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emperortopaz's Blog

March 27th, 2025
This is the eight-hundred-fifty-third week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.

*We return to the mansion where Topaz and the girls are staying. However, by some unfortunate fate they have unsealed an absolutely terrible character.*

: I don't see anyone terrible you've unsealed~ But I thank you for freeing me!

That only means that the narrator means you!

: Nonsense as I'm everyone's childhood friend~

*The awful trap dances around while everyone is glaring and scowling at him.*

: To think that this is what I was brought here for. I feel terrible just being in the same room as him!

: Doesn't that mean that he must be the cursed presence you felt?

: That is very likely, but not even I can de-curse that much corruption and awfulness!

: That means that it is up to Topaz to deal with this awful trap!

: There's no way he would do anything like that~ After all, he's my childhood friend!

*The trap tries to put his arm around Topaz, only to be pushed away.*

Nonsense! My childhood had no awful characters like you! Besides, I lived in America, and age-wise it wouldn't even fit!

: Just because my parents moved around a lot when I was younger doesn't mean you can shout at me like that... Sniffle sniffle.

*He tears up, though in reality a bottle of “fake tears” is seen in his jacket packet.*

: You shouldn't pick on him like that, Topaz! If that is even a guy!

: That is a good point as it isn't April yet. To think that they would invade March as well!

Don't worry as I'll still only do one and this... THING certainly counts. And don't think that we'll be falling for this act either!

: W-wait, this is just an act!

: We were going to give money to him!

*The trap was holding a big glass jar with 'Tips' on the front. He was “crying” but had a devious smile on his face.*

: Eh heh heh~ I will surely get sympathy money from these stooges.

: You know we can hear you gloating like that, right?

: N-no you can't! Darn it, I said the quiet part out loud, and that was supposed to be a thought bubble!

*He grips his hand, having a strained ugly face as he did so. However, Topaz grabs the jar out of his hands, causing a “cutesy” look with his tongue out and winking.*

: H-hey, you can forgive me for getting a little cash out of this. Everyone is my childhood friend after all.

Enough of that! It may be the case with your series, but repeating it when it's not true is only annoying! Not only that, but you are mocking ACTUAL childhood friends so take THIS!

*Topaz smashes the jar against his face. “Fortunately” it was more comedic, so even if the jar breaks the trap is sadly perfectly fine.*

: Nyah nyah! You can't defeat me that easily!

: What matter of witchcraft is this?! Or is this trap secretly a vampire or something?!

: Well, considering we're around that is possible. Don't tell me you've bitten him or something!

: Heavens no! I'm nowhere THAT desperate for a boyfriend!

: It seems that he's able to heal extremely fast for some reason! Which is dumb and stupid.

Fitting of who it is.

: Topaz, you have to specify intelligence or if his existence is dumb.

Mostly the former I imagine, but to think that we'd come against someone with such healing power. And without an air duct to suck him out of and make him stop thinking!

: Ah yes. If only we could put him to the same fate as Uzaki.

Precisely! That said, it looks like I'll have to loosen him up.

: Please use better phrasing, Topaz.

Ugh, don't put such thought in my head. But what I mean is that I'm going to do my blog and weaken him. That's your cue to try and purge him.

: Of his corruption...?

Or in general if you have to.

: Hey! You cannot just talk about me, even if I understand being unable to hold back-

Oh, I won't be “holding back” when it comes to bringing up all the troubles you cause!

: Heh~ But I thought that you had to have my permission to talk about me!

: Uh oh! That is a good point, Topaz!

: No no, I think that as a villain this might be different.

Certainly as it's not like I should ask villains if they want me to mock them mercilessly. They'd obviously disagree! And even more fortunate is that his butt won't grow.

: That is certainly a plus as well!

Of course as fat asses should be female-only! And I mean girls too, not any retcon awfulness involving nuns!

: Involving nuns....?

You'd rather not want to know, and instead just wish that a BRIDGE fell on a certain someone.

: Sounds like someone I'd get along with~

I don't doubt it, but let's hope that will never happen as the thought is absolutely disgusting! Just like you in general.

: Hey now, many people like me!

There are a lot of dumb people out there, I suppose. No reason that you should be proud of their terrible tastes, as that's like saying the pink blight has fans!

: Far too many people are into popular traps. They should never have become popular in the first place!

I agree, boo awful studios pandering to terrible people!

: Now now, there's no need to be so cruel Topaz!

That is a fair point. We have a whole blog to do that. As such, let me begin by saying...

Today's “girl” is:

Najimi Osana
Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu.

I suppose that I should mention this, but Najimi isn't actually a “trap”.

: HA~ Already going back on yourself!

: I don't know, it seemed like it with how he came out of the chandelier...

: That's only because you blasted it with your magic! But what do you mean by this, Topaz?

I will still count him as one, but technically as far as the series goes his gender is “unknown”.

: See? You can't have me be blogged today, though I can understand wanting to talk about someone like me~

You only deserve a punch to the face for being so arrogant! And in all fairness there's no reason that I can't talk about you like this. Just because the series won't admit that you're a guy doesn't mean that you aren't.

: But...

You know exactly what I mean! I suppose that there's a slim chance that Najimi IS female, there's certainly a lot of terrible girls in this series like Yamai, but considering all the things he does I doubt that is the case. Even the characters in the series are annoyed by him as well, proving how awful he is!

: Nonsense as you're just jealous of how well-loved I am~ No one can ever compare to the amount of friends I know, and I helped introduce Komi to a lot of them~

You did nothing and were a negative lump most of the time! I'd say that Komi and Tadano gained friends in SPITE of you being first, and having you so early only causes idiots to start your series as you're so annoying even from the very beginning!

: Calm down, Topaz!

: You still have so much to talk about in the blog itself. Don't get so worked up this early!

You're right... I won't be able to stay angry the whole time or I'll run out of breath.

*Najimi starts elbowing Topaz.*

: Oh? Is Topaz all “worked-up” for me? And I take his breath away too~

*As he is smiling gleefully Najimi isn't able to notice Topaz pressing his fingers into a fist. He then punches the awful trap for such things.*

: AH~ Not even my own father would beat me!

Maybe he should have! Then you'd know better than to say such obviously incorrect and trolly things! Though I should calm down.

: Perhaps you should talk about his name.

That is a fair point, but there isn't too much to talk about. Komi has very straightforward names, so his name is fairly obvious.

: What does it mean?

Basically just “Childhood friend” which is what he is. It also seems like there's a character in the Yandere Simulator game named that and it came up with my searches, but I know nothing about that other than the game took a while and still isn't out.

: So only shallow knowledge you found when Googling.

Precisely. Not that Najimi deserves more than that of course. It's only a shame that I get to talk about him, even if it should be a lot of fun breaking down what makes him so terrible.

: I think you mean “terri-FIC”!

HA! That is certainly false! And soon you will understand just what I mean, as I'm going to start the blog. It is unfortunate to be talking about the token trap early, but these things happen and we should get going so that we'll be done quicker! As such, let's begin!

*With that Topaz begins the blog.*

Najimi has an incredibly ugly and awful haircut. He has short hair, which is so short that it doesn't reach her shoulders though some of that may be because at the bottom it curves outward to the sides instead. Otherwise he seems to have a bob cut, with the sides coming in and covering his cheeks with various angles which look like an insect's mandibles. Najimi's bangs aren't even anything to write home about either! On top of his head he has two air flaps and two antenna, though said antenna only makes his hair style look more insect-like which likely symbolizes how much of a leech he is! (Okay, so leeches are more like earthworms but still). Even the hair color is bland, being a lavender color that is incredibly dull and boring for some reason (likely because it looks more gray in the manga covers). Overall there's nothing too interesting when it comes to Najimi's hair, other than that it is so awful and unappealing.
Grade: D

When it comes to Najimi's eyes he isn't much better. It's possible that he may wear glasses, especially for a joke or something, but it's not common and would only be more hurtful if he actually did. As far as the shape and size of Najimi's eyes, they seem to be almond shaped. However, the curve isn't well defined and his corners don't even have lines! Sure that may be common for the guys in the manga, but that's not the point as it still looks bad on Najimi! I think that it's said that he has brown eyes, but due to how small his pupils are it's hard to tell. I think it's called sanpaku eyes or something similar, but it doesn't look great on him (Tadano is alright as he and his family are supposed to seem “plain”). Overall with such unappealing and overly simplified eyes there's no reason that Najimi would do well in this area.
Grade: D

Najimi doesn't do too bad in this area, but I mainly consider that to be due to the good art style. He has a small nose and a wide bright smile, but that's about it as far as positives go. He's just extremely bland, or when the series has more detailed moments his face is overly contorted and ugly. His hair covers his cheeks too, going inward a bit more than I would enjoy. As such, while Najimi's neutral face isn't bad he just has too many moments when his face becomes overly ugly to do well when it comes to this area.
Grade: D+

: Eh?

*Najimi is obviously shocked to see himself do this poorly.*

: EH!? Why did I score so badly here?! What sort of blog is this?!

A proper one, and as said above you have a horrible design! You have basically no positive qualities when it comes to your head, let alone the rest of your body though I shouldn't spoil it.

: Well, I mean he is a dude.

: That is certainly true, and one cannot expect a guy to do well in a format designed to judge girls.

: There have been traps in the past who have done well!

There's no need to bring up the dark past, Najimi!

: Because it's you being ashamed of past blogs or as a reference to Turn A, Topaz?

Mostly the former, but I do appreciate the wordplay I didn't know I did. Regardless Najimi is a terrible trap and everything about his head suits such poor scores.

: Surely there must be SOMETHING good about me!

Nonsense! Your hair may be “purple” but it's far too light and too many people don't give you the proper lavender color instead making you look more blonde or white. Granted that may be due to the manga not being in color, so I understand, but it's still a waste of a hair color. And your hair style is awful as well!

: What makes it look so bad?

I mean I like longer hair, so you don't look great when it comes to this area. Add that to the fact that the antenna, air flaps, and sides makes it look like some sort of insect is eating you doesn't help.

: Not that we wouldn't want you to be eaten by an enormous ant or something.

We'd feel bad for the ant likely getting indigestion from eating something so disgusting though, but its sacrifice would be honored. And to make matters worse not a lot of girls these days have air flaps or antenna, so wasting them on a trap like you is awful!

: But I have such an iconic hair style!

That's not what “iconic” means. Sure I used it for a harem member, but for an ANTI-member. That should show just how AWFUL you are for my tastes that you were one of the first ones I created because I specifically HATE the character!

: No wonder he is so cursed then...

: Grrr! And I cannot imagine why you dislike my eyes either! It's not like I have any eye pain or anything!

I mean probably somewhere, as the manga is really long and you get comedic injuries all the time. But to put it simply your eyes are incredibly boring!

: That is true. He has such small pupils!

Exactly! And even if he had normal ones he has tarame and a very bland outline to his eyes! It lacks any detail like eyelashes or corners, and I can't even tell the eye color due to the sanpaku eyes and small pupils! The detail is incredibly lacking, and it looks horrible!

: But I would think you wouldn't want a lot of detail!

I mean I don't like an absolute ton of eyelashes or something, but your eyes are incredibly boring and empty-looking! Granted a lot of characters in the series are like that, but they wouldn't be graded very well by me either! You don't even wear glasses either!

: And what about my face? A lack of detail does better there, doesn't it?

I mean sure, which is why you got a slight boost. Still, that's mostly due to the art style being good and not your design. The simple face is best and I do like dot noses, but the various wrinkly detailed facial expressions are awful and ugly. There is no way you'd be doing better, though I do appreciate how after trolling later on you get choked. Even Komi, who is kind and respectful, was about to punish you for being so terrible! Granted I'll talk more about how terrible you are later on, but for now I think that we should head to the next area.

: That may be the best. Like you said, the sooner we get through this the better.

: You say that you don't like guys, but you like this one! She's so flat like a MAN after all!

Don't mock Pachira like that, as she is FAR better than you could ever be!

: With a flat chest like THIS-

*Before Najimi could mock Pachira further by groping her lovely flat chest she takes his arm and swings the awful trap over her shoulder in a wrestling move-like motion. She then steps on him.*

: You should have listened to Topaz and not said something so awful, you know! If you take it back I might forgive you though.

: Step on me mommy~

: Oh you are going to be in PAIN!

*Pachira then stomps on Najimi, though not in the way he wanted. She heel stops him in the mouth and nose, breaking the latter and making him lose teeth as she smashes her heel in a non-erotic way.*

: Like I'd touch your crotch though! Both because I don't want to be erotic with such a waste of space, and also because I'm not sure what I would find. Besides, this should cause more pain!

: You fool! I can only heal further from this damage!

: Then let me make sure that healing is nullified!


*Pachira then lets out a huge fart on Najimi. With his broken face he couldn't help breathing the stench, fainting quickly from the powerful stench.*

: There. Now he shouldn't be able to interrupt your blog again.

That is very good, but as awful as Najimi is I still need him to hear my words. Fortunately I imagine that even while unconscious he should still be able to hear, so let us continue onward!

: Probably not the most promising plan, but considering how terrible he is I understand not wanting to delay this further.

*With that Topaz starts the blog back up, while Najimi trembles from the stench.*

I mean Najimi is a trap, so what do you expect? Not that they come out and say it, but for the blog at least it's the most likely case. Some people might think that Najimi is a girl, but I highly doubt that, and there's even worse people as well. I don't know if it's fortunate that he doesn't show off as most cases that would mean a bad score, but I am at least glad it is the case. Though I do think he got some trolly moments in the beach episode, which is unfortunate and only serves to prove that traps shouldn't exist. And even moreso as he was the ONLY one to get a buttshot as well, boo traps! As a result Najimi does poorly here overall.
Grade: D

There isn't too much to talk about when it comes to Najimi's chest. As an androgynous guy with the “mysterious gender” he's not allowed to show off his chest, which is fine. Still, it's not like Najimi is good at all, and like the rest of his body being a guy means he does poorly when it comes to this area. Not much to say, which is fine because Najimi is overall not worthy of more time.
Grade: D

A lot of Najimi's “appeal”, which is being GENEROUS, in this area is due to the school uniforms being so good. The guy's clothes consist of a blue blazer over a white shirt, and he even wears a necktie. It wouldn't be so bad if he wore the REST of the men's uniform though, as instead of pants he wears a skirt and thighhighs despite wearing men's clothes in middle school. His casual outfits seem to be feminine-looking and he wears a girl's swimsuit too even if he gets forced to change in the unisex toilets instead of the girls locker room. He also wears a maid outfit and probably a lot more, but I really don't wish to do a full clothing analysis for Najimi as I'd rather talk about an actual girl. Overall Najimi is incredibly awful and while he could easily just wear the guy's clothes he makes something incredibly offensive and should cease existing.
Grade: D+

: Huh wha?

*Najimi finally sits up, rubbing his eyes after being knocked unconscious by Pachira's stench.*

Looks who has returned.

: Darn. I was hoping you could finish the blog without him interrupting again.

: Being fair interrupting is a common part of the blog.

Luckily he probably didn't hear what I had to say.

: I certainly did! So you shouldn't need to comment on me further, like what often happens in blogs!

You say that, but I feel like pointing out even further what exactly you've done wrong.

: You only think I'm wrong because you're terrible yourself! Besides, what would happen if I AM a girl?

I highly doubt that as they've invested far too much into you being ambiguous to make any clear statements. Even after the series is done.

: That would be in bad taste.

: And while you'd do better you're too big of a troll to actually be accepted.

That's true! Boo Najimi being the only one to have a buttshot at the beach as the actual girls deserved some instead! And boo Najimi in general with his useless male body! At least they don't discuss his “size” but again they'd be afraid of giving a solid answer on his gender. Even if it is obvious.

: Oh? And what makes you think that I'm a guy?

Most fanart has you as a guy. Plus it explains why Tadano forces you to change in the unisex bathroom. I will say that at least you are flat, but as a guy that isn't saying much. At least they don't show you off.

: Grrr, to think that you would curse me so much for showing off.

I'm more thankful for that, as you're an awful trap who ruins the series with your presence! Especially with how early you join, though even if you were later on you're an assault on all things this series stands for! Though I can't get too into it as that's coming up later.

: Later Hatering I see. But regardless you should like my body~

*Najimi does several poses, but soon gets smacked with several wash basins. Topaz turns to see Uma holding up her wand.*


Did you do something, Uma?

: Yes! I-I mean... no?

I believe her!

: But who else could bring out that many wash basins! Then again, the awful Najimi got what he deserved.


: I'm not defeated yet!

*He tosses off the pile of wash basins which were on top of him.*

: Darn it, I thought I had him.

: He is too filled with corruption and curses to be defeated so easily! I don't understand!

: That is true, as it's not like he was this indestructible in the series itself!

That is true, so he must have some sort of villain energy or something!

: Perhaps. But no matter, as you are still talking about me. Go on, Topaz! Head to the next areas.

Don't be silly as I still have to talk about your clothing and how they are slightly better than the rest of your body. Though being fair I was probably generous.

: With my clothes? But I still got so low!

With you in GENERAL! I will admit that the school uniform isn't bad, and I do like neckties. However, your dress code is only good when it sticks to gender, and not a mix-and-match like what you have!

: But it shows off my personality well!

No wonder it looks so terrible! And as mentioned before most of your outfits are feminine including swimsuits, which means you can't show off your chest for obvious reasons. Boo your ambiguous gender getting in the way and causing so many problems!

: You're just saying that because you don't understand!

Probably not, but that only means that I won't be a cultist like people like you attract! And that's not counting all the other crossdressing you do!

: Maids deserve better than having you dress like them!

: You say that, but my class's fesitival did the best!

Only because you were exploiting your classmates! Though speaking of that how about we go into the next area...

: Seems ominous...

: You have no idea just how terrible Najimi truly is...

*Lightning flashes outside as Ririchiyo says that, and Topaz continues with Najimi's blog as he said he would.*

As mentioned prior Komi-san has punny names, and “Osana Najimi” means a childhood friend. As a result he is assumed to be a childhood friend to everyone which seems impossible considering how little time he'd probably spend with any one person. Granted he does seem to spend time with people outside the view of the manga, but he still barges in where he's not wanted. This includes interrupting Tadano and invading his holidays with his family which seems almost offensive. It's also said that Najimi is a social “expert” but that's more that he manipulates people to the point where he profits. In actuality he's a compulsive liar and extremely manipulative, to the point where despite having two years where their class did the best in the festival they were disqualified for Najimi's antics. It doesn't help that he was the first friend Komi had besides Tadano, so there was a point where he was among the “main” characters. He fortunately doesn't appear AS much later in the story, but as the series goes on he becomes an annoying unjoke and causes so many issues. He even has a gambling problem too! Overall Najimi is a horrible trap without any redeeming qualities and it's unfortunate that he has any popularity at all, let alone have so many fans! I feel sorry for Rie Murakawa who deserves better, and other roles include Ram from Re:Zero, Hotaru from Non Non Biyori, and Megumi from Rabbit Cafe.
Grade: D-

Najimi does terrible, and not just because his gender is “unknown” either. Especially since it's more likely that he's a trap than anything else. I understand that the creator didn't want to force gender issues and probably more wanted it so that Najimi wouldn't be considered competition, but because the internet is full of idiots that's not the case. There's far too much NTR content involving Najimi, and while I probably shouldn't count it as “official” having anything like that is awful. At least it doesn't seem to be a big thing any longer, which is a relief. That said, I can't just count unofficial things as he does enough even INSIDE the series! Every school festival he's the one who forces Tadano to crossdress, which is something the poor lead doesn't deserve, and he would even sell out the others for a profit! He also ruins a lot of Komi and Tadano's cute moments together early on too, which only serves to make him even more awful! Overall Najimi is absolutely terrible, having no morals and in general being one of the most awful characters in anime and manga history.
Grade: D-

This is probably the only area where Najimi does decently without me being able to curse him too much. He's a high school student, and as the series goes on he goes from a first year student to a third year and eventually even graduates. This isn't too bad, even if he himself is a joke. I mean that quite literally as his birthday is April 1st, making him the worst (or one of the worst) April Fools Day jokes possible. Overall there's nothing too wrong with his age but Najimi is as terrible a joke as his birthday would be.
Grade: C

Total Grades: 21
Average score: 2.3
Final Grade: D

And with that Najimi's blog is over!

: Thank goodness!

: What do you mean “thank goodness”?! And how can you give me scores like that!

I know, I'm a little generous with age. But being fair there isn't anything wrong with your age, other than being such a terrible April Fools Day joke. Your age, including aging as the series goes on, isn't too bad.

: So in other words, it's not that Najimi does well as most of the cast are in a similar predicament.

Exactly, only the actual girls would actually be better.

: So you are being unfair towards me! To think that you would mock a childhood friend like me~

You ain't a childhood friend of mine as I've said before! And consider this my honest words as you're an awful character and you only deserve terrible things happening to you!

: And Topaz doesn't mean the blog either, as the only reason it's bad is because YOU are the one he's talking about!

: I'm sure that he would rather ignore you forever and talk about an actual girl!

: It is too late for that-

I agree, as I've already finished the blog.

: I don't mean that, but rather I will curse him with all of my might! Not quite yet though.

Sounds ominous and awful, but I do suppose that I have more information to discuss.

: Indeed! Including my personality and libido! I can't believe how low they are!

As a horrible person like you deserves! As mentioned you leverage your childhood friend-ness to try and weasel your way into even private gatherings, mess things up, and even refuse to do your fair share! As mentioned earlier you cause your classmates to suffer by doing underhanded things, and you even make the lead guy crossdress multiple times!

: What can I say, the fans love me~

No smart fan should ever like you, as you are a terrible influence on the entire manga. You never seem to go away and you're introduced first as far as Komi's friends go! She deserved a better one, though you are only first because I wasn't counting Tadano who becomes more than just a “friend”.

: Someone was needed to help bring people to her~

Only in the beginning, and yet you still continue to bother people around you and interrupt their special time together! You are lazy and manipulative, and the fanart people make of you is so disgusting that it should go unmentioned!

: You don't need to include fanart!

: Normally Topaz doesn't, but between the awful trap pics and the even worse ones that have you NTR one of the leads it's hard to ignore! You are in general a terrible person!

As you might have figured out by Najimi getting even lower than the Pink Blight himself meaning Astolfo!

: Not that you dislike Najimi more, as both are extremely awful, but you've learned how to become even harsher on bad characters.

Precisely! Boo Najimi and everything he does, as it would have been done far better another way! All he does is get in the way and manipulate others!

: To think that you would only think about that and not about how kind I am~

KIND? You're the one who is delusional! Komi deserved a better first friend than someone who has such awful vices, including forcing traps and interrupting moments!

*Topaz points at Najimi.*

You're a TERRIBLE character, and as such you deserve only pain!

: No no, you are the one who shall be injured! To think that I would be freed to hear you mock me, so in return take my Cursed energy!

*For some reason Najimi shoots out purple magic towards Topaz, who is too slow to deflect it. Fortunately Zange and her holy nun buns get in the way, deflecting the attack with her fat cheeks and bouncing it back. The trap is knocked over.*

Phew, thank you for that as that was a close one Zange. And thank you to for damaging him too!

: It was on accident, but thank you!

: Do not mention it. No, really. Do not mention that I broke unladylike wind like that.

: Of course as we're all happy to help out. But it looks like we aren't done yet!

*Najimi gets up, a huge hole in his chest where the curse reflected back. It isn't all the way through, and instead of being gore-y fortunately it is only showing purple energy glowing around. He also quickly recovers, using the cursed energy.*

W-wait, what was that?!

: All that corruption... I knew there was something going on here!

: To think that you would learn the secret of my cursed energy. But it is too late, as you won't stop me from my plan for domination! I shall make everyone my childhood friend and then mooch off the whole world at once!

Not if I have anything to do with it! Your plot cannot happen!

: We shall see about that!

*Najimi starts running up the stair case, with Topaz chasing him. However, the trap stops.*

: Watch out, Topaz! This must be a trick of some kind!

What, do you really think the trap will set me up into a trap or something?

: Not quite, but all I'll need to do is leave and my plan will surely succeed! I shall use my powers to lock you inside, unable to communicate with the outside world!

Oh no! I won't be able to write to Zettai!

: There's more to life than that, Topaz! Don't let him past you!

: Too late!

*Topaz attempts to grab Najimi, but the slippery trap evades the blogger's grasp and slides down the banister. However, he wasn't like Pachira and forgot about the statue at the bottom. As such the arrow hits him between the legs as he collides. The statue is broken, with the horrible trap holding his crotch.*

: Stupid ornamentation!

: Consider your pain to be a noteworthy trade for the statue!

: You can't say that, Pachira. You might have to pay for that!

: This isn't our house though! Just consider it part of the rubble decorations at this point.

Looks like even the house thinks you are a horrible person only deserving of pain! It is a shame we didn't have a bunch of girls kick you in the crotch which you also deserve!

: That sounds more kinky than painful though, and I know I wouldn't partake in such a thing. Even if Najimi deserves it by being so awful!

: Do not think that I have shown you my true might! I WILL escape, even if it won't be in one piece!

: What does the pirate king have to do with this?

: He doesn't mean it like that. Though I do appreciate that we will be chopping him up even if it may be gruesome. There is no way he can survive such a thing!

: We'll see about that!

*With that Najimi splits into five parts. His head and torso go flying off, with parts of some arms and legs still attached. Meanwhile his left arm blasts out through a window followed by his right hand. His right leg kicks open the door, running off like a pogo stick as it hops along. This was all so shocking, especially as the cursed energy meant that it wasn't gore-y and more comedic or fantasy-themed in nature.*

Oh no! He's ran off, blowing himself to pieces! Wait, is this a bad thing...

: Considering it's a villain doing it there's probably some dumb reason we have to find them all and reconnect him. As if this was Simon's Quest to defeat Dracula after putting him together!

Great reference, but hopefully the bosses will be more difficult than just moving across the screen.

: It is true, since as long as Najimi is out there he'll be spreading his awful curse! And I don't mean being a trap in general either!

: Luckily the storm seems to have died down, as if by magic! Gweh heh heh~

*Uma looks quite proud of herself.*

: We know that it only left due to plot reasons. But still, it is convenient.

I agree, but considering the limbs and things were blasted away by cursed magic I don't know how far they've gone!

: Wait a minute, what's that?

*They watch as Najimi's foot, still in his shoe, starts hopping out the door.*

That must be the hint that we needed for the next flag! It was a pleasure seeing classic girls like you three. But until next time, as I have to take care of this!

: Do not worry as we understand! A shame you cannot stay longer, but I know that my slave will help me stave off boredom.

: Sounds like quite a lot of fun. Perhaps my nun buns would be able to join in too~

: See you later Topaz and Riri! Thanks for talking about us too!

*The three girls wave as Topaz and Riri follow the foot hopping along, who wave back as they don't want to take their eyes off the only hint they had. It leaves the mansion and makes its way into a nearby school.*

: I hope that we aren't following this just to end up being unable to stop Najimi reconnecting.

One can only hope we can stop that before it happens. But this school seems familiar. Like we'll be bumping into a teacher...

*As they follow the hopping foot Topaz collides with a teacher.*

Oh! My apologies!

: Hmmm? You look a lot older than one of my students... W-wait, why do I look so young as well!

I blame Otona not having pictures on this site, which is a shame as I would have loved using your adult picture for this situation!

: And Topaz is too lazy to do it himself.

Story of my life after all. But I'm glad to see you, as it's promising for next month's girls!

: Next month's girls? Oh wait, you are Topaz, I think! You talked about my friend recently!

Indeed, and I've waited long enough to talk about the rest of the girls! Now that DREAM shall be a reality!

: Yes! I always love supporting dreams, and if yours is to talk about me so be it!

Looks like we have a FAR better girl coming up next week! As obvious as it sounds at least, but this girl is certainly great! See you all there next time!

*With that Topaz ends the blog for the week, knowing that the pink “teacher” is going to be coming up next time.*
Posted by emperortopaz | Yesterday, 6:38 AM | 0 comments
March 20th, 2025
This is the eight-hundred-fifty-second week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.

*We begin this blog where the last one left off, with Topaz and Riri, as well as Pachira and Uma, in a large mansion. A storm is still going on outside the building, and a mysterious nun seems to have appeared.*

: Topaz talked about me last time, even if I could have done better!

I suppose, especially if someone else did it. But sadly I didn't have a high opinion of you. That doesn't mean that I dislike you though!

: Just that you were not very memorable.

Exactly, though I mean that in the best way!

: Fortunately I imagine that he likes me, even if it took me a while to be talked about. To think that you wouldn't even have my manga finished at this point!

I get distracted really easily...

: It doesn't help that a few weeks ago the site Topaz uses for manga exploded.

True true, which is really unfortunate as well. Boo the internet becoming worse because companies want money! And same with awful politicians who only have their stupid selves in mind!

: Let's not talk too much about politics, Topaz. We have far better things to talk about.

: That is true. I came her looking for corruption,-

Well then-

: No politics, Topaz!

Fine fine...

: Yes, and do not interrupt me. This building has a lot of corruption, and specifically the male sort!

: That must be Topaz then, as he's the only guy here!

: I do wonder how you can tell the gender of something so vague though...

: That does not matter, but to put it simply think of it as being bright and blue over pink. Regardless, I have come here to smite the source of the corruption, which must be you Topaz!

Nonsense! I'm not full of corruption and I tend to think that I'm pretty good!

: Well, except when it comes to being distracted by video games...

It's not my fault a lot of Apple II games were added to RetroAchievements! But you're right, as I need to concentrate and do this blog.

: Hmmm? Well, I do suppose that I am here so I assume you want to talk about me.

But of course, as you and your nun buns look amazing! I just hope that you won't make me pay 100 yen for a blog though!

: Certainly not~

: How poor are you that you can't afford 100 yen, Topaz?

Very much, but it's more that I'm not sure what the monetary exchanges are. It's not like it's jewels, credit, and gold coins!

: I know that sounds random, but must you continue to reference old SNES RPGs?

Yes because they're so ingrained in my mind. And if I referenced games I have been playing lately no one would understand.

: And a fair point at that. Though do not get too distracted, as this is my blog.

: But you haven't even agreed to it!

: If it is something that my oneesama got a long time ago, of course I would want this! It will surely get me even more faith as well!

*The nun poses in a bold fashion.*

: I do understand why you are so excited, both to be talked about and to compare yourself to another girl from your own series. But do beware as there is another feature of Topaz's blog which you may not be familiar with...

: That sounds ominous. What are you talking about?

*Both Pachira and Uma show off their big bare asses to the nun, making her blush as they bend over and moon her. However, she can see how enormous their cheeks are.*

: E-EH?! You can't tell me that it is Topaz's fault that you have such large posteriors! I would not even see how that is possible!

: It is! And even if your ass seems sizable already don't think that you'll be able to beat mine!

: That is what you think! Though could this be the “curse” that the people around here was thinking about? I would not think so, but to investigate further...

*She pokes the two girls' asses, making them jiggle in a sexy fashion.*

: Be careful, as they might break wind on you!

: That is not something you should do against a nun such as myself! But clearly I will not know if this is a curse or not without first hand understanding. Topaz, I request that you do a blog on me!

*The nun points to Topaz.*

Certainly, though watch out as I hope that isn't the finger you prodded their fat cheeks with!

: It would not have the same fragrances my backside would have anyway!

: True, but not only will I be able to investigate if this is the cause of the “curse” that is going around, but I will surely get more followers!

Plus your already huge nun buns will become even bigger too!

*The nun bounces her cheeks as the camera focuses on her ass, and she moved her hips to tease the camera.*

: I suppose that is the case, even if my size is quite large. But even this shall not only put me over oneesama but give me more worshipers!

: I think that Zettai would be the only one to worship your ass directly...

I'm sure that many people will like her more with a bigger ass, but it's a shame that those same people are too quiet to bring it up! More people into female asses need to take a stand, and that includes at studios!

: Understandable, but do not get too distracted on a soapbox! You still need to introduce me!

Fair point, and as promised...

Today's girl is:


: Phew, I am relieved to finally have my name brought out. It was too silly not being able to mention it.

I apologize for the difficulty I had in writing that, as well as me bringing up that point yet again.

: I suppose it's always a surprise to people who don't know your blog well.

That is true. But you do have an interesting name that I would like to bring up.

: Oh? That does sound interesting. Go ahead and tell me~

Indeed as Zettai helped me out and said that “Zange” means “Confession”. As in the religious way, not the “confession of love” type of thing, though that's more of a joke.

: Explaining the joke ruins it, Topaz.

