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Zaregoto Series
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Aug 29, 2017 7:37 AM

May 2015
the new ep is out
Aug 29, 2017 9:35 AM

Apr 2014
The fight scene was brillant. Of course the viewer has more infomation than the main character so its obvious who was in the dark.

Anyways if you thought this was intense wait till next episode.
Aug 31, 2017 11:17 PM

Oct 2012
Kinda suspected it was her, though how she does it I have no clue.

Pretty cool fight scene.

Can't wait to see the concluding episode next month!
「友達なんていない。人はすぐに裏切るし、学校っていうのは誰かを標的にしないとやってられない馬鹿共の集 まり。ままごとみたいな役決めて、仲のいいふりして都合が悪くなったら知らんぷり。そんな奴らと仲良くした いとか全然思わない。」
Sep 2, 2017 11:11 PM
Community Admin
sunny moment

May 2010
Thread cleaned.

Do not ask for links or where to watch the episode. Also do not give links. Anything that doesn't discuss the episode is off-topic.
Sep 7, 2017 1:09 AM

Jul 2012
It was quite some time since previous episode. Pretty interesting outcome, but can't say that i was that thrilled while watching, i think i expected something different. New OP was nice.
Waiting to close out this series and hope to see Aikawa-san =/
Sep 7, 2017 10:12 AM

Mar 2015
the identity of the killer is revealed(?). the closed room mystery solved. art felt simple in the fight scene yet looked pretty cool.

i wonder what Tomo's real condition is to make her almost die just from climbing the stairs. it also shows the strong bond between both Tomo and I for her to risk her own life just to save him
i noticed there's a lot of emphasis on the words kubikiri and zaregoto this episode.
next episode is the final one. wonder how it'll play out. i hope they adapt other novels too. this series is pretty interesting
Sep 7, 2017 11:17 AM

Jan 2015
damn, really don't enjoy this adaptation at all. Between the over the top visuals and set pieces and the voice acting, just couldn't enjoy it like I did with the novel.

Hopefully the scenes I've been waiting for next week don't disappoint me but I got no hope as of right now.
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime?
Sep 7, 2017 11:40 AM

May 2013
wondering why the assistant artist guy working together with scientist woman.
the fighting scene is out of blue and feel doesn't really necessery for mystery genre to me.
Sep 7, 2017 12:12 PM

Jan 2014
I knew that green-haired dude was suspicious when he picked up the phone when that episode aired. Also, he wasn't with the painter girl at the time, which was suspicious in itself because he was always with her before that. I'm terrible at names btw lol..

Anyway, I didn't expect Akane to be the killer, though. Not gonna lie, I actually liked her at the start and sided with her rather than painter girl whenever they argued. Now I kind of feel bad for painter girl. Looking back on it, painter girl had this superior attitude that I didn't like about her, and they probably did this on purpose so you wouldn't suspect Akane to be psychotic as she displayed a more mature nature (IIRC).

The only problem I have with this whole case is that she was able to jump that ridiculously high even with a step? Kind of seems impossible.
ZelevSep 7, 2017 12:16 PM

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Sep 7, 2017 1:44 PM
Mar 2016
Oh shit it was Akane all along, her death fooled us even me, and now she reveled herself, so what now????????
Sep 7, 2017 3:35 PM

Mar 2014
Whoahoho said:
Oh shit it was Akane all along, her death fooled us even me, and now she reveled herself, so what now????????

She's gonna kill them all!! Not before giving us a LOONG monologue on her actions, thought process etc That woman is a pyscho killer!
"You can't spell slaughter without laughter".
Sep 7, 2017 3:58 PM

Apr 2014
Zelev said:

The only problem I have with this whole case is that she was able to jump that ridiculously high even with a step? Kind of seems impossible.
but reading minds wasnt?
Sep 7, 2017 4:24 PM

Jan 2014
moodie said:
Zelev said:

The only problem I have with this whole case is that she was able to jump that ridiculously high even with a step? Kind of seems impossible.
but reading minds wasnt?

