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Feb 27, 5:28 AM

Nov 2011
I think Zeno might of had somewhat of a superior complex. He did have a huge ambition for using his talents though.

Oh and Stanley is no pushover. He seems like one of the more dangerous characters Senku and his group has to deal with this arc. A thrilling episode imo. Zeno's character feels like a parallel to Senku but also very different in how they approached their goals.
Feb 27, 5:29 AM

May 2020
Thereā€™s the saying that great minds think alike, and tbh, this entire backstory of Xeno is just a practical representation of that. I mean he and Senku managed to survive and live through this stone world in the exact same manner, except nobody betrayed Xeno and he had people who were a bit more capable than Senkuā€™s bunch. But nah, that man is messed up, I mean for all his admiration for science and Senku, he didnā€™t hesitate at all when calling shots on him.

If theyā€™ve left it only up to Luna, then yeah, of course, the scene wouldnā€™t have escalated the way it got lol, but then again, it was her who passed the information about Senku to Xeno, so canā€™t really say she isnā€™t much to blame here. Really really impressed with Senkuā€™s last minute effort to save himself, otherwise you know, average people donā€™t even try when they know a bullet is coming towards them. Impressed with Ryusuiā€™s awareness as well. Though all said and done, some great last few minutes. This show knows how to hype you, looking forward to the next one.
Feb 27, 6:15 AM

Oct 2009
Yeah, no, my suspension of disbelief is shot to pieces at this point. Not everyone's first and only thought is to become a dictator of such a world, that obsession of Xeno's is just that - at the same time, it's just waaaay to fitting for an American's first thought to be weapons and bullets, that feeling of unease about it really snaps me right out of any and all the immersion. And then having literally all the easymode cheats there, basically everything he'd need practically a stone's throw away, including manpower, including Stanley himself (his smoking becomes another groan-inducing focus)? Having Senkuu accidentally discovered by Luna, after all her fumbling, and calculating his height from nothing but his voice, which he just happens to have stored on recordings, and in a matter of what, minutes? Lol. Lmao, even. Gimme a break already. If the end goal was to have Senkuu sniped, the road there is just too damn bumpy at best, imo. Some of the core elements are still there, in minimal amounts, but this arc (or just this part of it? idek) really doesn't work at all for me.
Feb 27, 7:02 AM

Feb 2019
Another great backstory episode! These have been some of my faves of the series. Last week we saw Senku and Xenoā€™s pre stone world story, this episode we got to see how different their nation building and scientific development processes were. Senku prioritised restoring and improving life for people, Xeno prioritised controlling it. They even both have childhood meathead friends who aren't great at science, but will do anything to support their smart best friend lol.

They played the one guy proposing and saving the ring as a joke, but it quite literally ended up saving months and months of work by instantly giving Xeno access to platinum thus a consistent supply of nitric acid and other supplies! No wonder he's got a castle and all this other advanced stuff, he got to shave off months of development time.

Luna is so real for being conflicted about ratting out Taiju/Senku to Stan for the killshot. Best girl. Worst double agent lol.

OH SHIT. The end of the episode was some of the most tense action we've ever had in Dr. Stone. Xeno figuring out who the real leader was and Stan having a clear line of sight on the deck.. whew. Cinema. That was some incredibly quick thinking by Senku to get the starch to solidfy and use it as body armor, but holy shit if Stan's shot did that much damage even with that, imagine if he had nothing to slow it down. It's cool that they showed the impact of shrapnel as well, it's not just the initial bullet you have to worry about!

Banger episode.
Marinate1016Feb 27, 7:34 AM
Feb 27, 7:08 AM
Mar 2023
with this eps, and a lil talk how ryusui explain why xeno 'did not' know about the formula, he main focus is to use the acid and make it as gun powder. IMO he can eventully find the formula, but its to much work in begin with, test so many bird or people stone, he not take that path and focus to make a army from people who listen to his order and with senku know the formula, is easy for xeno to just order him give it in hard way
Feb 27, 7:19 AM
Sep 2015
I notice that there are already a lot of named characters on the ship and there are still a lot of unnamed characters, this ship probably contain hundred of people.
Feb 27, 7:24 AM

Feb 2020
NOOOOOOOOOOO šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Feb 27, 7:36 AM
Aug 2023
One question will be

Will senku be okay?
Feb 27, 7:41 AM
Jul 2016
Did we really needed that mumbo-jumbo with his voice to determine Senkus height and shit? Couldn't he just said that his hair looks like a leek? šŸ˜‚
Feb 27, 7:47 AM

Jan 2018
What are the odds that Dr. Xeno and Senku reawakened around the same time? I guess higher than I thought. One scientist wants to save the world and the other one wants to take over it. Xeno was an adult and saw the reality of the world. So, I get why he became so cynical and wanted to rule the world from scratch. Senku was a kid and probably didn't face the hardships of Xeno's life so he has a much more optimistic outlook on life. I wonder if he would've been more like Xeno if he was older. I like the dichotomy between the two.