I mean I didn't want my readers to be confused so I figured I should clarify. I think I had figured out that it had something to do with nuns, as a lot of doujins have “zange” in their title.

: Books named after me? How fascinating.

: I wanna read them!

: N-no! Neither of you should read things like that! And neither should you, Topaz!

I agree, as they're the bad sort of books! Nuns are cool and sexy though, which is a shame that they're so rare in anime it seems.

: I blame different cultures or mostly being smaller parts. But at least you can appreciate me~

*Zange then bends forward, patting her ass and jiggling her cheeks. She was still wearing her skirt but it was showing bits of her cheeks at the bottom with a sexy tease.*

That I certainly can, and I can see that your nun buns are getting bigger too which is super sexy!

: So they are...

*She fondles her own cheeks, though they barely fit in her fingers due to how plump her ass has become.*

: You are quite right, Topaz. But I imagine that this is not the only growth that shall happen.

: That is certainly true. Soon you shall have backsides as large as ours, though mine went back to “normal” since last blog.

: Oh? Does that mean that this will only be a temporary change? Such a shame, and I would not want to betray my worshipers like that.

: From what I've seen it isn't temporary. Trust me, I've had an ass this huge for some time!

But you look amazing with it!

: Shut up, pervert! (but thank you...)

: Then what do you mean?

: I mean it returned to the size I was after he was done doing the blog, not my size prior to that. Which is why my cheeks are still so plump. As for why they were even bigger...

*She glares at Uma, who rubs the back of her neck. She has a sweat drop and giggles to herself.*

: That would be my fault. I cast a “ass becomes giant” spell on her, but it didn't last very long.

: I see... Such a spell will surely come in handy...

*Zange has a sly smile as she rubs her chin.*

: I can only imagine how this is all going to work out...

The details of my blog are a constant mystery. But we won't get anywhere with me just talking like this, so how about I begin talking? Wait, I swear this makes sense somehow...

: Do not worry, as I am sure your readers will understand.

Fair point, so let's begin!

*With that Topaz starts his blog properly.*

Zange has absolutely incredible hair, and is so close to perfection! The purple color is dark and beautiful, really great for my tastes though I suppose her “true” form might be more blue but it's hard to tell (though blue is still a great color of course). She also has long straight hair that reaches about to her hips without covering too much of her ass, even if this isn't a show that would show it sadly. A lot of Zange's appeal is in the framing of her face though. Her sides are nice and long, reaching about to her shoulders which is a good length, and she has a cross-shaped pin on her left temple (pun unintended). Sadly this is her one flaw, though not the decoration itself. Her bangs are straight and she'd have an excellent hime cut which would be perfect, but the hair above her left eye is pulled back slightly to expose her forehead. It's a shame as she could have been perfect if not for that! I'll also mention that her “true” version does have a hime cut, which helps but I don't remember if we saw that form in the anime. Overall Zange's dark hair with blunt bangs, a nice length and straight back, and overall cute appearance gives her an excellent score here!
Grade: A

Zange does really excellent when it comes to this area as well. Well, at least her “true” form as it has a lovely tsurime and not so much Hakua's whose body she is possessing. Hers are more rounded, or at least curved, but I do like the strong corners and eyelash for emphasis. I will mention that Zange's eye color does change between anime and manga, as in the anime she has really lovely red eyes while in the manga she has purple (it seems, as I can't be sure). Still, both are great as red goes well with the dark color of her hair while purple matches her hair and is my favorite eye color. I'm not sure if Zange ever wears glasses, as it has been quite some time unfortunate, but she still does well here. Overall with a nice shape and color Zange's eyes do really well for my tastes.
Grade: B

Much like Nagi from some time back, Zange has a very beautiful face. It's pretty and simple, just like how I like it, and she even has a small dot nose which is always a plus. Zange also can have a dominant side which is shown off pretty well at times, and she is overall very cute. I can't think of much else to say about Zange's face, but she just looks really pretty with small features and a nice framing to her face.
Grade: A-

: Ufufu, as I should have expected. I am doing quite well. I will surely get many more worshipers like this!

: Do not think that you will be able to steal Zettai away from me, as he is my faithful slave! Besides, your backside is nowhere near my size!

*Pachira presses her bare cheeks against Zange's nun buns, who was far smaller. Still, her ass is continuing to grow as Topaz continues the blog and Zange's surprising strength means even the vampire isn't pushed away. Pachira even stops after some time.*

: What's the matter, Pachira? You should have been able to beat her on pure size alone!

: That is true, but she seems far stronger.

: Oh ho~ Perhaps you should have known better that size is not all that matters. Especially as my blog is not completed yet. I still have far more to grow!

: That isn't the reason at all! I bet it's because your ass is so holy!

: Oh? But there is only one there...

*She proves it by showing off her cheeks. Zange's panties were starting to tear due to the sheer size of the ass they were barely keeping inside.*

: Unless you mean my panties, as my growing seems to be pulling them apart!

Sounds sexy, especially with your assflab popping out of the holes in such a sexy way! But I shouldn't get too distracted, even if Zange's huge ass looks so beautiful!

: True true. It is not the only beautiful part of mine~

*To prove it Zange brushes her hair aside, showing off the length and color properly.*

That's true, and as I said before your hair is nearly flawless! The length is really nice, being long but not covering your ass. Meanwhile it's a lovely dark color which I really like and matches your nun outfit great!

: I knew that you would appreciate my hair~

Indeed! Though Nagi's is great too... Hers may not be as dark, but at least she has better bangs though her sides could be longer for a pure hime cut. Zange on the other hand has a slight gap in her bangs, due to the cross-shaped decoration (though that is cute too).

: Well, I suppose at least you have a reason for that. Unlike with my eyes!

Your eyes are beautiful as well! The shape and color are both excellent, as both red and purple make for great eye colors. I like how you have tsurime, giving you a more aggressive appearance if even slight (though only in your “true” form it seems).

: Then why did I not do as well as I did prior!

: You will have to excuse Topaz, as he prefers girls with poor vision.

: He has a glasses fetish!

Hey now! It may be true, but at least allow me time to admit it!

: I see, so that is the reason...

: Don't think about wearing glasses now to get extra points. That portion is over and he won't go back to correct things. Plus he doesn't count non-official things either.

*Zange snaps her fingers.*

: Darn it!

*Topaz attempts to snap his fingers.*

Darn it! Both because I lack this specific talent and Ririchiyo talked her out of wearing glasses!

: Is there anything that you can do properly...

: Don't worry, as I'm certain that his readers will enjoy the blog. And while I may not be wearing glasses, I can still show off my ASSets~

*Zange shows off her cheeks, shaking her hips while bending over and mooning. Her assflab looks delicious, bouncing like two fat delicious desserts.*

Mmm, pudding... But I shouldn't be distracted, as you're Zettai's girl!

: That's surprising. One would imagine that the busty KanaHana girl would be yours!

: Yeah, that is fairly unusual.

I mean that makes sense, but I blame Nagi really activating something in me. Still, you are certainly a beautiful girl and I apologize for waiting this long to talk about you.

: That is perfectly fine, as it is my turn to be talked about. Plus you are making my ass so much bigger as well, which is another plus~

That's certainly true, and it looks so plump and bite-able... No, I cannot get distracted! Instead I'll talk about Zange's other cheeks, as well as the rest of her face.

: Is there really a lot to talk about? I think you said it all earlier in the sections.

Perhaps, but I still like going over things. And the more times I can compliment you the better I suppose. Her face is really pretty, and as always I appreciate dot noses as they look extremely cute. Your occasional dominant faces look good as well, which is always a plus.

: Oh ho~ I am glad that you enjoy them, as I imagine that many people cannot see the appeal in femdom.

That's certainly true! It's like female asses, and in general too many of Zettai's favorite things! He needs more love in his life!

: I am sure that he will find something to enjoy without it being ruined by being a traitor or forgotten!

: Other than being my slave, of course. Even if I am all that he needs.

That is certainly true, but he is able to serve many and I'm sure he'd make a great worshiper for such a huge ass. That said, speaking of Zange's ass perhaps it's time that we start the next areas?

: Sounds like a good idea to me, so continue onward!

With pleasure, and not just because Zange has such a sexy body either!

*Topaz thus continues with the blog.*

MAL does say that Zange's height is 159 cm which is fair, but I couldn't find it on her Pixiv page so it might be them making numbers up randomly which happens. Still, Zange does have a fairly alright and average height, and has a nice curve to her legs and waist which looks good. Sadly she can be a little mamocentric, but official art helps by having her show off her ass a fair bit. Not that it's very big, which is unfortunate, but I still appreciate the attempt. Overall Zange has a fairly nice body, or at least Hakua does as it's her body that's being possessed by Zange and thus I'm mostly looking at her. I don't think her true form was shown off in the anime, or at least as far as I remember.
Grade: B

Sadly as mentioned prior Zange does have some issues with being mamocentric. This includes forcing Nagi to be envious of her useless flab and trying to seduce Jin with her chest. She's not even that big all things considered, only in the series itself which I suppose is the point. Not that I'm saying she needs to be bigger of course, as that would only make her worse. Zange overall would have done better if she wasn't so mamocentric and showing off as much as she does!
Grade: C+

Zange has quite a few nice outfits, including her main outfit which looks really great. She tends to wear a one-piece nun dress with white collar and cuffs, with the bottom part being surprisingly high for a nun. Still, it looks quite nice and sexy, and I like how she wears a cross on a chain around her neck as well. Zange also wears an idol outfit in the opening, and other official clothes include a bunny outfit with pantyhose, a witch hat and cloak, a waitress outfit, a bikini, a miko outfit, and possibly more that I can't remember. Still, she not only has a good amount of sexy outfits but looks good in them with her bold nature. Overall Zange does really whell when it comes to her wardrobe.
Grade: B

And with that another section is done. What do you think about it, Zange?

*He turns to look at Zange, who is pouting with her arms crossed and puffed cheeks.*

That bad, I guess...

: It isn't that I did “BAD” but I could have done a lot better!

I agree, especially if you showed off your nun buns!

: What, so showing off like this doesn't count?

*Zange bends over and proudly shows off her meaty cheeks. However, as her panties were already straining due to how much bigger her ass was the movement causes them to snap. Her fat cheeks jiggle in freedom, and as she tries to hide her fat ass with her skirt it is barely able to cover her enormous cheeks.*


I mean showing off like that WOULD count, if only you did it in the series!

: Well, at least in a memorable way. And in the anime, as Topaz wasn't able to finish the manga.

True true, unfortunately. But I stand by that if Zange would have shown off her bare ass like that it would have improved her score.

: Like me and that one official image!

Precisely! Though it does help that Zange isn't exclusively mamocentric at least. She has some pics of her bending over and stuff, which is a relief considering the time when this show was on.

: Though it still had some mamocentric moments.

True, which is unfortunate and the reason she suffers for her chest. Boo mamocentric unjokes and envy causing!

: If only Nagi was jealous of her younger sister's huge ass instead!

Agreed! More girls need assy pride!

: Luckily I have a great slave who will worship me properly!

: Hmmm, it does sound good to have someone who will worship me... Especially with my new size.

Indeed! It's a shame I don't know how real your height listed on this site is, but considering the idiots MAL has sometimes I wouldn't be surprised if it was pulled from their asses. Then again then they'd have to know what asses ARE in the first place...

: True true, but it seems you still like me.

Of course as sexy assy nuns like you are great! You do have a curvy body, and the tight outfit and short skirt do well to show it off. I also like the variety of outfits you got put into in the official work. It's a shame that studios don't do more interesting official art these days, but you have a lot of nice clothes and poses!

: Thank you for the compliments~

Of course, as you look excellent and deserve the praise! Granted it could always be better, but that's just me being picky. You have an excellent body and clothes, even if you do cause mamocentric issues. Though even there you aren't all that big, merely in-series.

: Plus it's mostly due to Hakua as well.

True that it's technically her body Zange is possessing, but that gets really complicated.

: W-wait, so it's not her... body? But you graded...

*Uma's eyes become spirals as she's very confused.*

: Yeah, what gives!

It's sorta hard to explain...

: I mean you are talking about me, and I'm sure that you need to talk about this to give a better overall view of who I am.

That is pretty fair, though since I would count it among your personality that would be in the next sections. Though speaking of which...

*With that Topaz continues the blog.*

Zange appears slightly after Nagi, and is the goddess's younger sister. Well, more of an off-shoot, as their background as divine trees seems fairly complicated. It's also even more complicated since as mentioned earlier Zange is a spirit that is possessing a priest's daughter's body as well. Still, I will mention that due to her sacred tree still being alive (unlike Nagi's) she is a bit more powerful, and she also takes from the faith in Christianity as well. Zange herself is a rival to Nagi, the two trying to one-up one another and while many appreciate her as an idol around town she does have a more devious side. She is certainly sadistic too, teasing Nagi by being able to touch corruption unlike the more “pure” goddess without a host. This does give Zange a more dominant or sadistic appeal which is always good, and she's also surprisingly strong as people get the wrong idea about the “100 yen confession” sign she carries around. Sadly she has the standard anime girl flaw of not being able to cook, and even if she butts heads with Nagi she is still a good friend and has a kind side she usually only shows to Hakua and other close people. Overall Zange has a very nice dominant personality, and even if she's antagonizes Nagi it's not like she's really evil either. More like a friendly rival or younger sister, which being fair she is. It's just a shame I can't remember that well, but that happens with shows I saw so long ago... Oh, and we can't forget that Zange is voiced by Kana Hanazawa who is still my favorite VA even if she doesn't get as many roles as she once did (though she still has some big roles). Some of her famous roles include Tenshi from Angel Beats, Anri from Durarara!, Kosaki from Nisekoi, Kuroneko from OreImo, Nadeko from Monogatari, and likely many others including more modern roles like Mitsuri from Demon Slayer or-ugh-Ichika from the Quintuplets show.
Grade: B+

It's a little confusion when it comes to Zange's libido. On one hand she's a pretty good flirt and teases Jin, but it's hard to say if it's because she's interested in him. She does like seeing him get flustered, and she knows that her body-mate Hakua has a crush on him so she likes teasing him due to that. Still, it does mean that Zange is on the dominant side despite the nun outfit which is quite sexy, and far better than a certain angel VA-sake. There's also the 100 yen confession sign, which attracts awful people both in-series and really awful fanart, but luckily she's strong enough to fight anyone off that tries anything funny. As a result, overall Zange does quite well even if she's not the “winner” and it's hard to tell if her teasing is just playing or if she has feelings towards Jin.
Grade: B

Zange is technically ageless, as she's a goddess. Then again she's little more than a spirit that's possessing another teen girl's body, and Hakua is a teen so I'd judge her on that. Even Zange's true form looks fairly teen-ish as well. I'll also mention that as Zange's tree was grown from Nagi's she's basically an off-shoot, though everyone considers her a younger sister. Still, overall Zange does quite well in this area, as she looks good and teenhags are always appreciated.
Grade: B

Total Grades: 76
Average score: 8.4
Final Grade: B

And with that the blog is complete. What did you think of it?

: Hmmm, I can tell that I did pretty well. Though I probably would have done better if you had remembered me more.

I'll give you that, and I definitely should have done you years ago. But at least I'm finally talking about you, and that's what matters!

: And without Zange becoming a villain too. Hopefully at least, as we still don't know what this “curse” thing she came her for.

: It probably does not even matter, as it was mostly Topaz's bad plot skills.

Hey now, I wouldn't make her come out here only for the blog! But before we get into plot details we can't forget about the rest of Zange's blog!

: True true, though it is a shame I didn't do better when it comes to libido. Especially with me being dominant.

That certainly does help though. It's just that I don't like girls who hit on a guy just to make another girl jealous or teased. Granted it is possible that you develop feelings for Jin in the manga, or I'm forgetting something major.

: Which is definitely possible. It's not only been some time since you saw the show but your mind is so bad that you could have forgotten even if it was last season!

That is fair, and I apologize for my awful memory! It's why Zange didn't get too penalized for her libido, as her dominance helps. Boo the awful people attracted by her sign too.

: It is only for legitimate confessions, not for perverse requests after all!

: So you charge extra for them?

: What? NO!

: You do them for free?!

: That's not what I mean! I thought Topaz had a thick head!

*Zange pouts after scolding the vampire.*

I know that she doesn't do that. She needs a good worshiper and chair, especially with her enormous ass!

: That is certainly true, as my cheeks are so enormous and heavy now!

*She fondles her own ass, bouncing her massive cheeks which were bigger than her torso and extremely sexy. Her hands are nearly lost, hidden completely by her massive assflab. Uma comes closer.*

: WOW! That is an incredibly huge ass! Even bigger than mine!

: I cannot say if it is bigger than mine though, as we both have such enormous cheeks!

: You are just jealous, as my nun buns are certainly much larger and sexier than anyone elses!

*The two girls press their asses together, looking bouncy and sexy.*

: Should we get them to stop?


: TOPAZ! Stop staring at their massive cheeks pressing against one another!

But it looks so good...

: You have a blog to do!

I'd rather look at those two girls pressing asses, but I suppose you are right. And being fair Zange's age isn't too bad even if it's not too accurate. She is technically a goddess and younger sister to Nagi, but due to having more of her power (or perhaps Hakua's body) she's curvier. I don't mind immortal teens, unlike Texas.

: Well, you know the three things that are inevitable. Death, Taxes, and America doing something dumb.

Do you mean the country or the people? But I do agree. And speaking of Hakua I don't take too much offense that Zange is using her body, especially as it makes the poor girl who can see spirits have time off. Zange is pretty cool of course, being a great rival to Nagi and teasing her a lot. She is certainly one of the best nuns anime seems to have!

: Thank you for the daring praise!

But of course! And we can't forget about your great voice either as I love KanaHana! It fit so well and balances with Haruka Tomatsu who voices Nagi really well too!

: To think that you would compliment my voice this much!

Well it helps that she's my favorite VA, even if I don't know a lot of her more recent roles. Still, between being a cool nun and naughty when she wants to be Zange of course does really well!

: I can tell that you appreciate me. Though it surprises me...

What's that?

: Well, I came here seeking a male presence, but you're the only guy here.

: Maybe you looked at Pachira's chest and was con-

*Uma is bashed by Pachira's massive ass, knocked to the ground from the impact. She has dizzy eyes.*

: Don't even finish that statement!

: No no, it seems that there is still a cursed male presence!

: Topaz, is this you?

No, and I can't imagine it's from the stone lodged in my body either which allows me to go Mazoku form.

: I do sense that a bit, but it seems like it's coming from around here!

*They investigate the room they're in, but eventually Uma shakes her head to snap back to reality. She looks quite angry as she stands up, but also pouting cutely.*

: You can't just toss me ASSide like that, Pachira. I will get my REVENGE! Go, Blaster bolt!

*With that Uma casts a spell and aimed it at the vampire. However, she bends over right as she was about to be hit, causing the spell to continue onward. It bounces upward against windows, mirrors, and other humorous reflective surfaces up to the chandelier. It comes crashing down, though fortunately no one was hurt.*

: What was that for?!

: Someone could have been hurt!

: It's your fault for smacking me with your fat ass!

Now now, I don't think that this is the best time to start fighting! It looks like something is coming out from the chandelier! And it's not a Chandelure sadly!

: Topaz is right! And it seems like that's where the curse was!

*A horrible being seems to emerge from the smoke from the chandelier, possibly one of the worst characters in existence.*

: Oh no! The pink blight!

No, but close...

: Hello all my childhood friends! I am here to be talked about!

: THAT must be the horrible cursed male presence! I-I think?

Kill it with fire! Mercilessly!

: We don't have that!

If someone has a match you and Pachira should bend over. Then the problem will solve itself...

: Now now, that is no way to introduce me~ After all, I know that Topaz wants to do a blog on little ol' me~

“Wants” is certainly not the word, more like “being forced into it by a terrible plot.” If only I didn't make this awful week, or Komi-san took longer to end!

: But it is too late for that, as you'll be taking a look at me!

Darn it, it seems that this blog came a week in advance, as I certainly don't want to do it the week of your birthday. I apologize, and if you readers feel like skipping next week I understand! But until then, see you all!

*With that Topaz sadly ends the blog for the week, with next time having an awful trap coming.*
Posted by emperortopaz | Mar 20, 6:59 AM | 0 comments
March 13th, 2025
This is the eight-hundred-fifty-first week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.

*We begin with Topaz still in the large mansion. It is storming outside, and beside him is Ririchiyo, a flat vampire, and bunnygirl witch.*

Hey now! Don't insult Pachira like that!

: I mean she is flat. They weren't wrong.

: You're one to talk.

: I know, but I'm at least PROUD of it! Which you should be too.

: I'm not half as proud of my chest as I am of my enormous ass that was granted upon me by Topaz's blog.

*Pachira then bounces around her cheeks, even bending over and shaking her hips to jiggle her assflab even further.*

: And not because my chest measurement is under half the size of my new gigantic ass either~

: Wow, Pachira! What a gigantic ass you have!

*The mage girl looks with amazement, staring at her ass and getting closer. Ririchiyo pulls her back though.

: My advice will be not to get too close. You don't know when she'll “burst”.

: I am far too refined for what ever naughty thing you are thinking of! To even imagine that I would do such a thing!

Didn't you do it a lot last week?

: C-certainly not! I would never break wind in anyone's face like Zettai!

: That sounds suspicious...

At least she isn't using double negatives like a certain Aikatsu vampire. Granted she only plays as one, but regardless.

*The mage continued to get close to the vampire's enormous ass, which was bigger than either of them was tall. She has her plump cheeks poked, jiggling the assflab and showing off it's springy bounciness.*

: H-hey! Don't poke my ass like that! That is only for my boyfriend!

Sounds sexy!

: A huge ass like that, AND a boyfriend?! Topaz's blog really has it all!

I hold no promises that you will get a boyfriend. Though with Pachira it's more of a slave to her ass.

: He enjoyed his time with me~

I'm not surprised. But today is a day for someone else.

*The mage girl gasps.*

: You mean me, right? Right?!

I don't see any other girls around here, or at least any that I haven't already talked about. Plus it's still storming outside, so it's not like I'll be going anywhere anytime soon.

: Wasn't she the one who caused the storm?

: I mean I can cause the storm, but I can't exactly get it to stop. Eh heh heh~

*She does the sweat drop with arm behind head pose, nervously laughing to herself.*

I suppose that we shouldn't be surprised, but luckily that gives me a chance to talk about you!

: Awesome and amazing! I will love to be talked about, but are you sure you want to talk about me?

But of course, as even if I don't remember the show too well I want to finish off the main four girls. Plus, as you can see with Pachira your ass will grow to an enormous size!

: But of course! Though I highly doubt that your ass will equal mine~

*Pachira proudly shows off her enormous PaCHEEKras, jiggling her ass more while taunting her friend. She even bends forward a bit, mooning and bouncing her plump cheeks.*

: We'll see about that! I want you to talk about me and have me grow to such a huge size so that I can get my own boyfriend!

: I remember when having the girl's ass wasn't something she wanted...

Being fair it was somewhat recent, but regardless all girls should desire big sexy asses!

: Yeah!

*She cheers with her arm up in the air.*

That's some good enthusiasm, which makes me happy even if I know my writing talents aren't as great as I would hope!

: That's because you spend all day writing nonsense about anime girls and other perverse things.

I suppose, but that's also what I would want to write about! I still enjoy my blog, and as such let me say that...

: That's me! Uma!

Exactly, as i want to introduce everyone to you. Though I did have to make sure that it was “Uma” and not “Yuuma” which is how one would pronounce it.

: Ah, so that explains the title. “Uma” means horse, while people call aliens and other cryptoids “U.M.A.”s.

Exactly! She's neither horse nor alien!

: Did we really need that title drop to explain her name?

I mean I do always tend to explain names, like with you.

: Don't remind me, as you giggled at the tree I was named after.

: Why would he giggle at a tree? Was it making a good joke?

That's not the reason. It had a very silly name. Unfortunately her name could mean a lot of things, and I mostly got a musician Googling it.

: You should know better than to Google, Topaz. Like most sites that's been turned into a bunch of garbage!

Agreed, boo so many websites becoming awful lately! But let's not get too distracted, as today is Uma's day!

: That's right, though I don't feel my ass getting any bigger...

*Uma pats her behind, which still hasn't grown at all. Pachira places her hand on her friend's shoulder, the other hand in front of her fanged mouth as she snickers smugly to herself.*

: Well, you are but a child. Besides, one cannot be impatient with Topaz's blog, as I'm certainly you shall grow. Not quite as gigantic as I have, but that is to be expected~

: Grrrr! I know I'll grow, and become even bigger than you! Even if I have to use my own magic!

No don't! I mean I wouldn't mind you casting a ass-expansion spell as those are sadly rare in anime, but I don't know how it will work with my blog!

: Indeed, as you might grow so big you won't be able to walk!

: That is a risk I shall have to take! GLUTUS MAXIMUM!

*Uma then casts a spell, with wind circling her body. Magical energy joins and her skirt lifts up, with the camera of course focusing on her ass. However, there was only one effect of the spell (other than showing off her panty-clad ass).*


*A wash bin hits Topaz on the head in a comedic fashion, though it still deals 5 damage. It rolls off, allowing the blogger to rub his head.*

OW! Well, at least we won't have to worry about the spell interfering with my blog.

: My apologies...

Don't worry, as I hope you'll be able to cast that spell successfully sometime this blog. That said, I wasn't done with your name.

: But didn't you say that you didn't find anything?

I mean on pages for you, but you seem to be named after the flax seed tree. I do suppose that “Yuma” combines “play” and “real, genuine”, but that's only how it's pronounced and isn't even spelled that way in Japanese.

: I see. Well, I suppose that since you don't know the language you wouldn't be familiar with everything.

Exactly. At least with characters like the Cures or ones who are basically pun names get explained. Sadly you weren't explained like that, so I'll only say things that I found out about.

: I suppose that it is quite fine. But this is only the beginning of the blog!

That's certainly true, and I haven't even began with the scoring! That will be when Uma's ass will really get bigger-er, I mean she'll start getting points!

: Hurrah! Points and ass!

I'm glad to hear that you're so excited for the blog! I warn you that it may not be exactly praise worthy.

: ... A-am I not praise worthy?

I mean more because my writing sucks!

: Maybe if you didn't wait too long to write it...

Sometimes life gets in the way. But don't worry, as I will always continue with my blogs! And speaking of which, let us begin Uma's blog proper!

: Yay!

*She cheers cutely again, not knowing what was to come. And by that I don't mean Topaz's blog, though she certainly didn't know what he was going to say. No, you see outside in the pouring rain a muddy boot hits the road further down. The camera pans upward to reveal a cloaked figure, though the rain was also obscuring her. A pretty voice comes out as she holds up a paper, which is being blown by the wind so she gripped it tight.*

????: Let us see... So the home of ultimate evil is around here somewhere. I can't believe that I would be forced to come out in this kind of weather, but I suppose that corruption won't wait until perfect weather...

*She starts heading towards the house as we return to Topaz just as he's about to begin Uma's blog.*

Uma does fairly decently even if she has some issues here. Fortunately the hair color isn't one of the problems, as she has a pretty reddish brown color to her hair. The style isn't that bad either, sure it is short and that's probably the biggest issue but the bob cut is cute on her. She also has really big antenna, which when combined with her outfit makes her look like a bunny girl at times and they can move with her expressions too. Sadly her antenna is hidden sometimes, but she has a big witch's hat with a face and bunny ears on it too which is also cute. While I didn't know about the series at the time, it is obviously a reference to Dororon Enma-kun's hat. Uma also wears a headband, which seems to bring out her bangs a bit but they are fairly average I'd say. It also makes a small tuft of hair stick out on her right side but her sides are alright at least. Overall longer hair would have certainly helped Uma, but I do like her cute antenna and big hat even if the latter hides the former.
Grade: B-

Sadly Uma doesn't do too well when it comes to this area. Green isn't the best color, and as she's on the younger and cuter side her eyes are also tarame. It fits with Uma, even if not with my tastes, though I do like how emphasized her top lid is. Her corner could use a little bit more emphasis though, but it's pretty good still. Her eyes are also shiny and optimistic, being bright and cheery which is very nice, and sadly I don't think she wears glasses at any time (though that may be my poor memory). Still, Uma does decently with her green eyes even if a better color may have fit her, and the shape isn't the best for my tastes but it still fits her quite well!
Grade: B-

Fortunately Uma does really well in this area, as she has an extremely cute face. I love her small dot-like nose as that always looks great, and she is often smiling wide but also shows off other expressions which are equally cute. She is very young-looking but that fits well with her, and I'll also mention that she often has oval-shaped blush marks on her cheeks which make her look even younger than usual. That said, overall Uma does really well in this area, having a lot of cute features and appealing well to my tastes.
Grade: A-

: It sounds like you really like me! How wonderful!

: Nonsense as I did much better than you!

*Pachira once again smugly laughs.*

How sexy and ojou-like, fitting your regal personality. But being fair even if Uma didn't do as well as you that doesn't mean that she did bad.

: So you do like me then?

Of course, though I do like the other girls more but that's more personal taste. Uma does have a very beautiful hair color as I like brown, and her big Enma-kun-like hat with bunny ears is really cute too!

*Uma adjusts her hat.*

: Eh heh he~ I'm glad to hear that you enjoy my hair and big hat.

It is extremely fitting for a mage like you, but it also comes with its downsides.

: E-EH?! Downsides?!

Yes! As cool as a big witch's hat is, especially with the cool design, it does hide your hair most of the time too. It wouldn't be a problem if you had longer hair, but not only do you have really short hair but it also hides your cute antenna and hairband!

: So... Is my hat good or not?

I mean it looks cool, and it's not like it's in the way all the time either which is convenient. At least you don't have air flaps, so it's not covering your cooling system.

: W-what?

: Don't confuse her with modern memes, Topaz!

Fair fair. But outside of the short length Uma's hair is pretty good. Your eyes are pretty good too. The color isn't as strong as green is a little overused, and I do prefer tsurime but the tarame shape fits your personality and I like how your corners look.

: B-but shouldn't I get more points then?

: Topaz is a dirty glasses-lover and thus prefers Aiko over other girls.

: That's the reason I didn't do better?

Indeed, but that happens to all girls-

: Enough! You are obviously proving that you dislike me by making me score bad!

Nonsense as I'd never do that! At least to an innocent girl like you as you aren't a villain!

: Then let me cast my truth-finding spell and see for myself! TRUTHSEEKER!

*With that Uma once again casts a spell, though unlike last time when her skirt flies up as she concentrates her cheeks look a lot bigger. Her ass is so big that her panties are wedged deep between her plump ass.*

: It looks like Topaz's blog is doing well in making Uma assy too.

: Wait, what do you mean-oh no, I lost my concentration!

*As Uma couldn't continue with her spell it defaulted to the basic one. Meaning another wash bin slams down on Topaz's head, dealing 5 more damage.*


OOF! Why is it always me?!

: You want girls like us to take damage?

Fair point, but I have a blog to do!

: True as you still need to talk about my face!

: Are you really going to let her continue with the blog without punishment?

I mean it's not Uma's fault her spell went haywire. But I will say that her face has a great design. Not only is Uma cute and young-looking, but the art style being cute and her nose being small are all good. I like how well she smiles too, as it's very cute.

: Eh heh he~ Thank you for the compliments...

Of course as you deserve them! That said, we still have a lot more to talk about. As such, shall we continue onward?

: But of course, though I do appreciate you giving me a bigger ass, as I can tell that it is a fair bit heavier and more massive!


: Just make sure that you only raise your skirt from magical means rather than gassy ones.

: Eh? Oh, I think I understand...

*She looks at Pachira's enormous ass.*

: H-hey! If you're going to poke me, you might get harmed by my deadly gas in return!

: Ergh, I don't want that to happen...

Neither do we, as she needs to save those for Zettai. As such let us go back to the blog!

