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Aug 30, 2010
I personally had played tennis before, and I can notice throughout both the manga and anime that each aspect had something to do with the real life tennis, with a pint of exaggeration. As we recognize, Prince of Tennis is about a first year student in a tennis club, who was the son of a famous player. Now inside the tennis club were multiple players, each having certain moves while playing against each other during tennis. In matter of fact, each special move that they make rely to real moves that are done during the real life tennis, but with just a lot more exaggeration
in it. For example (spoiler) a player in the team had a very fictional and impossible move called "snake", curving so awkwardly it will always hit the side of the corner on court. Yes, this was actually a real move developed before by some player I don't remember right now. The snake ball's starting action, if you have not realized was very similar to that famous tennis player, resulting into a new exaggerated move to exist in the anime. Most amazing is the author was able to make a ton of moves, and I believe many otakus may have decided to play tennis after watching this :D
Art and Sound don't really have any major flaws in my opinion, at least I don't think so :O
Character development was actually a flaw in the series, considering the fact there were quite a lot of main characters, and each of them need to resemble different characteristics. Unfortunately, the author emphasized the characteristics on only a couple of the main characters, not all of them. I am curious to see what other character traits the other players on the team have, because all we saw were their physical traits and tennis skills :D
I definitely enjoyed this anime quite alot, and I figured Inazuma Eleven probably imitated the Prince of Tennis series, other than that the moves resembling Inazuma have nothing to do with the real life moves we do everyday.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 9, 2010
Sometimes you have to ask yourself two big questions-
"Why do I watch anime?" "What is the point of watching?"
Other than those good marketing present anime titles we are interested to recently, there is still some hope for the people who have started anime a little late..
Great Teacher Onizuka, is one of the few novels out there that can mentally change the heart, the thinking of ones human being (thus, both regular people and otakus). Even a greater impact toward Japanese people, for those who have went through the same things, faced the same things, did the same things that had happened in this unique storyline.
You will happen to know how big the impact is; those memories of the things you have done before.
This is life, and there is nothing to be afraid of.
This is life, and we will face many hardships everyday
Life is a struggle. Both mentally and physically.
By all means, GTO had brought some real life points into the eyes of the otakus that are fantasied with ecchi and hentai.
-There is shit happening in the real life world, involving the bullying, the hacking and the suicide between men.
-There is endless "shit" that will happen throughout the lives of men.
-There is Onizuka. You are the one who will become the next Onizuka, the one man that is not afraid of all sorts of "shit" that happens in reality
-There is the otakus, who happen to watch all those ecchi and hentai everyday. There is the otakus, who happen to watch popular titles like Naruto, One Piece and Bleach. Now there is one thing you will notice after watching GTO.
"All that 'shit' I watched before.. " This will rephrase the first two lines from the beginning-
"Why do I watch anime?" "What is the point of watching?"
I can confidently explain to you how GTO can become quite the psychological anime-
-In every single episode of the series, there is always one thing you will learn. The hardships of life. The endless chaos happening today. How will you manage such a responsibility?
The ideas you receive inside the hidden moral of the story may be hard to discover, but eventually you will notice after you have watched this amazing title.
-Decisions and Choices is an important message this anime is sending to you as well. If you make a mistake, can you overcome it? Do you need your own Great Teacher Onizuka? There are many questions you will ask yourself-
("Onizuka is an anime character, not in real life. If only he was...")
("Shall I become the next Onizuka?")
You are the Meister of your own life. Will you want to end up like all those otakus? Or will you decide to become Onizuka?
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 24, 2010
School Days. The most twisted anime ever existed, the most epic ending in all anime history, and one of the few with the "OMGWTF" moments. Like, the most psychological anime with the most unexpected ending out of all the anime ever existed? Hell yeah. Even more twisted than those O Henry novels you read these days.
This was also one reason why I did not watch anymore game-based anime anymore? Always waiting there for the most creepy part to happen?
Story: Sex here sex there. After all, this story is just excellent from the start to the end. haha. First look at the protagonist,
you have that normal personality of all male protagonists in anime these days. Not that this is a negative response, but the enjoyment comes when we watch this dude encounter his life of unrelationshable sex. Everything starts off very well, hooking me into watching a heck lot of episodes, which is a great plus. What do I mean by that? With the peaceful storyline in the start, we can imagine ourselves inside the atmosphere of a love triangle, something that happens today in daily basis. While we watch this triangle untangle, and actually adding more angles to the triangle, we can all enjoy this anime without hesitation. Very good thing about this storyline is that we always want to know what will happen next, meaning that if you watched this anime after it is fully released, you may imagine yourselves a bigger impact, since if I watched these episodes once every week, eventually I will know what happen.
