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May 12, 2008 4:28 PM

Apr 2008
"No matter where you go, everyone's connected."

The ending was really unexpected... was this really Lain in the club?

May 18, 2008 1:53 AM

Mar 2008
Saint_Yin said:
The ending was really unexpected... was this really Lain in the club?

A bit late, but yes. You'll probably learn more about Lain and her personality (...ies) later on if you haven't already.
Jun 8, 2009 9:26 AM

Jun 2009
Woha, liked this episode. The series is getting even better that I expected, let's see how it develops.
Aug 31, 2009 3:09 AM

Jan 2008
Can't wait to see this "wild Lain".

I also reckon there is more to her dad then it seems, his reaction to Lain's device was just a little bit weird.
Nov 20, 2009 8:55 AM

Aug 2009
Her dad must know more about psiche. Maybe he is one of it's creators. But this will be too expected.
Dec 1, 2009 10:47 PM

Apr 2009
wew,,I'm enjoying this so far..
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Mar 24, 2010 9:39 PM
Feb 2010
I'm loving Lain more and more with every episode!!! =D
Jul 25, 2010 1:16 PM

Feb 2009
The atmosphere of this anime is just incredible, Lain is awesome.

I think I'm starting to get the plot, but I'm sure it won't be something that will throw explanations at your face, you'll have to interpret it somehow by the end. I wanna know more about the wired.

It's just amazing how immersive this is, it really manages to pull you in.
Sep 20, 2010 4:27 PM
Aug 2010
i'm so confused!!
definately agree on looking forward to seeing wild lain though =D
Oct 11, 2010 9:13 PM

Oct 2008
Seems like the sister is the only normal one.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Apr 24, 2011 11:22 AM
Jan 2010
Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with her parents.
May 25, 2011 8:58 PM

May 2010
Her dad seems nice but has something to hide...
Her mom seems sort of distant...
Lain herself is pretty passive and quite frail...

And the sister just wants to know what the hell's going down.

This show's definitely a lesson in immersion. Gets in your mind... stays there. Must keep watching.

(Side note: Lain, her sister and Arisu + her friends have great hair)
Sep 24, 2011 10:56 AM

Dec 2010
So-o-o-o-o-o Lain is taking advantage of the "other Lain" people talk about - she can do some stuffs and if she acts cool no1 will recognize her as the little girl she actually is. The ending was... unexplainable to me, as the most things that occur in this anime :O I wonder about her father's secret doings(he's shady, you can't say the opposite) and where Lain's parrent were during the night :?
Oct 31, 2011 2:55 AM
Sep 2010
Don't know why, but this is starting to feel like The Matrix. Could just be me though.
Dec 2, 2011 11:26 PM
Jul 2018
Hahaha, the ending scared the hell out of me. I just wasn't expecting that at all. Uh, question. How could Lain be in the wired and be known to everybody already? Isn't most of it blocked by her navi? Doesn't she mainly just use it to check her mail? Am I missing something?

And I also don't understand why Cyberia just keeps on letting kids stroll on in whenever they please. It doesn't seem very all-ages to me. Place is nuts.
Jan 19, 2012 10:16 PM

Mar 2011
The ending came out of nowhere.
May 22, 2012 2:35 AM

Jan 2012
I want to see wild Lain lol. Well, this anime is really confusing, still not getting much of it.

Nov 11, 2012 1:45 PM

Jan 2012
We finally get to see what those red dots were in the car. Who the hell are those guys? My first thought was that they were zaku with the red eyes! lol As mentioned several times, I, too, am anxious to see this "wild" Lain that everyone keeps talking about. The obvious question is if whether or not they are the same person. I am thinking not, but we'll find out next episode it seems. Can't wait.
Dec 8, 2012 11:16 AM

May 2012
Dafuq this is so weird, could it be that lain has a second personality oO? Or something else o_O, this anime really keeps me filled with questions :D
Dec 17, 2012 6:15 AM
Jul 2012
What the hell is up with those shadows around her house, they look like blood in space. I'm sure now that she has another personality that her mum and dad know about, but hide it.
Feb 4, 2013 1:50 AM

Sep 2011
The stalkers outside her house are getting a bit out of hand. I'm really curious to find out what the fuck is going on! This anime is just so weird, yet so addicting to watch at the same time. xD

I have a slight idea of what I think is going on, but I'll just continue watching to find out. =p
Feb 12, 2013 12:53 AM

Jan 2013
The character interactions are so awkward.
The conversation Lain had with those kids in the club was probably the most interesting in the series so far.
Mar 3, 2013 4:30 PM

Aug 2012
This series is

Mar 10, 2013 6:50 PM

Sep 2012
Man, I'm so confused and excited! Loving this series!
Apr 14, 2013 1:34 PM

Jul 2011
Oh. Split personality?

