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Nov 26, 2022 2:34 PM
✨ a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

Watching period starts on January 01, 2023
Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition
Suggested by SheyCroix
     It is, once again, that time of the year. "Well, whatever. Scratch THAT! Bwahahaha I did it! I DID IT! Finally, my time has come!"

     "You see, everyone likes calling me lazy. Saying I'm the family disgrace. Saying I don't do enough... but those muscle heads shouldn't think themselves as normal people. Cheeky, my dearest niisan was in charge of this little project since he was promising. Ha! So, I just had to do a little something. I'm not lazy. I just like to do things with the least effort possible. I like to relax and if other people can do some of my tasks for me, even better."

     "Ah, yes, about my dearest brother. I heard from a friend about how they set up a new gaming palace out there in the neighboring country. When I went to have a look and visit, it was looking spectacular. All the people trapped there... *cough*... I mean, all those people playing and enjoying themselves. Truly fascinating. So, as a good brother I took my dearest older brother there. IT WAS BRILLIANT! Once father heard of his debt and the mess he did while there, hohoho. That slap was sure felt on the entire house."

     "And now... it's our time to have fun.♥"


  • The challenge will be a Secret Santa technically, just under a slightly different theme than previous years.
     — It's a combination of the Secret Santa + Battle Royale + "Yesterday Enemies, Friends Today" trope.

  • HOW-TO:
     — There will be a sign up period. Once that's over you will be placed on one of two teams: Team Nice or Team Naughty.
     — Each team will be subdivided in small Workshops of 5 people each.
     — After you complete the Workshop's tasks (Secret Santa part) and mission, you are to decide if you will join your Team to defeat your opponent.
     — The winners will receive bonus points.

  • You won't be allowed to change your questionnaire once the teams are released.

  • Your anime list privacy must be set to public.
     — Otherwise your participation will be banned.

  • Your setting for receiving privates messages must be set to everyone, in case I need to contact you.

  • Remember that it's required to add the start and end dates to any anime you use for our challenges.

  • You cannot use the same entry more than once.

  • Note that you can only turn-in on this thread (more info below).
    Request the Santa role on our AWCC discord.
    After posting your edited sign up, go to the #roles-claiming-area channel and post the following with the link to your post:
    @SheyCroix#6328  I will be a good Santa and keep the secret.
    post: <LINK>

    Any question, please use the event channel on discord or just mention me on this thread.


  • With your sign up, you will answer a short questionnaire that will be used to create your not-so-random Secret Santa gift.

  • Once the sign up period is over, the Teams and Workshops will be created. You will receive a limited amount of time to complete your tasks.
     — The tasks will be related to the creation of everyone's gift.
     — You won't be required to write a note about your recs this year, but if you still wish to they must be short.
     — If you are unable to complete your task on time or do them incorrectly, you will be disqualified from participating on this event and removed from it. Thus replaced with a bot.

  • After all answers are compiled, the Secret Santa gifts will be revealed.
     — All Santas must keep their tasks, gifts and identity a SECRET.
     — Everyone will receive a standard gift that will consist of 4 anime.
     — Upon completion of this part (that is, completing the anime and turning in), you will receive 0.75 points.

  • Standard Gifts GENS: You will be allowed to decide which generation of the standard gift you want.

     🎄 The Xmas Tree GEN: series that aren't part of your anime list. (new shiny toy)

     🌸 The Poinsettia Garden GEN: series you are missing from one of the many staffer's collections, via your HoF Checklist. (time to work on something?) Staff, MAC, AWC, AG and/or Affiliates Collections

     ⛄ The Snowman GEN: series that are part of your anime list, with less than half completed. (excludes dropped and airing series)

     🍰 The Dining Table GEN: will be a bit of the three above, up to your Secret Santa. (let's be nice~)


  • BONUS: By thinking yourself a Sherlock, you may earn an extra 0.25 points.
     — There are two ways to earn this:

      (1) Correctly guess who gifted you which series on your Workshop.
      (2) Correctly guess all gifts of one person from a different Workshop, from the opposite Team. (what they gave to whom)

     — Keep in mind that if someone manages to guess what you gifted, you won't be able to earn this. At all. Even if you guessed correctly first.
     — If foul play is discovered, your participation on this event will be invalidated.