*With that Topaz continues the blog.*

Sadly we come to the areas where Uma's young-looking body doesn't do too well. She has a slim and young-looking body, and she doesn't even have that much of a curve to her waist. I will mention that she shows off her ass on occasion, which helps slightly, but it's not like her ass is that big either. It's a shame, as she would look so good with a bigger ass and the contrast would be even better! She does show off her bare ass in one official image, which is quite nice and caused her to score a little better than originally. Even Uma's legs are fairly straight without much curve, which is another shame! Granted I don't know if calling her “loli” would fit, though she is the most likely candidate in the series, but overall Uma's youthful lack of curves including lacking ass, a nice waist, or even curvy thighs or something!
Grade: B

Uma does slightly better here, as being slender scores fairly well. She has a slight curve but nothing really to point out either. She does seem to “accidentally” insult Pachira over her slim chest, but I want to blame that on Uma being an idiot rather than picking on her friend. Hopefully I'm not missing anything awful about her though, but I don't imagine this is that kind of series. As such overall Uma does alright as far as her chest goes, but I dislike her being mean to her friend.
Grade: B-

Uma doesn't have a lot of variety, though that may just be me not remembering something properly. Her usual outfit is a strapless dress, with a red front and back and blue sides as well as a frilly bottom. It does remind me of a circus performer, but mostly due to the colors. She also has a yellow heart on her chest and yellow ribbons at her hips, what appears to be a fanny pack in back (heh, fanny puns), and while her socks are baggy they seem really short though I do like how she wears a garter on one leg. Uma's detached white collar and bow tie also makes her look like a bunny girl as well, and occasionally she'll wear a cape when she goes out which looks mysterious and cool though it does hide a lot of her body. Uma's swimwear seems to be a white one piece that shows her body fairly well though as mentioned she doesn't exactly have too much of a curvy body due to how young she looks. She also shows off her panties cutely, and she also has cute pajamas as well. That said, as with her body Uma doesn't wear anything too interesting though I do like her normal outfit as it looks kinda cute and fits with her nature. As a result overall she does merely alright when it comes to this area, and it would have been nicer had her ass been bigger so that she could show it off better.
Grade: C

: E-EH?! Why aren't my scores here as good as the were in the previous areas?!

I mean now that I said them they're already done. Thus your body is now a “previous area”.

: What? Er? Huh?

: Don't confuse her more than she already is, Topaz!

Fair point. But I can understand being surprised at how low your scores are. It's not Uma's fault too much either, as it's more that I'm more into curvy girls than slender ones.

: But thanks to your blog I finally have a great and sexy curve! Take a look!

*Uma bends over and shoves her ass towards Topaz's face, with a great camera angle making her already huge ass look even bigger in comparison to the rest of her body. And even then it is apparent that her ass has grown since the last time she showed off, as her ass is so huge that her panties had too much stress placed on them. As such they break in such a sexy angle.*

: See? Each of my cheeks are bigger than my whole head!

: They were already that big prior, and now they're even more plump! Though they still pale in comparison to my enormous ass~

I mean that is an unfair comparison. Much like using your huge size for the blog, Uma. I do appreciate you showing off your bare ass though.

: My... bare ass? Oh no!

*Uma turns red and goes to check her panties, but Topaz covers for that.*

Yeah, there's that one pic of you showing your ass in the bathtub that helped out a bit.

: Oh, I understand! I'm glad that official art helped me out!


: What's most surprising is that it was done by KANEKO HIRAKU. Having a cowfiend like him make an ass picture with two slender girls is almost completely impossible!

That's true as well, but still appreciated! Especially as otherwise Uma's body isn't anything special. She has a decent loli body but not in any particularly interesting way sadly.

: True as I am quite slender. I'm sorry if that offends you...

: Don't worry as flat and assy girls are certainly appreciated! Just look at how that poll your friend did went!

That was certainly a surprise, both the relative popularity and how appreciated flat and assy girls can be!

: So if that wasn't the problem why did I do so poorly?

Again you're not that bad overall. What do you think you are, a video game?

: 7.8 too much water.

Precisely! People keep forgetting that 50% of the scale is AVERAGE! And you still did above average, Uma!

: Not by much, and I'm surprised her chest scored low in comparison.

Being fair there's nothing wrong with Uma's slender chest. It fits with her body shape and it's not like she brings too much attention to herself. The problem is that she tends to mock Pachira for her flat chest which seems a little hypocritical of her. Especially as there's nothing wrong with flat girls!

: I'm glad that you say that.

But of course! Sadly even if I don't mind Uma's body I don't know how well her clothes fit her...

: Quite well! The top stays on perfectly fine!

: You say that, but you flash people whenever you cast spells!

: E-eh?!

It is true, but I don't mean fit her body well. I mean that I tend to think of sexier girls when it comes to bunny girls, and while Uma is a fairly good loli I wasn't too entranced by her. The costume itself is pretty good, and I do appreciate it, but it's a shame she sometimes wears a cloak which covers so much. That's not counting the frilly skirt which hides her ass shape, and her other outfits aren't much better. I may have been a little rough on her there though, and it's completely possible that I missed something as it's been a long time since I saw her series.

: Do not worry, as I'm sure your readers understand you'd rather have a girl in black gothlolita clothes like me over a clown like Uma~

I mean that is true but you are Zettai's girl so I wouldn't take you from him and-

: Grrr, I don't care about that!

*Uma is throwing a tantrum, pouting cutely and stomping the ground.*

: You are going to pay for giving me a bad score!

Oh no, and I'm all out of money too!

: That's because you don't work enough!

I work plenty! But I can understand as I get distracted easily. That said, please don't cast another spell!

: Topaz's one remaining brain cell can only evade for so long!

: I don't care! He deserves this! PAN!

*Topaz covers his head, worried that another wash basin would smack him on the head. After one doesn't come he looks up nervously.*

Eh? Nothing?

: You shouldn't have been so quick to look!


*He covers his head again, but rather than a pan that comes down it was Uma. Her fat ass comes crashing down on him, but luckily he was able to brace himself to not take damage. Still, the mage girl facesits him and even lets out a strong “spell” on Topaz's face.*


*Uma then gets up, embarrassed as to what just happened. Topaz gets up too, coughing wildly.*

Cough cough, just when I finally got my cough gone...

: That seemed more abusive than I expected, though Zettai would enjoy it.

: He'd rather be under my ass. N-not that I would break such vile winds of course!

: This wasn't my intention! I only wanted him to be punished, but I must have slipped my tongue!

Sounds naughty, but I understand. Still, your fat ass certainly felt good and “punishing”. And fortunately I'm not injured and am ready to continue with the blog!

: I hope I do better than with my body!

Agreed, though if you had a facesitting scene like that you would have done quite a bit better. Especially with your current size. But do not worry, as we still have more to go.

*With that Topaz continues the blog.*

As with last week don't expect anything in-depth as this is a silly slice-of-life series (even with the dramatic opening). Uma may not be my favorite, but she is still a magician and a cute optimist. Sadly she's not talented, being only third rate or so, and she's known more for her magic show causing her skirt to lift up for pantyshots than for actual magic. The only time she seemed to have good magic is when her allergies were acting up. Still, that doesn't mean that Uma is a bad character as her scatterbrain activities fit well with her youthful personality. She's often cheerful and happy, but not in an annoying way which is fairly fortunate even if she can be a little bit of a troublemaker at times. In her free time she reads romance novels as well. Overall I'd say that Uma is a pretty cute girl, even if she doesn't have a strong nor memorable role in the series unlike the other three girls (though being fair Aiko I tend to remember due to her being the meganekko, and otherwise I don't know if she's too strongly remembered either). Still, she's cute and likable with a good voice. Uma is voiced by Mamoko Saitou who gives her a good voice, and other roles she's done include Tsuyuri from Doujin Work, Mami from Xenoglossia, Nazuna the tall imouto from Working, and Kokage the serious trickster from Sketchbook.
Grade: B-

Being fair while it might be more age Uma is still on the younger side. This doesn't mean she doesn't want a boyfriend though, and she even flirts with a boy during the beach episode. It was cute, even if the girls were asked to set him up with a mermaid that rescued them. Still, it shows a fair amount of libido with that type of desire. She also has the yuri-like opening, not to mention some shipping with the other girls I imagine. Overall while Uma could certainly do better she does pretty decently in this area showing interest in getting a boyfriend.
Grade: B-

As with the other girls I'm not quite sure Uma's age. While she may not be an immortal vampire, an (admittingly underpowered) android, or even a vampire but it is possible that she's still ageless. She does seem younger, both physically and mentally, compared to the other girls as well. Still, Uma does pretty well overall even if I would prefer older girls but ageless ones are great! Though perhaps I am giving her more points than she may deserve...
Grade: B

Total Grades: 66
Average score: 7.3
Final Grade: B-

And with that the blog is complete!

: I still feel like I should have done better...

I suppose that is fair, as you do have a lot of appealing features but a lot of them have downsides as well. Like with your hat and cloak covering your body and hair. Luckily your last few areas are better.

: Even if it might be fairly obvious that Topaz didn't pay as much attention to Uma as he did the other girls.

I mean that is to be expected, I suppose. Uma didn't have too much character in comparison, and nothing really stood out.

: Hey! I take offense to that!

That is fair, and I will say that I might be more interested in her if I watched it these days. Me in the past is quite different from how I am now.

: True as you're a lot less mamocentric these days.

Exactly. Still, I do feel bad for making you a little lower than you may deserve. I just wish that you had a more defined age, as you are effectively the “loli” of the group I think. Uma seems to be the least mature both in mind and body, but regardless she does seem to be a little young for my tastes. Not enough to be a problem, but I just prefer the other girls more.

: That is not fair!

I mean I can't give all the girls max points or something! I have to be fair and balanced. Your age also causes a little problem with libido, though not too much.

: What's wrong with my libido? I want a boyfriend like the others and I have subtle yuri with them too!

There's certainly nothing wrong with that, though boo overzealous yuri fans. The main problem is that you tried to steal a boyfriend away from someone who was lusting over him. Granted both were only bit parts, but I'm not too into NTR.

: I think that you're being too rough on Uma.

: Yeah, I agree!

That is a distinct possibility, I don't mean to be mean of course. I might even be writing a little more serious than usual, as I blame writing this later than I should. But I apologize for that and for the scores.

: Do not worry, as they are not as bad as they appear. Uma still did fairly well.

: I did?

But of course! As said a “B” isn't bad! I will say again that this is a slice of life series without much plot, other than the four of you being silly together. But it felt like Uma didn't get as much attention as the others. Sure she got the running joke of her magic making her flash her panties. It would be better if they had focused on her ass more, though I can't remember for sure.

: Japan really needs to stop its obsession with panties.

Agreed! More people need to appreciate fat asses like you girls have!

*The camera shows off Pachira and Uma as they press their fat asses together, looking very sexy and huge.*

That said, I do think that PaCHEEKra still outdoes BUMa.

: Was there any doubt~

: Grrr, to think that I would still lose to you! It looks like even with Topaz's blog I'm going to have to cast my spell!

*She gets in a casting pose as Topaz tries to stop her.*

No, don't! We don't know how that magic will react! I'll probably just get washbinned again too!

: Take this! GLUTUS MAXIMUM!

*Uma cast her spell, the magic once again making her dress go up. Granted it's not like she could hide much of her gargantuan ass with her tiny skirt, but it still focused on her plump cheeks. Nothing happened, but Topaz once again gets hit for 5 damage from a wash bin.*


OOF! One more of those and I'm going to be saying nonsense!

: Come on, Topaz. You have plenty more HP.

I suppose that is true. But it is still getting annoying.

: I apologize for the bins-wait, consider it a punishment for saying such things about me!

I didn't say anything bad, I don't think! I blame the series having more memorable girls, and you getting left behind in my mind! Your voice is cute though.

: Though it is no surprise her latest spell didn't work. She's such a third rate witch sometimes and-

*As Pachira was talking the vampire girl's ass grows even more gigantic. She falls on her hips, her ass looking even more gigantic as she grows even past three meters. Her legs flail about as she shouts.*

: N-NOOO! I blame you for making me this big, Uma!

*Uma glares to the side and clicks her tongue.*

: That should have been me...

: That's what Zettai is probably saying about the rug that Pachira is on...

I'm sure he'd rather be her panties instead, if she could wear any I suppose. Won't stop him though.

: Ugh, this is so humiliating... I hope that I'm back to normal by next blog!

But you're so sexy and assy!

: I can't walk like this, at least much! And I'm sure we'll have some other visitor soon since you're done with Uma's blog.

: Sadly I am not a good enough witch to keep your ass this gigantic for that long. But regardless, I am thankful for the blog Topaz! I may have been able to get better, but knowing that I'm not forgotten makes me happy.

I'm glad to hear that, and I'm glad you enjoy your new huge ass too!

: But of course! And I'm sure that I will surely get a new boyfriend using it!

Certainly, as smart men wouldn't be able to resist your huge ass and flat upper body! Though Pachira looks even better...

: I do agree with that, but is this really the best time to bring that up?!

I mean your cheeks are bigger than Uma is tall! But now that her blog is over, we should probably be leaving...

: That's what I would like to do, but it looks like it's still storming out.

*The camera shows off the big window, with heavy rain and thunder being seen outside.*

Darn it! All those sayings about April showers when it's MARCH showers that are causing so much trouble! Now what are we going to do.

: I suppose that you can just stay here for the week, then leave next time.

But I like giving a preview for next time, but there's no way that any girl will brave this storm!

*The doors open wide, revealing a cloaked figure silhouetted by the storm outside. She looks very intimidating as she walks inside.*

????: YOU! You must be the great evil in this household!

: Oh no! She's here because Pachira farts to much and it's gone downwind!

: I told you before that I don't “break wind”! Besides, it's your fault that I have this huge ass! She's probably here because we're squatters or something...

????: No, rather I am here for YOU!

*She points at Topaz.*


????: YES!

*She takes off her cloak, revealing herself.*

Posted by emperortopaz | Mar 13, 6:59 AM | 0 comments
March 6th, 2025
This is the eight-hundred-fiftieth week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.

*We join Topaz and Riri exploring the town once again.*

We sure are fortunate that even if we got called into the headmaster's room last time we didn't get into any serious trouble!

: I imagine that Maya was too busy dominating Zettai to scold us too much. Not that I mind I suppose, as it's not like we were supposed to go there anyway.

I usually have permission to go into schools for the purposes of my blog. I suppose we should have looked in a better way, rather than asking random people.

: You THINK?! I'm glad that you weren't arrested!

Well, if I was maybe it would have been a sexy woman police officer. Then again that would have meant that we would have delayed Maya's blog yet again...

: I don't think Zettai would have been happy with that. Plus I don't want to go to prison again, as we already had to deal with it during the JoJo arc last year.

Fair point about that. Though speaking of the blog perhaps we should look for this week's girl.

: That's a fair point. And since it's the traditional vampire blog we probably won't see her outside.

What do you mean... Wait, don't finish-

*Ririchiyo points to the sun in the sky, with no clouds around.*

: I mean it's nice out and all sunny. There's no way a vampire would be outside in this sort of weather. It's far too lovely!


*Before Topaz could properly prevent Riri from finishing the statement, a clap of thunder is heard. Almost instantly dark clouds came in, covering the clear sky with stormy weather. Rain and hail pour down on top of them, with Topaz shielding Riri like a proper gentleman.*

: W-what the?! The forecast didn't predict anything like that!

What can I say, winter weather here is unpredictable! In fact, by saying how nice it was it was obvious that it was going to storm, just to pick on us further.

: Ugh, and we're all wet already. Please don't take that out of context.

*She glares at him.*

Don't worry, with how wet we are I'm otherwise distracted from making perverse jokes like that. And look!

*Topaz points to an ominous building nearby. A bolt of thunder highlights it from behind.*

Nice touch.

: You know that just because this is a vampire blog you don't need to go all horror themed on us, right? Especially with THIS girl...

Don't worry, as I'm sure that it will be perfectly safe to enter this abandoned-looking building! It's not like our car just happened to break down in front of it!

: Only because we didn't drive here! But with all the freezing rain coming down I suppose we shouldn't be too picky. Come on, let's go inside!

*The two hurry to the building and enter it, pulling on the huge doors which don't seem locked at all. They are met with a big foyer with a grand staircase in front of them.*

Man, this really looks like an adventure game!

: Topaz, please don't put hamsters in the microwave or shove brooms at a sphinx...

I mean the latter is at least a solution to getting past it! But I understand. First we have to find this week's girl, then we'll be waiting out the rain.

????: I see that you have come into my new villa, much like rats in a maze!

*A dominant-sounding voice is heard, as the door slams behind Topaz and Riri. They notice a mysterious female figure sitting in front of the window, watching the rain. A bolt of lighting flashes behind her, revealing her identity.*

Look! It's Katja!

: That's right-WAIT NO! WRONG! You even have the wrong picture, you idiotic blogger!

*The proper girl pulls down the picture of the dominant loli, tearing it into pieces. She lets out a sigh as she lets them see her true form.*

: It's me!

: Oh no! I knew that this was going to be some kind of horror game reference! Next you know kids are going to “mysteriously disappear” and then a haunted theme park blah blah blah!

Darn it, indie horror is all the same since FNAF came out hasn't it? I blame them all trying to fight for the idiotic kid market. But let's not get distracted by game genres I don't play, as we seem to have found a girl!

: But of course, and I am glad to see that you are smart enough to recognize me as a female. Despite my lack of...

*She presses her hands against her chest.*

Don't worry! You're very beautiful after all, so come on down and let me talk about you!

: Well, if you insist...

*The vampire in the gothloli-ish outfit slides down the banister of the stairs. However, before she gets to the bottom with plump cherubs with bows and notched arrows she slides off. She falls down the stairs, getting roughed up in the process.*

OH NO! Are you alright!

: Of course I am!

*She stands up right away, though she does have a bit of a nosebleed. Fortunately her vampiric healing makes it so that she cleans up quickly from the injury. Plus it was more comedic than anything, so that's a good thing.*

: Now, what are you doing here?

: Oh, it was storming out so we came here to seek shelter. But since you're a vampire, please do not eat us!

: I would not do such a thing! Even if you were bleeding I would not feel the urge, as I am civilized!

*She takes out a juice box full of tomato juice, sticking the straw through, and begins to drink.*

That's a relief. But it is good of you to welcome us here. At least as long as the storm lasts. But in return I'll talk about you on my blog!

: A... blog? I am not sure what that is, though I do recall both Aiko and Liru speaking of such a word...

: And Aiko was talked about a long, LONG time ago too!

: To think that you waited so long to speak about me! I would punish you, but obviously you know that no beauty can surpass mine!

I wouldn't say that. You are certainly beautiful, I don't disagree with that, but it's not like I'd end my blog after I talk about you.

: I suppose that you must want to become a villain rather than leave on such a high note, but I understand as there are a great many girls around. I shall allow you to speak about me-

: Don't forget to warn her, Topaz!

: Warn me? About what?

Oh, for some reason my blogs always cause swelling in a... certain feminine area. But there's no reason a woman of your caliber would need such a thing and-

*The vampire pulls Topaz close, having him stare close into her red eyes.*

: You. Are. Going. To. Talk. About. Me. Then.

: Listen, it's not what you are thinking!

Now now, she already gave permission and in such a dominant way! I should obey her commands, and as such allow me to say that...

I will note that sadly my pun last time didn't work as well as I wanted.

: Pun? What sort of pun?

Well, I was thinking of making a “panchira” joke, but sadly your name is pronounced with a “kee” rather than a “chi” sound.

: Why would you make a panchira joke, and what even is that?

It means a brief glimpse at underwear, or in a more joking manner a brief glimpse at briefs. Only for girls, but sadly the bad pun wouldn't work otherwise.

: I still don't understand.

: That means that Topaz is going to have you provide an example.

*Pachira then bends over slightly, and since her ass was growing more her black dress tears. Her panties are shown, even if they are straining already to contain such a plump ass. Her vampire cheeks jiggle and bounce in a sexy fashion.*

: EEEK! I can't believe it, as I've torn my favorite dress! And... wait, are my buttocks even larger?

I did warn you that certain swelling would occur...

: I thought you meant that my chest was going to become bigger, like if I had a boyfriend to rub them!

Why, to make a genie appear? That would be silly! Have him rub your fat ass, as it's far sexier!

: So your ability only refers to my a-ass then... How improper, and I am afraid that you tricked me!

: I knew that I should have said something, but I also knew Topaz would try to silence me again. And it's my big mouth that likely caused the storm too!

Don't think of it as being tricked, think of it as being surprised at the blessing you will receive. After all, everyone knows female asses are far sexier than anything else!

: But won't I look weird and lopsided?! My ass would become huge and my top half will still be so flat...

: And WHAT is wrong with that?!

*Riri proudly shows off her slender body and huge ass, giving Pachira some more confidence.*

: You're right, as I can see how sexy that body type is! Plus it will make whoever is under my ass even happier!

Exactly! Especially because you'll engulf them with your enormous cheeks! But let's not get too distracted, even if Pachira's ass is amazing. I still need to talk about your name.

: Is that all? I thought that you had already introduced me.

I mean I did, but I still like talking about name origins and such. It seems like you're named after some type of water tree that's often called a “Money Tree”, or at least that is where my research lead me.

: Well, I do suppose that I am quite rich with beauty and talent~

It's also called the “Sweet Water Nut”. Hee hee...

*Topaz giggles to himself.*

: Don't laugh at yourself saying “nut”, Topaz. It makes you look like an idiot.

But it's still a silly name! The tree's name, not Pachira as hers is cool.

: I should hope so! And as disappointed I am that my slender chest will not change I still want to hear more about this blog of yours!

Why would I attempt to change beauty like that? Besides, everyone knows female asses are far sexier anyway!

: In that case I hope you can convince me properly.

I'll try my best, but first I'll be looking at your head. As such, let us begin!

*With that Topaz starts the blog properly.*

Pachira has some really beautiful hair, even though the color isn't as interesting as the other girls. At least there isn't a lot of blonde girls, but her dark blonde/light brown-ish hair doesn't look too bad and it contrasts well with her usual black gothloli clothing. It fits being a bit of a noble as well. Style wise it looks really good too, having long hair that when down only goes down to her hips without covering her ass. Pachira usually has twintails though, which are spread to the side and have cute zig-zags at the bottom. It's fortunate her hair isn't as short as it might appear at first, and I like how her ribbons have bat-like shadows coming up from them. The sides of her hair are decent, likely because they're pulled into her ponytails but they don't look bad and her bangs are nice too. A little basic but I don't mind the long middle bang style. Overall while not the best, Pachira might have the best sort of hair that the blonde color could give. Granted ojou curls or just having free hair might score better, but she looks great still.
Grade: A-

Pachira has some incredible eyes, both in shape and color. As a vampire her eyes are red, though there are times when they appear brown but I imagine they are supposed to be red which is a nice color. Her eyes seem of the slightly-closed kind, with a line above them, and while rounded she does have a bit of a tsurime. It is hard to tell, but I want to think Pachira has dominant-looking eyes. Her eyes have nice corners though could use some slight eyelashes for a bit of emphasis. I do like how the series allows some silliness, such as making her pupils slim while angry and it makes her look even cuter. I'm not a fan of her wearing sunglasses in the beach episode but only on her forehead though, she needs to wear them on her face (and actual glasses too!). But I suppose I have Aiko for that. Putting glasses aside Pachira still has really nice eyes overall though they could certainly be improved, and I don't just mean because she has forehead sunglasses like a Kalos character either.
Grade: B

She also has a very pretty face, which is always a plus. Pachira does have pointed ears which stick out a fair bit, but as she's a vampire so it fits I think. Besides, while I don't usually like ears showing pointed ears like this are cute and different. Pachira also has a small dot nose which I always like, and she also has a nice cheek and chin curve. I will mention that she has some occasional bad moments licking ice cream in suggestive ways, even if I would rather not but for completion sake I probably should. Still, overall Pachira is a very beautiful girl and I like her small features as well as her pointed ears.
Grade: A-

: Grrr, to think that you would dislike my eyes so much!

What are you talking about? I think you scored pretty well, as I even bumped you up slightly compared to my original rough draft.

: But look at how beautiful my eyes are!

*Pachira pulls Topaz closer to her eyes, looking at him close and in a cute fashion.*

: Hey now, don't go kissing now!

*The vampire pushes Topaz away, folding her hands with a comedic pouting face.*

: Fine! I don't need your points anyway!

At least you aren't using a vampire's power of hypnosis while you do that.

: Hmmm...

Don't think about it. It won't count if you use your powers to hypnotize me like that. Well, I suppose it might as we haven't had a situation like that, but now that it's come up I wouldn't count it.

: Unfortunate, to think that I would cause a rule change like that.

Of course, that doesn't mean that your eyes are bad of course. It's a pretty good score, specifically for someone who doesn't wear glasses. Not even sunglasses, as your head doesn't count!

: Maybe she needed it to shield her forehead from the sun.

: Nonsense as I just had a lot of sunscreen at that time.

Makes sense. Regardless your red eyes are excellent, even if being more red would have been a little more thematic as they look brown on occasion. Maybe it is due to your hair color and not contrasting too well. The shape of your eyes are still pretty good, and I appreciate the nice corners, but tsurime would have been even more dominant!

: So you think that I cannot be dominant! Let's see what you think of THIS!

*Pachira pushes Topaz down and sits on his back. Her ass is even bigger, with her cheeks completely exposed as they burst through her dress. Her panties are wedgied into her crack too, making her assflab look even sexier.*

: Consider this punishment for not telling me how huge my ass would become either! To think that my cheeks would be so close to covering your whole body too!

It feels great, but since you're Zettai's girl I imagine he'd rather be in this position. Plus I bet he'd be able to hold you up during the blog far better.

: You can't just keep calling on him to carry things for you. I mean sure he loves huge heavy asses, but that's no excuse!

: At least you appreciate my hair and face far more.

But of course! You have beautiful long hair, and twintails fit your personality well. I also like that it allows your hair to be long but not cover your ass, and I even like the cute ribbons at the base.

: Thank you, I'm glad you appreciate them.

But of course! Even if at first I thought that they were cats.

: Wait, why cats? They're obviously bats as Pachira is a vampire!

I mean that makes sense, but considering how many animals can be associated with vampires I just figured cats were some myth I hadn't heard about.

: Fair as there are a lot of vampire mythos out there.

Exactly! And while I'm not too big on blonde hair the brownish tone makes it not as bad as I like brown hair. Your bangs look quite nice even if I do prefer blunt ones, and your sides are pretty fair as well. In general your hair looks really great!

: But of course! I take great care in my appearance~

*She flicks one of her twintails, looking very sexy as she does so. And not because every motion Pachira did now made her massive cheeks ripple though that certainly looked sexy too.*

And as mentioned Pachira's face is really great too! I love small dot noses, and the simplistic artstyle allows for silly expressions which I like. She also has fangs as a vampire which I'm more into these days which helps her score, and I also enjoy her pointed ears too. You're a very pretty and beautiful girl, Pachira!

*She blushes cutely.*

: Well, I suppose I should have expected you to compliment me so well. But do not think that means that I will get off your back either.

But your fat ass is so heavy! I mean it feels soft and sexy, but you should be Zettai's girl instead!

: Continue with the blog, and I shall perhaps do something for him as well...

I suppose that makes sense... Fortunately we still have a lot to get through!

*With that Topaz continues with the blog, with Pachira's fat ass pressing against his back as he supports himself with all four limbs.*

I would say that among the main girls, Pachira is near the middle as far as height goes. Similar to Aiko (though she weighs a lot less than the android girl), I'd say. She does have a more slim build, but there's nothing wrong with that even in the next area. She does have the occasional buttshots as this series is from some time ago where ecchi knew what girlass was, but sadly being so slim means she doesn't have too much of an ass. She also shows off her legs fairly well but the art style is a more simple design so she doesn't have too much appeal when it comes to her thighs. Pachira also occasionally has wings, and she can also grow her nails into claws. She is a vampire after all, though that also means that she occasionally burns in sunlight (though is usually fine when it isn't brought up). Luckily she can recover pretty quickly in the shade. Overall Pachira's vampire side isn't too much of a problem, but rather being slender including having a slim ass and thighs is. She still looks really good, but the show needs to stop picking on her.
Grade: B-

And by “picking on her” I mean this area obviously. It's a shame that a lot of Pachira's character traits revolve around her being flat and envious of other girls around her. I get that vampires can't grow, but Pachira needs to be more confident in her size! Boo breast envy as it was so popular back in these days, and she needs to grow as a character and not as a cow by stopping her dumb mamocentric wishes! Overall Pachira has a beautiful flat chest, occasionally having a bit of a curve, but the breast envy obviously causes too many problems as she needs to appreciate her slender body!
Grade: B-

Pachira does a lot better when it comes to this area, at least usually. Her usual outfit is a black goth-loli bustier, detached sleeves, and pink dress with garters leading to knee-high boots. It looks really great, and even if she's a vampire Pachira also wears a cross necklace. During the beach episode she wears a cute green bikini, but sadly with a pareo unfortunately. Other outfits she's worn include an oni costume, a naked shirt for pajamas as well as “actual” pajamas, and a nurse outfit in the OVA though that only is a lab coat over her usual outfit. There's very likely more that I haven't seen, but it's been a while since her series. Still, Pachira overall does quite well with her cool black outfit as gothloli really fits vampire girls.
Grade: B+

*Pachira crosses her arms in a very tsun way, all while Topaz is having trouble supporting such an enormous ass.*

: Harumph! I thought that you appreciated my body, especially my enormous ass!

I do! Urg...

*Topaz collapses, as each of Pachira's cheeks had expanded to the point where she couldn't fit entirely on his back any longer. She gets up and glares at him.*

: AND you're a terrible chair!

I never said that I would make a good one, you just did this on your own. Now, as for your body...

*He stands up, brushing the dust off of his body.*

It is pretty good, and as mentioned I like your slender chest. There's nothing wrong with being flat, and you look even better now that your ass is so huge in contrast.

*Pachira shakes the blogger.*

: So then WHY did I not do better? Don't make me use my vampire hypnotism on you!

Ah, I see what you have a problem with. With your chest you would have done really well, but you need more PRIDE!

: Pride?! Even with so many things around me mocking me?!

That needs to stop as well, especially from your friends! But you look great and slender, so you don't need to change. That is the main issue you had in that area!

: I see... Well, at least you seem to enjoy my slender body.

Now hold on there. I liked your slender chest, but the rest of the body isn't so good. Well, I mean your slender waist looks good, but not the lower body.

: What do you mean? Can't you see how GIGANTIC my ass is?!

*Pachira then turns around, nearly whacking Topaz with her enormous ass. She also almost loses her balance, falling over from the sheer size of her massive cheeks.*

: Phew... I nearly did something improper...

: Don't worry. You'll eventually become used to the size of your gigantic cheeks.

: I suppose that is a relief, yes. But to think that Topaz would think that I am still “slim”!

Oh, I do not count your current size. It would be unfair as you've grown so much as a result of this blog.

: Hmmm, I suppose that works as an excuse. Though while you may have tricked me, my larger ass shall be something that I will proudly display!

: And not just because it's grown so big you can't fit it in clothes any longer either.

: True... Though speaking of my clothing, it would appear that you enjoyed them at least.

But of course! Black gothloli clothing works really well for vampires, and yours is a great mix between cute and sexy! I do wonder about the cross though...

: Do not question that.

Fair point. That said, your other clothes are quite nice. It's a shame you covered yourself with bats when going into the hot spring, but your swimsuit looks cute and skimpy while your pajamas are cute too. Granted I'm probably missing out on a lot of clothing but your normal outfit is probably the best still.

: Thank you for the lovely compliment~

But of course, as a beauty like you deserves it! That said, don't think that we're done yet!

: Good, as I await hearing more about myself. As long as it is praise, of course!

Makes sense, and I think that I say a lot of pretty good things. But enough stalling, it's time to continue!

*Topaz then continues with the blog, heading into the next sections.*

In all fairness MagiPoka is more of a slice of life comedy, a CGDCT, which means that Pachira doesn't have a very deep personality. That's not a problem for me luckily, as I like series like this with four idiots hanging around and being placed in various situations. Pachira herself is a vampire princess and has a somewhat proper personality, though I'm not sure if she speaks in any ojou way sadly. Still, she's still cute even if she is noble and proud which is always a good thing. As she's a vampire she does occasionally find herself craving blood, but she is able to make due by drinking tomato juice. She also can't show up in video nor film, but does show up in thermographic cameras. There's definitely a lot I'm missing sadly due to the time that it has taken me to talk about this beautiful vampire, but Pachira is still a really great character even if she wasn't my favorite. She was still good, and something that certainly helps is that Pachira is voiced by Aya Hirano who does a good job with the role. Other roles she's done include the obvious Haruhi, Konata from Lucky Star, Lucy from Fairy Tail, Katja from SnQ, and Nanael from Queen's Blade.
Grade: B

Sadly Pachira doesn't show too much directly, though mostly due to a lack of good targets. Or maybe I'm just not remembering correctly, which is possible considering how long ago I watched the series... Let's not bring into this area her dumb breast obsession (like how in the OVA the doctor says Pachira could get bigger breasts if she has her boyfriend fondle them), even if the slender “girl” she becomes friends with in the hot springs does lead to a cute yuri hug. She also has yuri moments with the other girls as well (even in the opening with Uma), and she seems interested in guys like when they go to the beach and she wants to meet cute boys. This is a CGDCT series though, so sadly the girls can't get boyfriends. Still, Pachira's libido does decently even if she doesn't have a true partner, but she at least seems open to the idea.
Grade: B-

I don't think that there's any official statement about Pachira when it comes to her age. She does look to be about teenage, but she's also a vampire and thus immortal and ageless. Knowing the franchise she's probably extremely old, but that works well as teenhags do well here. I do wish that we had a more concrete or even approximate age when it comes to Pachira, but overall she does quite well.
Grade: B+

Total Grades: 75
Average score: 8.3
Final Grade: B

And with that the blog is completed!