I was under the impression she wasn't a literal psychic. She's just good at reading body language and making assumptions. If she could actually read minds, then she knew who the killer was? Tbh, I don't really remember if she mentioned that she knew the answer to the case but just refused to say it? It's been a while.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Sep 7, 2017 4:42 PM

Feb 2015
Zelev said:
The only problem I have with this whole case is that she was able to jump that ridiculously high even with a step? Kind of seems impossible.

I just kind of assumed that the height we see is an exaggeration based on how Ii-chan sees the window and in reality it isn't that high (but still high enough to justify them declaring it a locked room). It was also mentioned that Akane did karate in the past and she seemed pretty athletic during the fight scene, so being able to jump high doesn't seem like that much of a stretch imo.
KilimansharoSep 7, 2017 4:51 PM
Sep 7, 2017 4:43 PM
Jul 2018
Zelev said:
moodie said:
but reading minds wasnt?

I was under the impression she wasn't a literal psychic. She's just good at reading body language and making assumptions. If she could actually read minds, then she knew who the killer was? Tbh, I don't really remember if she mentioned that she knew the answer to the case but just refused to say it? It's been a while.

Regarding the window.

removed-userSep 7, 2017 5:20 PM
Sep 7, 2017 5:44 PM
Sep 2016
I don't know, I feel really disappointed after watching this episode.
Sep 7, 2017 6:21 PM

Jan 2014
guilty68 said:
Zelev said:

I was under the impression she wasn't a literal psychic. She's just good at reading body language and making assumptions. If she could actually read minds, then she knew who the killer was? Tbh, I don't really remember if she mentioned that she knew the answer to the case but just refused to say it? It's been a while.

Regarding the window.

Oh, that explains a lot. Thank you :)

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Sep 7, 2017 11:56 PM

Jan 2015
But what about Aikawa Jun?
Sep 8, 2017 1:18 AM

Jan 2016
Get ready for one last mind numbing plot twist. This was what really got me interested in the novel knowing it is very unique compared to others
Sep 8, 2017 5:45 PM

Apr 2014
I just want to put this out there but you guys do realize its called Nonsense series. Please understand how nonsensically things are supposed to be. Nisio is deliberately creating scenarios for the very reason of being nonsense.
Sep 8, 2017 9:21 PM
Jan 2013
Hopefully Kubishime gets adapted, and well, so that anime-only viewers can simultaneously adore and be disgusted by Ii-chan as much as novel readers do rather than have to wonder why everyone shits on him so much.
Sep 8, 2017 9:59 PM

Aug 2016
Decent episode. Didn't find the fight scene to be that good(even though it's not really a fight scene). Explanations were good. More Ilia shots is always good. I'm expecting the last ep to handle the last few twists well.

"... Because when you live in this world of my closed eyes...
... Being alone is very lonely..."

Sep 9, 2017 2:04 PM

Dec 2013
This was... Strange. The first part was bad, Shaft wasn't really able to replicate that scene with Yayoi well, mostly because beginning an episode with that isn't a good move too.
(And they really like to make Kunagisa jump for some motive when one of the most hated things by her is to do physical movements.)

The fight was okay, nothing special, I thought that they would make it last longer than it did in the novel, but was about the same length, thank god. And here we got to another problem of Zaregoto in anime form: You can't see Ii's entire narration, so when you get to this part where he admits that he loves Kunagisa, I don't think that people would see HOW surprising this was.

HOWEVER, ths second part was incredible good (except the add of unnecessary chains to Shinra, he wasn't locked in the novel, he was just sitting like everyone, but then again Shaft just can't accept that Zaregoto crazyness is not in the form of over the top images, but oh well) with Ii's narration and the explanations, except that AGAIN Shaftiness attacks and can make some people confused at how Akane was able to jump that high when the distance between the ground and window wasn't THAT high in the novel.

The opening was good, but it would made more sense to put cobalt world to play since the lyrics would have matched with Ii's and Kunagisa relationship, but this is just nitpick. Ah, the OST was good too.