     — After a voting on our discord server, we decided to remove the penalization and the way in which these are guessed. They will be done in private, using a form.


     You have learned that there are certain Workshops that aren't happy about how each one has been arbitrarily placed on one of two teams. They are planning on a Revolution to overthrown those in power and unify everyone under the same banner. That is, under The Great Aloe banner.

     The Higher ups are incensed and will not allow that to happen. They have suspected that the leaders of the rebels are part of your team and plan to eradicate everyone there to make an example of their power. All in the name of The Great Bean.

     To prove your innocence and avoid eradication, your team must prevail and win over the other. But how? That's simple.

  • Unite as a team (Team Nice vs Team Naughty) and be the one to have the most people that go the extra mile.

  • Extra Mile: you must complete 4 series following a set of criteria from the gaming palace where the Cheeky-niisan was captured.
     — Use 4 anime that were recommended on your opposite team.
     — Those 4 series must fit 4 different items that are part of the "Wraith's Roulette" (part 1) full listing.
     — The anime used here depends on which generation of the standard gift you want: Snowman and Dining Table can use previously started / Xmas Tree and Poinsettia Garden can't use previously started.

  • You will be awarded 0.50 points upon completion.
     — If your team proves its innocence and wins, everyone that participated will receive an extra 0.25 points.
    (Requirements for all the Santa lists)

  • Each Workshop participant will help in the creation of the standard gifts.
     — You will provide one of the four anime to be used, for each participant of the Workshop (other than you).
     — You will be assigned at random what to recommend.
     — You can't recommend series under 15 mins in total duration.

  • Each standard gift must follow the established guidelines:
     (1) A specified type : TV, ONA, Special/OVA, Movie
     — The anime is listed as said type.

     (2) A specified relation : First season, Sequel, Franchise (side stories, alternatives, summary, etc.), Stand-alone
     — First season : The anime is a first season. Must have a sequel listed.
     — Sequel : The anime is listed as a sequel to a previously watched anime.
     — Franchise : The anime is related to something they have previously watched. Excludes prequel/sequel.
     — Stand-alone : The anime does not have any other series listed as related. Adaptations listed are okay.

     (3) A specified season : Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
     — The anime aired in said season.
     — Winter : began airing during the following months: January, February or March.
     — Spring : began airing during the following months: April, May or June.
     — Summer : began airing during the following months: July, August or September.
     — Fall : began airing during the following months: October, November or December.

     (4) A specified demographic : Kids, Shoujo, Shounen, Seinen/Josei
     — The anime is tagged with said demographic.

  • The anime you recommend must be something you have completed.
     — Unless they accept to receive "Blind Recs".

  • No Hentai or Erotica should be recommended, unless otherwise stated by your partner.

  • Anime must be available, at least, for streaming with English subs.

  • Anime should adhere to the questionnaire your partner answered.

  • For those desiring to receive a Snowman GEN gift, the anime recommended must have less than half (of the total episode count) previously watched.
     — It excludes airing and dropped series.
     — It can be on any of the lists (watching, on hold, dropped, plan to watch), so don't focus on only one of them.

  • Important Notes:

     TV and ONA: must be between one or two-cours.
     — 1-cour will be defined as any series that has between 10-15 episodes (each between 18-25 mins per).
     — 2-cour will be defined as any series that has between 20-26 episodes (each between 18-25 mins per).

     — Short anime (15 minutes or less per episode) can be used but must have more than one episode and still be over 15 minutes in total duration.

     — Movies should be 30 minutes or more in total duration.

SheyCroixFeb 28, 2023 8:03 PM




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Pages (6) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Nov 26, 2022 2:35 PM
✨ a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

  • To be able to join a Workshop and Team, you will need to post your sign up form before December 10 ends.
     — You will be able to join after this date, but only if there are 4 others to form a workshop (5 in total, with you).
     — You won't be able to join a Team after this date.

  • Between December 11-13, the Teams and Workshops will be created and shared. Please keep in mind to keep it a secret.

  • After receiving your assigned workshop's tasks, you will have until December 20 to reply with your recommendations for each one.
     — You will reply to the private message you will get here on MAL.
     — Make sure to send me the links, flavor text, etc., between code tags. (A template will be provided)

  • Between December 21 to December 25 30, everyone's gifts will be posted on this thread. You will have until February 28, 2023 to watch them.
     — Same applies to the Extra Mile.