Miss "Cool-headed" Luna didn't give away the location of "Dr." Taiju. But she ended up causing way more damage than she was going to. Damn. Some great last minute thinking from Senku. I don't doubt that he'd survive. The question, just how wounded is he? Tho I suppose if he was severely wounded they could apply the revival fluid to cure him. Tho I don't remember if they have any extra left. What a cliffhanger.
Feb 27, 7:58 AM

Jan 2009
xeno wants to be the king of the new world so he knows senku is a big problem for him
Feb 27, 8:07 AM

Dec 2023
Reply to Softhenic03
Thereā€™s the saying that great minds think alike, and tbh, this entire backstory of Xeno is just a practical representation of that. I mean he and Senku managed to survive and live through this stone world in the exact same manner, except nobody betrayed Xeno and he had people who were a bit more capable than Senkuā€™s bunch. But nah, that man is messed up, I mean for all his admiration for science and Senku, he didnā€™t hesitate at all when calling shots on him.

If theyā€™ve left it only up to Luna, then yeah, of course, the scene wouldnā€™t have escalated the way it got lol, but then again, it was her who passed the information about Senku to Xeno, so canā€™t really say she isnā€™t much to blame here. Really really impressed with Senkuā€™s last minute effort to save himself, otherwise you know, average people donā€™t even try when they know a bullet is coming towards them. Impressed with Ryusuiā€™s awareness as well. Though all said and done, some great last few minutes. This show knows how to hype you, looking forward to the next one.
@Softhenic03 He did hesitate a bit though. In his own way he thought very logically through the benefits and issues that would arise with joining forces with Senku and even showed some emotional attachment to knowing who he is. Ultimately he decided that preventing Senku from getting ahead of him was the best course of action.

Him and Senku are very similar in the sense that they decide and do things based on logic, and logically it just seemed to best course of action to him.
Feb 27, 8:11 AM

Jan 2009
Reply to BladeX05
Did we really needed that mumbo-jumbo with his voice to determine Senkus height and shit? Couldn't he just said that his hair looks like a leek? šŸ˜‚
@BladeX05 nah high chance xeno is thinking maybe senku got a haircut now unlike him
Feb 27, 8:43 AM

Jul 2022
It is now clear that Dr. Xeno has no qualms about ordering the death of his apprentice. And here I thought that when they found out that Senkuu was behind it all they would try to be a little more civilized.

Although Senkuu and Xeno woke up at the same time, Xeno was playing in easy mode, so to speak. There was no one to oppose him, unlike Senkuu, who suffered delays due to his war with Tsukasa. Xeno already had experienced adult military and resources such as platinum and corn to advance his scientific kingdom by building weapons, airplanes, communication equipment, and so on. Meanwhile, Senkuu was making ramen to convince the teenagers in the village to help him make glass. I think there was a "slight" downside.
Feb 27, 8:50 AM
Oct 2019
good the episode, I want the others as soon as possible
Feb 27, 9:20 AM

Jun 2012
Although Senku and Xeno woke up at the same time, they pursued different approaches to science. Things got intense now that theyā€™ve discovered who Senku is. Insane ending,
Feb 27, 9:58 AM

Feb 2014
While Senku and Xeno woke up at roughly the same time, their paths to where they are now couldn't be more different. Xeno had his trusted friends and allies around him, plus a reliable source of nitric acid. Add in the ring which was made from platinum and he was all set to get things rolling at incredible speed. Contrast to Senku, who had to go through the equivalent of hard mode with all that he has dealt with in the previous seasons just to get to where he and his friends are right now.