: Such a shame it's still storming outside! I believe that I can still hear the thunder!

*A strong “clap of thunder” is heard, but with no flash.*


: Y-yes, thunder. Certainly a refined girl such as myself would never let out any uncouth odors! Even with how colossal my ass has become!

*Pachira looks smug, but is definitely trying to hide something.*

: Well that's great. Not only are we trapped in with the rain, but we have a poison machine in here! It really seems like a horror movie now, as we won't make it out alive!

: It isn't that bad!

What isn't?

: T-that is not important! Especially because I know you have more things to summarize about me. Go on, Topaz. I command you to talk about me!

I understand, and I'm sure the readers will enjoy me talking about you more. It's a shame that, as far as I can recall, we don't have a good age for you.

: I suppose that happens as it has been quite a long time since you saw my series. Such a shame though, as you should have done it earlier.

: Believe me, if Topaz had talked about you earlier you would have done much worse. Not only would you score worse as he was horribly mamocentric, but your ass wouldn't be this enormous!

*Ririchiyo even pokes Pachira's bare ass, as even her panties couldn't contain such enormous cheeks. The vampire's beautiful cheeks ripple from the touch, bouncing and jiggling like never before.*

Such a shame you weren't this big in the series, especially with the ass jiggles! And showing off your bare ass too! I bet you could easily find a boyfriend or even better a slave!

: Hmmm, a slave. That does sound tempting, especially if it is one able to help me carry my gigantic cheeks...

I'm sure that he would, and he'd even breathe your smelly gases too!

: That does sound promising...

*Pachira thinks about it, and we enter her mind idealizing her perfect slave.*

: Hmm? You look familiar somehow, even if we have never met.

Zettai: Such things do not matter, as now I am your slave Pachira-sama! Please, allow me to serve you!

: I could certainly get used to this~ Now, carry my gigantic ass!

*Pachira then sits on him, allowing his arms to hold her cheeks. Zettai couldn't carry such a massive size like this, falling down but that only causes her to pin him down and rub her cheeks against his smothered body.*

Zettai: MMPPH! So heavy, yet soft and beautiful!

: You certainly have an eye for beauty, do you not~ But do not think that failing to carry my ass will be without consequence!

Zettai: What, are you going to sit on me for hours?

: You would like that too much. Instead...

*She gets up.*

Zettai: You're right! It is torture to not have you seated on me! Please, continue to be my owner!

: Do not think that sweet talking me like that will get you anywhere! Wait here for now, as I shall be back soon...

*Pachira goes into the kitchen for a few minutes. She comes back with a red drink with a straw in it.*

Zettai: Oh no! Don't tell me you'll force me to drink blood!

: Certainly not! This is berry juice! But I will certainly improve it better...

*She places the glass between her cheeks, farting into the straw and causing a huge amount of bubbles to come out.*

: Now drink it, my slave!

Zettai: Oh no. Anything but that...

: Put some more heart into it!

*Zettai still drinks the bubbly juice, appreciating Pachira's powerful gas giving it a taste like no other.*

Zettai: Oh no! I cannot believe that I drank something so poisonous! I shall surely pass after drinking it....

: You say that, but I can tell by your pants that you enjoyed it. Which is fortunate as I shall enjoy YOU quite a bit~

*Pachira holds Zettai's chin with her hand, having a fanged dominant smile on her face. In reality she shakes her head and ends the fantasy.*

: I can't believe that I thought of something so perverse...

Sounds like you have a hidden naughty side, which is great! If only you had shown it in the show, or at least in a very memorable way, you would have done better when it comes to your libido!

: As mentioned before Topaz doesn't have a great memory.

Indeed, which is a huge shame! And also a huge shame-wait....

: Enough jokes! You had enough distractions, so don't forget to talk about my personality!

Without jokes? But you're from a comedy series! There's a lot of jokes in it, and to forgo them would be taking a lot out.

: Maybe we can remove the breast envy unjokes.

Good plan, those are useless anyway. But Pachira is a great girl, as befitting of a vampire. She has a slightly dominant and elegant side, even if she has moments of not being elegant due to the silliness of the series.

: Wait, if I'm a vampire how am I showing up in the recordings you're doing? Don't tell me people only have to imagine my gigantic ass!

*She shows it off to the camera, worried that it may not be picking her up.*

Don't worry about such things, as technology has come a long way over the years.

: Which is just Topaz saying “don't worry about it, it's not important”.

That too.

: Fine then. That said, it seems that you really like me.

But of course! Though I will say that you probably have a far better personality than I may have written. As said I don't remember a lot about the show which is unfortunate, but I tried my best to research it.

: I just hope that Pachira understands.

: Do not worry, as I will accept this large ass you have blessed me with as an apology.

Sounds good, and I'm glad to hear that you're so proud of it.

: But of course, as it gives a far better curve to my body more than any chest could! I look so elegant and beautiful!

That you do, which is always great! And of course Aya Hirano is a great VA for you, which explains the Katja joke earlier on.

: Well, at least you explained that. But it seems that our time is up for right now.

Why, is the sun coming up?

: It looks like it's still storming out for some reason. Surely we'll be trapped here!

Oh no! Hopefully we won't be here in April!

: Why? What's that?

Something awful and disgusting. But enough about that, there must be something causing this weather!

: Or it's just beginning to be Spring. It happens every year.

No no, I'm sure that there's something afoot!

: Like what?

*Suddenly from upstairs a bunny suit-looking mage seems to come down. Her big witch's hat even has bunny ears.*

: Pachira! Pachira! Did you see it? I made it storm out, so that we can go outside shopping without you having to worry about the sun!

: So you're the one behind this...

*Pachira sighs and shakes her head while facepalming.*

: Did it ever occur to you that I might not want to go out in the rain though?

: What do you mean-OH! Because you can't cross running water, right?

It's not like she's quick enough to danmaku through the rain either!

: Especially with a fat ass like what I have now...

: That means that I did a mistake, didn't I... Wait, who are these two?!

*The witch finally realizes Topaz and Riri are unusual guests.*

: They came to seek shelter from the rain, but they were able to speak of me in such a mostly positive manner for his... what was it called again?

A blog.

: Ah yes, that.

: Sounds delicious! I want one of these bog things!

It's not something that you can eat!

: And who would find a “bog” delicious anyway...

: I don't care! I want to hear you talk about me!

I'm not sure if that's such a good idea, but since we're trapped in this house as long as it's raining we might as well talk about you and finish off the series.

: What about the Keimie or whatever her name is?

I mean sure, but she's invisible and thus impossible to know where she was or what she looks like. Regardless, it looks like we have a girl for next week!

: Whooo! Hurrah! Wait, next WEEK?

: Don't worry, you won't have to wait that long.

: Phew!

You readers will have to, but be sure to come back and see me talk about this cute witch girl! But until then, see ya later!

*With that Topaz ends the blog for the week.*
Posted by emperortopaz | Mar 6, 6:57 AM | 0 comments
February 27th, 2025
This is the eight-hundred-forty-ninth week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.

*It is a bright new day and Topaz is standing proudly in the sunlight.*

Smell that, Riri?

: Please don't say you smell Zettai's girl already.

Fortunately not yet. I'm referring to the sunlight and the soon-to-be-springtime out here. I have been inside for the past two blogs, but now we're able to stretch my legs and explore.

: Just be careful not to strain anything, or cough too much either.

Darn the dryness of winter air. But I do suppose that we should go and search for this week's girl. It's a very special day for Zettai after all!

: True, but he's not the only one who has had a special day skipped!

Fair point and happy late birthday to you Ririchiyo! I apologize for not bringing it up last week, but I'm quite bad when it comes to birthdays. Even of people that I am close to.

: I suppose that makes sense as you are forgetful and an idiot.

True on both accounts, sadly! But I hope that I still do this week's blog well, as Zettai has been waiting for it for some time.

: That he has, so let's start looking for the girl herself! We don't want a wasted moment, but where to look first!

It's times like this that we should go looking around the school! Let's go!

*Topaz then grabs Ririchiyo's hand and the two of them head to the school. Unfortunately time passes and they end up at the headmistress's room.*

: I can't believe that you were chasing down people asking if they knew a girl.

I suppose I wasn't thinking properly, but in the moment it was a good idea! Such a shame we couldn't find her...

???: And who do you think you are looking for a random girl on campus? And without permission too?!

*The stern headmistress then turns around on her chair, looking intimidating but in a dominant way. Meaning good, obviously.*

: To think that a pervert like you was on campus of MY school!

Hey! I take offense to that!

: Now now, Topaz. You ARE a pervert...

Yeah, but the things I was doing wasn't with perverse intentions! That said, it seems that we found what we were looking for!

: Eh? What are you talking about? I hope that it's not about the occult, as I always get wrapped up in all kinds of crazy capers and things. I hate the occult!

Don't worry, as it's not anything occult at all! I just want to do my blog on you!

: A blog? Are those still a thing? I know that they were when my series was airing, but now everyone uses their social media for such things.

Social media ruined the internet, nothing surprising about that. But I still am doing my blog, as I have been doing for quite some time.

: I see. Then you must be quite the reporter to know about my achievements. I am quite the headmistress, even if the occult theme of this school is not to my liking.

: True. We even heard about all kinds of secrets like the room with a mysterious odor...

: Please, you do not need to bring up any occult nonsense. I am sure that he knows the true situation of the school and wants to talk to me about the history and-

Actually I talk about cute anime girls on the internet.

: Oh... It has been some time since someone talked about me.

Indeed, as Zettai talked about you all the way back in 2017. Man I feel old...

: You always feel old, but it's better than the alternative. Especially as you get to talk about this week's girl.

That is certainly true, and what a girl she is! Granted she still has to give me permission, especially once I give her the warning.

: I do not see a reason why I wouldn't-eh? A warning? What trouble could just talking about me cause?

Well, as a result of my blogs the girls always end up expanding their asses to a massive, gigantic size. I am not sure what causes it, but if you give me permission it shall quickly happen to you.

: It is likely just a coincidence that such a thing occurs, as I do not believe that you have some occult reason behind it. I doubt that my backside would grow at all either, as it sounds like an urban myth.

: I wouldn't be so sure about that. It's been happening to every non-enemy girl for the past several years, so that's far more girls than could be a “coincidence”...

: I highly doubt that something like that would ever happen to me. Do your worse, Topaz. I want to hear your thoughts about me!

I wouldn't say that my blogs are my “worse” but I'm glad you want me to talk about you. As such, let me exclaim that...

I'm just glad that I didn't have to go back in time and have to fight a giant space flea either!

: You can't just take everything from Zettai's blog, Topaz. He mentioned the bucket going back to 1999, and even had the closet joke from Chrono Trigger too!

True true, but I like referencing his blogs. They also make my blogs a little easier to write as he is as detailed as I am.

: I only hope that you have your own original ideas, and will not just copy off his work.

Certainly not, as I make sure to write the blogs properly! And I don't even use AI, which proves I'm superior to many kids even if I dislike writing!

: Plus you can write a cohesive script and storyline, unlike a lot of fanfiction writers.

That's certainly true. But let's not get too distracted. Even if Maya has a lovely and plump ass.

: I do not see why that pertains to the situation.

Because it looks lovely of course. So stand up and show off proudly!

: To think that a woman of my stature would be forced to show off like this. But if you will not continue without seeing my backside, I suppose I can show you...

*Maya then stands up and turns around, shoving her fat ass towards Topaz. Her cheeks are expanded but her white dress has not been torn quite yet. Though it is certainly struggling to keep her cheeks contained.*

: My dress does feel somewhat tighter at the moment... But likely it is a mere coincidence.

: I wouldn't say that, as your ass growing is just something that occurs in the blogs. You should be prepared for such a thing.

That does not mean you should get your crossbow ready to shoot yourself in the ass. That would hurt!

: I concur, and I would not see how that would aid me anyway. Unless you think that my posterior is expanding like a balloon and as a result I will become smaller if I pop it.

Let's hope not! Though as you're Zettai's girl I can certainly see your ass being filled with a certain “air”.

: Only if he's here of course, as I wouldn't want to breathe such disgusting air.

: I am a proper lady, and as such I am not... flatulent like you may have thought.

Maybe not yet, but I know that Zettai would enjoy such a thing. Just like how he'd love to be your chair.

: I already have a seat. Now, I know that you mentioned that my backside shall expand but do not tell me that the entire blog will revolve around my posterior! I want you to talk about more things than just that!

Fair point, as you have a lot of good things about you. And I shall get to them soon. First though, I need to talk about your name.

: My name? But did you not already announce it earlier?

True that I introduced you, but I like to get into etymology as well.

: What does insects have to do with my blog?

No, I mean the background of words. For example, “Maya” seems to have religious backgrounds going back to Sanskrit and is not only the name of Buddha's mother but the Hindu goddess Durga. Granted that might not be the correct translation of her name, but considering the occult background I can see something like that meaning.

: It always comes back to the occult, doesn't it...

*Maya lets out a sigh.*

Sure seems that way. Your last name of “Kumashiro” also has a similar meaning. While written with the characters for “bear” and “white”, it's more likely to be based on “godliness” and “substitution”/”conversion. Granted I don't know Japanese so I don't know for sure.

: Still, for not knowing the language you are surprisingly thorough when it came to my name.

But of course! I cannot just ignore names, and I like bringing them up in case they have some secret meaning or something.

: After all, a lot of authors these days use punny names. Like with 100 Girlfriends and Komi-san.

Exactly, and that's not counting even earlier series. Still, it's a shame that your last name isn't CULOSHIRI as it fits your fat ass!

*Maya bounces her plump cheeks in surprise, looking quite sexy in her tight white dress.*

: Please do not mock my name, as I get enough from my father's occult nonsense!

Fair fair, but you do have a lovely fat ass Maya. Still, I suppose that it is time for us to get started with this week's blog properly.

: Very good, Topaz. After all, I appreciate you taking this seriously.

: I don't know if “seriously” is the proper way to put this, but I'm sure he'll try his best.

That I will, emphasis on the “try” part as I know I'm not a skilled writer. Why do people continue to read these?!

: I blame fanservice and the sunk cost fallacy.

Fair point, as the fanservice is very sexy! But first we'll look at Maya's head and design!

: That sounds fairly questionable, but go right ahead Topaz. I give you permission!

*With that Topaz begins Maya's blog proper.*

Maya's hair is one of her strongest areas, and it looks amazing to me. I love her long black hair as it looks so pretty and elegant, and it helps that her hair isn't long enough to cover her ass which is always a good thing. She wears an ojou-like hairband which matches well with her clothes, and while she does show her bangs her sides are pulled back unfortunately. A shame, though I do like her elegantly brushed bangs even if I do prefer hime cuts. Maya also wears a shower cap in one episode, but other than that I'm not sure if she styles her hair but with such a strong showing it isn't necessary. Overall Maya has very beautiful black hair, with a very nice length and cute hairband. She could use better bangs and sides, but she still has an heir of nobility when it comes to her pretty hair and how free it is.
Grade: A-

Maya does fairly decently when it comes to her eyes. The blue color isn't the best, though it does look a little grey which isn't too bad either so the subtle color helps. But the main appeal Maya's eyes have are in the shape. The shape of her eyes is a beautiful tsurime which further accentuates her dominant side as well. Due to the lines above her eye it's possible that her eyes are partially open, but that's sexy as well. There's a bit of a line under her eye, which is hard to see and probably not noticeable in the series itself but looks cute, and the corners of her eyes are also very pretty as well. Sadly not glasses though, at least as far as I remember, but I can't be too picky and she still does well here. Overall Maya has really beautiful eyes and the art style lends itself to her well, and even if they're (slightly) blue that doesn't hurt too much.
Grade: B

Maya's series has a fairly distinct art style, though I don't mean that in a bad way of course. She usually has a serious face, but there are times when she has funny expressions too which I appreciate. I would probably say that the series is a bit more realistic/Western animation-style compared to most anime, but more like Korra than something ugly. Maybe it's because the two series do something similar with noses, where the bridge and nostrils are seen and I'm not too fond of noticeable noses. Still, that doesn't mean that I dislike Maya's facial structure either. She's very beautiful and elegant after all. I'll also mention here that Maya does have sorta thick eyebrows, not to any major extent but they are thicker than most anime characters. Overall I do like Maya's stern yet fun expressions and her face is very lovely, even if I do have some slight issues but nothing too major to complain about either.
Grade: B

: Wait a minute! You didn't talk about what happened last week at all!

I mean I did bring up that this is the first time we've been outside, but you're right! I was so excited to meet with this week's girl that I completely forgot to mention we talked about Karen last week! The Yes PreCure one, I mean.

: I blame you being off as you thought you were doing Maya last week and as a result of your illness you had to push her forward a bit.

Certainly! I was in no condition to talk about a great girl like Maya with how bad I was feeling the past two weeks. If only I could get rid of my dumb cough though!

: I am glad to hear that you are giving me proper respect I deserve.

But of course! Even if many people have forgotten your series, I remember it! Granted I saw it some time after it aired, but it was still a while ago even for me!

: And believe us, as you can tell Topaz's memory isn't that good. I think that he has early onset alzheimer's at this point.

I'm not that bad, I swear! But I really need to remember things better, including birthdays and the like!

: That is quite commendable, but do not be too distracted. After all, you said quite a few things about me in the blog!

Certainly, though being fair I talk about that sort of thing with all the girls. Still, you do have a lot of pluses which make you look really good!

: That is a relief, even if you had skipped my blog. Perhaps you are more like Zettai than expected, which caused my blog number to be pushed into the future.

I remember that, but those things happen when the days get all mixed up. I don't blame him for that. Regardless, like with what he thought you have fantastic hair. Black is a wonderful hair color, and I love it when a girl's hair is long and straight.

: Thank you for the compliments, as I take good care of it.

It certainly looks like it! Your proper bangs look good, even if I do like blunt bangs more and such a elegant hairstyle would fit you well. Your headband is cute though, and fitting of your ojou-like style.

: I thank you again, even if I could have done better when it comes to my hair. Still, I shall allow you to be awed at my beauty~

*Maya then stands up and flicks her hair.*

: Oh no! The hair budget, and this isn't even a KyoAni girl!

We're going to be paying through the nose at this rate!

: I do not see why you will be paying-

*A loud ripping noise is heard, as Maya's ass has finally expanded to the point where her dress could no longer contain it. Her plump cheeks ripple in their newfound freedom, looking huge and bouncy. She tries to cover up, but her hands couldn't contain such massive cheeks.*

: KYAA~!

That's one way to show off! Looking really good, Maya!

: To think that my backside would grow to such a large size...

: We did say that you would grow, even if we don't know why.

: Such a perverse occurrence as a result of mysterious happenings... I hate the occult!

But it gave you such a massive ass, which is always a plus!

: Nonsense! Not only will I have problems fitting through doors, but there's no way my massive, heaving cheeks could fit into my chair any longer!

That does sound like a problem! But I know what to do, I'll be right back!

*Topaz then leaves.*

: Uh, does he often leave during the blog?

: Not usually, but considering we had a girl last week smack up an overrated Pink Cure and her special friend anything could happen. I think he should be back soon at least though.

: I see...

*The two play video games as Topaz returns, holding the hand of a familiar friend.*

Zettai: I don't see why you brought me here. It's been too long since my PROPER anniversary, and don't think that this is going to get me to forgive you!

I know that, and that isn't the reason I'm doing this! I just like being your friend and helping you out, and it's not as an apology or anything!

: Wait, I thought you were going to get a chair for my enormous ass!

I did, so bend over right here Zettai!

*He pushes his friend on all fours behind the desk, allowing Maya to sit on his back. Zettai can barely hold up the enormous ass, which was bigger than his back, and his limbs nearly buckle.*

Zettai: I've told you before that this isn't the best...

You'll have to do it like that for now, as we're still early in the blog.

: True, though maybe if you didn't take a trip halfway across the world it wouldn't have taken so long!

: She's got a point. Maybe we shouldn't worry about Maya's hair budget and instead worry about your travel budget!

Don't worry about such things. But continuing on with the blog, as Maya is what we're all here for, her eyes are pretty decent. The color is blue which is a little overdone, but like I said being grey helps slightly. The shape is where she really does well, with a lovely tsurime and a dominant look to her eyes.

: I see, it sounds like you are quite appreciative of my eyes.

*Maya smiles with her arms and legs crossed, looking very dominant and at home while sitting on Zettai's back. She even wiggles her enormous cheeks to tease him further.*

But of course! Sadly you don't wear glasses, unless I'm forgetting something which is certainly possible. Still, you do look pretty good and that extends to your facial features as well.

: Yes, though I am not sure what this “Korra” is you were talking about.

: That's fine, you aren't missing out on anything major.

Indeed. You are quite pretty but I'm overly picky when it comes to character noses. It could be a lot worse though, and I do appreciate your cute expressions as you look quite dominant. Your eyebrows are cute too, being slightly thick but not overly so either.

: Sorta fitting you talked about her after Karen then.

True as they both have noteworthy eyebrows.

: It seems that you are quite the fan of mine, and that I did quite well. But I imagine that you are not done with the blog yet.

Certainly as I still have a lot more to talk about, and as it's that time I suppose we should continue to the next areas.

: I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Always a relief to hear.

: Even if Maya may not exactly appreciate what you say...

We'll see for sure coming up!

*With that Topaz starts with the next section.*

Sadly Maya doesn't seem to have measurements, not even height! She does seem to be above average for women as far as height girls, which is always nice, and she does have a fairly nice hourglass body with a slender stomach and nice legs. She does show off a nice ass curve in the shower scene, even if it could be better, and there's also the official somewhat buttshot though again it could always be better. Maya needs a big soft ass, especially if she's going to be using it for femdom like with the official picture of her sitting on the lead guy Fumiaki's back. A shame she doesn't show off, but other than some issues Maya still looks incredible as she has a tall, curvy body even if somewhat modest. Overall she does decently here, but I wouldn't mind if Maya was able to show off even better.
Grade: B

I will say that Maya does have a somewhat large chest, but only somewhat. She has some curves but she fortunately isn't shown off too much which is always a relief. As a result she does alright, even if she is on the bigger side sadly. Overall Maya does well here I'd say, as even if she's on the bustier side she doesn't show off as it's not that sort of series.
Grade: B-

Maya has a really nice usual outfit, and some nice alternate outfits which look great on her as well. Her usual outfit consists of a white sleeveless dress with some nice patterns around the shoulders to make it look more elegant. The short skirt also works well with her black thighhighs, giving her some excellent absolute territory. Figures seem to point out that she has black panties, which is very sexy. She also wore a similar outfit in the past as well, which is cute. Sadly the school uniform isn't as interesting so it's fortunate Maya doesn't wear it too often, but it consists of a white short-sleeved shirt, jumper, and short dark skirt. Other outfits she's worn include naked towel and a competitive swimsuit which shows off her body well (even with the dumb shower cap). Still, overall Maya has a really great usual outfit, and her various tight outfits show off even if the school uniform isn't that strong. It's possible there's some other outfits I had forgotten about as well, but such things happen.
Grade: B

*Maya crosses her legs the other way, moving her gigantic cheeks which look like two mountains behind her against Zettai's back.*

: Hmmm, so it would appear that I did fairly well early on but my body isn't quite as good. It would appear that you are quite the fool.

I'm not a fool, as you still did pretty well! I blame not showing off well enough, even if you do have a very nice body.

: But I only have a... Perhaps I should not be complaining, as it will surely make my behind become even bigger...

*She nods, but she still moves around and bounces her enormous ass in a sexy fashion.*

I mean it will, but that's not related to your actual score.

: And he means that both because your size won't grow bigger due to a higher score, and because your new large size is not applied in the score.

: WHAT?!

*She stands up in shock.*

: Are you saying there is NO REASON for me to have a backside this size?!

I mean for the blog, but you still look really amazing! Granted even in series you looked great, as the white dress showed off your curves really well in an elegant, form-fitting way. And the same with the sexy competition swimsuit, even if you wore a swim cap with it.

: Such things are only proper when going into the pool. But I still cannot believe that you made my rear so gigantic... I hate the occult.

You cannot blame this on the occult, at least as far as I know. Plus you still look so big and squishy too!

Zettai: Yeah, though I can barely carry you on my back! Quick, instead sit on my face!

: Why would I do something like that?

I mean I imagine his spine works that way, so even if your ass is so large having his body support you might make it easier for him to hold you up.

: I suppose, but my buttocks are each bigger than he is! There's no way he can carry me!

Zettai: I shall attempt my best then, as I want to feel your huge cheeks even more!

: Well, if you insist...

*Maya then sits on Zettai's face, engulfing his head and upper body with her enormous cheeks. He was kneeling and he puts his arms out to help balance himself under her ass. The weight is very heavy, especially with how humongous Maya's ass was, and his body is very smothered as are his arms.*

Zettai: MMPPHH!

: A-AH~ Please, do not speak more than you need to. Your head is deep between my buttocks, and you're going to make me-KYA!


*Maya lets out a strong, unladylike fart right against Zettai's head. Fortunately he was pushed deep into her crack so only he was able to breathe the vile air, and he loved the strong stench.*

: A-ahem... I apologize for such a thing...

Don't worry as I'm certain he loved every moment of that! And as mentioned before your body and clothing are quite nice. Sure more ass moments would have helped, especially if they inspired more fanart. Granted more outfits would have helped, but I still appreciate what you normally wear.

: Such a shame that I destroyed it with my posterior...

: At least Zettai is here to absorb the smell... Wait, is that why the mysterious room's smell is there?

: W-what do you mean?! There is no such mystery of the school.

: No no, I'm pretty sure the kids were talking, and it's the room above this one! Don't tell me you fart in here and blame it on the occult!

: I hate the occult, and I would never have a hand in such lies! But if you insist it is possible that people have smelled my... unladylike fragrances and became confused. It is not like I can just take the blame myself as headmaster...

Do not worry as we understand. I'm sure Zettai will be glad to help you contain your problems.

: True. I have not smelled my strong odors yet, so he must be quite the appropriate cushion.

Indeed, and your ass needs more attention too! Granted that could be said about all anime girls, but I can't avoid saying the truth. I will mention that your chest is on the larger side which is somewhat of a problem, but fortunately you don't have any troubling moments nor are overly proud or anything. And it certainly could be a lot worse too!

: I suppose that I understand, though my backside is far larger now.

Certainly, which is always a good thing. I bet Zettai is enjoying his new job too.

*Zettai gives a thumbs up, moaning against Maya's ass which is smothering him with the sexy size difference.*

I knew he would approve. As such, let us continue onward!

: Yes, I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

*With that Topaz continues with the blog.*

Maya is a very excellent character, though it is unfortunate how unknown she is though after this many years I suppose that is to be expected. In the beginning of the series she's a normal student, though she was the daughter of the headmaster. After his (presumed) passing he tries to summon a spirit at the funeral but Maya takes care of that as she dislikes his love of the occult. He even based the academy on the occult, which is what the series is named after, and for some time Maya was forced to be the headmaster to something she hated. She even has the phrase “I hate the occult” as a catchphrase, even though when she was younger she was a big fan of it. She even met with a tsuchinoko at one point in the specials which was cute. However, with the help of the time-traveling esper Fumiaki she solves various occult “mysteries” as the show goes on. She is usually armed with a crossbow too, which is interesting as that's a weapon that's uncommon most of the time. She does warm up to the occult as the series goes on, but essentially she is sort of a tsundere but in the sexy, dominant style rather than a worse version. Still, Maya is cool and aloof but also has her comedic moments, and overall she makes a great lead character for the series and is easily the most memorable character. Maya is voiced by Youko Hikasa who is, most of the time, a great VA and Maya is no different. Sure she does Rias, but she's also done far better girls like Mio from K-On, Emi from Maou-sama, Diana from Little Witch, and of course Maria from Symphogear.
Grade: B+

Maya does excellent when it comes to this area, both as far as lust and dominance go. It's a shame more people don't appreciate dominant girls, especially back in the day when this first aired. Not that this era's “step on me mommy” type of thing is much better, as that gets annoying far too quickly, but at least characters like Maya would have been more respected! She works well in particular as she's dominant without ever going too far which is my type (and Zettai's as well) and it's not like she's overly abusive either. To make things even better, when her time-traveling boyfriend Fumiaki gets turned into a shota she takes him home. She likely is going to raise him properly as a lover too, which sounds very sexy and non-mamocentric straight shota couples like this are rare. I will say that Maya's only problem here is that she's not too lewd and is a little tsundere at times, but that only makes her cuter. Overall Maya does quite well here, especially with the cute straight shota couple at the end.
Grade: A-

While we do see Maya occasionally in a younger form in flashbacks, for most of the series she's a high school girl. Sadly we don't have any exact age, and I'm not sure if they mention what year she's in either. Fortunately what helps her out is the canon straight shota relationship at the end of the series. That sort of relationship is always sexy after all. Overall while I wouldn't have minded a bit more detail Maya still does quite well when it comes to this area.
Grade: B+

Total Grades: 77
Average score: 8.6
Final Grade: B+

And with that this week's blog is complete!

: Thank goodness!

: Wait why? Did you not like something about it?

I thought it was pretty good and in-depth...

: I suppose it is, even if you may not have said much. It is more the factor of my posterior that is an issue.

What about your gargantuan ass, Maya?

*She glares in a dominant way towards Topaz and stands up. Zettai is disappointed, but she bends over towards him and flashes her enormous dual-moons at Topaz. The sheer size of her fat ass nearly knocks her desk over.*

Goodness, that is a huge ass! But that only makes it sexier!

: Indeed, such as being hidden behind the desk makes it an assy secret.

: This is all the fault of the occult, I just know it!

*Maya then sits back down on Zettai's face/body, engulfing him and even pinning him to the ground as he could no longer hold up her gigantic ass. She even lets out a huge fart against him again, though fortunately the other blogger is able to absorb the vile stench so even Maya doesn't need to breathe it.*


Nonsense, though I suppose as we don't know what causes it the occult is as good an explanation as anything. Still, you need to appreciate the occult more, especially being the headmaster of this school.

: I thought she didn't need to be the headmaster once her father came back.

I suppose that is true, but that was also back in 1999 or so. Time travel is strange and such, and in general I suppose she would be a lot older these days.

: Being fair I don't think characters age outside of their own series.

That explains why you look the same age. But it's still a good age, being a high school girl even if I do prefer older girls. It scores nicely still.

: Thank you for that. And it seems you like my personality too.

But of course! You may not like the occult but you still care about your students and help out with the various mysteries around the school. I also like you being a dominant girl, though that does leak into libido a bit.

: That sounds fairly suggestive.

I mean libido tends to in general. But your dominant personality also leads you to a cute pairing, especially when you meet with the shota Fumiaki as raising him sounds very sexy!

: There needs to be more non-mamocentric straight shota couples, as cows are far too popular.

It is really unfortunate that's so often the case. Hopefully people will soon realize how great tallflat girls are!

: Maybe some day, much like how I appreciate having your friend here giving me such a lovely cushion. It may have been quite difficult to get in the right spot, but I believe that he is capable of holding up even my gigantic, enlarged posterior.

I'm sure that he has a big smile on his face, especially smelling your... unladylike flatulence.

: But of course, and he shall be well-trained! If only he was younger...

: I'm sure that he'll find a way to become younger, at least if he can pull himself away from your ass long enough.

: Perhaps, but for now he is in a proper place. I appreciate both this new chair, as well as the blog. Even if it was delayed a fair bit.

Fair, but I wanted to make sure to give you a proper blog! And it's not like it was postponed TOO much.

: Indeed, and thank you for having us. Even if we were causing trouble in the school.