  • Once the event is over, all secret santas will be revealed.


Please make sure to fill all fields.



😇 Team Nice Gifts 😇

😈 Team Naughty Gifts 😈

SheyCroixFeb 23, 2023 3:27 PM




Nov 26, 2022 2:35 PM
✨ a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

The use of badges is for those that are participating on this event.

To use it, you may copy the provided link or save/rehost it. They can be used on your signature, profile, blog or tracking thread.

Please donate some~

SheyCroixNov 27, 2022 3:24 PM




Nov 26, 2022 2:35 PM
✨ a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

😇 Team Nice Users that Completed the Challenge Successfully 😇

Thanks for participating!

SheyCroixMar 7, 2023 12:39 PM




Nov 26, 2022 2:35 PM
✨ a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

😈 Team Naughty Users that Completed the Challenge Successfully 😈

Thanks for participating!

SheyCroixMar 7, 2023 12:39 PM




Nov 26, 2022 2:35 PM
✨ a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

(Extra Mile)

😇 Team Nice 😇

😈 Team Naughty 😈

Thanks for participating!

SheyCroixMar 7, 2023 9:39 AM




Nov 26, 2022 2:35 PM
✨ a lil bean ✨

Feb 2011

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: SheyCroix
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 4,073 (as of this post)
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     ⛄ The Snowman GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Boys Love
     2. Reverse Harem
     3. Adult Cast
     4. Isekai
     5. Idols (Male)

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Girls Love
     2. Horror
     3. CDGCT
     4. Harem
     5. Avant Garde

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. IDOLiSH7
      2. /
      3. /

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
SheyCroixNov 26, 2022 2:56 PM




Nov 26, 2022 2:41 PM

Jul 2008

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: HimeCrycho
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 3,288
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone?  Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?  (pick one)
     🎄 The Xmas Tree GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series?  No

  9. Can your gifts include short anime?  Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Love Polygon
     2. Magical Sex Shift
     3. Crossdressing
     4. Otaku Culture
     5. High Stakes Game

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Avant Garde
     2. Samurai
     3. Sports
     4. Racing
     5. Mecha (must be paired with romance or its a big no from me)

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise?  Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Detective Conan (very casually)
      2. Sailor Moon

🎿 Any comment? Thanks for another fun event~! Im good with both GL and BL by the way, but didn't want to waste slots listing them.
SheyCroixDec 22, 2022 10:21 AM
Nov 26, 2022 2:42 PM

Nov 2018

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Eleanora1315
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 918
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     ⛄ The Snowman GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No (unless it's on my list)
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Strategy Game
     2. Psychological
     3. Organized Crime
     4. Military
     5. Reverse Harem

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Iyashikei
     2. CGDCT
     3. Harem
     4. Mecha
     5. Slice of Life

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Fate
      2. Overlord

🎿 Any comment? If you know a show that I might like but can't make it fit in the recs, don't hesitate to give me a sign in PM! Also, dropped list is a second ptw so don't hesitate to pick there too. :)
SheyCroixDec 15, 2022 6:39 AM
Nov 26, 2022 2:42 PM
Dragon Idol

May 2017

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Ranacchi
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: #1,011
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Yes
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Action
     2. Iyashikei
     3. Fantasy
     4. Mahou Shoujo
     5. Suspense

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Romance
     2. Avant Garde
     3. Combat Sports
     4. Delinquents
     5. Gag Humor

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No
     If yes, which ones?

🎿 Any comment? I said Yes to "explicit genres" but I'd rather only receive "Ecchi" out of those 3. Sequels to anime I've completed are OK! I also like Female (Idols) and Gourmet anime. If you can only recommend me Romance for some reason, I'd prefer it's combined with Harem or Ecchi, or a sequel to something I gave a 7/10 or higher.
RanacchiNov 27, 2022 7:02 AM
Nov 26, 2022 2:45 PM
King of Justice

Mar 2017

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: bigdud24
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: #1184
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     🌸 The Poinsettia Garden GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Detective
     2. Adult Cast
     3. Space
     4. Team Sports
     5. Mecha

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Harem
     2. Gag Humor
     3. Parody
     4. Isekai
     5. Educational

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Gundam (in Timeline Order)
      2. GaoGaiGar Collection