It led back to the present, where the way Luna was conflicted with herself to point out the target for Stanley to shoot was pretty funny. I never expect her of all people to stick her fingers up her nose! XD

That brought enough time for Xeno to stop Stanley after figuring out that Senku was there and was the actual leader, but he did end up with a difficult situation whether to order Stanley to kill him or not. Ultimately, he gave the go ahead, but it gave Senku enough time to get to where Francois was, take the potato starch and produce a makeshift body armour which might've just saved his life from Stanley's sniper bullet hitting him.

A very good cliffhanger to end an impressive episode, I must say.
Feb 27, 10:47 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Although Senku managed to protect himself from a fatal sniper shot at the last minute, it was obvious that he got hit from the shrapnel of bullet fragments. I guess Xeno decided that there was only room for one scientist in this Stone World.
Feb 27, 10:56 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
This season is fun!
ā€œDo what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.ā€ (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Feb 27, 11:11 AM

Aug 2020
great ep

so X decided to be the evil...
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Feb 27, 11:12 AM
Apr 2024
It seems I was the only one who found this episode quite dang stretched out.

After the previous episode being completely a flashback episode, when this episode started with Xeno's flashback, my first reaction was "Ah cmon now! End this already".

I get it, you broke out of the petrification because you kept your brain active and there was Nitric Acid nearby.

I get it, you want to rule over the world with your science knowledge and preferred making weaponry over finding the science behind petrification.

You talked about all this stuff in the previous episode already. No need to explicitly show me all of it.

Once the flashback finally got over, we had to deal with Miss "capable woman"'s endless indecisiveness, endless stalling and endless mental rambling.

I get it, you don't want to witness people your age dying. Why not just refuse going on such a mission from the start?

She feels like Ginro(minus the perversion part). Bet they would be a good match.

Only after Xeno figured out the "Dr. Taiju" bluff did the episode get really interesting. Only sad part was, we were already past half the episode by then.
Feb 27, 11:15 AM

Nov 2024
by far the weakest episode and de-valuing the whole series. At least senku had a logical path towards his science advancements, but xeno just pops out hardened steel out of nothing, magically produces stuff that is actually not that easy to mass produce etc. just to make him the "better" scientist.
Feb 27, 11:30 AM
Dec 2023
Xeno is wilding. How can one guess your height based on your voice??? Also really good episode
Feb 27, 11:34 AM

Jun 2015
Alright, I've decided we hate Xeno.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Feb 27, 11:35 AM

Sep 2018
"Hey Stanley, do you see anybody with leeks for hair? Really noticeable and unlike any other human being on this planet...Yeah, that's the guy." How hard was that?

Feb 27, 11:48 AM

Feb 2012
Dr. Xeno awoke the scientists, soldiers and civilians at the venue using what he knew from experiments on the bird such as the nitric acid and staying conscious. Although he has the catalyst, platinum, he uses it to make gunpowder rather than research the revival fluid like Senku, it really contrasts their ideologies. I like the allusion to a Tsukasa-like figure when Xeno mentions a martial artist could seize power if they were revived.

It is so American of them to name their headquarters White Castle.

Fortress_MaximusFeb 28, 8:51 AM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Feb 27, 11:56 AM
Feb 2019
Itā€™s science time bitches
Feb 27, 11:57 AM
I like water

Feb 2020
HOLY SHIT Senku was wounded by the shrapnel from the bullet, at least he didn't die, he doesn't seem to have had a fatal wound, although we will know that in episode 9. Good episode, I had great tension in the last minutes, X decided to go the way of evil even though he could have chosen to be Senku's ally.
Feb 27, 12:05 PM
Dec 2021
I did read the manga but it was awhile ago so I forgot exactly how the story went yet I still know the idea, this episode was amazing if I were an anime only I would be freaking out waiting for the next episode
Feb 27, 12:15 PM
Apr 2022
very nice episode
Feb 27, 12:24 PM

Feb 2013
That's one hell of a cliffhanger.
Feb 27, 12:31 PM
May 2021
Yhh canā€™t wait for the next ep šŸ‘€šŸ‘€
Feb 27, 1:13 PM

Feb 2010
I love the implication that in the real world they would have normal hairstyles otherwise Xeno could have been like "Do you see anyone with leek hair?" lol
Feb 27, 1:36 PM
May 2018
Xeno got a decent head start in civilization building with abundant resources and the coincidental presence of the catalyst platinum in the ring whereas Senku literally fought to death for every step of it. Which places Senku before Xeno at being the better scientist, at least so far. The duality of their usage of the nitric acid for exactly opposite goals is a good one.