: I understand, as it must have been a secret plot to get you into my office. Quite the strategy you had there...

S-sure... that's exactly what we were planning...

: So are we free to go?

: Yes, as the blog seems to have been completed. For now, I shall remain here though.

Of course, and I hope that Zettai enjoys his time with you too!

: Oh he will. And he'll be used as a cushion for my posterior, absorbing my flatulence, for a LONG time... Isn't that right, my little slave~

*Zettai weakly gives a thumbs up, barely able to get his hand out from under her immense flab. Maya squirms her cheeks, bouncing and sitting on him while exciting herself with his trembling body.*

Looks like he'll be enjoying himself for some time in the future, so let's get going to give them some sexy alone time.

*Topaz and Riri wave as they leave Maya's office. Many more "explosions" are heard in the room after they leave.*

: I bet he will, hopefully. He certainly waited long enough for this blog.

True. Though the upcoming girl is from another somewhat older series, one that I saw quite some time back...

: Hmmm, I wonder... Well, it is the traditional vampire blog, so I do wonder who it could be.

She's from a series that I talked about with one of my very first blogs, in case that helps. Though she needs to be more confident in her body!

: I don't remember, so hopefully you remember her better than I can!

Being fair she's from a show even before your time! But it is funny that Haruhi has come back into the public consciousness, as Aya Hirano also voiced this lovely vampire too!

: Hopefully those are good enough hints, as it's not like you can come out and call her “panties” or something.

I wouldn't make fun of her name like that, even if it's close. But let's not spoil the surprise for next week's blog, as we'll end it here today! Hopefully you all take a look next time!

*With that Topaz ends the blog, heading off in search of next week's girl.*
Posted by emperortopaz | Feb 27, 6:59 AM | 0 comments
February 20th, 2025
This is the eight-hundred-forty-eighth week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.

*Topaz is in bed yet again, though this week he's sitting up and isn't wearing his mask.*

Welcome back everyone! I'm glad to see that you've all returned, even with the issues last week.

*Riri, who is nearby, speaks next. The tall blue doctor beside her doesn't seem to say anything yet.*

: I mean I'm sure that they don't blame you for getting ill with bad timing. Not that any timing for that sort of disease would be GOOD of course.

True. I'm just glad that I was able to get through most of the rough things early on. Even if it made Monday difficult. Still, I'm at least mostly back on my feet.

: That may be the case, but do not do anything too risky. You are still contagious after all, and you also don't want to push yourself too hard either. You still need your rest.

I can do that when I'm dead! Or at least when I'm sleeping for the night. I have a blog to do!

: Don't backtalk the doctor, Topaz! Even if you're doing much better this week that doesn't mean you can tease her.

: It is alright. I understand that you were in much worse shape last week. It's why you delayed Zettai's blog yet AGAIN.

It wasn't my fault. I just have terrible timing and selections at times. I'm such a horrible friend.

: That's unfair, as I'm sure Zettai appreciates you. Now, calling yourself DUMB is fine. You really need to learn.

I really do! Darn my forgetful nature, as it causes me nothing but trouble! Well, except for accidentally happening upon spoilers, but regardless.

: Oh? You know Zettai?

But of course as he's a close friend! I even talked about Umi from Rayearth last week who I know he likes.

: It's a shame you didn't do a better girl the week before for his anniversary blog. Which is ALREADY delayed in comparison.

Yeah... I blame my dumb traditions even if they're the one secure thing I can count on these days. But does that mean you've met with Zettai?

: Not yet!

: I'm surprised by that.

He did look at Kurumi who he also likes, but it looks like I'll be the first one to talk about you. I hope that you don't mind.

: Certainly not! Though I know that it is a shame that you can't copy his notes for your own blog.

Hey now. I may take information but it's not like I copy things exactly! Plus it's far better than using AI or anything terrible like that!

: Yes. We're all proud of you for your weekly subpar comedy blog where you talk about some random anime girl.

: Subpar...? Perhaps I should not allow him to talk about me in this case.

Please, let me talk about you! I'm begging you!

: I know that Zettai likes femdom, but you don't need to be so pathetic-sounding Topaz.

Maybe not for that, but without the ability to barter my blog there's no way that I can afford a home visit like this! There's no way my insurance could cover such a famous doctor!

: Ah yes. You're American aren't you? Fortunately as this blog is all fictional you should not worry about such things.

Oh no! Don't tell me this is all going to be some random fever dream! The Sokoban ones were bad enough because the latest game I had played at the time was Puzzle Boy!

: I'd ask how a BLOCK-PUSHING PUZZLE GAME gave you fever dreams, but I imagine that they are beyond what I could ever think.

: From what he was saying, once he could talk, it was mainly his mind going through screenshots while hacking up a lung trying to sleep.

: Ah, difficulty sleeping due to a cough. But do not worry once again Topaz. I am kind enough to cover your visit!

That's a relief! I'm sure that it is because you've heard what happens if I blog you then.

: From what other girls have said, it involves you grading my performance and visuals. But other than that I do not know what “happens”.

: Topaz, she's a refined girl and a doctor! There's no way that she would ever want a GIGANTIC, HEAVING ASS from your blog!

: E-eh?

Yes. You see, as a result of my blogs the girls get instantly blessed with even larger posteriors. Don't worry as it won't be painful or be any bad swelling, as it is quite sexy instead.

*The blue doctor girl clears her throat.*

: Ahem, so I see. Well, I cannot say for myself if I would want my posterior to be improved-er, enlarged. But as you were so looking forward to talking about me I should not refuse.

Thank you for allowing it then!

: But of course. I cannot let you down, nor shall I let Zettai down! I know that you were expecting to talk about his girl this week, but I hope that I will be just as entertaining!

But of course, as you're his favorite from your series! After all...

Today's girl is:

Karen Minazuki
Yes! PreCure 5

YES! It's finally time to talk about these girls! Even if Karen is going to be first.

: What's wrong with me being first?

Nothing actually. But with a gap like this you'll be separated from your other girls even if I talk about them at the next opportunity. I do apologize for that.

: Being fair it's not the first time you've separated a series like this. Granted you usually do them in joining order, but there's nothing stopping you from talking about her now.

True about that, which is a relief! It would be unfortunate if there was something that got in the way when I decided to do a certain girl, only for the thing in the way to matter even less due to the series hating her.

: That sounds somewhat specific.

: I'm sure somewhere Sumire sneezed, but is happy Zettai at least talked about her.

Of course as she deserves a lot of praise and awards, even if I don't have plans to do her quite yet. But soon...

: Sounds ominous as she's probably still months away...

Unfortunately yes. And technically I can't see the other Yes girls being that close either.

: It is alright. As long as you talk about them eventually this year, though even then it would not be some of the worse separation you've done between Cure characters in the same season.

True. I talked about Rikka incredibly early considering how late the DokiDoki girls were.

: Being fair it's not like you WANTED to talk about Mana. The other girls sure, but not the Mana Sue.

: Luckily we do not have as big of a problem when it comes to our series. Still, I hope that you find the time to discuss them soon enough.

Don't worry, as I trust in myself even if I haven't had a good track record! That said, let's not be too distracted by blogs of the past or future as the present blog is Karen and she's enough of a gift to not ignore!

: Boo! That's a terrible joke!

Yeah, I know that it was... But luckily I have a ton of jokes, and even if we don't we can always show off Karen's growing ass to appease the readers!

: My ass?

*The camera takes a focus of Karen's ass, looking at it from all angles. Her cheeks are certainly more plump and sexy, and it even shows off a low angle which made her ass look particularly rounded and sexy.*

: Goodness! To think that it has already grown a couple centimeters-no, much more! At least a dozen, if not more! And you say that I will be growing even larger as the blog goes on?

I suppose I should have warned you...

: Do not worry. I am sure that I will be able to handle it!

*The makes a GAR pose, showing her determination.*

: That said, you cannot just show off my posterior and make your readers happy.

: No no, I'm pretty sure that is precisely something Zettai would enjoy.

: But this is a informative blog, and as such you have to talk about me.

Karen's right, and not because she went to get the manager either!

: I knew a joke like that about her name was coming, but I wasn't expecting it to be this soon.

: A joke? I don't understand.

Don't worry. Let's just say that you have a very unfortunate name in the current year. It means an annoying woman that won't keep to herself which are far too common these days. Such a shame a cute name is ruined, like far too many things in life...

: That is true, though I am sure that you have more to say about my name than just that.

Certainly, as you fortunately have an etymology section which is always helpful. “Karen” is both a Japanese and Western name, though the meanings are different. In English it means “Pure”, while in Japanese the most common and likely translation would be “lovely”.

: Awww, how lovely even if that might fit Megumi better. Pun intended.

: Thank you for the lovely summary, Topaz.

But of course! I like giving all the girls I talk about a bit of a summary, even if some have a harder time to learn what their names mean. For example, with “Minazuki” it's an ancient name for June which tends to be a rainy month, but the “Mi” also translates to “water” which fits with your water-themed abilities.

: Well, in that case it's a shame you're talking about me in February I suppose. Ha ha~

*She laughs heartily.*

That is a good point, but I was talking about other water/ice-users this month and you fit well. Plus Zettai really likes you and I want him to appreciate my blogs more!

: I'm sure he understands, especially with all the issues you had last month. It's just a shame that this blog is going to be poorly written and won't have an excuse. (Darn it, stop mocking Topaz's blog Riri! He's trying his best, though I know he probably has more potential...)

Nonsense as this blog is about Karen, so there's no way that it could be terrible!

: I thank you for the confidence, even if I am unsure on how to act.

Don't worry as you can do your usual doctor duties, even if like I mentioned I'm fortunately not as sick as I was last week. That said, I imagine you want to hear what I'll be saying so let's head onward with the blog!

*With that Topaz begins the blog properly, with Karen listening intently.*

Karen has some incredible hair, which is always great to see. It's a dark blue color, and even when going into Cure form it doesn't change color either which is quite nice. Length-wise Karen's hair seems to be about to her mid-back, which is a good length without covering her ass which is always nice even if it might not be necessary in this series. She also has some sweeping bangs, which look fairly nice and regal but sadly she lacks the sides. They do look a bit thicker as an adult, but her ears still aren't hidden but it's an improvement. Cure Aqua has longer hair I imagine, as it's done up in a high ponytail with a bow and she gets some really nice sides too. I like how her bangs are swept as they look multi-layer as well, giving a nice water-themed appearance. Overall between her nice normal form and Cure Aqua's nice ponytail and sides Karen does quite well here. She could have used a hime cut and better sides, but she's still outstanding with her dark blue hair.
Grade: A

Karen's eyes are likewise very beautiful, with a lovely shape and color. Granted they are blue, but it's alright as it matches her hair color and character color. This was the first Cure season where that was featured as heavily as well. The tsurime-like shape is very nice though, and I like the line above her eye which makes it seem like they're slightly closed. Even her adult version in Otona is similar, though her upper lid seems more straight than tsurime but still nice regardless. Karen also has a nice accent to her corner, with a lot of eyelashes which make her eyes look even more lovely. Sadly there are no glasses that I remember, at least as far as the main series goes at least. Still, Karen's eyes might be blue but the nice shape and being able to match her hair color helps her stand out. At least the other girls match so there isn't an overabundance of blue.
Grade: B

I have read that Karen was once the most mature-looking Cure and I can believe that. Even as a teen she had a fairly large nose but that was the art style for the series. Granted that was also back when the series was first airing, and we've had high school girls since, but still. Karen does have a nice shape to her face too, looking serious but in a good way. I'll also mention she has somewhat thicker eyebrows which I can't forget mentioning. Overall Karen is a very lovely girl even if her face doesn't appeal to my tastes too strong but she's still very beautiful.
Grade: B

So what do you think so far, Karen?

: Well, I would say that you seem fairly healthy. Other than the occasional cough, at least.

I blame mucus still being built up. But while I do appreciate the medical advice, that isn't what I meant.

: But then what else would you be talking about?

: I hope that you have been paying attention to the blog, as I don't think Topaz wants to repeat himself.

I mean I will if Karen wants me to. It won't be fun as I'm lazy and don't like writing a lot, but I'll be reviewing things in dialogue anyway so it works out fine.

: Oh! Pardon my rudeness, as I was indeed listening to you. I forgot for a moment how blogs worked!

I suppose that makes sense, and I'm sure you don't mean that your ass is becoming bigger either.

*Karen is shocked as she looks back, noticing just how massive her enormous cheeks have become. She jiggles and bounces them, though this much movement certainly causes her skirt to tear and flutter down. Her panties are the only thing covering such a gigantic ass, though even then they're wedged deep between her cheeks.*

: Oh no! I was not expecting to become this large this quickly! To think that I would break my skirt already!

Don't worry, as there's still plenty of room to grow and show off your huge ass.

: Well, at least now that Umi left. There's no way this room could fit THREE massively-assed girls AND Topaz.

Not like I take up much room, especially in comparison.

: True as you're barely bigger than one of my cheeks now! However, we are getting off topic. After all, you want to talk about your blog.

True, even if your gigantic cheeks are certainly distracting... But we'll save that for later. For now, I will mention how great your hair is Karen.

: Yes, as you seem to be quite the fan.

But of course, as dark colors are the best and blue is one of the better colors as well. It's a very pretty color for you, and I also like the style with you having mostly straight hair and looking very beautiful and elegant. The only issue is with the bangs, but even then they look good and it's more that I really like blunt bangs as they would have fit you quite well.

: I see. So does this mean you aren't as big of a fan when it comes to my hair in PreCure form?

Cure Aqua also has pretty good hair, with a cool ponytail and a cute butterfly ribbon at the base. It looks elegant as well, and while I do like the effect that they do to bring out the shape of your bangs by giving it some depth I again do prefer hime cuts. It would have really fit you as a character trope too.

: Well, it is a shame but I cannot say that it is a bad thing doing so well. One does not want to fly so close to the sun as to go down in a blaze of glory.

That is certainly true. Your series was also more fair as far as color time, unlike Cure series these days which favor Pinks and their special friends far too much. I mention this as your character color is blue, which while good for your hair isn't as great for your eyes.

: Eh? But you seem to like the color of my eyes.

I mean your eyes are amazingly beautiful! The color matching your hair and other colors are nice, as Yes really played into the color-coordination.

: Which is featured in the spiritual successor Smile as well.

True, not to mention numerous other Cure series as well. Karen's eyes have a great shape to them, even if they could be a little more tsurime for added dominance. Still, she has some nice details including the line above her eye and her various eyelashes for some cute emphasis.

: Well, I suppose it is not like you dislike my eyes. Though what do you mean by... “mature” when it comes to my face?

It is a little complicated and I blame reading it on your Pixiv page. I think it's more as far as facial shape and style go you look a bit more mature than the other girls in the franchise at that point. Not that it is a bad thing of course, and I do appreciate older-looking girls.

: Within reason, of course.

I mean I wouldn't like old ladies but-

: I mean that's obvious. But I mean you're not big on large noses.

: M-my nose is large...?

*Karen blushes as she covers the front of her face.*

I mean in comparison to a lot of other Cures, who have a more simple single dot or so to their nose. But again, it's not too noticeable in the series itself. A far more unique trait of yours I imagine are your somewhat thick eyebrows. I mean they aren't extremely thick, but big enough to be somewhat noticeable.

: I see... Well, as long as you enjoy my appearance I cannot complain.

But of course, even if it sounds like I'm being rough on you! I'm mostly just pointing out your various details, especially the points which stand out the most.

: As a good researcher should do!

Exactly, and I'm glad that you're so beautiful! Though I will say you're more Zettai's girl.

: Do not worry as I understand perfectly. That said, I imagine you are not nearly done with the blog.

True, and it sounds like you want me to continue. Let's not keep Karen waiting!

*With that Topaz begins talking about the next sections.*

Sadly we don't have any measurements for Karen, but she is the tallest of the group and as mentioned she was the most mature-looking Cure. I don't mean as far as chest either, as I wouldn't use that kind of wording. That said, it's not like she's shown off too much even as an adult. It's not that kind of series after all, but it's possible that she's well known for her legs. They could be better though, and like most Cures she could use a buttshot or several. Still, there's nothing outright bad about her and her slender figure fits with her age and even as an adult she isn't that shown off. Overall Karen does quite well when it comes to this area, at least from what we've seen, but showing off her ass would have done better even if I do like how she's quite tall.
Grade: B

As with a lot of shows for young girls, including Umi last week, Karen is on the slender side and doesn't have much of a chest. This fits with her being a middle school student, and even as an adult she's not that big either. As such overall Karen does quite well even if there isn't too much to talk about here.
Grade: B

Karen has some pretty decent clothes, even if we do tend to see her in her school uniform mostly. Well, at least as far as the original seasons go, which is understandable. The school uniform consists of a slightly blue dress with a purple top over it and a red ribbon, and Karen wears low socks which is a shame as they aren't even knee-high. She does have some nice casual clothes, befitting her ojou nature which includes some nice dresses and one big fancy one in the movies in particular. She also has a cute winter outfit as well, and possibly more that I'm not remembering. As an adult she also has some nice casual clothes, not to mention her actual doctor clothes. And of course Cure Aqua's outfit looks really great too, with a white dress with blue details, the detached gloves with gem on the back of the hand, and of course her blue spats which look really nice! Overall while Karen could have used some more fun or cosplay-like outfits her main ones do well enough and I like Cure Aqua's design quite well. Though she is Zettai's of course. And it's a shame she doesn't go nopan like another blue-ponytail “Aqua” as well.
Grade: B

: Hmmm, it would appear that I am doing fairly well, but I haven't done enough to stand out.

That's exactly the problem! Granted I'm not blaming you as that's an issue with a lot of shows for young girls, but you certainly would have done better had you shown off more.

: I mean even among those shows she could have had a hip attack or something similar. She's from before people were complaining far too much.

Fair point, boo parent groups ruining any sexiness that these shows have! They should be more concerned about their children losing brain cells by watching poor Pink bias shows and idiocy!

: Do not worry, as I know what I should do!

*Karen turns around and bends over. It might seem like she was showing off her enormous ass, her cheeks jiggling in their freedom as not even her panties were able to contain her ample assflab, on accident but she was proudly displaying her gigantic ass.*

: See? I will surely score more points with my colossal backside!

That is certainly a colossal backside...

: No encouraging her to call it an ass? How hypocritical.

I mean having me make girls say it is more hypocritical, considering how long it took before I would say it. That said, as Karen is an ojou it makes sense for her to have a more proper way of speaking. Not like it's that easy to do in English otherwise.

: It's probably easier if one wasn't as lazy and easily distracted as you are...

Fair point. That said, I sadly cannot simply give you more points just because you showed off your ass. As much as I would like to.

: That will only encourage girls to moon you more!

Sounds like something good for the readers!

: I see. So merely showing my larger behind is not enough. Well, I do believe that in Zettai's blog using my backside as a weapon often occurs. Perhaps something like that would help.

*She looks around the room.*

: No, I would not want to waste such a thing on your property. And you are to ill for me to strike you with it.

I mean in all fairness Zettai would also be jealous if I was the one getting smacked by Karen's massive CANren. Still, I imagine he'll like to see you use your ass as a weapon, even if it sadly wouldn't improve your score.

: I understand. While it may not give a numerical bonus, allow me to go searching for someone dumb for me to strike!

*With that Karen leaves Topaz's room.*

Somehow I hope that having the doctor leave a sick person's room isn't a bad sign.

: I'm just glad her massive cheeks didn't get stuck in the doorway...

*Karen eventually sees a girl who is lifting her leg against a fire hydrant. Nothing questionable is shown, but a tinkling sound is certainly heard.*

: You there! You seem like someone who is willing to help me!

: Of course! And don't worry, as I'll flush and wash my paws afterward-wan!

: Eh? What?

: Never mind that-wan! You're another Cure-wan! And as such I have to prove my superiority by pandering to Toei until you get forgotten-wan!

: I'm afraid that you're too late, as they've already remembered me! And for trying to get me hated I can tell you're a no-good modern Cure! Take THIS!

*Karen then swings her enormous, massive ass and knocks her cheek into the dog-like Cure. She ends up going flying as a result.*

: Oh no! Awoooooo....

*She twinkles into the star.*

: Well, I think that's enough practice for today. Time to go back to Topaz and-

: HEY! Don't tell me you blasted my best friend and pet into a star! That seems overly rude, and you should not fall to violence nag nag nag!

: To think that she would have an owner like you. Though the thought of a Cure “owning” another person sounds sexy, but only when the other one in question is a young boy. As such, allow me to help you reconcile with your pet.

: Thank you. Now, we'd better start driving as it looks like she got blasted quite far and-

: Do not worry as I know just what to do!

*Karen does another hip attack, with the owner girl being slammed by the enormous ass she has. The short-haired goes flying in a familiar arc, becoming a star herself.*

: NO FAIR! W-wait, I am getting a lot of distance. Komugi, I'm coming! *twinkle*

: Well, I suppose that problem has taken care of itself. I'll go back to Topaz's.

*With that she returns to his room, not that he moved.*

: As usual.

Hey now. It isn't my fault that the bed is the biggest-and only-seat in the room!

: Do not worry as I do not mind. Now, what were we talking about?

I think that we were talking about your body, and how even if I don't mind it being slender you having a colossal ass is even better.

: That is certainly true, and I will proudly display my new size as I imagine that the other girls from my season will not come close to my new size!

You are quite tall, and as Zettai's favorite it makes sense that you would be the biggest. Still, I wouldn't put it past one of them sneaking past you.

: Then you had better continue with the blog.

Don't worry, as I plan on doing so. But for now I will like to mention that Karen is pretty much flat, which while not much of a surprise is still pretty good. Even as an adult you aren't too shown off.

: I do suppose that a modest size can be appreciated, but I know you like my sizable backside far more.

Precisely! If only you showed off your ass more in the series, be it with ass attacks or some other similar moment. Fortunately your clothing does quite well.

: It does? I do suppose I try to wear elegant clothes befitting my status, but I would not think you would appreciate something like my usual uniform.

I mean it's not the most interesting school uniform sadly, but your Cure form is really cute. I also appreciate your cute dresses and winter outfits among others. And by all means it's not like I dislike your uniform either, as the purple-on blue is a really nice contrast and goes well with your dark blue hair as well. It fits you the best of the cast after all.

: Thank you for the kind words, and I imagine you enjoy my future outfits as well.

That I do! Otona does well with your casual and doctor outfits, even if they aren't too fetishy but I suppose this might still be made for young children. Not that it excuses that, but I mean more that it's not like they'd make outfits too lewd.

: I don't know. This is the franchise that had Benigyo.

I suppose but she was a villainess who tend to have sexier designs. But I do understand what you mean.

: Do not worry, as your scores for me are still quite good. I appreciate you looking at me so intently.

But of course, as that's the point of the blogs! I like putting effort into these things, and we're not even done yet!

: Then go on and continue with the blog!

*Topaz follows Karen's orders and continues with the blog.*

Karen is a really nice and complicated character though I mean that in a good way. She's aloof at first, not wanting anyone to help her but as the series goes on she learns to accept help from her peers as well as the other Cures. She's also the student council president and an ojou, having a big fancy house and her own butler as well. Karen starts out fairly stoic and cold, even refusing to join up for a few episodes as she wasn't able to transform. Still, she is a very intelligent and refined beauty, and due to being the head of the student council has memorized all the students. She is also refined in her eating, though she will still eat a lot like the other girls in the series. Later in the series she helps Kurumi out when she becomes ill, and it's then that Karen discovers her desire to become a doctor. This is shown off more in Otona, where she successfully becomes a doctor even at a young age and helps even stubborn kids out though I can understand being frightened. As Cure Aqua she also has various water-based attacks, including a bow and arrow attack, and I like the later episode where she outwitted the enemy with a coin flip. Overall Karen is a very intelligent and elegant girl who is also somewhat stoic but slowly opens up to the other girls thanks to hanging around them so much. She is an example of a really great ojou as far as Cures go too, though one more on the Western variety rather than the classic Japanese ones like Honoka. Karen is voiced by Ai Maeda who does a good job and gives her a commanding voice, at least when it's an opportunity where she gets to speak as sadly Karen seemed to get stuck with non-speaking roles in crossover movies. Still, other roles she's done include Setsuna from Sailor Moon Crystal, Mimi from the old Digimon Adventure series, and Shion from the Xenosaga series.
Grade: A-

There are two main pairings that I know about when it comes to Karen. One is her close relationship with Milk/Kurumi after healing her, and it really inspired her to become a doctor as well. Karen is also often seen with her classmate Komachi a lot too, and it's mentioned that the two are quite inseparable at times. Still, neither is too strong nor official (though Otona does have Karen help Kurumi out a few times) and it's a shame as she would seem like a great dominant girl. It's unfortunate but not surprising, but overall Karen still does quite well when it comes to this area.
Grade: B

Karen is 15 originally in the main Yes PreCure, and as GoGo is a year afterward she seems to be 16. That's not too bad, but what really helps her out here is Otona where she (and the other Cures) are adults. Karen in particular, being a year older than Nozomi, seems to be 27 yeas old. We do get occasional flashbacks even in the main series where we see her as a loli, and unfortunately the Yes girls don't fight as adults in Otona as they get turned back into teens due to time flowers unfortunately. Still, overall Karen does really well here even if we mainly see her as a teen, but it's always good to see how girls age and not just in the epilogues that Cure series seems fond of.
Grade: B+

Total Grades: 77
Average score: 8.6
Final Grade: B+

And with that, this week's blog has been completed. What do you think of it, Karen?

: Hmmm.... from what I can tell you were fairly in-depth, but I do not think you did a good enough job on my personality and history. I am certain there is a lot that you could have brought up!

I possibly could have, but I don't want to put a summary of what happens during the anime either. I hope that I was able to show you what type of character you are and your personality traits though, as that's mostly what I want to get through.

: But of course, as I can tell that you enjoy me quite a bit. Possibly not as much as Zettai does, but I imagine him favoring me may have been a reason.

Somewhat, but I know when to back down. You are still a great refined girl, and work hard as student council president in addition to being a Cure. You may have had a question of if you were good enough to fight, which made you unable to transform at one point early on, but you still were able to surpass that and continue working as a Cure for the remainder of the seasons.

: But of course, as I could not let my fellow Cures down!

: The only let down about you is that you seem to have a lot of “silent” crossover cameos. At least you were featured well in Otona.

Agreed! Not only do we get to hear more of Karen's beautiful voice, but we also see that she was able to become a doctor like was implied in the classic series. Seeing you take care of Kurumi was really cute, and I like the call back in Otona as well which shows how cute your relationship with.

: I am glad you mentioned that, even if the fans seem to ship me with Komachi. I am not sure why, as we are not packaged goods or anything.

That's not what they meant by “shipping”, but I understand the confusion about the otaku term. It means that, because the two of you are seen quite often and even share being second years (eventually third years) meaning you were older than the other trio, means that people liked to place the two of you romantically together.

: I-I see... Well, as long as it is merely suggested by others I will not become mad as a result.

: A shame you didn't have a boyfriend offscreen in Otona like with the Splash Star girls.

True as that would have helped out, but overall Karen still does extremely well! She might not be my girl, but I'd still say that she appeals well to my tastes. Being a blue ojou is great, and she's a great hard worker and a good student council president. Not that she's too picky about things too, like what one might think about the job.

: I think that only occurs with meganekkos, Topaz. Well, that or morals committee presidents or something.

Fair point, and I'm glad you knew what I meant. Karen may be named “Karen” but a hardass she is not. At least most of the time.

: Certainly, as thanks to you my ass is quite soft now. Not to mention the size of it!

*With that Karen swings her massive ass around towards Topaz, her cheeks combined making up almost the entire length of his bed. He has to avoid her just from how enormous her massive ass is, but her jiggly bare cheeks are of course very sexy.*

Hey now! Be careful with the size of your ass now, as you nearly knocked me against the wall!

: I apologize as I was merely showing off, and did not have the intent to show off the sheer size of my posterior. I will hopefully become more used to my gigantic backside, but it will have to take time.

Don't worry as I know it was not for aggressive purposes. Unlike when you threw a dog and her owner across the sky.

: You know about that...

: We seem to have fanservice eyes everywhere, but do not worry. It's not like they'd follow you home or anything.

: That is good, as there is no way my butler would allow such dangerous equipment into the mansion. But since it seems that your check-up is done and you seem healthy I should get going.

I understand, though I do wish I could stop coughing as I have far more mucus in my throat than any one person could ever need.

: Do not worry, as at least you are feeling better than last week!

That's certainly true, and not just because you're such a great girl Karen! Though that certainly helped! I hope to talk about the other Yes girls eventually, and I'm sure that I'll see you there~

: But of course, and be sure to give me a speaking role too~

I may recycle ideas all the time, but that doesn't mean that I'm Toei after all~

: Thank goodness!

I agree. And have a pleasant trip back home as well, Karen!

*She waves as she leaves, and once again Topaz and Riri are alone together.*

: Not for any perverse reason, you dumb narrator! But I suppose we should try to figure out a girl for next week, Topaz. Do you have any ideas?

Well at least now that I feel much better it's time for Zettai's blog! I apologize to him for making him wait months, especially as with my writing style it isn't likely to be worth it. Regardless, I hope that he'll like this upcoming girl!

: I mean he might, but there's no way to know for sure without giving some hint as to who she is.

I suppose that I could say that she spent some time in her childhood looking for a snake, and that she's an anime-original character. But that's probably pretty vague even for a dominant and likely shotacom girl like this.

: Wait, shotacom?

Aye as she ends up with a shota due to some... plot reasons, shall I say. But that might be the one time that she doesn't... hate the occult.

: OH! We're finally doing a girl he really likes then!

Indeed, though it is certainly a shame that it's taken me so long to talk about her. Granted it also took too long for me to watch her series, but that's just me being lazy as always. Still, I imagine that Zettai should enjoy this dark-haired beauty! So be sure to tune in!

*With that Topaz ends this week's blog properly, so be sure to come back next week to see a lovely dominant girl and hopefully our blog creator no longer being ill!*
Posted by emperortopaz | Feb 20, 7:02 AM | 0 comments
February 13th, 2025
This is the eight-hundred-forty-seventh week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.

*We begin the blog with Topaz in bed, with a mask over his face.*

Welcome back everyone, it's that time of week again-*COUGH COUGH*

: Listen, Topaz. Everyone would understand if you skipped out the blog for the week. You got that one disease after all, so you should be resting and taking care of myself.

Doing my blog IS taking care of myself, as otherwise I'd be stressing too much. If I don't do the blog now we might hit a 50 during a trap blog, and no way I'm going to end up doing that. Besides, I've never skipped before!

: Most times you aren't this sickly, or that it doesn't last as long as it has.

That's alright, as I should have some clarity for the time being! And as long as you and the weekly girl don't come too close it should all be overall fine.

: I don't know, do you really think that I should be here?

I mean you are a blue smart magical girl. That alone points to you being a doctor.

: I'm not a doctor! Besides, I'm only in middle school!

Didn't stop another blue-haired ojou from taking care of her friend-*cough cough*

: I just hope that Zettai understands the issues you're having and won't judge the blog on them. You had high hopes for this girl, but then you became sick.

: Well, since you're not sick how about you take care of things, Ririchiyo?

: I'm not sure if it works that way. Especially as Topaz is still the one who is going to have to write this all out still.

: How unfortunate. So Topaz is too stubborn to take a week off his blog, even if it might kill him?

I doubt that it'll kill me, and I can at least breathe mostly. Still, I hope you won't mind me talking about you this week.

: Certainly not, even if it is unfortunate the conditions you have to talk about me in.

: You're still going to let him blog you?

: Of course! Ever since I saw how gigantic Fuu's ass has become I have been insanely jealous!

*The blue hair girl clenches her fist, remembering back some weeks back where she was biting her handkerchief in rage at how assy Fuu had become. We quickly return to the present day though.*

: I suppose it may not be that proper of me, and it may only cause issues during my fencing contests, but I really want my backside to grow substantially!

*She speaks with her heart, but is ignored by Topaz as he has fallen asleep.*


*As a result her head becomes big in a comedic fashion, scolding Topaz for what he had done.*

: HEY! WAKE UP YOU INGRATE! I know that you are sick, but that's no reason to fall asleep before the blog even begins!

: You know that you shouldn't yell at him, you know...

: I suppose, but I didn't expect him to just fall asleep like that... It is quite rude after calling me here.

*Topaz yawns and stretches his arms.*

You're right, as I was too rude. But I apologize, as it seems like all I do these days is drink water, sleep, and... er, also sleep.