🎿 Any comment? If selecting anything from Gundam, my next items are Kidou Senshi Gundam-san, Gundam: G no Reconguista, and Gundam Build Fighters Try
bigdud24Nov 28, 2022 9:04 PM
Nov 26, 2022 2:49 PM

Aug 2017
SheyCroixDec 28, 2022 4:39 PM
Nov 26, 2022 2:50 PM

Jul 2016

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Campiz06
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 3,501
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🌸 The Poinsettia Garden GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Drama
     2. Adventure
     3. Action
     4. Fantasy
     5. Adult Cast

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Avant Garde
     2. Music
     3. Harem
     4. Horror
     5. Comedy

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Haikyuu!!
      2. Prince of Tennis
      3. .hack//

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
Campiz06Nov 26, 2022 5:54 PM
Nov 26, 2022 2:50 PM

Jan 2012

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Jokobo
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 4766
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🎄 The Xmas Tree GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes / No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Yes
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Drama
     2. Psychological
     3. Girls Love
     4. Romance
     5. Mystery

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Boys Love
     2. Idols (Male)
     3. Sports
     4. Mecha
     5. Racing

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Precure

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
JokoboNov 26, 2022 3:44 PM
Nov 26, 2022 2:51 PM

May 2016

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Kansugi
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 569 (as of this post)
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     ⛄ The Snowman GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Yes, but only Ecchi
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? No

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? No

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Drama
     2. Suspense
     3. Mystery
     4. Love Polygon
     5. Supernatural

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Adventure
     2. Action
     3. Adult Cast
     4. Martial Arts
     5. Space

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones? -Those from my on-hold, longer ones are:
      1. Zero no Tsukaima
      2. Tiger & Bunny
      3. High School DxD

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
My on-hold is basically plan to watch that is ready to watch; while my plan to watch is upcoming, unreleased or on-going stuff.
KansugiNov 30, 2022 5:04 AM
Nov 26, 2022 2:58 PM

Dec 2016

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: ScarletCelestial
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 2197
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🌸 The Poinsettia Garden GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Drama
     2. Mystery
     3. Adventure
     4. Action
     5. Supernatural

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Avant Garde
     2. Music
     3. Horror
     4. Harem
     5. Girls Love

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No
     If yes, which ones?

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
ScarletCelestialDec 30, 2022 10:54 AM
Nov 26, 2022 2:59 PM

Sep 2014

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Papa_Dragon
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: # 3,145
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Yes
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Sci-Fi
     2. Fantasy
     3. Isekai
     4. Girls Love
     5. Horror

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Boys Love
     2. Sports
     3. Idols
     4. Reverse Harem

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No
     If yes, which ones?

🎿 Any comment? (optional)

Papa_DragonFeb 20, 2023 6:18 AM
Nov 26, 2022 3:08 PM

Jul 2008

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Bahamut_Zero
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 1311 (as of this post)
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     🌸 The Poinsettia Garden GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? No

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Mystery
     2. Isekai
     3. Fantasy
     4. Strategy Games
     5. Psychological
    (they aren't in any particular order)

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Boys/Girls Love
     2. Avant Garde
     3. Mecha
     4. Space
     5. Music
    (they aren't in any particular order)

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No

Bahamut_ZeroDec 2, 2022 4:22 PM

Nov 26, 2022 3:09 PM

Oct 2013

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: trojangirl12
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: # 1629
⛄️ Link to your anime list: Anime list
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist: HoF Checklist


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?

     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Sports
     2. Supernatural
     3. Drama
     4. Romance
     5. Fantasy

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Harem
     2. Space
     3. Sci-Fi
     4. Mecha
     5. Military

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Slam Dunk
      2. Haikyuu!!
      3. Diamond no Ace

🎿 Any comment?
Nov 26, 2022 3:22 PM
The Enthusiast

Jul 2007

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: lostnyanko
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 4,362
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Yes
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Adventure
     2. Drama
     3. Action
     4. Supernatural
     5. Sci-Fi

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Avant Garde
     2. Harem
     3. Isekai
     4. Love Polygon
     5. Horror

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Gintama
      2. Type-Moon
      3. Pokemon

🎿 Any comment? Thanks for all the hard work!
nyankoNov 26, 2022 3:31 PM
Nov 26, 2022 3:24 PM