Xeno withholding the existence of tobacco from Stanley until after the construction of the Haber-Bosch plant is crazy. He probably believes Stan can get any mission done but not giving up smoking lol. Their invention tree is distorted, with steel production and materiel manufacturing preceding a simple cigarette.

Xeno got slightly emotional at finding out Senku had been his opponent scientist all along and hesitated a bit but his obsession with ruling the world proved far too strong for him to negotiate once more with his old friend. Though, can't blame him really lol. He doesn't know what Senku went through, but the guy's undefeated on battlefield and paid him a visit after crossing the ginormous Pacific Ocean despite the odds. It is only right he feels threatened.

Whether the scientocratic viceroy Chrome is matured enough to handle the operations in Senku's potential, and if so hopefully short-term, inability to rule due to his wounds?

The extensive radio usage of Xeno's nation makes me wonder if Why-man ever detected them like he did with Senku's. Xeno must have invented and used it before Senku and even if they encrypted their messages, they were sending radio waves all over, which Why-man would have caught. If they got jumpscared by him first, that'd kind of make it awkward for Why-man to have the reaction he later had with Senku.
Feb 27, 2:02 PM

Apr 2024
Nikki's boobs!! šŸ˜

Feb 27, 2:37 PM

Apr 2018
Omg they know that Senku is the real target and now he even got hit by the sniper, I don't know if his artisanal last minute bulletproof vest worked, I mean we saw a lot of blood during the hit so it's not reassuring at all :(
Feb 27, 3:36 PM

Dec 2018
Wasnā€™t expecting more flashback but Iā€™ll gladly take it, it was cool seeing the start of Dr. Xenoā€™s empire and how he managed to get such advanced tech so quickly, I guess having a platinum ring right there made that easy for him lol, and wow he has way more people than I thought, I was thinking no way all of them stayed conscious that whole time but I guess they are considered ā€œsuperheroesā€, they must be if they managed that insane feat. And Iā€™m ngl I found Stanley getting his cigarettes kinda wholesome, almost like when Gen got his cola, only one will kill you quicker than the other lol, but I respect Stanleyā€™s love for them, you only live once after all, might as well enjoy the ride.

And damn the 2nd half of the episode was very intense, I love Luna but damn they couldnā€™t have picked a worse person for her job lol, but maybe itā€™s good for Xeno that she couldnā€™t point a finger so he could eventually discover the real head scientist. It is kinda sad that Xeno still issued the kill order even after discovering that Senku is his enemy, but like Senku, he is very logical, so it makes sense that he would still make the call, at least he did consider allying with him for a moment.

And once it was clear there was a sniper things got really crazy, but Senku thankfully made use of that starch to most likely save himself, even if we saw blood thereā€™s no way our science boy is going down, Stanley played that very well but you canā€™t account for the random invention of a bulletproof vest lol. Great cliffhanger tho, canā€™t wait to see the aftermath of the shot.
Feb 27, 4:00 PM

Nov 2016
How did xeno know senku was going to revive too?? what a stretch
Feb 27, 4:18 PM

Nov 2016
Why make it easy when you can make it difficult? Because calculating height based on his voice is sick, lol. Intense episode.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Feb 27, 4:40 PM
Oct 2016
Reply to yellowheartren
Yeah, no, my suspension of disbelief is shot to pieces at this point. Not everyone's first and only thought is to become a dictator of such a world, that obsession of Xeno's is just that - at the same time, it's just waaaay to fitting for an American's first thought to be weapons and bullets, that feeling of unease about it really snaps me right out of any and all the immersion. And then having literally all the easymode cheats there, basically everything he'd need practically a stone's throw away, including manpower, including Stanley himself (his smoking becomes another groan-inducing focus)? Having Senkuu accidentally discovered by Luna, after all her fumbling, and calculating his height from nothing but his voice, which he just happens to have stored on recordings, and in a matter of what, minutes? Lol. Lmao, even. Gimme a break already. If the end goal was to have Senkuu sniped, the road there is just too damn bumpy at best, imo. Some of the core elements are still there, in minimal amounts, but this arc (or just this part of it? idek) really doesn't work at all for me.
@yellowheartren Just stop watching the show šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ its an anime bro what suspension of disbelief. Get over yourself
Feb 27, 4:40 PM
Oct 2016
Senku has been hit! Stanley's bullet found its mark even as Senku thought up a pretty brilliant quick plan to maybe make himself a bullet proof vest. Obviously he won't be dead from that but maybe the bullet fragments still gave Senku some decent wounds. We got to see just how Xeno and his people became so powerful in America after waking up. They immediately got to work on creating A kingdom there in the corn fields that could launch an empire. Xeno with his sights in world domination. He came to the same realization Senku did about how if someone powerful rises up they'd rule the stone world. However it looks like Xeno wants lift himself to the top instead of lifting all of humanity up like Senku wants. They each desire to use science in conflicting ways. That's why sadly Xeno knew he had to give Stan the kill order. Despite how capable Senku is Xeno knows that he'd never join forces. A very tense scene on the ship itself as Luna tried and failed to point out the doctor. Xeno and Stan figuring it out on their own, Xeno is smart as hell using just Senku voice to determine his height. Ryusui spotting that Luna was acting fishy definitely saved them and bought Senku time to try his plan. We'll have to see how the kingdom of science fights a sniper.
Feb 27, 5:33 PM