: Don't forget about eating soft foods too. You ice cream pig.

I mean it's not my fault that it cools my mouth and helps my sore throat! Though I do understand that if things continue this way I might become fat and lazy. That's one reason I want to do my blog, at least when I'm conscious enough for it!

: One can only hope that you're conscious enough to give me a good blog.

I hope so as well, as you certainly deserve it. I just hope my body can stand up to all the writing.

: In that case how about you begin the blog proper?

: Fair point, and it will allow my ass to become larger quicker too. Go ahead as I give you permission. I only hope that your blog is as good as I deserve.

I hope so as well, all things considered! You certainly deserve a good blog-

Today's girl is:

Umi Ryuuzaki
Magic Knight Rayearth

: FINALLY! You've began the blog, and I can feel my ass getting bigger by the word!

*Umi shows off her lovely ass, shaking it even if her hips haven't burst through the skirt. Still, her cheeks have grown so much that they're visible through the skirt.*

Don't be too proud of it yet, Umi. You still have a lot of time to grow, as we've only just began.

: I suppose that is true, as I saw how enormous Fuu became...

: Indeed. At this point you're going to become BUMi!

: That is NOT my name! Although I do appreciate being known for my sizable backside, but such improper names will not be tolerated!

Indeed-*Cough cough*. Listen to Umi RyuuzaCAN.

: What did I just say?

*Umi glares at Topaz in a sexy fashion.*

Oh sorry. I couldn't let that one go either. But I'm glad to hear that you're ready to hear about your name.

: I suppose. I do remember you talking about that when it came to other blogs.


: Luckily most of the girls in the series have very specific names, which is pretty good as far as names go.

Indeed. After all, “Umi” means ocean and in other dubs she gets called “Marin”/Marine” which is another water-themed name.

: “Marine” makes me think of Erika from Heartcatch. You know, Cure Marine.

I can understand that as both have long hair and are blue, but otherwise they aren't too similar. As for Umi's last name-

: Yes, Ryuuzaki. It means “Dragon blossom” or something similar.

Precisely, which is quite fitting considering your attack! It's nice when websites go into detail about names like this, especially for my blog, even if I'm mostly hoping they're accurate.

: Being fair “Umi” is the ocean card in Yu-Gi-Oh so you at least know that one.

True, but there's all kinds of styles and ways it could be written. Though I think it is the same, or at least looks similar enough to my untrained eyes.

: Do not worry about specifics. Besides, you've talked about my name plenty enough so there's no reason to get into details. I want you to be able to write my blog without falling asleep after all.

Do note that I'm not trying to, as you're still a very entertaining girl who deserved a better placement. Still, I should probably get going so I won't be too distracted...

*With that Topaz begins the blog properly.*

This is definitely Umi's strongest hair, as she has absolutely gorgeous and elegant hair. Her hair is a light blue hair, though the anime makes it look a little darker but that's just fine for my tastes. Umi's hair is long, which is unfortunate as it does cover her ass slightly, but I do like the nice length. She has really beautiful blunt bangs, but she sadly lacks the sides to turn it into a proper hime cut. I blame this on her wearing a headband, but it is still cute regardless, and the wings she eventually gains on the side are quite cute too. Overall Umi has amazing hair, with proper blunt bangs and a lovely color but the main issues are that she is lacking good sides and the length does hide her ass slightly too. But still she is amazing when it comes to this area!
Grade: A

To match with her hair and character color Umi does have blue eyes, but at least there's a bit more variety when it comes to the series. Her eyes are quite beautiful both in color, even if blue, and the shape. Umi's eyes have a great slope, giving her a tsurime which is accented both by her eyebrows and the strong corners of her eyes. And of course the pupils of her eyes have a lot of pretty detail to them, which brings them out even more. Sadly unlike Fuu she doesn't wear glasses. Still, overall Umi has some really great eyes with a beautiful shape and pupil detail even if they match her hair and character color by being blue.
Grade: B

As mentioned in Fuu's blog, this series is an older one so they use a 90's style of design. Nothing wrong with that, as Umi is still very beautiful. She does show her ears, which is a shame as again she could have had a great hime cut with better sides, but that's about the only issue. Her cheeks are somewhat strong from the sides, but nothing wrong with that and I like the shape of her face too. She does occasionally have a noticeable nose, but it's not too troubling either. And of course we can't forget about the various chibi expressions as I like it when anime has fun with styles like that. Overall Umi might have an older art style but she still has a beautiful, nearly flawless face even if I'm not as big on the larger nose (though it does fit with her eyes being so large as well).
Grade: B

*Cough cough*

: I have a question about this blog, Topaz.

Don't worry, as I understand! Like I said you're best asset is obviously your long blue hair. I do like how the anime makes it a little bit darker, which is my preference, but I like how long and free it is as it looks very beautiful. You also have some variety, though mainly in the manga I think, and your headband and cute wings help too.

: Though it is a shame she doesn't have a proper hime cut.

True true, but she does have blunt bangs at least. You look very pretty, Umi.

: I thank you for the kind words, but that isn't what I was going to bring up.

Oh? Well, your eyes are pretty good too. Luckily I don't mind the older style and I like how big and lovely they are. Zettai isn't too fond of them being blue, but I like them as they match with your hair and character color. I think he excuses that too, even if he would have scored you lower.

: And being fair Fuu is the meganekko, so that's why Topaz talked about her first.

True true, but even then both have lovely eyes. Hikaru has pretty eyes as well.

: I thank you for appreciating the shape and color of my eyes, but that is not what I wanted to bring up.

*Topaz coughs some more*

Oh? Well, I suppose your face is well-designed. As brought up earlier in the blog I appreciate the comedy in deformed or chibi style faces, but even normally you look really good. I have nothing against the older style of faces, though I do like softer-looking ones. Still, your face looks very beautiful and I like the fun the animators have. Hopefully the upcoming series is just as fun.

: Hopefully they don't try to speed through everything either.


: Again, as much as I don't mind you talking about me there's still something pressing that I have to ask.

Oh, well, what could it be about?”

: Maybe it's about how big her ass has become?

*The camera shows off Umi's massive ass, which had grown exponentially. She couldn't keep it covered by her skirt, and her panties were barely visible as they had wedged up inside her crack. She tries to cover up, but as each cheek was bigger than her head it only served to feature her plump cheeks further.*

: Well, I do appreciate being so large... It is what I wanted, though it is most inelegant. Still, I do thank you for my new size. But that still is not what I was curious about.

Then don't let us interrupt you.

: Well, you've been coughing a lot.

Yes, my throat is quite terrible these days.

: But you didn't seem to have problems during all the text prior. Any reason for this?

: That is because Topaz does those in advance by a couple of weeks. It's fortunate, but it would have been even better had he not spent Sunday playing video games and instead worked on the blog.

It's not like I could have known that this week would end up like it has! At least medicine is helping me keep focused on the blog and other writing, even in short bursts.

: I see. Well, considering you don't know when you might need to rest again I'll allow you to continue with the blog.

Sounds like a good plan!

*Topaz coughs some but continues with the blog.*

Umi has a pretty good body even if she mostly lacks measurements. The only things that we know is that she's 158 cm tall and blood type A, making her the tallest of the main trio. Like a lot of girls in shows for younger girls she has a more slender figure, which is quite lovely. I would say that she could use sexier legs and lower body, but I do appreciate that Umi shows her ass slightly during the transformation. Like really slightly where I had to go frame by frame to check. She otherwise doesn't show off, which I suppose makes sense considering the target demographic. Still, I appreciate them trying and while she's fairly slim it gives her a nice waist and navel. Overall Umi does decently here, though if she shows off more she would have done far better. I just hope that the upcoming series shows her ass too, as anime is getting way too conservative when it comes to fanservice.
Grade: B

As mentioned in the previous area Umi is more on the slender side. She might have a bit of a curve, but nothing that wouldn't fit a teen like she is. She might have a bad moment or two like in the bath in the second season, and I'd rather not bring up the terrible moments in the Saturn game as I want to blame Wrecking Designs for making her so envious that looking at a chest causes her to make a dumb jealousy unjoke. Fortunately I won't count that, so overall Umi does decently when it comes to her modest and lovely chest.
Grade: B

As mentioned before Umi's character color is blue, which tends to be the kind of clothing she wears. Her school uniform consists of a blue blazer with a dark blue skirt, as well as blue footwear and nice pantyhose though sadly she loses it when she gets isekai'd. Instead she has thigh high boots, and she also has blue armor which gets various upgrades including big shoulders. The early OVA shows her in a dark blue one piece uniform which looks like a church's outfit in a way with the big shoulders and ribbon. Umi has some alternate outfits too, such as a kimono and the Arabian-like outfit which shows off her navel after she was captured by the two Chizeta princesses in the second season. Overall Umi could use more variety, specifically sexy variety, but she still does fairly decently and shows off her body fairly well (at least for a character in a show for young girls, of course).
Grade: B+

: I am surprised by how in-depth you were when it came to the various things about my body.

Of course, as it helps that I've seen both seasons relatively recently.

: You must have gone frame-by-frame to notice my bare ass though, which perhaps maybe perverse...

I apologize, as you're Zettai's girl, though I did the same with Fuu. I have to be accurate, though considering how enormous your ass is now it would be far easier to notice.

*Umi fondles her own cheeks, bouncing them and judging their weight. Her hands couldn't contain how massive she was.*

: That is true. Though I hope that I will be able to leave through the door after this blog is over.

: Don't worry, as even if you have to squeeze as you go sideways you should make it out. Believe me, I've had troubles...

Yeah, it probably wouldn't be a good thing to be stuck in here with a sicko like me.

: True. Though I do appreciate you complimenting my slender body.

But of course! You're only a middle school girl, and the show is for young girls I think. That's why all the girls are slim, at least from the main trio.

: True as the kansai-speaking Chizeta region has some particularly busty girls.

Busty for this universe at least, as they aren't that big if you look at how big girls could be these days. And other than the bath scene it isn't too pointed out either.

: I'm just glad that you didn't take the games into account.

Certainly not! Especially with Wrecking Designs likely being at fault for the Saturn version! Not only did they ruin the game balance, but they added all sorts of terrible “unjokes” to the translation.

: They ruined the game balance too?

Yeah, they made projectiles faster. But in return they also made them deal more damage.

: The 90s was a bad time for translations and localizers being too worried about rentals.

Agreed. As a result they made games far too difficult to be fun!

: At least you seemed to enjoy the SNES game.

I did! It was an easy game and more people should play it as it went over the story quite well! But putting games aside, let's not forget about Umi's lovely clothes.

: That is true, though I apologize for losing my pantyhose in the transfer to Cephiro.

I suppose they wanted Fuu to wear them, but it's a shame your boots are what's thigh high as absolute territory would have been nicer. Granted I do like your blue armor and how it gets bigger as the series goes on, and same with your weapon even if in the second season it's far more mecha-related.

: At least the second season helped a little as far as variety goes.

True, like the aforementioned Chizeta outfit for her duel, as well as her kimono. The Chizeta one was nice as it showed off her stomach well.

: Thank you for mentioning those things, and also appreciating the outfits even if it's a little embarrassing. Though speaking of embarrassing...


*Topaz had fallen asleep again.*

: WAKE UP! I was telling you a naughty story, so you should listen!

: That's alright, as I'm sure Zettai appreciated hearing it. Even if it was relatively short.

*Topaz yawns.*

I blame me not being close to 100% yet. I'm barely kicking around 40% and that's when I'm on medicine. That said, how about we continue?

: Of course!

*With that Topaz continues the blog.*

Umi was chosen with Fuu and Hikaru to come to the world of Cephiro to save the pillar, being brought along and made to stay with them. Their bonds become even deeper as the series goes on, which I appreciate a lot. Out of the trio Umi is the main one to mention how ridiculous this all was, being stubborn at first but in an entertaining way of course. She eventually learns water magic, including summoning a big dragon out of water, and she even gets her own giant robot to fight with too! After succeeding and getting sent back the trio then return after a year to save the failing Cephiro in the second season. She is a noble and elegant ojou, though not as much as Fuu is as Umi is known to have her emotions get the better of her as she's easily excitable and doesn't back down. She's also had fencing lessons so she can be elegant and composed in most situations as well. She also likes baking cakes, though not to eat as she's not a big fan of sweets. But overall Umi is a very entertaining girl in the trio and even in the beginning where she was a little tsundere about their situation she was still very entertaining. Umi is voiced by Konami Yoshida who gives her a nice ojou speak and a fun voice, and other characters she's done include Zach Bell and Hana the loli and Pagliaccio the evil clown from GaoGaiGar.
Grade: B+

Umi is a little complicated when it comes to this area. She doesn't seem to notice Ascot's adoration of her, and he even became tall for her sake! Then again, it's possible Umi is a shotacom as, at least as far as the anime is concerned, seems interested in Clef the mage that brought them to the land. That's probably not canon as it wasn't in the manga though. She also ended up not confessing either, and it's possible that it's just a coincidence. Overall Umi could have done a lot better, but at least the anime adds a bit so that she doesn't just ignore the young summoner Ascot and instead has fallen for Clef.
Grade: B

Umi seems to be a second year middle school student. It's said that she's fourteen, like the other girls, but she's also the youngest of the trio due to her birthday being March 3rd. As with Fuu this creates a silly thing as in the manga she was born in 1980, and the anime in 1981, but I assume that will be changed with the new season. Still, Umi does decently and I find it amusing she's the tallest but the youngest. Overall she does quite well here, being a good age even if I do prefer older girls.
Grade: B

Total Grades: 77
Average score: 8.6
Final Grade: B+

And with that Umi's blog is complete-*cough hack cough.*

: Hey now, no need to get so excited about it. I understand that you weren't expecting to finish, but there's no reason to kill yourself getting it done.

That is true, but don't worry as I'm fairly conscious. I just hope that I gave Umi the type of blog that she wanted and deserved.

: It is true that I probably deserved better, as did Zettai, but I understand. I'm sure he does as well, what with the poor timing.

I know... I wish I could always just feel good and help him out, but this week has been a very harsh one on my body.

: I'm sure you'll get some sleep as soon as this blog is done anyway. But first you have to talk about the last sections of Umi's blog.

But of course! As mentioned I find it amusing that she's the youngest of the trio but the tallest, and it's funny to think that she was born so long ago that she's even older than I am! Granted that might change with the upcoming series, but still Umi does well.

: I thank you for appreciating me, even if you like older girls more.

It helps that I'm not like the tourists who complain about younger characters. I've been around anime a long time and have stopped caring about that sort of thing, and they're better off ignored.

: Speaking of age, I find it funny that Umi would fall for Clef.

: W-who told you that! And besides, that's only in the anime!

True as I don't think that's brought up in the manga. But considering Ascot liked you and grew up it's amusing that you like the still-shota mage Clef.

: It's always good to know when a girl is shotacom but not mamocentric!

Exactly! Even if in Umi's case it's only as far as the second season goes. But you do seem to have a crush on him in that season.

: True, but the canon of that is not exact! Harumph!

*Umi cutely pouts from getting caught with shotacom love.*

Fine fine, we won't talk about it too much more. Getting to your personality, you are still a lot of fun. You may have been the skeptical one at first, not wanting to realize that you are in another world and being more of a comedic character, but you are still a good friend to the other two.

: I mean I had to be for the sake of our survival...

That's true I suppose, but even then for characters who didn't know one another beforehand you became fast friends. I also like your ojou speech patterns and regal demeanor, even if you don't show it as much as Fuu does. Still, you have a good voice that did quite well with you.

: I'm glad you liked my voice quite a bit.

Of course, though you're Zettai's girl! And I don't mean just because your ass is so enormous either!

*Umi shows off her fat ass towards the camera, each cheek even bigger than before. Her panties are nowhere to be seen, and her skirt doesn't even cover a bit due to how gigantic her ass is. She even jiggles her ass in a sexy fashion.*

: True true. It may not fit with my slender figure but I still thank you for blessing me with such a large ass.

But of course, and don't worry as I'm certain that even Fuu will be jealous of your grand size.

: You think so? N-no, I cannot think of things in such a way.

: Would you rather we call Clef here? Or another shota representing Zettai to press his level-head against your enormous ass?

: I-I don't know what you're talking about?! I'm not shotacom at all!

*In her embarrassment Umi rushes out with silly spinning legs. She does get caught in the doorway, but thanks to Riri's advice she wasn't stuck for long and is able to leave.*

I hope that she'll be alright and no one catches my disease...

: Same here, but at least we were able to get through this week's blog with little issue.

Other than me sleeping and taking way too long to write it, I suppose.

: Considering how bad you've been feeling lately the fact that it got done at all is still an achievement.

Yeah... But I still have next week to talk about. Who could I possibly bring here when I know I'm sick?!

: Well, I know of a pretty good doctor. She might be known for being a teen, but I'm sure you can find a picture of her doctorly adult self.

YES! I hope I can as well, as it was her most recent appearance. But it sounds like we'll be looking at another ice/water user next time!

: A shame you couldn't talk about a better girl for Zettai's sake...

I mean he'll like her, but I also don't want to use a girl that he's been waiting for when I'm not feeling well. Hopefully I'll be able to talk about her by the end of the month though! It all depends on how quickly this illness leaves me...

: Hopefully it doesn't last too much longer...

I feel the same way... *cough cough* But hopefully we'll be seeing you all next time, for a magical girl turned doctor from a certain “Five” series~

*With that Topaz ends the blog, taking his rest to try and recover.*
Posted by emperortopaz | Feb 13, 6:53 AM | 0 comments
February 6th, 2025
This is the eight-hundred-forty-sixth week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.

*We return to the blog, where last week Topaz not only faced the writer Sumireko but was also kicked out of the library. However, a new girl has appeared to save Ririchiyo and himself.*

Thank you for that summary, narrator. It keeps me from having to explain things.

: And we're fortunate that it's not snow-covered outside. Not that I would want to jinx it though.

Good plan, as Jynx is an Ice-type anyway. Speaking of Ice though, thank you for saving us.

: But of course, and it would appear that you know that I know magical might.

That I do. After all you're from my favorite game!

: Yeah, but sadly not Zettai's.

I mean he still likes it I imagine, even if it isn't higher in his favorites. I suppose I should have considered that when I was thinking of anniversary girls.

: So are you saying that I should not be here?

: Yeah, you should go away and let me take care of Topaz. There are times when Zettai would enjoy that far more anyway!

Nonsense as he's a good friend of mine and we wouldn't want either to die!

: Do not worry, as I know that she is not a spy!

That is certainly true, much like how you aren't a spy. Even if early documents may have suggested it.

: That would explain why she gets Scan as a natural spell.

Regardless let's not discuss too much when it comes to this week's girl. We haven't even introduced her, and before that we'll need to ask for permission.

: Then I still have a chance. You need to stop Topaz from talking about you, as he will surely say perverse things!

: While I don't quite approve, I am not such a stick-in-the-mud that I would refuse to let Topaz talk about myself like that.

Glad to hear that, as it means you are willing to hear me talk.

: Of course, especially if it is a gift to someone.

: Sadly the gift may not be the best, but hopefully we shall at least make due.

: I suppose that is true. He may like me, but I do not have enough of a posterior as he would like.

*The mysterious leotard girl, even if her in image she's wearing something different, pats her barely covered ass. It is still big enough to jiggle and bounce too.*

: Such a shame, as I have been grinding for more H(i)P Points all night. And on numerous occasions too.

: W-wait, doesn't the “P” in HP stand for points?!

Heh heh... You said...

: Don't try to get out of this with terrible jokes, Topaz! Especially ones not even a middle school student would laugh at!

: It does not matter, as there is no way that I can achieve the behind that I would want...

You can call it an ass, you know. It's not like we're being censored by Woolsey or something. And show your ass more, as it's not like you'll be censored like Siren was!

: Sounds like someone is going to be showing off a huge ass, and not one that would cause “silence”...

: Indeed, but that point is MUTE... Wait, why did I make such a dumb mistake? No matter, as I know that such a thing is impossible...

: Wait, so you had a girl that is envious of bigger asses yet you forgot to tell her about the blog?

: What about the blog?

: Oh, when Topaz does his blogs it makes the girl's ass grow. Unless you're a villain like me, which is a shame as I wouldn't mind having a bigger ass. I will even flaunt it more, as bigger asses are sexier!

You are already beating Takane and many other assy girls in size, which while normally nice shouldn't be what happens with a cow like you!

: OI! You need to stop calling me that or I'll really give you a good smacking!

*Sumireko punches her hand, only to have the mysterious and aloof girl point her sword at her.*

: There shall be no “smacking' on my watch, enemy.

*She then turns to Topaz.*

: And you. They say that you can increase the size of my... posterior?

You can call it an ass, but yes. It is a side effect of the blog, though for you it sounds like it will be the main reason you want a blog.

: Ass... Hmmm, I am still interested in hearing what you have to say, but I would still say that it is a big reason. But it had better look good!

I mean your ass will be bigger and still be perky, which is about the best that can happen. I hope that means you will still look good.

: That is what I was worried about, so you may begin your blog about me.

Then allow me to begin by saying...

Today's girl is:

Celes Chere
Final Fantasy VI

: Grrr, to think that she would be introduced so easily. I really need to think of something to do to combat her abilities, or I'll be defeated too easily.

*She sneaks off.*

: Hey, Topaz. Should we worry that Sumireko seems to be slinking away.

I wouldn't say that it would be a big problem. If she's going to face us she'll return sometime, and in the meantime I can concentrate on Celes more.

: You're not just saying that to get on my good side, are you?

Does that mean your backside?

*The camera shows off Celes's sexy ass, which was more revealed now.*

: E-EH?! You are making my ass larger already? And whatever happened to my cape too?

: Seems like it blew away, though I hope for our sake not with a smelly “W. Wind”.

: Certainly not! But it is still unusual that I would be showing so much of my plump cheeks. Not that I mind, of course.

That's a relief, CelASS!

: Say my name properly, Topaz!

*She looks very intimidating towards the blogger.*

F-fine, as I understand. But it does look like the blog is already taking effect, as each one of your cheeks are bigger than your head.

: They do feel a fair bit heavier, even if I haven't increased that much overall. Still, I thank you for this enhancement as I know that there are those that will enjoy me like this.

But of course, like with Zettai! Though I do feel sorry about giving him a poor girl for his anniversary blog.

: I blame you being an idiot as that explains a lot of things.

: Do not worry, as I am sure he shall still enjoy it. Maybe not as an anniversary, but as a weekly one regardless. I am still thankful for you talking about me.

But of course, though I do apologize for talking about Terra and Relm first.

: Terra I understand as you like her a lot, but to think that even Relm would be before me. This is an insult of the highest level!

: It's alright, it's not like Topaz is making tier lists or anything.

True. If I was Celes would be really high like Terra. Naturally occurring learned magic is great after all.

: Certainly. But do not get too distracted as you still have a lot to talk about.

: Indeed, such as my plump ass which is slowly becoming even bigger as you talk.

*Celes shows off, fondling her plump cheeks which can't fit in her hands. Still, seeing her jiggly, soft ass looks very erotic.*

I can tell, as your hip level is growing.... W-wait, what was I talking about?

: Concentrate, Topaz! And I don't mean on the icy leotard beauty either!

OH! Fair, though she does have a great ass. I suppose that I should talk about her name first.

: My name?

Precisely! Celes' name is likely from “Celestial” which means heavenly, explaining why super weapons are often called “celestial weapons” in Final Fantasy now. It could also reference “Ceres” which is the Roman goddess of fertility. Then again, her Japanese name is different so it might just be a coincidence that she's called “Celes” and not something like “Celice” or “Celis”. Language is weird I suppose.

: I see. And as for my family name?

Oh, it seems that may be based on the feminine French word for “cher”, meaning “dear”, “precious”, “treasured”, or “expensive”.

: And it was your idea to look at someone FRENCH for Zettai's blog.

In hindsight I really should have chosen a better girl, but I can always hope that he likes the upcoming girls more!

: Asking for forgiveness instead of permission may be understandable, but you should not rely on it too much.

True true. I know he can only take so much of me being an idiot. I don't intentionally try to bother him after all!

: It's just a side effect of you not planning well.

Exactly. And we can't forget about Celes either, so how about we begin the blog proper?

: That would sound good to me, so go right ahead.

That's a relief, so let's get going!

*With that Topaz begins the blog.*

Celes has some very pretty hair, even if the color isn't that stand-out. She's a blonde, which being fair isn't too noteworthy among the main trio of girls in the game but there are quite a few blonde NPCs. Still, Celes stands out by having her hair be free and showing off the length really well. Well, except during the opera scene as she has a ponytail there, but she still looks quite good. I will say that the length does cover her ass slightly, but it still looks pretty to me. Celes does have some separated bangs, which become her sides and show off a fair amount of her forehead but not in any bad way, and said sides reach about her shoulders which means they outline her face really well. And of course we can't forget about her circlet-like headband that she wears, though it's only in front in certain artwork so it's possible that there are clips in the back. Still, as said her blonde hair still looks good, and with the nice length and even the nice variety Celes has a really good hairstyle overall and I like it a lot!
Grade: B

Celes does pretty well here. In some Amano artwork she seems to have fairly narrow eyes which look pretty nice and gives her a very “Asian beauty”-type of appeal. I don't know how accurate that is to the character, as it might just be how the concept art looked. She does have a tsurime I think, and while it is overdone (especially with blonde hair) her blue eyes look very lovely as well. It's a shame that even with the various glasses-type relics she doesn't wear them (though such a thing would have been hard to do), and I'd rather not blind her for silly sunglasses, so Celes doesn't wear glasses (visibly). Still, with the nice shape and alright color overall Celes does fairly well when it comes to this area.
Grade: B

Celes is an incredible beauty, even with graphics how they were back in the day. It's even referenced in-series where she gets confused for an opera singer due to how pretty she is (well, more that she looks like Maria but since they look alike I assume she is also very beautiful). Celes has a lovely face with mostly small features and tends to look good as a result. Granted her nose is quite obvious, but I blame that on being a poor angle for the menu sprites. Fortunately her appearances in other games tend to be more lax with that feature, which works well for me as I like her pretty design. Overall with her small features and lovely appearance Celes does really well when it comes to this area.
Grade: A-

: You know, I'm wondering even further why you would choose Celes to be Zettai's girl.

I mean he does like her and complained that I hadn't done her yet, but sadly saving her for a special occasion like this wasn't what I had hoped for...

: I still think he should hopefully enjoy the blog by itself. Though what do you mean it is a bad idea to talk about me. Is there some reason I should be aware of?

: It should be fairly obvious. He likes black-haired (or another dark color) girls with red eyes. If anything blondes like Celes are poor for him, and her blue eyes don't make it better.

: I see, so you are not a fan of my design?

I wouldn't say that, but I do think that the combination is really overrated. You pull it off and it wasn't as big of a problem back in the day, so you shouldn't worry about it. I do like your hair and eyes though.

: Do you now? Well, I suppose that I did alright up above it seems like.

True about that! Being fair the color is alright when it comes to your hair, but you're mostly saved by the nice length and free hair style. I also find your ponytail cute, and I like your headband-like circlet.

: I see, I do suppose that it adds a little color-er, not that a general like me cares much about fashion.

Understandable. The blue of it contrasts well with your hair, as does your ribbon when your hair is up in a ponytail.

: So the only flaw would be the color.

Indeed, though even that isn't too terrible. It's more overdone than anything else, and even if her hair covers her ass somewhat this isn't that kind of game.

: You say that, but you do seem quite infatuated by my plump backside.

*Celes shows off by turning around and leaning forward, jiggling her ass which is shown off even more. Her leotard is struggling to keep her massive cheeks from breaking through it, and it was wedged deep inside her crack.*

Goodness! That's more charming than any Nightshade!

: This is no time to be Charm-ed Topaz. We have a blog to do!

: Yes. I would like to hear you talk more about me so even if my backside is impressive this is no time to be looking at it!

It has grown quite a bit, easily over +50% which is really sexy.

: But of course, as I work hard to get my H(i)P up high.

Sounds sexy. As for your eyes, again the main issue is with the color. Well, other than not wearing glasses, but there was another Squaresoft SNES game with a lead girl in them. Still, the blue again is overrated, even if your eyes are usually narrow in official art. Granted that is just Amano's artstyle, but still she seems like a classic beauty! Like you'd see her posing on some sort of ancient drawings or something.

: I am a general, not some art model! Though I suppose that is praise.

Indeed as I do like narrow eyes like that, and in general your face looks great too! The other games are especially helpful as I like a more cute facial expression than the one you get in your menu sprites and dialogue boxes in the later re-releases.

: Speaking of the later re-releases, I don't know if it's unfortunate they took out Celes getting beaten up in them.

I mean it is unfortunate that they had to remove something, but I understand the issues with torture. I wouldn't want Celes to be beaten up either as it sets a poor precedent, but I also dislike it when things are removed to try and keep the rating down. It's quite the perplexing issue, but at least Celes isn't beaten up (on screen) I suppose.

: Do not worry as once Locke frees me I quickly have my cold, icy revenge on them... Well, maybe not them specifically but certainly the empire!

True true. But let's not talk about the questions of if censorship is good. Because it's always terrible, and not just fanservice-wise either. Not that I want to see Celes get beat up, so it's a difficult topic on this specific scene. Regardless, how about we continue with the blog?

: But of course, as I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

Glad to hear that, so let's continue onward!

*With that Topaz continues the blog.*

It might be difficult to see due to the ancient graphics, but Celes does have a fairly curvy body. Sadly we don't have any measurements, but we do know that she is 172 cm and 58 kg, and has a B blood type. The blood type isn't too important, as tends to be the case in blogs, but 172 is somewhat on the tall side for women which is quite good. Celes doesn't show off too much, but thanks to the pose and her leotard she does show off a bit of her ass in the Tactics S cameo. Though she could certainly use a better ass, but I could say that about any girl really. Overall I'd say that Celes, even if she doesn't show off, has a pretty nice hourglass figure and is nice and tall which I like. Though of course her ass could always be bigger, as having her be the ass girl sounds sexy!
Grade: B

That said Celes doesn't show off here either, which is a pretty good thing. Sure she does wear a leotard and some other outfits that might show it off, but being a game from back in the day it's not like she shows off too much (this isn't Live-A-Live after all). I'd say that she has a more modest chest, with more of her appeal being in her lower body more. As a result Celes overall does alright here, even if there isn't too much to say.
Grade: B

There are two types of outfits that Celes tends to wear, though it's hard to say which one is more “official” for her design. What she wears in the games tends to be a green leotard which looks very sexy, though the white cape hiding her back hurts a bit (it doesn't even give Mute/Imp immunity) though I do like the intimidating shoulders they give her. She also wears high blue boots with it, though they aren't even knee high so they aren't too much of a problem. In concept art and some other spin-offs Celes instead wears a yellow suit with pants and matching jacket with big poofy sleeves, a blue shirt, and sadly a white cape yet again as her ass demands freedom! I do approve of how tight her pants look at least. And of course we can't forget the opera sequence where Celes wears a white dress with big shoulders and a long train. It looks cool though not as sexy as her other two outfits I'd say, but I still approve. Overall Celes does fairly well when it comes to this area, with a nice variety but she needs to ditch her capes or at least reveal more of her sexy ass!
Grade: B+

*Celes is blushing quite a bit.*

: Goodness... some of those things that you have said...

Due to sharing the same palette I'm sure that Sabin and Edgar are blushing too.

: Because of how perverse your words are and Edgar is a pervert? Not like Sabin would be affected though...

No, because they share a palette and as such blush during the coin flip scene in earlier versions.

: You and your esoteric jokes, Topaz...

I mean I'm sure people appreciate it. Maybe. Regardless I hope you aren't too embarrassed by what I said.

: If anything I should be embarrassed that you would say such dumb jokes in my blog. Though it is also embarrassing that you chose me to be Zettai's girl.

True true. And I apologize to him as well as he deserved better. Hopefully I'll pick a better girl for him soon enough.

: I'm sure it'll happen, but you are dumb with your choices sometimes.

I know, as I should really think harder. Regardless, Celes still has a pretty good body. She doesn't seem to show it off too much, which being fair isn't that surprising I suppose.

: I am no floozy after all! I am a serious former imperial general and-


*As Celes was talking about herself in a serious manner her leotard snaps. Her ass has grown so massive, each cheek much bigger than her head now, that her outfit couldn't contain it and she bursts out of it. She then struggles to contain her massive cheeks, which only makes it look sexier.*

: And in the middle of my serious thought too...

That's what makes it extra sexy. Not that your enormous ass needs to be any sexier, but it'll certainly grow even more.