Aug 2013

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Yterbium
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 2464
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     🌸 The Poinsettia Garden GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Ecchi, yes. Erotica and Hentai, no
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Horror
     2. Mystery
     3. Seinen
     4. Fantasy
     5. Gore

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. CGDCT
     2. Romance
     3. Slice of Life
     4. Harem
     5. Sports

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Hajime no Ippo
      2. High School DxD
YterbiumDec 2, 2022 5:07 AM
Nov 26, 2022 3:24 PM

Feb 2014

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Punkero
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: #3,610
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     ⛄ The Snowman GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Yes
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Ecchi
     2. Mystery
     3. Drama
     4. Harem
     5. Detective

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Avant Garde
     2. Idols (Male)
     3. Samurai
     4. Iyashikei
     5. Crossdressing

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. JoJo
      2. One Piece
      3. Type-Moon

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
PunkeroNov 26, 2022 3:27 PM
Nov 26, 2022 3:25 PM

Sep 2018

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Kristiwazhere
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 1,144
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving private messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     🎄 The Xmas Tree GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Yes ~ Ecchi (especially older ecchi) and Erotica are fine, Hentai only if you are VERY confident I'll like it.
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? No

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Sci-Fi
     2. Iyashikei
     3. Adventure
     4. Supernatural
     5. Mystery

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Idols (either gender)
     2. Gag Humor
     3. Psychological
     4. Sports
     5. Video Game

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Tenchi Muyou! (OVA Continuity)
      2. Patlabor

🎿 Any comment? I like the simplified form, don't have to think so hard about how I want to word things. 😅
KristiwazhereDec 4, 2022 8:29 PM
Nov 26, 2022 3:25 PM

Nov 2018
SheyCroixDec 28, 2022 4:51 PM

Nov 26, 2022 3:36 PM
Anime Moderator
Aug 2011

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: goncix3000
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 1051 (as of this post)
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🎄 The Xmas Tree GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? No

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Ecchi is fine, others are not.
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Slice of Life
     2. Historical
     3. Iyashikei
     4. Adult Cast
     5. Mythology

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Action
     2. Sci-Fi
     3. Adventure
     4. Mecha
     5. Idols (Female)

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes, but too many to count. Any sequel that's in my on-hold would work for this.
     If yes, which ones?

🎿 Any comment? I'm not entirely against the disliked genres I listed - if they are combined with other things I enjoy.
goncix3000Dec 10, 2022 1:40 PM
Nov 26, 2022 3:41 PM

Apr 2010

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Jhiday
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 4,596 (as of this post)
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🎄 The Xmas Tree GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? No

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Mystery
     2. Mahou Shoujo
     3. Adult Cast
     4. Sci-Fi
     5. Workplace

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Boys Love
     2. Harem
     3. Reverse Harem
     4. Idols (Male)
     5. Horror

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Free!
      2. Persona
      3. Lupin III

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
SheyCroixDec 14, 2022 7:15 AM
Nov 26, 2022 3:44 PM
Space Brother

Mar 2015
❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: dierubikdie
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 2443
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     🎄 The Xmas Tree GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes, but please don't give me something that you can clearly tell is garbage.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Ecchi is fine; no Erotica or Hentai please.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? No

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Slice of Life
     2. Iyashikei
     3. Comedy
     4. School
     5. Romance

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Vampire
     2. Samurai
     3. Horror
     4. Avant Garde
     5. Psychological

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No

🎿 Any comment? I prefer English dubs, but subs-only is fine. Also, it's not absolutely necessary to pick something from my preferred genres. I would just like some stuff that isn't dark or depressing. Please no anime from 2021 or 2022 unless it's listed as "Released" or "Finished" in this post. Also, please nothing on my PTW.
dierubikdieNov 30, 2022 3:22 PM

"An earnest failure has meaning."

"Nothing is definite in this world. But it's okay.
Some things within me are definite."
Nov 26, 2022 3:55 PM
Probably a Maso

Dec 2014

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: _Bri
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 3248 (as of this post)
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🎄 The Xmas Tree GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Yes
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? No

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Drama
     2. Mystery
     3. Adult Cast
     4. Adventure
     5. Supernatural

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Girls Love
     2. Avant Garde
     3. Boys Love
     4. Horror
     5. Music

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No
     If yes, which ones?

