009
Hello! For "Read a manga that started publishing the same season as one of your listed favorites", season meaning as in Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter right? And should it be the same year as well?
Jan 9, 2019 3:57 AM
Jul 2018
Does Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun qualify for manga for "Read a manga about school"? Pretty vague wording there.
Jan 9, 2019 4:28 AM

Apr 2013
Flash87 said:
My request for recommendations was too vague earlier so I'd like recommendations for:

#1 - Read a collection of short stories

#18 - Read a manga with a non-human main character. - Not sure I've read or watched an anime with a non human main (unless you count Goku being Saiyan). Anything must read?

Otherwise I think I'm going to do #9 and #10 as they're short and have a wide scope. Not sure on the other 3 yet but recommendations on 1, 15 and 18 would be hugely appreciated.

I'd recommend Aka no Sekai for #1.
And The Descending Moon at the Foot of the Mountain for #18. :D

Darkeella said:
Hello! For "Read a manga that started publishing the same season as one of your listed favorites", season meaning as in Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter right? And should it be the same year as well?

Yep, and yep. :)
Jan 9, 2019 4:29 AM

Apr 2013
Frostbytes said:
Does Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun qualify for manga for "Read a manga about school"? Pretty vague wording there.

It's tagged school, so I'd say yes. :)
Jan 9, 2019 4:31 AM
Jul 2018
HeNrYTG50 said:
Frostbytes said:
Does Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun qualify for manga for "Read a manga about school"? Pretty vague wording there.

It's tagged school, so I'd say yes. :)

Yeah assumed that's the case, but the word "about" school confused me.

Schlopsi said:

@yhunata: You have to be caught up with the latest chapter for the stage you are at. You can state the latest chapter at the time of completing the stage and move on to the next. Afterwards you don't have to be up-to-date for said title. Thanks for pointing it out, we'll make it more clear in the FAQs.

So for example, raws of Gekkan shoujo are upto chapter 105, but the translations are upto chapter 102(it was released today), so I need to mention chapter 102 right after catching up with it and finishing the novice challenge? Sorry if it sounds a vague question.
removed-userJan 9, 2019 5:22 AM
Jan 9, 2019 5:33 AM

Mar 2016
@Frostbytes: It can be tagged as school but that's not a necessity in this case. As long as school is a main theme/main setting or sth the like, it counts as well.

As long as you finished the stage, its okay. If you catch up with it now and mark it in the form as finished (i.e. putting the end date into it), you still have to be caught up with the most recent one when moving on to the next stage. Does this make it more clear?
Don't worry about raws, only translated chapters count.
Jan 9, 2019 5:37 AM
Jul 2018
Schlopsi said:
@Frostbytes: It can be tagged as school but that's not a necessity in this case. As long as school is a main theme/main setting or sth the like, it counts as well.

As long as you finished the stage, its okay. If you catch up with it now and mark it in the form as finished (i.e. putting the end date into it), you still have to be caught up with the most recent one when moving on to the next stage. Does this make it more clear?
Don't worry about raws, only translated chapters count.

Ah okay, then at the time of finishing the stage and putting the completion date of that particular stage, need to catch up with it. Thanks
Jan 9, 2019 8:26 AM

May 2016

Can someone please confirm if The Bride of the Water God is valid for 18. Read a manga about or involving mythology/folklore/etc.?
ishnessJan 9, 2019 10:05 AM
Jan 9, 2019 8:57 AM

Apr 2013
windmillness said:

Can someone please confirm if The Bride of the Water God is valid for 18. Read a manga about or involving mythology/folklore/etc.?

It is. :) Although you linked something else. :P
Jan 9, 2019 10:07 AM

May 2016
HeNrYTG50 said:
windmillness said:

Can someone please confirm if The Bride of the Water God is valid for 18. Read a manga about or involving mythology/folklore/etc.?

It is. :) Although you linked something else. :P

Thanks =)

Yeah, the links got mixed up xD
Jan 9, 2019 11:32 AM

May 2012
Flash87 said:
End of the Korean school year so I've had plenty of time to get started on this.

Completed my first yesterday and started a longer one.

Read an award winning Manga - Sayonara Sorcier - Chose this at absolute random as it seemed short and an unusual subject matter. Was a really fun alternative history story, well worth checking out.

Read a best selling manga - Death Note - I know this is crazy popular but I've never seen the anime or read it so been reading this. I'm about 26 chapters in. It started a little slow but I'm really getting into it now there's a lot of plotting and double crossing going on.

My request for recommendations was too vague earlier so I'd like recommendations for:

#15 - Read a manga about food, music, or art - I was a big fan of the early series of Shokugeki no Soma so I'd love to find something else related to food. Any recommendations here??

#1 - Read a collection of short stories

#18 - Read a manga with a non-human main character. - Not sure I've read or watched an anime with a non human main (unless you count Goku being Saiyan). Anything must read?

Otherwise I think I'm going to do #9 and #10 as they're short and have a wide scope. Not sure on the other 3 yet but recommendations on 1, 15 and 18 would be hugely appreciated.

I read "Emperor to Issho", about an Emperor Pengiun living with a family. Quite light-hearted and fun. If you still are looking for a manga with a non-human protagonist.
Jan 9, 2019 12:15 PM

Mar 2017
"GAR manga" is an unfamiliar phrase to me and the FAQ doesn't have any information about it. Could an explanation of GAR please be added to the FAQ?
Jan 9, 2019 12:34 PM

Apr 2013
BrainpanSonata said:
"GAR manga" is an unfamiliar phrase to me and the FAQ doesn't have any information about it. Could an explanation of GAR please be added to the FAQ?

So, according to

GAR is manly men.
There's also a category in bakaupdates about GAR, although there are only a few examples.
Edit: Also added more anime examples from this github page.
KazzeonJan 9, 2019 12:40 PM
Jan 9, 2019 12:55 PM

Sep 2018
Quick question, for items that do not require a certain type, can we use whatever we want? Such as Doujinshi, one-shots, light novels, ect.
Jan 9, 2019 1:00 PM

Mar 2017
HeNrYTG50 said:
BrainpanSonata said:
"GAR manga" is an unfamiliar phrase to me and the FAQ doesn't have any information about it. Could an explanation of GAR please be added to the FAQ?

So, according to

GAR is manly men.
There's also a category in bakaupdates about GAR, although there are only a few examples.
Edit: Also added more anime examples from this github page.

Thanks. Idek there was a proper term for some of the things in my reading wheelhouse. Now I just have to find something I haven't already read, heh...
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