Apr 2020
Man... Luna is hot, so very fucking hot.
Imagine how boring this world would be without Japan - a comment at youtube
Feb 27, 5:56 PM
Jul 2024
This was an absolutely BRUTAL cliffhanger. Together with the Kenshin one, today almost raised my BP. LOL
I actually think that idea partly worked, but we will see next week.
Feb 27, 6:00 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to Fortress_Maximus
Dr. Xeno awoke the scientists, soldiers and civilians at the venue using what he knew from experiments on the bird such as the nitric acid and staying conscious. Although he has the catalyst, platinum, he uses it to make gunpowder rather than research the revival fluid like Senku, it really contrasts their ideologies. I like the allusion to a Tsukasa-like figure when Xeno mentions a martial artist could seize power if they were revived.

It is so American of them to name their headquarters White Castle.

@Fortress_Maximus Whose hamburgers alone are lethal weapons! ROFLMAO
Feb 27, 7:20 PM
Nov 2019
Dr Xeno both Senku and figures out he' the enemy leader, but still decides to kill him. If it wasn't clear how ruthless he was before, it is now.
Feb 27, 7:25 PM

Aug 2014
_Shash_ said:
It seems I was the only one who found this episode quite dang stretched out.

After the previous episode being completely a flashback episode, when this episode started with Xeno's flashback, my first reaction was "Ah cmon now! End this already".

I get it, you broke out of the petrification because you kept your brain active and there was Nitric Acid nearby.

I get it, you want to rule over the world with your science knowledge and preferred making weaponry over finding the science behind petrification.

You talked about all this stuff in the previous episode already. No need to explicitly show me all of it.

Once the flashback finally got over, we had to deal with Miss "capable woman"'s endless indecisiveness, endless stalling and endless mental rambling.

I get it, you don't want to witness people your age dying. Why not just refuse going on such a mission from the start?

She feels like Ginro(minus the perversion part). Bet they would be a good match.

Only after Xeno figured out the "Dr. Taiju" bluff did the episode get really interesting. Only sad part was, we were already past half the episode by then.

For real man, Luna is so damn annoying.. And we have to get a lot of her screentime in which she is just being a pain in the ass to watch.
Feb 27, 9:17 PM
Oct 2017
this arc blows. i gave it a chance but the writing and pacing just sucks ass. give me a science roadmap, i like when they make stuff and explain stuff. the previous villains weren't this bad at giving a reason why they're bad. xeno's logic to kill senku is dumb, his motives are dumb, stanley lights up 500 cigarettes everytime we cut to him and luna was the most useless unfunniest character, was boichi sick while writing this?

oh they shot senku but he couldn't make a bulletproof vest in time. well show's over, fuck me. this sniper thing could've been done in one episode, obviously they're not gonna kill any characters they plot armored everyone.

this part in Dr. Stone Science Future lacks that charm that Dr. Stone is known for. I should've just binged this.
Feb 27, 9:26 PM
Sep 2014
wow easily best episode of this season so far
Feb 27, 10:30 PM
May 2023
I enjoyed the episode but it felt a bit over the top. Guess we need that to keep the momentum going.
Feb 27, 10:36 PM
May 2019
It's cool to see how Senku is a great science user.
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