🎿 Any comment?
BriNov 26, 2022 7:19 PM
Nov 26, 2022 3:59 PM

Feb 2010

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: CsillaLoli
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: # 1866
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes (can't hurt lol)

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes (im kinda curious lmao)
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Boy Love
     2. Comedy
     3. Sports
     4. Gourmet
     5. Adventure

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Horror
     2. Advant Garde
     3. Sci-Fi
     4. Girls Love (I only seem to like the super soft/adorable ones like Wataten!)
     5. Gore

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Fate/Type Moon
      2. One Piece

🎿 Any comment?
CsillaLoliDec 1, 2022 6:04 AM

Nov 26, 2022 4:10 PM

Oct 2020

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: xCrazee
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 1432
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Yes, all 3 are fine.
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Romance
     2. Childcare
     3. Detective
     4. Drama
     5. Sci-Fi

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Boys Love
     2. Idols (Male)
     3. Martial Arts
     4. Samurai
     5. Sports

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Type-Moon (Fate and Others)
      2. Shingeki no Kyojin

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
CrazeeNov 27, 2022 12:54 AM
Nov 26, 2022 4:15 PM

Feb 2018

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: boredrandomguy
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 1977
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Slice of Life
     2. Fantasy
     3. Romance
     4. Adventure
     5. Mystery

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Boys Love
     2. Avant Garde
     3. Idols (Male)
     4. Racing
     5. Sports

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Detective Conan
      2. Monogatari Series
      3. Fate

🎿 Any comment? Let the suffering fun begin.
boredrandomguyNov 28, 2022 8:54 AM
Nov 26, 2022 4:23 PM

Jun 2021
❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Jeon_Asuna
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: #396
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     🌸 The Poinsettia Garden GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Only Ecchi
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Adventure
     2. Fantasy
     3. Action
     4. Mythology
     5. Isekai

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Avant Garde
     2. Horror
     3. Idols (Female)
     4. Mahou Shoujo
     5. Girls Love

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Hunter x Hunter

🎿 Any comment? No, but I wanted to keep the fairy
JeonDec 8, 2022 6:06 PM
Nov 26, 2022 5:26 PM

Aug 2013

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Yuki-Chan276
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 1387
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? No

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No, Ecchi is fine
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Slice of Life
     2. Iyashikei
     3. CGDCT
     4. Fantasy
     5. Drama

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Avant Garde
     2. Parody
     3. Mecha
     4. Space
     5. Samurai

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No

🎿 Any comment? Please be nice...
Yuki-Dec 9, 2022 7:54 AM
Nov 26, 2022 6:16 PM
bow chicka wow

Jan 2021

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: coziitsu
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: #387
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     ⛄ The Snowman GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Comedy
     2. Reincarnation/Isekai
     3. Organized Crime
     4. Adult Cast
     5. Mystery

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Mecha
     2. Sci-Fi
     3. Space
     4. Avant Garde
     5. Idols (Female)

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No

🎿 Any comment?
coziitsuDec 1, 2022 5:05 PM

prince of slytherin

awccbeau ideal.
can't live with(out) you
stunning set by queen rin <3
Nov 26, 2022 7:55 PM

Jul 2019

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: AatihoNora
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: #381
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     ⛄ The Snowman GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? No

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Psychological
     2. Mystery
     3. Adult Cast
     4. Organized Crime
     5. Historical

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Harem/Reverse Harem
     2. School
     3. CGDCT
     4. Idol (Male/Female)
     5. Music

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
SheyCroixDec 13, 2022 1:04 PM
Nov 26, 2022 8:18 PM

Jun 2020

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: mayaxiii
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: #168 (as of this post)
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🌸 The Poinsettia Garden GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? No

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Fantasy
     2. Slice of Life
     3. Drama
     4. Romance
     5. Supernatural

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Harem
     2. Girls Love
     3. Boys Love
     4. Idols
     5. Anthropomorphic

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
mayaxiiiNov 26, 2022 8:40 PM
Nov 26, 2022 9:32 PM

Dec 2013

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Canaan
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: #1266 (as of this post)
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Girls Love
     2. Mystery
     3. Psychological
     4. Comedy
     5. Supernatural

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Romance
     2. Harem
     3. Romantic Subtext
     4. Historical
     5. Avant Garde