Overall I can just see this adaption as the prime example of "A good adaptation isn't something that just puts images with the text being voiced". Shaft really missed the entire Zaregoto atmosphere, and their unique style actually got in the way of this, at least for me. They should take some notes from the Ningen Series manga if they want to continue with this.


And now we wait to see Aikawa-san, but I don't have high hopes anymore. Sadly. :/
Sep 9, 2017 7:50 PM

Aug 2016
Ryouri said:

You can't see Ii's entire narration, so when you get to this part where he admits that he loves Kunagisa, I don't think that people would see HOW surprising this was.

This. I forgot to mention this too in my earlier post. How it went in the novel was great because of Ii's extensive narration leading up to his pleading. This part was paced poorly.

"... Because when you live in this world of my closed eyes...
... Being alone is very lonely..."

Sep 15, 2017 9:18 AM

Sep 2015
These are starting to be not worth the wait. If I hadn't read the book already. I'd be so frustrated having to re watch every few months to figure out what the hell is going on. I know Shaft's been doing a lot recently though. And this was a pretty solid episode, with cooler animation than the previous. Akane's fight scene was the big set piece of the episode. While brief in the novel it's kind of the big action set piece of the whole story. And they brought it to exciting life. As exciting as you could make it in a visual medium. When you must tip your hand as soon as the attacker shows up on screen. Where the novel could keep it ambiguous who the attacker's identity is for as long as it pleases.

Most of this episode. As Ilia meta jokes is Ii-chan dragging out an explanation of how the murder occurred. And they do as good a job as you can. With a LONG ending that dry. They made the parlor scene far more dramatic by having Shinya chained to a chair. And Ii-chan waltz around with his champagne looking as much like a mystery novel detective as he can. Ilia's constant questions and interjections served to keep the pace and energy of the scene up. And as always Shaft is able to turn a wordy, dialogue heavy Nisio passage into something fun to watch and exciting.

My one concern is how are they going to fill that final episode. Other
SubscriberSunSep 28, 2017 9:35 PM
Sep 16, 2017 9:08 AM

Oct 2012
Not bad but the style in the first half of the episode felt quite a bit different from what we've seen so far and the plot twists were a bit groan-producing.
Sep 19, 2017 2:19 PM

Apr 2014
modboy said:
Not bad but the style in the first half of the episode felt quite a bit different from what we've seen so far and the plot twists were a bit groan-producing.
what do u mean the first half was different from what weve seen?
Sep 22, 2017 9:35 PM
Jul 2015
i expect nothing from Nisio Isin and Shaft as a person who read the light novel this is well adapted. can wait for the next episode
Sep 24, 2017 4:49 PM

Jul 2013
Gotta admit they tricked me, when it became clear that the culprit couldn't have been any of them I thought it would turn out to be Aikawa who would be revealed to have been on the island the whole time and in cahoots with Illia and Rei, I thought it would somehow tie into Illia's past but that ended up not mattering.
Sep 24, 2017 7:20 PM

Jan 2016
That fight scene was fantastically animated, choreographed, and colored. The episodes have consistently looked better with each installment, despite the ugly CG. I still can't help but feel the entire production is lacking, though, and I've never even read the books. It's sad, this show had potential. It has glimpses of greatness, yet I can't see myself giving it more than a 6, barring a mind shattering conclusion.
Oct 1, 2017 8:02 AM

May 2010
guilty68 said:
Zelev said:

I was under the impression she wasn't a literal psychic. She's just good at reading body language and making assumptions. If she could actually read minds, then she knew who the killer was? Tbh, I don't really remember if she mentioned that she knew the answer to the case but just refused to say it? It's been a while.

Regarding the window.

Okay this makes me want to
Oct 5, 2017 5:10 PM

Feb 2015
HOLY SHIT. I love this anime
Oct 21, 2017 9:49 AM

Apr 2014
Well shit, who would have thought..
Ehh, I was thinking about detective(?) Aikawa as a potential murderer after the smashed computer incident, because no one could have done it, sadly I was wrong. :-/

Oct 31, 2017 2:48 PM

Oct 2012
That fighting animation... well, sorry Shaft but you overdid that, why to even bother with something 'artistic' as that when you have the rest of the episode mostly still shots? Not to mention changing art style so far into the series was really bad decision...
No, it wasn't artistic, it was poorly executed and intentionally incomprehensible.. that scene didn't fit in at all.