: It will?! But it's already so huge!

: Being fair Sumireko tried to warn you. Where has she been?

: She probably left, not that I mind. She could be standing right over there and you wouldn't notice as you are too busy looking at my posterior!

Oh sorry! It's just so large and sexy!

: And yet you did not score me better? How unfortunate.

Unfortunate is that you still haven't called it an “ass”. But I cannot count non-canon things such as the blog for your score.

: Though you did count the various spin-offs when it came to her face and clothes.

I mean that's different. It's at least different works but still official. Which is a shame as having an ass as gigantic as this would certainly help!

: I am honored, but also a little angry about this... I was not expecting to grow quite this much!

: Being fair no girls seem to. Still, like Topaz says it's extremely sexy!

: Well, if you say so...

But of course! That said, not showing much of your chest helps too. You are slightly busty, which fits with your age, but it's not like your mamocentric either.

: If anything that makes your ass look even bigger, which is always good.

: I suppose... But to think that my backside would grow this massive!

Obviously you need someone to help carry it. Might I suggest Zettai?

: I would not want to bother someone else, as he seems busy. Plus I don't think he could carry it.

He should train, and you should sit on his back for hours.

: So he can do push-ups, right?

*Topaz is silent.*


Er, sure. Sorry, as I was imagining it...

*Topaz imagines it so everyone can see, with Celes smothering Zettai as he struggles to hold up her massive ass. Sadly he is quickly snapped to reality.*

: We do not have time for that, Topaz! You still have more things to talk about.

You're right, as I should talk about your clothes. It is unusual that you have two different outfits, though I suppose that happens with sprite work. You look really good in both outfits though.

: I do? Though I imagine you like my leotard more, even if it did get destroyed...

True true. Though I apologize that it ended up breaking.

: Well, so would the other outfit and it would have been more destroyed if I had been wearing pants.

True about that, though I like the tighter pair you seem to be wearing now as opposed to the baggier ones. It fits your curvy figure more.

: Though you do dislike her cloak.

True about that. I mean it does make her back sprite cool-looking, but it does sadly hide her ass which is unfortunate. Granted it isn't that type of game, but still it is unfortunate.

: Do not worry as I understand, and I am sure I shall become more used to the size of my posterior. Your kind words of praise have certainly helped out!

That's good to hear, as I want you to like your huge ass. It'll only get bigger, so let's continue with the blog!


*Celes is shocked that her ass will continue to grow, but Topaz continues with the blog and she listens carefully.*

We get our first look at Celes during Terra's flashback, and it is revealed that she is one of the main Magitek generals for the empire. She is a prodigy, both as far as having magic and her military ability as she lead the charge on a whole town to occupy. That said, she eventually saw the error of her ways and did something traitorous that caused the empire to jail her. This shows how strong Celes's sense of morals are, especially in the face of Kefka, as she even betrays him in front of the empire while on the floating continent. She's also the “main” character in the World of Ruin, being the one to start recruiting all the other characters after escaping the solitary island. There's a “minigame” where you have to save Cid, who is like an uncle to Celes, and if you fail she will attempt to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff! It doesn't work though, and regardless of if you save him or not you leave the island on the map but it's still a touching sequence. Still, even if she has some harsh scenes the game is a somewhat light one, with Celes getting confused for an opera singer and ending up performing in one as part of a ploy. She also balances out Terra, who is slowly discovering who she is while Celes is more aggressive and serious but with the party's help she becomes a lot more welcoming and accepting. I suppose it makes sense that the cool beauty Celes learns mostly Ice spells, which balance Terra's fire out fairly well, and she also gets a lot of support moves between healing and status moves. She also has the runic ability which can intercept spells to restore MP (though if Celes would absorb the damage it reverses it instead). Overall even with the strong cast of FF6 Celes is an extremely great character and while not having anything else to do in the WoR does well being the avatar “character” and is a great way to become familiar with the character and keep her in our memories. While the original game didn't have voice acting, it seems Celes is played by Houko Kuwashima in World of Final Fantasy. Some other roles she's done include Tomoyo from Clannad, Mordred from Fate, Sango from Inuyasha, and Itsuki from Heartcatch which is quite a few good roles I'd say. Her singing voice in the Pixel Remasters is Masumi Nemoto in case curious about that, though I don't know too much about her other than that she had a role in Triangle Strategy as well.
Grade: A-

This is one of Celes's stronger if slightly weaker areas. Probably the worst things about this area are the amount of mistrust the party has against her, at least early on, and that she doesn't seem all that lewd. Then again, that might just be due to the era the game was in. However, Celes does have a very cute romance subplot with Locke. While they might not be “hot n' heavy” as Relm would say they do have a lot of affection towards one another and have some very sweet moments together. He has some past issues involving a girl, Rachel, who he failed to protect, and after the world ends it is Locke's bandana that keeps Celes going and on the road to explore and find everyone else. She also runs into problems when it comes to escaping Kefka's tower at the end, which is a cute callback. Overall while Celes isn't too perverse she still does fairly well due to the cute romance that happens and the affection she has towards Locke. And I suppose Setzer as well, though he only kidnapped Celes because he thought she was someone else (even if she fixes a coin flip where if she would have “lost” she would have married him).
Grade: B+

Celes not only has a set age but a birthdate as well! Though I suppose that she might be a year older in the World of Ruin, from what official data says she is eighteen and her birthday is March 10th. Happy Mario Day I suppose. Jokes aside Celes does amazing, and the only issue would be that Locke is 25. Now, I'm not saying that the age difference is an issue, I just like my girls to be older in age even if it's just a minimum amount. Still, overall Celes does fantastic when it comes to her age and should be celebrated as such!
Grade: A

Total Grades: 81
Average score: 9.0
Final Grade: B+

And with that the blog is over. What did you think of it, Celes?

: Hmmm, I will say that it is fairly simplified. A lot happened after all.

I mean it is a big game, and you're the main character for the entire second half. Well, at least for the first bit you're at least the “main” one. Still, there's nothing wrong with being a traitor even if we don't know exactly what you did.

: I mean Zettai does enjoy it when enemies turn into heroes or such, and even with Kefka trying to convince the player otherwise she is still on the side of good.

: Ugh, don't remind me of that. I'm just glad that Locke eventually understood, even if it took reviving his mostly-dead girlfriend who told him to move on.

Indeed as the romance between the two of you is quite good. It's not like you have sex in canon, unlike some other SNES games, but it's still a pretty good relationship.

: Thank you and-wait, other games?

I mean there's pregnancy in G-O-D, and I swear there was another one too. Believe me, I'd like to mention it...

: Fire Emblem.

I mean that's true, but wasn't what I was thinking about. Might have been Lufia or something. I really need to play more of those games... Regardless, the relationship between Locke and Celes is pretty good even if it takes a bit to get going. He really reignites her hope in the second part of the game, though they do have some romantic moments still.

: I thank you for the praise.

But of course! It is a shame that you're the younger one, even if technically both of you are of-age. Still, I like it when girls are the older ones.

: At least she's a bit dominant when it comes to their relationship.

True as that does help, at least moderately. Being an Imperial general is quite good when it comes to that sort of thing, but I also like that she isn't all serious and icy either.

: Certainly not, I also have some good support spells and even meteor!

: Don't kill yourself casting it though!

: Eh?

: N-nevermind...

It's a reference to another Final Fantasy. That said, while I don't know your singing voice I do appreciate your voice role. Not that I've played the game though.

: Not that it would matter, as you don't listen to the game music.

I'm getting better with that! It helps that I play a lot on the computer, but even on the Switch I can use headphones which means I wouldn't be bothering people around me. Regardless Celes is a really great girl.

: Even if I may not be great for Zettai...

I mean he still enjoys you, though that may be more because I like Terra and the alternate isn't great. Still, I hope that he'll enjoy your enormous ass.

*Celes shows off her huge cheeks, which are so massive she can't even seem to hold them up any longer as her cheeks are so heavy.*

: I will certainly enjoy it, even if I am not used to the size quite yet. Still, I know that it would be quite attractive.

That you certainly are! As for the blog, I suppose that it is time to end, even if it's not quite as fanservicy as it could have been.

: I blame you being an idiot.

True that it barely counts as Zettai's anniversary blog, and for that I apologize. Maybe I'll give him something soon enough.

: Do not worry, as I am sure that he still is honored having such a good friend. Even if your mind isn't in the right place.

Sadly that is true. Not literally, but figuratively as I'm bad at being stubborn.

????: In that case how about I put you out of your misery!

*A magical blast is tossed from offscreen towards Topaz, but it happens to miss even if he wasn't purposely avoiding it.*

What the?

: Looks like someone has high M.Evade...

Perhaps. But putting that aside it seems that I'm under attack!

*The familiar girl comes out from behind a corner.*

: Curses! I had the opportunity to blast you easily, but I still missed! I can't believe it!

I'm quite fortunate that it did, as even Celes didn't notice the attack.

: I was too distracted by your gaze on my ass, meaning the camera. But I shall take care of this bothersome opponent!

*Celes has a battle pose ready to intercept Sumireko.*

: I don't think that is going to work this time around!

: We'll see just how much better you are now... ICE 2!

*Celes casts Ice 2, only to have it deal no damage.*

: E-eh? What happened? Does she neutralize ice damage?

: That I did! While you were talking about stupid things I was away learning things.

Oh no! Now she has knowledge, and that's power!

: Do not worry, as I know just how to attack her! I shall use this enormous ass you blessed me with!

*Celes attempts to smack Sumireko, but she turns into a loli to avoid the boulder-like strikes.*

: Grrr, hold still!

: Not at all!

: In that case, I shall use my deadliest spell!

Meteor? Flare?

: No... Though those are strong. I'm talking about BIO!

: But that doesn't even penetrate defenses, and you can't learn it naturally and-


*Celes bends over and squats to aim her immense ass towards Sumireko. She then lets out a huge fart, but it seems to have no effect.*

: W-what's going on?!

If anything I'm glad that the fart level of that “Merton” spell didn't affect us too much. Only instead of fire and wind it's more POISON and wind.

: Doesn't mean we don't have to still breathe it... *cough cough*

: HAH! I knew it was a good idea to block Poison-type moves with this Force Field!

Darn it! That also explains why the ice didn't do any damage either!

: And since she seems to have done her research I imagine she's immune to Holy spells too!

: That's right! The only element I didn't block is Water, and unless you plan on summoning a whale or something I doubt you have that!

: True, as this isn't the Advance port!

That means that there's going to be some random helper in the wings to help defeat her!

: You know that I can just use Flare or Meteor or something, right?

: What are the chances of that? I'll defeat Celes and-


*A water dragon attacks Sumireko, who had turned into her normal form and smacked away.*

: CURSES! Fine! I guess I'll just leave this time, as you just keep bringing up more girls! There's no reason to keep bashing my head against such an idiot!

Wait, am I an idiot?

: I mean you sure act the part sometimes. You need to be more conscious of the people around you.

I suppose. But thank you for saving me, Celes.

: But I didn't-well, I suppose I did last week, but I'm not the one who summoned that creature.

Wait, then who?

????: To think that you would forget about me this quickly, Topaz!

*A girl with beautiful blue hair comes walking out, revealing her identity.*

: Your memory must be even worse than we had expected. But I was the one who saved you this time!

*She flicks her hair in an epic display.*

: And now that your little battle is over, you should be able to concentrate on me better for next time!

That's true, as we won't need plot. So it looks like we have a girl for next time too!

: I imagine that Zettai will like her more than Celes at least.

: HEY! Though I do understand, as she seems closer to his sort of tastes.

Precisely! Not that she's perfect for him either, but it seems we'll be looking at a water girl after this week's icy one!

: You should just be glad that I heard “Celes” and came too. It sounds quite a bit like my Rune Knight.

: I can see that, but let's not give too much of a hint even if it might be obvious who is coming up.

That's right. So be sure to see the second girl from this classic series next week!

*With that Topaz ends this week's blog, and stay tuned for next week's!”
Posted by emperortopaz | Feb 6, 7:04 AM | 0 comments
January 30th, 2025
This is the eight-hundred-forty-fifth week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.

*We return to the blog where it left off last week. Noichigo, AKA Berry Blossom, was tricked into leaving by a mysterious meganekko who looked like a little girl. Now Topaz has to face this terrible monstrosity, still in the library once again.*

: Hey what gives? You can't just call me a “monstrosity”, as that's rude!

: Maybe if you didn't have such terrible and monstrous breasts you wouldn't be mocked.

: That's not my fault. Besides, you're just jealous!

: Certainly not. And why are you so distracted, Topaz? Don't tell me you're playing even more of the ArduBoy “games” you played earlier this week.

No no, nothing of the sort. Though I am still a little depressed.

: I blame today's girl.

: I doubt that it has anything to do with me, even if it appears he'd rather talk about flat girls than me. To think that you would waste a month and not even so much as mention me!

: Why would he? It's not like you wear glasses a lot or something. Besides, your manga isn't even over yet.

: That isn't my fault, and it's not like he'd read it anyway. He can be an anime-only for all I care, I just want to hear what he has to say about me!

Can't you see that I'm dealing with something?

*Topaz is looking at his hands shaking.*

: It's probably something dumb, but what are you so sad about?

Well, I did Noichigo's blog last week. However, I had unfortunately forgot about the time when she became gigantic with her magic! And it was such a nice episode too!

: I can understand, as giantesses are very popular among some other groups. I bet that it showed her off well too!

Sadly Acro Trip isn't too perverse, so it's not like we got a pantyshot or something. Which is really unfortunate as they could have shown her off from a low angle and make it look even sexier. Still, I do like giantess scenes so I blame becoming too old and not remembering things.

: Oh please, you're not THAT old...

I mean I am slowly getting older and older unfortunately. Better than the alternative, but I still feel like if I can't remember things like that I'll end up forgetting everything.

: I know that sort of thing, as I was said to be gifted at a young age. However, as I became older and eventually became an adult it feels like no one appreciates me for anything.

Precisely! I'm glad that you put into words how I feel! It really sucks to be a burn out and not do your best even when you want to!

: Topaz, you do know you're bonding with the villain. Right?

: I am only a villain for two reasons!

: Are they both your oversized balloons?

: NO! Well, one is probably but blame MAL having so many pictures of my adult form as it's so mamocentric!

I agree! Last week I'd use your younger form if MAL had a picture, but I'm too lazy to go find it myself. A shame this site is so awful sometimes!

: Only sometimes?!

Fair that they're probably wrong more often. Just look at how beloved Wonderful Precure is while Healin' Good is hated! It really should be the other way around, as should be obvious to any true Cure fan!

: Is he always like this?

: Fairly often, but hopefully now that Wonderful has ended he'll move to the next series.

I can only hope that the Idol series is better, even if I don't have high expectations. But I suppose that we are getting too distracted, as we need to find the girl for the week!

: Hello! I thought you were going to be talking about me? I even cornered you when I knew you were at your weakest!

Do not worry as even if there are no heroes nor magical girls, nor technologic meganekkos, we can still fend you off!

: Still, we should at least talk about her.

Really? You're the one that's going to convince me?

: Better than having her stick around and continue bothering us for another month!

: ...I'm pretty sure I know where I'm not wanted now...

Nonsense as you are a pretty cool character, and worth talking about. And since you gave permission...

*Sumireko is surprised to hear Topaz introduce her like this.*

: I never outright said I would give you permission! Besides, shouldn't there be another warning that you had...?

: It sounds like she knows a lot about your blogs, Topaz. We need to watch out for her!

: I only know what's going on because I saw you blog several girls.

You must be that ominous feeling I felt!

: I think that was just your stomach grumbling, Topaz.

Fair enough. But then what warning did I forget to give you?

: You forgot to warn me about my ass growing!

*Sumireko smiles with expectations, but her optimism is quickly crushed.*

Oh that's not going to happen.

: W-WHAT?!

I mean you're a villain! You don't get that sort of thing, and not just because you could use your ass as a sexy yet effective weapon.

: All of Topaz's blogging ability is probably going to keeping you weak instead.

: You mean... if I hadn't made him talk about me and instead waited patiently I would have had a big, plump, sexy ass?!

*She smacks the floor with tears pouring down.*

I don't know, as you might have been a villain anyway if I waited too long and you became impatient.

: I suppose that might have happened, but it still is terrible! I at least understand that bigger asses are sexy!

Yeah, but I don't think you deserve a bigger ass. Or bigger anything else, as you're even making a girl like Takane look bad! I'll get into that later though.

: But imagine if I became younger-at least high school age-and KEPT the big ass! Don't you agree how sexy that is?!

I mean sure, but it's too late for that now. Besides, there are far better things to talk about. Such as with your name-

: I don't know, as talking about my ass is quite nice. Both because my ass is nice and more people need to appreciate asses!

: Are you sure that Sumireko is a villain, Topaz? She seems more agreeable than most, and was even a protagonist in her series.

Don't be swayed by her tongue, Riri! Nor by her glasses, as that's more my sort of thing. We have to keep a steady mind so that she doesn't seduce us, and as I said before we can't forget about her name.

: You're really pushing it, aren't you Topaz? Well then, let's hear what you have to say if it's so important!

I-I mean it's not important, but I was just trying to get going on the blog.

: Figures. You'll probably skip right through it and miss something major like with last week and the giantess thing!

I sure hope not, and I hope that people will understand why you're a villain. And being fair while I don't know the exact meaning of your name, but Ogawa seems to be a name of a river and a somewhat popular last name. Meanwhile “Sumireko” is combining “child” and “violet” as in the flower.

: I suppose that is why she can transform into a child too.

: No, that's because of a book-

Which is called “Water of Life”. See, it all comes together.

*Sumireko sighs from that.*

: Well, I suppose that works. That said, if you're going to be talking about me you've going to have to do it right!

But of course! Just don't try to interrupt by attacking us, as that would be rude.

: I suppose it would be effective as well, but still. Regardless, I hope that I do much better than being a villain might imply.

I hope so as well, so let's begin properly!

*With that Topaz starts the blog.*

Sumireko doesn't really start off to a strong start, even if she has mostly decent hair. The color is fairly nice, with a lighter brown but not quite a “tan” color either. When her hair is down it reaches about to her shoulders which is an alright length, though I would certainly prefer it longer. Sadly to make her hair suffer she usually has it up in a bun in back, which might be fine if she didn't ALSO bring back her bangs. Too much of Sumireko's forehead is shown and I'm not a big fan of that as you can even see her scalp! Her sides are decent, reaching about shoulder length though it only brings out her lack of bangs and the fact that her hair is pulled into a bun in back further! It's a shame as otherwise she might have done well, but overall Sumireko does poorly as I dislike seeing foreheads and she shows a lot of them. It's a shame as the color is quite nice, but I also wouldn't mind it if her hair was longer either.
Grade: B-

The series Sumireko is from really likes their interesting eyes, and she's no different as she has fairly unique eyes. They're narrow and slightly tsurime I think,with a nice curve and alright corners. The brown of her eyes matches her hair color fairly well too. But what makes Sumireko stand out is that she has really emphasized pupils in her eyes, or at least it looks like that to me and comparing it to other series. Sadly she does have some issues, since while I'll mention it more later her “younger” form can't take the mass of her adult body and she starts bleeding from every orifice which includes her eyes sadly which is certainly a downside. As for her glasses, sadly Sumireko could use more time wearing them since she only really wears them while writing or in her free time. It means that for most of the series she doesn't wear them, even though they're nice thick framed glasses. Regardless, overall Sumireko does alright here with a nice shape and color, but she really needs to wear her glasses and hopefully only wearing them while relaxing doesn't mean she wears contacts the rest of the time (it's possible it's just for reading/writing though).
Grade: B-

Sumireko has a fairly alright face, looking somewhat mature but I mean that in the best way. Her nose is fairly noticeable, as is often the case, though it is more obvious as she has the ability to become a young child. Her face like that is noticeably cuter too. I'll also mention some of Sumireko's more unique features as well. She has a mole under her right eye, and as you can probably tell by the picture she also has short, if thick, eyebrows as well. It's not awful, but it does make her forehead seem even more blank in that regard. Still, overall Sumireko does mostly alright, with some unique eyecatching features such as her eyebrows.
Grade: B

: I can't believe it... I know I said that I wouldn't attack you, but after all that I don't think that I can sit still!

Well then, instead of praise you can give me cash then.

: Eh? You thought I was going to PRAISE you?!

*Sumireko points with intimidation.*

: No, you said nothing but bad things about me!

: If you thought that was bad things you should be careful about the next sections...

: EH? They're going to become even worse? No, I can't get distracted! If we were to skip ahead in this story it would make even less sense as a result!

Just be glad you aren't an idiot who skips episodes “because they're filler”. If you're going to watch a show, watch the whole thing!

: I agree with that, but more to the point I want to ask why you said such bad things about me! It's not like you were expecting me to be a villain when the anime aired!

True, as these things just happen. Then again if it was “up to me” the story would be boring without villains but we'd be safe at least.

: I suppose that makes sense, but look at those scores!

I mean they're fine. I'm not very big on forehead showing and you usually have your bangs pulled back. I really like when bangs are showing, and as mentioned with your eyebrows it shows off a lot more of your forehead than I would like.

: You're just being picky now. Besides, my small thick eyebrows are one of my main traits.

I mean they don't look bad, but the sum of the parts are worse than the individual things. Your hair is a great brown color Sumireko, and if you didn't have it pulled back all the time I might like it! It's even a fairly nice length, though I like long flowing hair and yours would barely reach your shoulders. I get that keeping your hair up in a bun makes it easier to work and possibly more comfortable, but still.

: It is, though I doubt someone like you would know much about hair. Besides, it's not like that's the only place I did poorly!

It wasn't that poorly though! You're still scoring fairly well!

: Especially for a villain!

I mean she's not bad. She just has issues in like every area.

: SEE? That's the kind of unfairness I have to put up with!

But they're still pretty decent otherwise! I mean, your eyes are shaped nicely and somewhat unique. I like the color to them, including that they match pretty well with your hair color, but the main issue is as usual that you don't wear your glasses enough!

: Really? That's your biggest issue?

Certainly! I was expecting you to be wearing them most of the time, but you hardly wore them in the anime! Granted some of that is because you were also in a younger form but that doesn't give you an excuse either! Granted I imagine the manga isn't much better, but I haven't looked too far into it to be sure. It bothers me especially since the thick black frames are really nice too!

: I see, so you really enjoy my glasses then.

: I mean he did just talk about several meganekkos in a row. It's no surprise that he added one more.

True, but hopefully the next girls will be more familiar to Zettai as I know he likes it more when the girls aren't mysteries to him. And aren't cows.

: You need to stop bringing that up.

That's a fair point, as I'll bring it up more in the next area. First I need to talk about your face.

: What's wrong with my face?!

Not too much, though as mentioned your eyebrows are short. You are right that they are a nice trait, but I dislike that you're showing so much of your forehead. Otherwise there isn't too much of a problem, even if you have a kinda large nose. Your small mole is relatively cute. Hmm? Why are you biting your thumb.

*Sumireko is biting her thumb in frustration as she thinks to herself.*

: (Who could have thought that he would be this picky about so many things! I can't believe that I could have just avoided his judgments... But I should probably think of a plan to get out of this with my reputation still intact...)

Something the matter, Sumireko? You seem so distracted.

: Oh, er... I apologize. But how about you continue with your blog? I am looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

Of course, as I suppose I have been stalling for too long. Let's get going!

*With that Topaz continues with the blog.*

As an adult, meaning her base form, Sumireko has an extremely voluptuous body with some great curves. Sadly she is extremely mamocentric, as you can tell by her measurements. Surprisingly it's height she's lacking, as otherwise her figure seems to be 100I-62-93. That 93 is certainly surprising and worth a mention, as anime often doesn't break the 90 hip barrier, but that's still a big difference between her chest and ass size. She also only has slight ass service, including the manga, though it does include showing bare ass at least (even if from a distance). And hey, when the teacher they were with complained about her ass growing Sumireko mentions that it'll be sexier that way so at least she knows a bigger ass is better. However, despite the mostly alright body I can't forget that she has the ability to become a loli or teen with a matching body due to a curse. She eventually gets to do this at will, though during her arc the curse was slowly killing her. Now it also gives her the ability to heal as she just goes back to when she wasn't hurt, though it puts a toll on her body. Overall I do appreciate Sumireko's curvy body as it's very sexy, and her younger forms aren't bad but the main issue is below.
Grade: B-

Sumireko is incredibly mamocentric, to the point where one of the main complaints about the anime was that it didn't show her nipples. People can be such idiots. I will mention that Sumireko does have inverted nipples in the manga, but that doesn't give people permission to complain either. It also doesn't help that Sumireko has a lot of bursting or bouncy moments in the anime, with even more risky service in the manga as well due to having such large breasts. She often shows off in official art because mamocentric idiots are easy to take money from it seems. The younger sister Oto smacks her chest in the bath, though sadly that scene was behind a closed door in the anime as it was not a great adaptation. I'll mention that not even her teen form is as busty as Sumireko is currently, which may imply she was a late bloomer, and obviously in loli form she is much smaller (though in the manga she does have some moments even if they aren't applied in the anime). This is definitely Sumireko's worse area overall, as it caused a lot of mamocentric idiots to watch this series or read the manga and thus attract even more with awful art. It's a shame really.
Grade: D

Putting being mamocentric aside Sumireko has some fairly decent outfits. Her main outfits consist of a casual dark t-shirt, green hooded jacket, and pants though instead of a t-shirt she has a tank top with a thin strapped shirt underneath. She also wears an apron while at the bookstore, either as she's a cashier or because she doesn't want dust on her clothes while cleaning. While infiltrating the high school she wears a school uniform with a jumper, a red skirt, and a white skirt. She also wears a red tracksuit as well. But it's official art where Sumireko really shows off, and I don't just mean that because one of her outfits is a reverse bunny outfit either! Other artwork includes a maid, a bikini, and a sukumizu, and in the manga it seems she's worn a kimono, a diving suit as swimwear (though she does have a swimsuit roulette too), and likely much more. Overall Sumireko has some nice outfits, but again being mamocentric keeps her from going to even further heights.
Grade: B+

: I can't believe it... Not only did you dismiss my huge breasts, but you even talked about my ass! I mean asses are obviously sexual, but I tend to not get a lot of attention for it...

*Sumireko rubs her ass, sorely missing that she was not able to get a bigger ass due to the blog.*

: I mean it is fairly obvious what the internet wants to see. There's far too many mamocentric idiots and the world is a sham of what it once was.

I agree! Sumireko couldn't even show her bare showering ass completely in the opening, so boo terrible double standards! Especially with a cow like her.

: Hey now, you can't keep complaining about the size of my breasts!

That's fair, but there's so much to complain about! From the size to people making bad fanart, or people who were overly defensive of the manga, or those that shoved the manga panels in everyone's face. It just became terrible for someone just wanting to see what people thought about the show!

: Being fair some of that is because of the site you were on...

Fair point, but it was still extremely irritating! Much like how bouncy and forced Sumireko's mamocentric sequences are. The only positive might be that she spends a lot of time in her younger form, both a loli and a high school student, but that only made idiots worse!

: Sounds like most of the problem is with other people.

Well, that and you not wearing your glasses as much as I was hoping. It was just overly disappointing.

: Much like how Sumireko has an ass size of 93.

I KNOW! Granted I'm not complaining that she broke the 90HB, but when so many others deserve far bigger asses I don't know why a mamocentric girl like her could make it!

: Maybe they wanted to even it out a bit more or something.

Even then there's still a pretty big gap, and even if she's tall that shouldn't matter. It's just so frustrating to know that she's mamocentric but also curvy overall! Plus without measurements it would have been obvious that she was busty but this is just ridiculous!

: Come on, I know you like my ass!

For all the rare times you show it, sure. It's somewhat big and you show it including naked on occasion, but we could always use better angles and such. And I do appreciate the series at least giving some thought on making the girls look all different as far as body shapes go but still having the main girl not only be mamocentric but be focused on in all official media...

: Hey now, you can't blame me for that! Believe me, if I could get rid of these lumps of fat...

: Don't say things like that either as it only brings further focus to your oversized cow lumps. And your clothing isn't much better!

True as while Sumireko doesn't really dress too skimpy she does have a lot of light clothing like with a tank top with thin straps or the various bikinis and such. Even when she tried to troll with a diving suit for swimwear she “busts” out of it even if she had a bikini underneath too. People even applaud her kimono making her look so busty too, even if that's not the point of a kimono!

: It's not my fault, as I try to hide it as well as I can!

Fair, and like mentioned you are younger quite a bit in the anime. But it still is awful that so much of your character seems to revolve around your chest!

: I blame gravitational pull, which is awful.

: It's not like they're two planets or something, you know! And what's wrong with dressing light if I'm only going to be at home relaxing while drinking!

I suppose that I can't complain too much about it, as I do understand, but again the issue is that people continuously point out your chest and it gets way too much focus! Otherwise you wouldn't be too bad!

: I do suppose those scores were at least alright, but I will not forgive you for cursing me so much! I was already irritated at you not talking about me, but now you're saying even worse things!

Sounds sorta hypocritical. But it is what I believe, so perhaps I would have been better if I hadn't blogged you. Still, getting all this off my chest is certainly helpful.

: Plus Zettai would probably enjoy this blog far more.

Yes. Fortunately the next few girls might be more to his liking. Next week is his anniversary blog after all!

: Too bad for him that you won't be able to make it. I'm going to take care of you right now, so that I won't be humiliated further!

: You and what army! You probably don't even have a stand or anything!

: No, but there are still ways that I can stop you...

*Sumireko pulls a book off a bookshelf.*

: Let's see... A magic book on Army Ants. Perfect!

*She then summons a squad of ants which look like they're prepared for military combat. And they're standing on their feet too, even if this blog is poor at describing things. Like Topaz.*

Hey, I can only do the best I can! It's not my fault I'm so forgetful!

: Yet you can remember memes from over ten years ago...

I know I have a problem... And that's not including the ants about to attack us! Again it's a shame that I forgot about Berry's giantess moment!

: Consider it your last mistake! Attack!

*The ants approach Topaz and Riri, but luckily two girls do a diving kick at them to knock them back.*

: Heroic KICK!

: Magical Girl KICK!

*Shy and Berry then do an epic pose together.*

: I apologize for being late, as it seems that she tricked us by becoming a small girl!

: I-I am sorry too! I'msorryI'msorry! I should have come here sooner!

Don't worry, as you made it just in time to save us!

: Grrr. To think that you hit my first squad so easily! But I have many more attackers!

*She continues to summon her ant minions out of the book.*

: We'll take care of these things, Topaz!

: You need to keep doing t-the blog!

On it! After all, I still have a lot to say about Sumireko...

*With that Topaz continues the blog, while Sumireko is facing off against Shy and Berry Blossom.*

I feel really close to Sumireko as she's an older girl, and despite being a skilled writer she keeps getting rejected. She was very brilliant as a child and had a book published at 15, but as she aged her talent didn't seem as special any more and as a result she ends up as a burnout. She lives alone in her apartment and is surrounded by books like a certain R.O.D. meganekko, but instead of having paper powers she instead works at a bookstore. One day a cursed book was dropped off, and it lead Sumireko into a life of the occult. It's fortunate as she was a fan of it, but she meets up with the other protagonist Ren and his little sister Oto. She helps to protect and help them out, both in order to thank them for all they've done and as she wants things to write a story on. The series seems to be written from her perspective, even if it's a manga rather than a novel, but still. Sumireko seems to speak in a masculine, friendly as well. Ai Fairouz does a fairly good job with the role, even if she has some high highs and low lows. For example, she did Jolyne in JoJo's sixth part and Iono from Pokémon, but she's also done Manatsu the horrible lead from TR and a certain ninja trap from a currently airing show. Still, Sumireko does decently when it comes to this area and being a bit of a burn out himself who felt the passage of time I can understand why it's hard for her to let go but also difficult to press forward.
Grade: B

Sumireko does fairly well when it comes to this area. Despite being a twenty-eight year old virgin she still seems to have a healthy libido, which makes me question the tastes of the men in that town. Even the male lead Ren points out how attractive she is, while his younger sister Oto calls her an “apartment wife”. As in the type of lonely housewife who seems to be in pornographic films. She also has a bit of a perverse world view, which I understand as well. She does alright here, even if she doesn't really show off or have a relationship herself, not even a yuri one somehow.
Grade: B-

This is a fairly interesting area, though Sumireko does quite well. After all, the series sorta starts with her being 27, and turning 28 is where her arc starts off as she reads a cursed book and ends up reverting back to a child. She spends some time like this until the curse ends, and can change her age at will (which also has a healing factor as well). Twenty-eight is a great age but sadly she spends too much time younger, including the arcs where she is hidden as a high school student. This isn't to say she looks bad as a high school student, but Japan needs to learn to appreciate older girls like Sumireko too. Overall she does well, I just wish she would show off her normal adult form more.
Grade: B+

Total Grades: 64
Average score: 7.1
Final Grade: B-

*As Topaz finishes the blog Shy and Berry Blossom seem to have destroyed the monsters set on them by Sumireko. He turns to the enemy partial-meganekko.*

And with that Sumireko's blog is over! Hopefully I was able to communicate everything about her properly.