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Pokemon
      2. Type-Moon

🎿 Any comment? (optional) Thankyou for setting up this event <3 :)
CanaanNov 26, 2022 9:36 PM

"By Depending on others and letting them
Depend on you, people can Exceed what
they can do as Individuals." - Mikoto Misaka

"Rokkon Shojo!"
Nov 26, 2022 10:02 PM
Prideful Demon

Oct 2016

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: KatjieKat
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: #405
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
    ⛄ The Snowman GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Mystery
     2. Supernatural
     3. Action
     4. Mythology
     5. Adventure

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Avant Garde
     2. Mecha
     3. Harem
     4. Racing
     5. Romance

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Gintama

🎿 Any comment? I don't dislike Romance entirely, as long as it's not just romance.
KatjieKatDec 1, 2022 11:54 AM
Nov 27, 2022 12:44 AM

Oct 2017

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Bunille
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 2128
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     ⛄ The Snowman GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Psychological
     2. Mystery
     3. Adventure
     4. Space
     5. Sci-Fi

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Gourmet
     2. Vampire
     3. CGDCT
     4. Mecha
     5. Otaku Culture

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No
     If yes, which ones?

🎿 Any comment? The top 5 aren't really in any order. I'd also like some Idol shows.
BunilleNov 28, 2022 8:24 AM
Nov 27, 2022 1:00 AM

Mar 2016

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: YayakoChii
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: #2,206
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Isekai
     2. Reincarnation
     3. Fantasy
     4. Adventure
     5. Slice of Life

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Horror
     2. Gore
     3. Samurai
     4. Mecha
     5. Space

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No
🎿 Any comment? I am still a little confused but lets go! XD
SheyCroixDec 13, 2022 1:10 PM

Nov 27, 2022 1:57 AM

Feb 2017

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Ariies_
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 203
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Yes
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Drama
     2. Supernatural
     3. Avant Garde
     4. Gourmet
     5. Romance

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Harem
     2. Military
     3. Detective

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No
     If yes, which ones?

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
Nov 27, 2022 4:08 AM

Jun 2014

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Sakku-san
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 1,133
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?:
     🎄 The Xmas Tree GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? No

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Comedy
     2. Action
     3. Romance
     4. School
     5. Girls Love

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Boys Love
     2. Avant Garde (Dementia)
     3. Horror
     4. Idols
     5. Mahou Shoujo

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No

🎿 Any comment? If possible, please recommend anime aired after 2007 and rated higher than 6.50 on MAL. Thanks in advance for your gifts, Santas!

SheyCroixDec 13, 2022 1:11 PM
Nov 27, 2022 4:59 AM

Mar 2014

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Rinarin
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 4000 (as of this post)
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     ⛄ The Snowman GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Drama
     2. Mystery
     3. Supernatural
     4. Fantasy
     5. Romance

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Martial Arts
     2. Horror
     3. Combat Sports
     4. CGDCT
     5. Gore

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No
     If yes, which ones?

🎿 Any comment? Although I'm not trying any franchise in particular, I wouldn't mind next seasons of shows I've already watched.
RinarinNov 30, 2022 6:54 AM
Card Deliveries
Nov 27, 2022 5:18 AM

Jun 2009

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Aur0ra
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 1881
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Supernatural
     2. Comedy
     3. Iyashikei
     4. Adventure
     5. Fantasy

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Girls Love
     2. Boys Love
     3. Harem
     4. Idols (both genders)
     5. Avant Garde

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No
     If yes, which ones?

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
Nov 27, 2022 6:38 AM

May 2021

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: DigiCat
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 292
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want?
    🎄 The Xmas Tree GEN
  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? NO
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Shounen
     2. Psychological
     3. Horror
     4. Action
     5. Comedy

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Josei
     2. CGDCT
     3. Idol
     4. Romance
     5. Harem

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No
     If yes, which ones?