Art: The greatest plus to this anime is the storyline and the epic ending, so the art isn't bothered too much. Of course the art is nice, but nothing too great. Other than that realistic "SPOILER ALERT" gory in the end... definitely the greatest art scene throughout the anime.
Sound: I kinda liked the sound, some so-so background music that fits the atmosphere, and of course the peaceful ending track. Feels bad when you just finished that twisted moment, almost receiving that heart attack, and finally listening to this pacifying ending song? Just feels heck creepy doesn't it?
Character: Character is described very simple, nothing too great I don't think, other than that more characters should show their character. Some characters have shown all the traits. Except for the protagonist. He is just some sex addict that looks very normal from the appearance. Good thing the other main characters have more personality traits shown, but the whole thing was pretty dull from start to end. Epic Storyline ftw.
Enjoyment: Heck. How the hell will we be enjoyed from that kind of ending? Well, thats what you think. But if you think again, this kind of shit happens in the present, something we can relate easily to. Just look at your local newspaper (unless your a hikkimori)
-Murder, etc. (hell I only can name 2 for now)
After all, the ending was quite obvious, since we all know that no matter how good the author is, he cannot fit a resolution right in the last episode...so we all knew that the OMGWTF moment will happen. The enjoyment from being hooked back at episode 1 is amazing, how I just kept looking through the episodes straight till the last one.
Damn. Definitely watch this anime, but you might suffer after reading my review since you might feel a little restrained while watching it. >.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 23, 2010
Welcome to the NHK is one of the few anime that I watched that I found very realistic, something that can rely to the real world.. which is very different then the other popular animes these days. If you have not noticed, novelist Tatsuhiko Takimoto in my opinion, is very talented when writing his story about "conspiracy" and "hikikomori" which I believed had changed many hearts of these hikikomoris in the real life world today. This anime had shown all of us the spirit of protagonist Sato while facing his different difficulties in life. A great thing about this anime is that the novelist had
put a pint of drama and romance, which is a big plus to hook us into watching this. But the greatest advantage, was the use of japanese subcultures in all of the episodes. I myself live in Taiwan, which currently has increased more hikkomoris during present day. These subcultures and elements the novelist have used to enhance his story includes the use of "neet", the few episodes with (spoiler alert!!) "virtual gaming" "otaku/lolicons" and my personal favorite, the "internet suicide".
All these activities have been quite famous today, and are quite interesting elements that this novelist have put to this psychological anime. This brings me to my next point, about the current psychological animes you find in your favorite tv shows. In my point of view, psychological based anime/manga you find today always fit together with one of the genres that I fear the most.. HORROR. But personally, I believe that psychological animes do fit quite well with horror, but it always makes the audience warned and prepared for the shocking part. On the other hand, Welcome to the NHK is different than all those psychological animes you find today, by adding the element of comedy into the real life world. There are many people in risk today just like Sato san, who always hoped there was that one girl who would pop out of nowhere to save your life.
Another great plus to this anime is the music of course ^ ^
Puzzle, the opening music and animation is just amazing, and fit quite well with the atmosphere of the original anime. In my view of this song, Sato is uncovering the secrets of the N.H.K aka (refrigerator with a face talking to you at nightime) just like you do on a puzzle. Another meaning may be that Sato is mentally-wise puzzled with his life, like he cannot fit the final piece of puzzle into that blank spot of his human being. Another great music from the anime is the Puru Puru Pururin, which basically let us know what these hikkomoris listen to these days. ^^
Great thing about NHK is the character personalities that were shown so specifically. In my point of view, Sato-san's personality was quite dull until he had met Yamazaki-san, who I think had the most personality throughout the anime. From his real life experiences, you can clearly feel what kind of person he is, and how much he intended on his (spoiler) to success. On the other hand, Sato-san also had a perfect-pitched personality, good enough for all of us to know what kind of person he is. In my point of view, all the main characters in the anime had their personalities shown very well.
I really enjoyed watching this anime, one of my favorites that I had watched throughout a long time, and I hope this novelist will release another novel for us to enjoy. (It is quite a shame because he only had Welcome to the NHK as one of his popular works) Overall, I really recommend this anime to all you "hikkomoris" out there, and (if you really are) you may gain yourself a different feeling towards your future.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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