As for the explanation, it was okay even though the first murder still had many inconsistences (uncrossable colors on the ground for example). Body switch was kinda obvious and one could tell beforehand who did it but I'm okay with it. BUT, to use body as stepping stone and to jump several meters up??! Are you fuckin' kidding me? What horrible asspull was that? How can you counter impossible with impossible?? They just undermined their own story with that.

Didn't really like this episode much. And if there is no big twist that makes me reconsider in the next episode, it would propably fall into see-n-forget titles.
Nov 11, 2017 1:53 PM

Apr 2016
nice and macabre resolution to this kills, well one kill in truth!!!! kekeke
Dec 31, 2017 4:43 AM

Dec 2010
Whoah, this turned out pretty convoluted. I was half-right, but also the only one to blame that I didn't bother checking if Ibuki Kanami's head was missing or not.
Jan 11, 2018 12:23 PM

Jan 2013
Can anyone explain to me what the protagonists plan actually was? Ok, so they captured Shinya downstairs and lured Akane into the room to kill that other girl.
So he goes up there, gets KILLED and now Akane would just waltz out and keep hiding or something. Probably keep killing.
How is that any better than just exposing the whole case downstairs and either going up in numbers to try and trap her or if she sees through it and gets away, they are in the exact same position except now the protagonist isn't dead.

Sure it ended up working out due to some massive plot convenience and Akane just deciding not to kill him or Tomo at the end for. . .reasons I guess. Maybe she didn't want to kill any more people but he had no way of knowing that at the time.
Just what was his thought process here? Did he think he could capture her on his own or something? How is getting himself killed for literally nothing meant to protect Tomo in any way? Unless he's an omniscient wizard who predicted everything that would happen, I just don't what his goal was.
Jan 31, 2018 3:40 AM

Dec 2012
Kibou. Zetsubou.
Dat Rei smile.
Yayoi freaking out.
But this is a mystery novel. lol
LMAO at Tomo running on the table then jumping on Shinya.
Yayoi was acting.
Who swung that sword?
Hold up! Akane?
Why is Tomo naked?
Ii was saved by...Teruko?
Awesome fight scene.
Dat gun shot. Teruko got hit.
Tomo appears.
He appears.
Ii loves her. Of course he does. Not surprised.
Teruko was acting. lol
Shinya is chained up?
It was Kanami's body?
You didn't need the images to notice that the body was the same. Kanami has the biggest oppai on the island along with Rei. Also, she's thicc. How do you not notice that?
Akane was going to kill everyone?
Akane used Kanami's body as a chair?
OMG at how Akane got to the window. She is fucking amazing! I got a boner from that scene.
Akane appears in front of everyone. So fine. So perfect.
You can eat my brain any day.

Amazing episode. I'm so happy Akane is alive. Thank you Kami! I was sad when I thought she died. I knew I fell for Akane at first sight and made her waifu (aside from looking so fine) for a reason. Unfortunate that she's the killer since Kanami was a waifu candidate. A harem that divides itself cannot stand (No pun intended). But I'm okay with that. Akane is perfection. Also, I knew Shinya was involved with Kanami's death. That was obvious. lol
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Feb 6, 2018 7:37 PM

Dec 2016
God Dammit! I knew it was gonna be some " the dead person is the killer" bullshit. Ugh. I still am enjoying this series but this now way too overly used thing definitely put a dent into my enjoyment of the show
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Feb 24, 2018 4:13 AM

Sep 2013
moodie said:
I just want to put this out there but you guys do realize its called Nonsense series. Please understand how nonsensically things are supposed to be. Nisio is deliberately creating scenarios for the very reason of being nonsense.

Was gonna ramble about some things but your words took out my steam.....

There are some things that duely dissappoint me to no ends like how they make some 'condition' as undeniable universal law and then gasp as wonder how did she overcome it? Sonna bakana....