🎿 Any comment? 🎄Merry Christmas🎄
DigiCatNov 27, 2022 7:41 PM
Nov 27, 2022 8:34 AM

May 2018

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Kiyuka
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: #1087 (as of this post)
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🎄 The Xmas Tree GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? No

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? No

  10. Please select one of the following:

     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Romance
     2. Drama
     3. Slice of Life
     4. Sports
     5. Psychological

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Dementia
     2. Isekai
     3. Horror
     4. Ecchi
     5. Harem

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Monogatari Series
      2. Yowamushi Pedal

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
I'm looking forward to it and I hope that I understood everything.
Nov 27, 2022 9:26 AM

Aug 2018

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Bern_stein
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 2561
⛄️ Link to your anime list: here
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist: here


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🎄 The Xmas Tree GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs? No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Yes
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Slice of Life
     2. Iyashikei
     3. CGDCT
     4. Drama
     5. Historical

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Mecha
     2. Racing
     3. Martial Arts
     4. Space
     5. Avant Garde

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No

🎿 Any comment? (optional)
Bern_steinDec 4, 2022 12:58 AM
Me: "Damn these manipulative Japanese people. Why are they so good at screwing up my feelings?"
My BFF: "Because they are weird. And you are weird."
Nov 27, 2022 1:05 PM

Jul 2015

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Jaikeis
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 1026
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? Yes

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: Yes
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (b) 2-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Drama
     2. Team Sports
     3. Strategy Game
     4. Time Travel
     5. Adult Cast

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Isekai
     2. Gore
     3. Romance
     4. Samurai
     5. Childcare

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No

🎿 Any comment? The genre/themes likes and dislikes don't really matter; I'll watch anything with a good narrative. I'd avoid anything on my watching list since I watch most things on there on a set schedule with friends. Interest stack with quick thoughts on recent things I watched can be found here:
SheyCroixDec 13, 2022 1:18 PM
Nov 27, 2022 3:44 PM

Sep 2017

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: Technotron
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 1,313
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🌸 The Poinsettia Garden GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? No
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (c) 50/50

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Drama
     2. Fantasy
     3. Adult Cast
     4. Psychological
     5. Mystery

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Avant Garde
     2. Boys Love
     3. Idols (Female)
     4. Idols (Male)
     5. Harem

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? Yes / No
     If yes, which ones?
      1. Dragon Ball - Original
      2. /
      3. /

🎿 Any comment? Thank you!
Nov 27, 2022 5:13 PM

Nov 2018

❄️ Lazy Santa: '22 Royale Edition ❄️

❄️ Username: ShockZz
❄️ Contact me here.

⛄️ Number of completed anime on your list: 2395
⛄️ Link to your anime list:
⛄️ Link to your HoF Checklist:


  1. Is your Anime List set to public? Yes

  2. Is your setting for receiving privates messages set to everyone? Yes

  3. Which generation of the Standard Gift you want? (pick one)
     🍰 The Dining Table GEN

  4. Do you dream of Sherlock? No

  5. Will you be going an Extra Mile? Yes

  6. Are you willing to receive Blind Recs: No
     — Blind Recs are recommendations that your partner has yet to watch/complete.

  7. Would you like to receive Explicit Genres? Yes
     — Ecchi, Erotica and Hentai.

  8. Can your gifts include non-Japanese series? Yes

  9. Can your gifts include short anime? Yes

  10. Please select one of the following:
     (a) 1-cour series

  11. Top 5 most liked MAL genres/themes:
     1. Shounen
     2. Action
     3. Supernatural
     4. Seinen
     5. Super Power

  12. Top 5 most disliked MAL genres/themes: (excludes explicit genres and demographics)
     1. Parody
     2. Horror
     3. Harem
     4. Racing
     5. Sports

  13. Are you currently attempting to complete any particular Franchise? No
     If yes, which ones?

🎿 Any comment? I don't really mind getting my disliked genres if it is something you really want to recommend
SheyCroixDec 13, 2022 1:19 PM
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AWCC_admin - Dec 31, 2024

132 by Sokratis »»
1 hour ago

» ☘️ March 2025 Challenge ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

AWCC_admin - Feb 28

266 by Malin28 »»
1 hour ago

» Multi Tags Challenge ( 1 2 3 4 )

SheyCroix - Jan 22, 2023

179 by nerfsunny »»
2 hours ago

» 🔱 LoScore II 「 Batch 65: MAR 12 | Sign Up B.65 until MAR 16 」 ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

SheyCroix - Oct 7, 2024

752 by Jaikeis »»
3 hours ago

Sticky: » 🏆 Challenges Turn-Ins (v.4) ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

AWCC_admin - Oct 28, 2024

898 by Jaikeis »»
3 hours ago
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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