But I like her "wild" personality. Her quietness kills me. >>
May 9, 2013 1:36 AM

Aug 2007
Hm, so it does seem she has some type of personality disorder.

Also, I'm surprised the death didn't scare anyone away from Cyberia, especially the kids. But they all seem tough as nails, letting little get to them, or are just not understanding the full gravity of the situation.

Jun 2, 2013 8:56 PM

Jan 2013
More questions arise every episode!

I'm curious to see what role Lain's dad and sister play; her dad definitely knows something.
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Jun 7, 2013 4:15 AM

Apr 2013
This kind of reminds me of Fight Club. And who the fuck where those stalkers?
Jun 26, 2013 10:38 AM

Feb 2013
So she really has a second personality.. I can't wait to see it.

Lain's stalkers are creepy as fuck.

"And if, there were so many people in the world, there had to be someone living an interesting life that wasn't ordinary. I was sure of it. Why wasn't that person me?"
- The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Part V
Jun 27, 2013 5:38 PM

Dec 2012
When that kid in the club said that people on the wired act differently than they do in real life, it reminded me a great deal as to how the internet in our world works. Many people have colors that they don't show in the real world but are quite vivid when they get on the internet (look no further than forums and discussion boards).

My guess is maybe Lain is starting to get confused between the wired and the real world and so her personalities are interchanging as a result.
Jun 28, 2013 7:44 AM

Mar 2013
What do those people want from Lain? o-o
Jun 30, 2013 3:42 PM

May 2011
A second Lain in the Wired, huh? I doubt that simply means how she acts when she "goes there" (still no idea how the Wired works). Maybe there really is a second Lain in the Wired, just like the "dead" girl from the beginning? There is definitely something wrong with Lain and her relation to the Wired. The way she said "A-ri-su" was really creepy as well. It was very reminiscent of the way she authorized herself with the Navi, maybe it has something to do with that... or I’m just getting completely mindfucked. D:

Those dudes with the lasers are seriously creepy. Well, so are her parents... heck, even Lain could be considered creepy. What’s with this anime, I love it.
Aug 10, 2013 3:18 PM

Jan 2012
Things are as interesting as ever, and i'm starting to feel abit nervous... What were those two guys doing at Lains house?
Either, something to do with the father, or Lains "other personality". I'm in favour of the later, as they kinda seem to be interested only in Lain, and seem to be monitoring her.
And that ending, WTF!?
Its either that Navi that might make people see a different 'Lain', or Lain really is something unexpected...
Sep 2, 2013 5:52 PM

Jan 2013
Finally we see have some more info. I don't understand everything obviously but want to write some things down. Lain finds this Wired as a place for information but also for extortion, secrets, deception, etc. Lain has an alter ego in the Wired that is opposite from her and others know about her. She also seems to be "high rank" in the Wired. Both of her parents have something odd with them. The mom doesn't like technology and also acts coldly toward Lain. Her dad acts suspicious when Lain shows him the Psyche. I thought that Lain's sister didn't like her from the last episode but we don't see any hostility right now. The men in the car are of course of interest.

I like that it's finally moving along. Also, check out those middle school thugs in the club haha
-Nothing can stay unchanged. Even so, can you still keep on loving this place?

-Be still my soul; when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Sep 18, 2013 9:27 AM

Jul 2012
i was just noticing that in some scenes the soundtrack sounds pretty much like those brainwave, idoser tracks, but if that's why it becomes addictive... that's fucked up
Sep 22, 2013 7:46 PM

Mar 2013
It's so interesting to see everyones predictions and thought processes after seeing the series a couple of times haha.
Oct 19, 2013 7:28 AM

Jun 2013
Best episode so far! :)
Oct 28, 2013 6:26 PM

Mar 2012
Wonder why her dad was acting suspicious.
Nov 2, 2013 6:33 AM

Feb 2011
cyberstalkers ._:

"Wonder why her dad was acting suspicious."
yup, his reaction when lain showed him the chip wasn't very normal, usually someone whould be even a bit curious, expecially someone working with computers like lain's dad

"What do those people want from Lain? o-o"
it should have something to do with what wired lain have done or is doing

"What the hell is up with those shadows around her house, they look like blood in space."
maybe lain has still some fear of the dark

Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★"
Dec 4, 2013 7:11 PM
Nov 2013
Episode left me with more questions than answers, but i enjoyed it.