Not gonna lie the reveal was nice but the no-name MC lording over geniuses and preching them was LOL.
Apr 23, 2018 4:10 AM

Mar 2015
Maybe she is, in fact, a genius murderer?
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Aug 12, 2019 12:44 AM

Oct 2012
Shinya's part is obvious because he's the only one can lie about the phone "evidence"

I'm really expecting they reuse the body because no one checked it whether it's Akane's body or not
That's the only thing would make sense for destroyed computers

How'll they catch Akane from come & go as she pleased though :P
Also there's still the unexplained part where Iria lied about her and her head maid's alibi
"Signature removed"
Sep 2, 2019 5:04 AM

May 2018
Nice fight at Yayoi's room, I don't know what to say about Teruko, she can be bad or a good person. The explanation about the murder is well explained, but I do remember seeing the head of the corpse having the same look, but I don't pay attention about it. I don't know but they just let the killer wanded around the area, I mean she is the killer, that's Akane the genius for you.
Jan 15, 2020 2:45 AM

Apr 2018
Ugh so it was Akane... great explanations...
Jun 25, 2020 3:46 PM

Sep 2014
I certainly wasnt expecting such a good hand to hand fight scene. But even less was I expecting Akane to turn into Hannibal Lecter.

Not that the mystery is over I wonder what they have planned for the next episode.

Also I have to be honest, I cant be bothered to try to figure out detective stuff like this in anime. Its just way to artsy for it. They withhold basic information or set up some abitrary rules as they go, such as a rope making a mark on the stone.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jul 24, 2020 10:07 AM

Jun 2013
vegeta8639 said:
Can anyone explain to me what the protagonists plan actually was? Ok, so they captured Shinya downstairs and lured Akane into the room to kill that other girl.
So he goes up there, gets KILLED and now Akane would just waltz out and keep hiding or something. Probably keep killing.
How is that any better than just exposing the whole case downstairs and either going up in numbers to try and trap her or if she sees through it and gets away, they are in the exact same position except now the protagonist isn't dead.

Sure it ended up working out due to some massive plot convenience and Akane just deciding not to kill him or Tomo at the end for. . .reasons I guess. Maybe she didn't want to kill any more people but he had no way of knowing that at the time.
Just what was his thought process here? Did he think he could capture her on his own or something? How is getting himself killed for literally nothing meant to protect Tomo in any way? Unless he's an omniscient wizard who predicted everything that would happen, I just don't what his goal was.

at the end of the previous episode he said all he needed now was proof for his theory

so i think his plan was to die and therefore prove that akane was the killer. the proof would have been that everybody else was in the dining room when his own murder would have happened

that would also explain the beggining of the episode being about apathy; he didnt care about his life🥺

akane fell for it because she thought she would be killing yayoi and that no one would be sure when it happened exactly
Nov 11, 2020 12:00 PM

Jul 2011
So the body was really reused.
I was thinking about it, but I didn't notice it had been put in a sleeping bag, which made the retrieval a lot easier.
But I didn't think about an accomplice.
Dec 9, 2020 10:05 AM

Jul 2017
That episode felt disappointing to me, just like most of the adaptation.
Feb 11, 2021 2:32 PM

Jan 2021
So after reading the comments here I decided to rewatch the 7th episode and it immediately hit me:
At the beginning, since Ii left the dinner he's been walking with one eye shut. He prepared his eye to be able to see in the dark. For the same reason pirates used to wear a patch over one of their eyes: to be able to see when they enter dark compartments.

The way how this works:
When a photon hits our retina, it causes the decomposition of the rhodopsin molecule and the activation of the visual receptor. Synthesis of new retinal takes some time, so it takes us a few minutes to adapt as we transition from bright light to dark.

edit: I wonder why nobody has mentioned this already? Is this obvious enough during the first pass?
SisyphusGlobalFeb 11, 2021 2:51 PM
Apr 18, 2021 10:46 AM

Oct 2019
that fight scene is hands down the best I’ve seen recently
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