Dec 13, 2009
After Watching the 11 first episodes.
In short, this series is basicly BUILT on service. In each episode it´s owerflowing. Wich in this case actualy is a good thing. Believe it or not.
Senou Natsuru is a normal boy, he goes to school, has friends (kinda). And has a fairly normal life. Untill the fated day. The day he becomes a Kämpfer, his life is turned as upside down as it´s possible to get it. As Kämpfer, his appearance is changed a lot, he´s completely turned into a female beuty and is forced to fight against other Kämpfers, but for what reason is he fighting?
The story in
the series is almost non-existent. As this series focus greatly on fanservice. The whole plot of the "Kämpfers" seems as it is created only to have a reason to turn Natsuru into a hot gal. And with twelve episodes, the story doesn´t get much time to expand. Wich is sad, because it realy had potential. But to put that thing aside, the story isn´t realy THAT important in this series. Kämpfer is mainly about enjoyment.
Story: 6/10
The art in the series is verry stylish. Iv´e kinda seen it before, but i like it. The girls are cute, basicly because it´s almost just girls in the entire series, and it is therefore a huge lack of boys. Natsuru and his friend, and some random guys is about the only males in the series. And i feel that Natsuru is the only boy that the character designers put their hearth and soul into creating.
Art: 8/10
The sound is of a pretty good quality. Basicly it´s mostly moaning that is the sound you´ll hear the most, but aside from that, the sound is pretty good. The soundtrack also got to me, and i liked some of the songs wery good. The OP and ED is pretty standard, it´s catchy but it´s not the types of songs that´ll stick to your brains for pretty long.
Sound: 8/10
The characters in Kämpfer is in short terms verry variated. Some of them you like the moment you see them, and the others you´ll detest as soon as you see them. The main characters is well done, but as we don´t get to know them that well during the eleven episodes it gets pretty frustrating at the end when you realice that, that´s it. The main protoganist of the series, Senou Natsuru is probably the one character that you´ll like the most, as he is damn hot in his girl form, and classicly clumsy in he´s a boy.
Characters: 8/10
I realy enjoyed watching this series, with good animations, catchy soundtrack and hot girls, what is there not to like? Well there is something, but it´s realy just small stuff. Overall this series is absolute worth watching, if you like fanservice that is. And if you watch it, you´ll probably watch it one or more times just to see the funny scenes one more time. Because the scenes that are funny, realy are hillarious.
Overall: 8/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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