I'm wondering if lain has multiple personalities...
Dec 4, 2013 9:07 PM

Apr 2012
This episode starts where the last one ends, she's in the police station after the events with the crazy guy shooting himself.

When she gets home the house is empty, lain goes to sleep and in the morning her mother is back and acting indifferent to Lain. Later on on this episode we see Lain asking her dad about the psyche chip she got from her locker in school, the dad act really strange and deny knowing something about it. We also see her sister (Mika) freaking out about the 2 guys (Karl and Lin Sui-Xi) outside her house and also finding strange how Lain is acting at the end of the chapter. Her sister is the only one acting normal in the house, lain's parents are probably getting controlled or something.

Also this episode we see how someone is trying to communicate with lain from the wire for some reason, someone is trying to tell her that she's not alone (This voice will be relevant in future episodes).

Nothing much this episode, but there is something we should not ignore. In the middle of the episode they show us some conversations happening in the wired, they are 2 of them really relevant to the series.

The first one

You heard about that kid pulling a stupid stunt on Accela, right?
Looks like the black market supplier is freaking out.
You can't find it anywhere now.
Rumor has it that the Psyche chip is mass-produced in factories in Taiwan.
Rumor also says that it was designed by a group called the Knights.
But I'm not sure if these "Knights" even exist.
In the Wired, there are a lot of urban legends like that.

The second one

Dying feels so good!
I feel accelerated...
What the...? There's someone in my room!
It's a little person like a kid in a red and green striped shirt!
I can't move in my bed! It's standing by my door, watching me!
Help me!
Dec 31, 2013 12:34 AM
May 2013
Lain's father needs some acting lessons .
Jan 30, 2014 5:22 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Interesting. I'm getting the feeling Lain has either a split personality or her real world/Wired personas are very different.

Love the atmosphere.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jun 17, 2014 5:35 PM

Jun 2014
wth. creepy dude "hiding" behind a pole, now he's in a black car with a partner with weird headgear. Who are these people, the Illuminati or something?
Jun 17, 2014 7:16 PM
Jul 2018
I now ship LainXArisu.

All joking (?) aside...

m-i-c-h-a-e-l said:
wth. creepy dude "hiding" behind a pole, now he's in a black car with a partner with weird headgear. Who are these people, the Illuminati or something?

LOL Seriously... So freaking creepy.

And I am quite intrigued by the ending.

While I don't really know what's going on, I'm strangely enjoying this anime.
Jul 3, 2014 11:16 AM

Jan 2014
Split personality?
Aug 18, 2014 5:02 PM

Dec 2012
Can't wait to see this "wild Lain".

I also reckon there is more to her dad than it seems, his reaction to Lain's device was just a little bit weird.
RothSep 11, 2014 12:47 PM
Sep 19, 2014 4:15 PM

Apr 2014
Eh, I'm not "big" on questions and confusion as everyone is acting.
I'll just keep watching as it has got me curious, like any anime with cliffhangers.
Jan 5, 2015 3:58 AM

Oct 2013
shes changing> ?
but was she different from the start
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Jan 24, 2015 12:39 PM

Aug 2014
Good episode. It cleared up a few misconceptions for me.
- I now think that instead of the things in the shadows being blood, they are probably representative of the wired world because they look similar to the wired world that we've seen so far.
- I think its confirmed that Lain can travel through the wired and see into peoples emails, tv's, and navis. One reason of this is because in the opening we see her looking at people through their technological devices. Another reason is because it showed her entering to the navi and hearing people's private conversations.
- I now know the the school girl with the long hair isn't Lain's sister as I previously thought.
-I'm starting to think that in the cyberia bar, or maybe anywhere, people can come alive as a different person through the wired. That could be what Lain does at night on her navi. Maybe she forgets what she does as that other person and only knows what is going on when she is that other person. That's why she was confused when the kids were talking about her "wild side".
- Those people outside her house are probably FBI people who are looking into Lain to figure out whether she's a threat or not. I find it kind of funny how she just runs in that silly manner every time she sees one of those guys.
- On a side note, that "present day... present time!" voice reminds me of Hichigo every time its played. It sounds just like his voice.
- Also, I'm liking the opening. The ending is kind of good too.
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