: One can only hope so, and that Zettai doesn't investigate the series.

True, other than liking Oto maybe. That said, Sumireko does suit my tastes fairly well but she has so many little problems that it's hard to ignore them.

: And as a result you made me a villain? This is too unfair, and I demand more fair treatment!

You only want someone else to look at you because I was truthful about you being a cow! Though I suppose that the latest area didn't have that much of a problem.

: It's still embarrassing! Do you know how much of a loser I look when you called me a twenty-eight year old virgin!


*She is flustered while Berry is confused.*

: What, like the olive oil? I think I have a bottle in my hat...

: That isn't what I'm talking about at all! And Topaz-wait, why are you sulking...

*Topaz is curled up in the corner, with a shadowy despair to him.*

I cannot believe that was ten years ago for me...

: Don't be depressed like that, Topaz! I mean it was a while, and that's only counting your actual body and not the blog one, but still!

*He stands up.*

You're right! But still, it makes me look bad too. I always wonder how beautiful women like Sumireko completely lack experience.

: Probably because Japan needs to appreciate mature girls more.

I mean that is true. So true, though nothing wrong with middle school girls getting fanservice either. She's even lewd, but I imagine she doesn't meet a lot of people. Still, she does have a somewhat healthy libido which tends to do pretty well. Though I suppose it is possible to go overboard, even while still being a virgin. There's a lot of characters who make lewd remarks be too much of her character, though fortunately Sumireko doesn't have that problem.

: It would appear she does not mind showing off either.

That's a fair point, though I think she's still nervous about her body. It's something that most people deal with.

: I am still proud of my large ass, even if you didn't improve it.

: That is true and unusual as I noticed you being much smaller. But then again, it s-seems like Topaz has more reasons to not like you.

I mean not liking Sumireko is strong. She just would be a lot better for me with some changes, especially having bangs and keeping her glasses on more. Her personality is otherwise great, being a cool bibliophile and writer with a love of the occult. She then keeps on getting involved in various mysteries and helps the male lead who does most of the heavy action himself. I also like how she's a good example of a burn-out.

: I mean you're a better example. At least Sumireko lives alone and has a more serious job.

Hey now. No kicking me while I'm down. But I do understand her backstory of being a skilled writer but people's expectations of her becoming higher as she aged without her growing in talent.

: ExCUSE me! You could have put that a better way!

I mean it's true! It was one of the reasons you were happy to have a younger form, plus you had more energy. I also like how you use it to regenerate from wounds.

: I mean it's a good thing, but it's such a pain actually doing it.

I suppose that makes sense. And as mentioned Ai Fairouz is your VA and does a decent job. Not the worse role she's done, but certainly not the best and I wish that she makes a speedy recovery due to her taking time off.

: Eh? VA? No matter, as I have you cornered now!

: I highly doubt that!

Wait, what happened? I was only reviewing her blog, but...

*As Topaz and Riri go to look at Sumireko, it is revealed that she had somehow captured Berry Blossom and Shy.*

How did this happen?!

: She only said to hold onto this rope, but then she spun around us really fast and tied us up!

: And it was so cute as she was in her loli form that I didn't want to ruin her fun by burning her rope either! Plus this is a library, and I shouldn't use flame powers here!

Good plan, but what can we do Riri? Sumireko has captured the two girls who were fighting her!

: I mean there's a lot of abilities we can use to defeat her. You have your demon form. I have MY demon form. There's that one sword, or your many crystal abilities. Heck, there's even the stands we can use-

I knew it, it's hopeless for us!

: That is certainly true, as I will finally take care of you!

???: Not so fast!

*Another meganekko seems to be out of breath but runs towards Topaz and the others on the landing. She adjusts her glasses.*

: Ayane, I think your name is!

: That's right! Do not think you are out of options, Topaz! You did more blogs than those two!

: It is a little humiliating that I'm being rescued, but I still appreciate being saved!

: What do you think that you can do? You're just a little weak support unit! There's no way you can defeat me!

: You aren't the only one who has read from the magical books! In fact, another girl has kept one just for this sort of occasion!

*Ayane talks into her ear, as if using a microphone.*

: You got all that?

: Heh, do you know who you're talking to? I've ran support so much that I know just the right time. Now go forth my helicopter squad!

*With that Naomi opens a book and a squadron of helicopters float up behind Ayane as she poses.*

: YES! It worked!

: Grrr, to think that I would be outsmarted like this! Luckily I have this energy storage tome, so all I need to do is absorb enough energy...

*She starts to create a ball of energy in her hands, but is quickly stopped. The helicopter, which was making a mess of the library both from its blades blowing paper all over and making noise, returns to the book. In addition, a certain purple librarian floated upward and confronted the group. She even unties Shy and Berry.*

: What do you think your group is doing, Topaz?! Ever since you've been here you've been noisy, but I forgave you a little. But when you start to bring armies and helicopters out and bothering my other customers I can't keep ignoring you!

: In all fairness, it's been the other girls who have been doing that.

: H-hey, don't be blamin' us now!

: I just needed some way to confront Topaz. Trust me, the library isn't the best place for this so he should have just fell to me. Then I would have had more time to enjoy the books!

: Still, it seems to all be due to you, Topaz. Give me your library card.

Oh, I don't have one.

: Y-you don't...

*Time passes and we return to the front of the library as Patchouli tosses Topaz out. He's in a silly kneeling position, even as he gets thrown and lands which is quite goofy. He isn't the only one that is kicked out like this, as Riri and even Sumireko soon follow him by getting kicked out in the same fashion. However, once Sumireko lands Topaz and Riri enter battle positions and Sumireko soon follows.*

: It looks like you don't have your little gang to back you up now, Topaz! They may have succeeded in holding me off at first, but now that they aren't here I can take you down!

I highly doubt that. What, are you going to become a loli on us?

: He means become a loli, not that you'll be one and force yourself on us thus getting him thrown in jail.

That's a far better way of putting-wait, why wouldn't you get thrown in jail too?

: Like women ever go to jail for that kind of thing-HA!

Grrr, I can't deny that. But I spent enough time in prison last year with the JoJo girls so let's not go into that plot.

: Don't worry as I'll make sure that you won't have to deal with that. I will certainly take care of you yourself. After all, we may have been kicked out but I still have one of the magic books!

*Sumireko shows off the magical storage book. She then chants out the text and makes a ball of magical energy. She even has to hold it in place with one hand, the book in the other.*

: Just avoid it, Topaz!

Good plan!

: Don't think that is going to work with this!

*She sends the ball of energy at Topaz, and even though he tries to evade it the ball continues to home in on him. It explodes, sending him flying and dealing about 30 damage. Fortunately he had ran enough away that the ball didn't hit Ririchiyo at all. However, they were so distracted they didn't see a mysterious leotard-wearer in a cloak.*

: TOPAZ! Are you alright?

Y-yeah... I'm more tired from trying to outrun or evade the blast than being hit by it...

: I see. I must not have put enough energy into it. Next time I'll use the Ultima shot and blast you with all the power I can!

*Sumireko then starts glowing, even lifting into the air with the book hovering in front of her. Above her is a ball of magical energy which is growing more and more.*

Oh no! It's like she's a final boss!

: That can't be! This is only January!

Maybe we took a shortcut or something, or maybe we're just far enough in the series where final bosses are like regular bosses.

: Darn this Disgaea-like power balance!

: Do not worry, as you won't need to for long! Take this, magical homing attack that can never miss or be blocked!

*In a series of slow-motion pictures in an epic motion she throws sends the ball towards Topaz and Riri. However, the mysterious cloaked figure rushes towards them. She starts unsheathing her sword, which glows with a blue glow. However, the big ball of energy smashes into the ground and brings up dust and destruction. The mysterious figure's cloak is torn and floats away. Sumireko starts gloating.*

: AH HA HA! It looks like I was able to defeat Topaz once and for all!

Posted by emperortopaz | Jan 30, 6:56 AM | 0 comments
January 23rd, 2025
Anime Relations: Acro Trip
This is the eight-hundred-forty-fourth week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.

*We arrive with Topaz and Riri still at the library. Fortunately a pink-haired meganekko is standing by.*

: Uuu, I'm still really nervous about this.

What's there to worry about? Didn't you check with your talking cat to see if you were able to do the interview?

: I did, and Mashirou gave me the alright. Something about no one is going to read the blog at all anyway.

I find that offensive! At least one person will read it!

: Yeah, but Zettai already knows about the secret identity. It's not like it'll be found out or anything.

I suppose that's true. But this is the internet we're talking about! We're bound to have someone find it and send it around!

: I highly doubt that. Besides, she's allowing you to talk about you. Isn't that what you want?

I do want to talk about her, but knowing it will only happen because I'm so unpopular makes me feel defeated.

*The meganekko pats Topaz's head.*

: It is alright, Topaz. I am still excited to hear what you have to say about me.

Thank you... *sniff* both for the reassurance and allowing me to talk about you. There are times when a girl gives permission but then gets second thoughts during the actual blog.

: And do you know why that is?

... Because I forget to mention that the girl's ass will become much, much bigger?

: That's not it, though I suppose it happens in some cases. You don't even inform them of how huge their asses will become either! No, what I was going to say was that you take too long to write between blogs and thus forget that you already gave permission.

Hey, I don't take that long before blogs! I work hard on them all week!

: Yeah, but sometimes you still have to wait over a week to write dialogue. This causes you to forget what you said previously due to you being so forgetful. You need a better work ethic, though I suppose too much and you'd stop doing blogs. Then you'd have to get a real job.

Oh no, anything but that!

: Er....

*The meganekko is cutely raising her hand.*

Yes, our little Strawberry Shortcake magical girl?

: I don't get the reference, but I heard something about p-p-posteriors becoming larger-

Yes, and you can call it an ass you know.

: N-n-no way! I could never say something like that, as it is far too vulgar! And to think that you would have my backside grow as well, all because you talk about it!

Certainly! But you shouldn't be embarrassed about it, as bigger asses are sexier!

: Maybe she's thinking that it's like how plants grow when you talk to them. But let's hope you're not filling the girls full of “carbon dioxide” either...

That would be more methane, and only for Zettai's girls after all. But you shouldn't worry about it. It might even help out being a magical girl!

: Help out being a magical girl?

*She thinks of her magical alter ego running towards a building.*

: Don't worry, as I shall surely save you all!

*However, her ass is slightly bigger and as such she can't get through the gate, getting stuck and shaking her ass.*

: Oh no! Now people will be calling me PEACH Blossom as my ass is showing!

*As a result she fails to save everyone and various newspapers with headlines like “Townsfolk question poor salvation by Magical Girl”, “More like Berry Bl-ASS-om! The truth behind the incident!”, and “Doctors say spinning newspaper headlines may cause headaches.*

: Noo! Now I'm poor and downtrodden, I'll never be able to serve justice!

*Her imagination is cut short by Topaz.*

That sounds very sexy, but don't worry. I imagine you'll be able to become used to the size of your ass, and as a result you'll be able to swing it like a weapon!

: A-A-a weapon?! Magical girls don't use those!

Nonsense as there are occasional ones with swords. Like Rayearth or Cure Sword!

: And don't you use a wand or something anyway?

: That's just to use magic from. It's completely different.

Then use your fat ass as a way to defeat non-magical opponents. Sit on criminals instead of tying them up!

: Uuuu... If I were to consider that, crime might end up going UP...

Perhaps, which being fair sounds a little sexy. Not because of the criminals, but I wouldn't mind having a fat ass sit upon me...

: Get a hold of yourself (and not in a perverse way either, idiot!). Besides you still have to ask her properly!

But she already gave permission! Well, I suppose that was before I told her about the issues with her ass becoming larger. So what do you say about that then?

*The pink-haired meganekko thinks for a bit.*

: Well, I am not keen on having my backside grow. But I can tell that talking about me is very important to you. As such, I will allow you to talk about me, so go ahead as I look forward to helping you out.

That's a relief, especially because I won't have to look for another meganekko for Fall.

: Especially because you didn't watch that one Jump manga with the sexy grandma everyone seemed to.

True, but I doubt I missed much. Besides, there was Yuika from Shiny Colors, though she does have the issue with her glasses when on stage.

: Oh? Does she not wear them?

Slightly better, as she wears a monocle with an odd nosepiece. Granted it's better than nothing, but it's silly and I would have liked actual glasses instead.

: I see... But you do not need to look at one of those girls, Topaz! I allow you to talk about me, s-so go right ahead!

I'm glad to hear that, so let's get started! But first, I have to introduce you by saying...

: You know what, that name is fairly silly. No offense meant.

: N-no offense meant? That sounded like nothing but o-offense!

: I didn't mean it in a mean-spirited way or anything. I mean that it's funny how you're named after two Cures!

Two Cures?! Gosh Bill, how come you get to be named after two Cures?!

: E-eh?! I'm even more confused... You even said my name...

Sorry sorry, it's a silly meme. That said, it is even funnier if since both Berry and Blossom are cool Cures. Well, Blossom is shy but still I like her.

: Even the “Peach” in her imagination is yet another Cure name!

That it is, and Love is awesome too!

: I-I'm still confused, but I agree that love is an important emotion! I love justice and serving my city!

*She stands bravely and with vigor.*

: E-even if I'm still relatively new at this whole thing...

Don't worry as we understand. That said, what should we call you?

: Eh? What do you mean?

Well, I don't remember if your name was officially used in the series or not. You were always referred to, at least in the anime, as “Berry Blossom”. At least as far as I can remember.

: Though as we've mentioned before Topaz's memory is spotty.

What are you talking about? That didn't happen at all!

: Take a look for yourself!

*Riri holds the script in front of Topaz.*


: Sometimes I wonder what you would be like if it wasn't for me being your assistant...

Well, I will say that it would be a much different series and I might not have done it as long. Still, I'm always glad to look at girls, be it new or old!

: I thank you for looking at me in particular. As for my name... Perhaps using my last name “Noichigo” would be best...

That makes a lot of sense, Noichigo. But I will say that you're not from Tokyo Mew Mew!

: Eh? I-I mean I'm not...

Because you're NO ICHIGO! HA! Though being fair she was probably the least interesting girl and had too much focus. I blame love triangles and such...

: So Berry Blossom is better?

I mean Noichigo is a meganekko. That much should be obvious, and I was making a joke.

: Phew... That is a relief. I thought you really didn't like me.

My apologies as I do like you, so don't worry about that! I apologize for my bad jokes, as they are likely to continue to come.

: He is certainly full of them...

: Do not worry as I understand. Regardless I thank you for introducing me.

But of course! And as always we can't forget about talking about your name either! Though I suppose I don't know as much as with other girls, as you don't have etymology like the other girls can.

: I blame her show not being as popular as others.

A shame as she deserves more love! Both Noichigo and her show, even if Chizuko is the main star. That said, i can't get too distracted. Apparently “Kaju” is like “Caju” which is the Portuguese word for “Cashew”, and “Noichigo” seems to have “ichigo” right in the middle which is “strawberry”. No wonder she's “BERRY” Blossom with the strawberry hat.

: Are you saying that my name had something to do with my magical girl outfit?

It seems to, at least to me. Granted these aren't official reasons for her name, and I have to rely on other sites for that. There's a possibility that MAL is wrong and her name is “Yoshihisa” as well! Man Berry Blossom's name is surprisingly complex...

: Maybe if you learned Japanese it wouldn't seem as big of an issue!

Yeah... But I'm too lazy and you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

: I have confidence in you! Wait, is this why you wanted to call me “Noichigo”.

One reason, and because “Noichigo” is quite fun to say. That said, now that we've gone over your name how about we talk about you?

: But of course, as I am looking forward to hearing what you have to say!

Glad to hear it!

*With that Topaz begins Noichigo's blog properly.*

Noichigo does decently when it comes to this area, even if I'm not normally into pink hair. Luckily she has pink hair in both forms, and unlike a lot of recent Pink Cures the anime doesn't revolve around her. The pink is a nice color and fits well with her red and white outfits, especially her cute strawberry hat as Berry Blossom. Speaking of her hat she can seem to pull anything out from it, including things such as space heaters or a thermos. While I don't know the manga, I've seen people mention that she's more strawberry blonde in civilian form in it (pun not intended). As far as Noichigo's style goes, it looks really good on her as she has either a braid or two when Berry Blossom. It fits her pretty well I think. She also has an ahoge and two bangs that stick out from the sides in a silly fashion, and speaking of her bangs they are mostly M-shaped but the middle has some crossover which is cute. Her sides look pretty good as well, even if they seem somewhat shorter as Berry Blossom. Still, the length is rather nice as her hair reaches about mid-back which is a good length. She even has the ability to move her braids around, which she may not even be conscious about. Overall Noichigo's hair looks really great, as braids fit her really well and her hat is really cute. The pink color works well, but I do like darker colors as mentioned many times before.
Grade: B+

Noichigo has rounded eyes which fit with her kind, heroic personality. There's also three eyelashes on top, with some smaller ones on the lower lid though the corners of her eyes could be a bit more emphasized. The main uniqueness of Acro Trip is with the pupil itself. She has a cute green gradient which looks pretty good and allows her to stand out, and like the other characters in the series the whites of her eyes are diamonds rather than circles (or at least her and Mashirou are like that, the other characters have other shapes). As for Noichigo's glasses, which it isn't a surprise she only wears them as a civilian it does suck that she tosses them aside during the transformation sequence (luckily they don't make a joke about them breaking, so it's more symbolic). It is a shame as her lower frame blue glasses look cute and I like that they have an oval shape. As far as I can tell she only stared wearing them after meeting Mashirou her magical mascot, but that may just be a coincidence. Regardless Noichigo needs to take better care of her glasses, though her eyes otherwise look pretty good even if they aren't a great color (as far as being generic, as the gradient is a cute effect).
Grade: B-

Luckily she does pretty well in this area, as Noichigo has a cute and simple face. I don't mean that in any bad way of course, as she fits with my tastes. The small nose and simple features look really good, and she has some cute expressions as well. I like the curvature of her chin and cheeks as well, with a somewhat smaller lower portion but it looks cute. Overall not much to bring up when it comes to this area, but Noichigo does fit well with my tastes.
Grade: B+

: Au au au....

*Noichigo has spiral eyes, confused at all the words Topaz has said.*

Something the matter?

: Maybe she's flustered because you used too many English words.

I don't think that's the case, as even if it's written in English it should automatically translate and be able to communicate with her.

: Oh no, it's just that I have not heard someone praise me so much! Thank you for the kind words!

*Noichigo bows to Topaz.*

: I also apologize for my method of magical transformation...

It's alright, I understand that a lot of magical girls don't wear glasses. Sadly. Those that do are rare, but I do take offense to you throwing them away!

: At least she's wearing them, even if the disguise is almost Clark Kent-like in appearance. At least as far as hiding with glasses.

I mean I'm not complaining, as they are cute glasses she wears. They go well with her eye color, even if green isn't the best but it contrasts fairly well with her pink hair and red hats. While I tend to not like eyelashes Noichigo's are alright too, and I like the unique diamond in her pupil too. It gives the art style a cool look.

: Thank you for liking my eyes, even if you like me with glasses more.

But of course! And being fair since I don't think you wore them before becoming a magical girl I am still thankful!

: Because she can be the meganekko for the season, even if only partially?

Exactly! But as good as Noichigo's eyes are, it's not the only good thing about her face.

: Ah yes, you did mention that you liked my face as well. A simple one, I think.

Exactly, though I mean that in a good way of course! Your features are small and lovely, looking pretty nice for my tastes.

: Your hair is even impressive, as Topaz doesn't normally like pink hair.

: He... doesn't?

I've warmed up to it, like with red eyes though not as much as those. I do like the look of it as it's a very berry-like color, and speaking of Berry Blossom I like the cute hat you wear as well as the ability to pull almost anything out of it.

: Of course, as a magical girl needs to be prepared for any sort of emergency!

: Though speaking of fruit, it looks like your peach has grown quite a bit...

*Riri pokes Noichigo's bigger ass, which was starting to burst through her skirt. The magical girl is flustered and turns around, showing off her enormous cheeks that her hands are unable to cover.*

: H-hey, don't poke my bottom!

You might be named after berries, but it seems you've got quite the pumpkin in back!

: Gurururu....

*She grumbles to herself with a cute, memetic face.*

Man, I have not seen that type of face in years...

: I thought it was “Gununu”.

Fair point, but regardless I'm glad to talk about Noichigo and make her happy. But we're not done yet!

: As long as you won't be pointing out my b-backside I should be fine...

Well then, I have some bad news. But good news for my readers!

*Noichigo is surprised as Topaz continues with the blog.*

Sadly there isn't too much information about Noichigo, and this isn't too perverse a series which this blog dislikes. I like seeing girls show off, being proud and such! The only measurement we have for her is that she seems to be 158 cm, which isn't too bad. Noichigo does have a fairly slender body, befitting a girl her age (even if I'm not quite sure how old she is, but she seems to be a teen). She doesn't show off too much, but it isn't that kind of show. A shame Berry Blossom wears frilly bloomers as well, hiding her ass as that would have been worth a mention! Still, it's not like Noichigo is bad overall, with a slender body and one that appeals well but she just doesn't show off enough or have enough official detail to get much better.
Grade: B

As mentioned previously Noichigo is on the slender side, which works well with her body. She doesn't even have too much of a curve, though I suppose that isn't too surprising as it seems most girls are slender in this series (at least as far as the anime is concerned). Nothing wrong with that though, even if she doesn't show off too much. Still, overall Noichigo does pretty well when it comes to this area.
Grade: B

Noichigo does somewhat decently here even if she doesn't have a lot of variety. Sure she has some cute and fitting casual outfits, dressing fairly well and looking good, but nothing really stands out (though she does seem to have a few sweaters). She also has a green school uniform, but it's a somewhat generic even with the red necktie. We seen her as Berry Blossom more, I think, which means she's wearing a magical girl uniform. It is at least a cute one, with a tight white top, long red gloves with a puffy forearm, red collar with pink ribbon and long strands, red corset, and fluffy skirt with foot-strap pantyhose underneath. Sadly as mentioned Berry Blossom wears frilly bloomers which hides her lower half and is unfortunate. She also has a magical wand, though a specific one isn't required as she bought them in bulk in one episode after it gets stolen. Overall Noichigo does alright when it comes to this area but she could use more variety. It's possible I missed something in the manga though, so this is only going by the anime.
Grade: B-

*After hearing what he had said, Noichigo lets out a sigh.*

: To think that I would give permission to let you talk about me. I'm glad that Mashirou mentioned that this shall not get out there too much, as you've said a lot of embarrassing things...

There shouldn't be anything embarrassing as I talk about the same sort of thing I usually do. And being fair you'd do much better if you were as big as you are now, and if you showed off too!

*Noichigo is further flustered, but in her embarrassment she turns and tears her skirt. Her ass was becoming way too big for her clothes and she bursts out. She tries to hold her cheeks in, tearing up cutely.*

See? If you were this willing to do fanservice in the anime you'd have a better score!

: But I didn't want to do this sort of thing!

: It's not that kind of series anyway, Topaz. Besides, you shouldn't oogle a girl who is in such a sad position!

Fair point. But I will mention that I appreciate that I do like her slender and somewhat short body. She's also fairly strong, though I suppose it may be her magical powers that allowed this, but she's still very fitting for her age and looks alright.

: I-I'm slender and good? But my ass... It's so huge now! I can no longer save people like... THIS!

*She shakes her ass, jiggling the assflab that her hands are straining to keep inside.*

: Uuuu.... I can't be showing off like this...

Perhaps you should transform into Berry Blossom. Since her clothes are magical you should be able to fit in them.

: Are you saying that I should throw my glasses away to cover my ass?

*Topaz is silent for a moment.*

: Topaz, she asked you a question.

Hold on, I'm trying to convince myself of a reason to allow her to do that... But it seems like a lose-lose situation!

: I understand, but I should still transform...

*With that Noichigo becomes Berry Blossom.*

: Phew... At least now my ass isn't showing off...

Such a shame... But I understand wanting to cover up. Luckily your magical girl outfit is very cute, though most of your outfits are.

: I am glad to hear that, but it seems I did not do very well there.

I blame lacking good variety, which being fair might be different in the manga but I can't be sure. You might show off more in there too, but I don't think that would happen. The series isn't that sort, at least as far as the anime is concerned.

: At least for a Inori Minase character she's relatively slender.

True about that, which is good. Though she isn't a loli, who Inori also voices sometimes, but I'll talk about her voice with her personality which is coming up.

: Oh? You have more to talk about me? And this does not seem as naughty as the previous area either. Go ahead and continue.

If only you knew...

: E-EH?!

*Still, Topaz continues with the blog with Berry Blossom being very confused. However, no one noticed the meganekko watching over them. Well, other than the girl also hiding nearby.*

: And now another flat girl, what's with this Topaz guy anyway? He keeps on ignoring me! Well, I suppose he'll look at seasonal girls and I was already missed. That said, I will get my revenge!

: Ahhh~ Berry Blossom! Today is truly a blessed day to see you~

: Wait a minute, who do you think you are?

: A fan of that magical girl there. I'm Chizuko Date!

: Well then get out of here! I need to enact my plot against Topaz!

: Y-you aren't going to hurt Berry, are you?

: As long as she stays out of my hair it should be fine. Fortunately she seems quite gullible...

: I suppose so. But she's just so CUTE!

*The mysterious girl squees at Berry Blossom's cutness.*

: Do you mind? I have evil plotting to do.

: Fine then. I can't get a good angle of Berry's great ass from this angle anyway. A good shot will surely feed me for weeks!

*Chizuko then left.*

: Finally. Now, let's see what Topaz is getting up to now...

*The camera returns to Topaz, who is just getting started with Berry's next areas.*

Noichigo does pretty well in this area, even if she's not one of the two major characters in Acro Trip. We still see a good amount of her, and one of the episodes was about her backstory including finding a talking cat named Mashirou (who is actually a mage who was transformed into an animal for failing). She gets contracted into being a magical girl, being Berry Blossom and facing off against injustice including the resident evil company Fossa Magna. She can only use magic against those that can use magic, but Berry Blossom is still good at fist fighting. She also seems to have a lot of in-universe merchandise, and almost daily footage on the news while protecting the city. Though “protecting” should be in quotations, since as a result of her rampage she might destroy parts of the city. When not being a magical girl she acts like a normal girl, even if she's somewhat of a doormat and goes with the flow if people as her to do something. She likes honey and pancakes, and is a very cute and kind girl in general. Overall a nice girl, though I wouldn't have minded if Noichigo would have gotten more screentime. She's also voiced by Inori Minase who does a good job. Other roles she's done include Hestia from Danmachi, Chino from Rabbit Cafe, Reina from Aharen, and Carol from Symphogear.
Grade: B

Noichigo doesn't show a lot of this, being a very innocent and pure magical girl. She gets flustered thinking Chroma has a crush on her, but she's also oblivious to Chizuko's crush on her as well. Chizuko's admiration of Noichigo is one of her driving forces, though I'm not sure if it's the pure-type of adoration or if Chizuko would get along with Utena from MahoAko besides being magical girl friends. Regardless this is Noichigo's blog, not Chizuko's, and Berry Blossom is much more pure and innocent overall which hurts her a little bit here.
Grade: B-

I'm not sure how old Noichigo is, but she still does pretty good here. Considering she looks about Chizuko's age I'd say she's a middle school girl, but she might be in high school. Still, she appears to live alone going by the anime, so it's possible she's older than I know of (though still in school). I'd like a lot more concrete information, but it seems that her only age information is that her birthday is January 5th (so happy recent birthday to her). Overall, Noichigo does decently but more information would be nicer as the art style makes it difficult to know if she's intended to be older or not.
Grade: B-

Total Grades: 70
Average score: 7.8
Final Grade: B

And with that Berry's blog is over. What do you think about it?

: Um um... It's still a little embarrassing to hear you talk so vividly about me. But I do apologize about not having a stronger libido!

*She bows cutely.*

You don't need to apologize for that. It isn't that type of show, even if Chizuko has a lot in common with Utena.

: Then again Utena's series is a LOT more perverse...

That's true. But there's nothing wrong with Berry either. She's a great girl, and I found her thinking Chroma has a crush on her further oblivious-ness on her part. In a good way I mean.

: I also apologize for not being older either.

It's alright, as I'm not some “anime fan” who believes that girls need to be of-age to fall for. People can love any type of fictional character, so your low age isn't what caused problems.

: Eh? Then how did I do so poorly?

Well, mainly because I would have liked a more concrete age there. Like if you were 14 or 15 or so, but it is possible for you to be younger. I will mention happy recent birthday though.

: Well, “recent” somewhat. It's been nearly 20 days!

We're that far in the year already? Where does time go...

: You spent it all playing old video games, Topaz.

Fair... But I also won't skimp out on the blog as a result either! I am working hard to tell everyone just how good Berry Blossom is!

: Thank you for the praise, as it reminds me of Chizuko.

But of course! You have a great cute personality, and you work hard to show off your justice and defend the weak!

: That said, she does have issues with collateral damage...

: I-I suppose I do get a little crazy with magic sometimes... But knowing that you appreciate my hard work means so much!

Of course, and I'm certain that many of the people you save also appreciate you!

: All in a day's work, after all!

*Berry stands proudly, with her fist against her chest. However, posing in such a way was too much for her pantyhose, which she was wearing because she was in her Berry Blossom clothing. Her ass had expanded past where it could stay inside her white pantyhose, even bursting off her skirt. As a result Berry's face was as red as her hat.*

: OH NO!

*She attempts to cover up, pulling on her pantyhose but that only makes Berry's huge “fruits” look plumper and more delicious.*

: S-stop staring at my huge backside! I-I can't believe that I even tore my magical pantyhose!

: I can, as it's not the first time...

Certainly, and I apologize for this. But don't worry, as I'm certain that you'll still be able to do your heroic magical girl work again!

: There's no way... With my gigantic ass I'll only get in the way!

*Berry is kneeling on the ground, her massive ass behind her. She is looking in despair, and soon a young girl comes up. Her face is obscured as she talks to Berry, though her brown hair is shown.*

Child: You must be a magical girl! Please, help me, as I was separated from my mommy! Sniff...

: This is no time to be in despair, as this child needs me! So what does your mother look like?

Child: Sniff... She's taller than me, and older... and has... HAIR! WAAAHH!

*The child starts crying her hands over her eyes.*

: Could that be any more vague?

: Quiet, as this girl needs me! I cannot let her down, so let me go off and find her! I'll make sure to find your mother, little girl. So stay with Topaz for me!

Child: Sniff... A-alright...

What am I, a babysitter?

: I shall try to be as fast as possible, so keep her occupied!

*With that Berry leaps down to the library and uses magic to start looking. Topaz sighs from this.*

Well, I suppose that we need to keep her entertained. At least we're in a library with a lot of books and-

Child: Heh heh... Foolish Topaz. You do not know who I am!

: Ominous!

That's true! And why do you sound like a ninja trap too?!

Child: I prefer to think of myself as a female Jump prison escapee, but I understand. After all...

*Before their eyes the girl grows up, as it was all a trick by a certain meganekko.*

: I have you in my grasp now! You're going to be talking about me, whether you want to or not!

: Wait a minute, where was she hiding... THOSE?!

I know who she is, and how she was able to do that. Trust me, it's not good.

: Just be glad that my compressed mass doesn't make my eyes bleed any longer!

As I said, it's not good! That said, it looks like we're going to be looking at this Mysterious girl next time! Let's hope we won't Disappear!

: That's a terrible segue, Topaz.

: I could have really written a better one.

I don't doubt it. But regardless, it's time to end this week's blog. Join us next time as we talk about this meganekko!

*With that Topaz ends the blog for the week, with this mysterious girl who has gotten close to him being the likely subject.*
Posted by emperortopaz | Jan 23, 7:02 AM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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