The only reason the Ouran anime is worth a watch is because it sets the stage for the manga. Yes, this series has to be the best I've EVER seen. The whole thing has a perfect layout, which gives us our fair share of both drama and comedy relief. It's fantastic.
The story is a 9. Because there are so many main characters, all introduced at around the same time, the beginning takes a bit of time to get into. It is full of filler chapters that set the stage for what's to come. You see, in these introductory chapters, you learn a little bit about
every single character - what they say, how the act, their relationships with one another... It is perfectly laid out with a great balance of the 7 main characters. The story starts to pick up the pace at around chapter 40 - At this point, you know everyone well, do not get confused with the names, and maybe even have your favorites. Complicated stories begin to spread out before the host club, and while some try to solve their problems, others are devoted to ignoring them. Each character is different from the last, meaning that they all need each other's help. The story will most definitely make you cry around these chapters... After the twins fight, the trip to France, the Ski Trip, when Haruhi gets sick, when foreign exchange students walze in... It gets to be an emotional roller coaster, perfect for any story. Do not let the shoujo category alarm you. This isn't your regular romantic comedy. It is much, MUCH more than the usual girl meets boy, girl loves boy, boy has dark past, girl fixes everything, the end. You will be kicking yourself if you miss out on this.
The art is outstanding. While some pictures are so cute you find yourself giggling, others are so touching you find yourself tearing. Also, this manga has one thing that MANY lack: Clarity. You can ALWAYS tell who's talking, and you're never left with "...What?" being the only thought in your head. The usage of space in here is outstanding, and I have never found myself less confused after reading an manga.
Ouran has seven main characters - ALL with incredible development. They are wonderfully huggable from the very beginning, and no matter what kind of character you prefer, you'll find him/her in here. Do you like the strong silent type? You've got Mori. The cute, childlike type? Hunny. The dangerous type? Kyouya. The excessivly silly/stupid character? Tamaki. The pranksters that make a joke out of everything? Hikaru and Kaoru. Maybe you're into the characters with dark pasts? All seven cover this. The ones with bad attitudes? The twins, again. Delightfully dense characters? All of them, except for Hunny and Mori. See what i mean? And if you're missing something in there, you've always got the supporting cast to back you up. The families of the host club, the obsessive Renge, the slightly mean Mei, the Lobelia group, Casanova, the class rep... there's someone for everyone! Also, Haruhi, the heroine, has a really REALLY different attitude compared to the girls in other shoujo mangas. She doesn't have a "change the world" attitude, or "I wish I had a boyfriend" attitude, or "little miss sunshine" attitude... she has the more original "what the f*ck" attitude. She doesn't CARE. Which makes her adorable. Now, all characters have their own personalities, but the amazing part is, they all develop. Not for the worse, either. They keep their original charm while still becoming better people. They're wonderful.
Certain chapters will have you laughing out loud, others will have you crying your eyes out. All of them will have you begging for more, because there is no manga like THIS manga. The comedy, the romance, the drama, the development, the twists, the art, the plot, the beauty, he simplicity, the clarity, the EVERYTHING! It will all have you wanting more more goddamn MORE Ouran High School Host Club. This is the ONLY manga I have ever stalked, constantly checking MangaFox for updates, forums for cool topics, LiveJournal for icons, deviantART for fanart, YouTube for mmv's...
You can't go wrong with this manga. Read it, read it, read it. It will have you contemplating issues that you will need in your life.Stuff like...
How much are you willing to give to a brother? To a friend? To a lover?
What sacrifices are worth making?
and of course...
Can anything really last forever?
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: OHSHC, Romantic Egoist Japanese: 桜蘭高校ホスト部 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 18
Chapters: 87
Status: Finished
Published: Jul 24, 2002 to Sep 24, 2010
LaLa Authors:
Hatori, Bisco (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #1462 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #100
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Your Feelings Categories May 19, 2008
The only reason the Ouran anime is worth a watch is because it sets the stage for the manga. Yes, this series has to be the best I've EVER seen. The whole thing has a perfect layout, which gives us our fair share of both drama and comedy relief. It's fantastic.
The story is a 9. Because there are so many main characters, all introduced at around the same time, the beginning takes a bit of time to get into. It is full of filler chapters that set the stage for what's to come. You see, in these introductory chapters, you learn a little bit about ... Apr 19, 2008
I would really recommend this manga to anyone who loved the anime. The anime is a great adaption and tells the story almost exactly as it was in the manga, however it's not as progressive. Nothing much happens in the anime but once you get to around chapter 40 then it will really pick up the pace.
Also, guys, don't be afraid to pick up this manga and don't be deterred by the shojo tag. The story behind it is quite good too. {Story} Why did I give the story a 9? Because it can be slow at times. Some pieces will drag a tiny bit while ... Dec 3, 2011
"To make a friend's wish come true, we would do nothing less...
And from the bottom of our hearts, we prayed for nothing more." - from the most tear-jerking pages of Ouran Anyways, onto the actual review. Story (8/10) Ouran High School Host Club is about a normal girl, Fujioka Haruhi, who is admitted to a school (primarily for children of the upper class) on a special scholarship for being an excellent student. While looking for a place to study, she accidentally stumbles upon the Host Club (which is composed of six hot guys of the highest pedigree who cater to girls that have too much time on their hands) ... Dec 8, 2015
Our heroine, Haruhi (henceforth referred to as “commoner”), was accepted in Ouran -a high school for the richest kid in Japan- on a scholarship. The poor commoner enters Ouran wearing her dad's old uniform and a short boyish haircut and quickly gets lost in the ridiculously huge Ouran campus. A chance encounter with 6 of the most rich and handsome boys of Ouran, leads her to join the Host club and work in entertaining the rich, bored girls of the school. Of course this was made possible because everyone passed commoner for a boy.
Commoner's adventures in the host club and the antics of the 6 ... Jan 20, 2014
If you loved the anime, you are probably going to fall in love with the manga. It has all the crazy antics of the host club with never a dull moment but then it adds onto it with a much deeper story line. Though it loses its comedic value to an extent, the serious nature gives the characters so much more depth. This is one manga that I can say; you need to read it all even if you watched the manga because there is so much more to the stories that were shown on TV.
There are a couple people who change very drastically in ... Jan 2, 2008
This manga is adorable =D It goes beyond my expectations and is still a joy to read.
I loved the anime more, but the manga is more in depth. The art for the anime seemed more furnished while the manga's seemed rough-draft. Even so, both anime and manga are enjoyable whether you like to read the manga or watch the anime. This anime/manga really exceeds in the categories of Romance and Comedy. I love it even more because the characters are so well developed through the course of the manga. The storyline really lets their personalities shine. What makes it even better is the storyline is so ... Jun 5, 2008
For everyone to note, I watched the Anime before I read the Manga, or attempted too, and the Manga in no way is as good as the Anime.
Story: 3 The story was extremely slow, expessully compared to the anime. It seems to be stretched out too much. Art: 7 Here, I am comparing it to the Anime. The drawings were not as clear as the Anime was. Character: 7 The characters were better developed in the Anime, but they were in no way flat. One could still get who they were, though not as well as the Anime. ... Oct 20, 2009
Story: 6
As most people say, the story is slow. I personally like manga better than anime, but Ouran it applied in reverse. The anime is a little better than the manga, because it somehow gets to the point quickly unlike in the manga. Art: 6 Not something I expected after watching the anime. The art is different, and at first glance, you wouldn't have thought it's Ouran. Character: 7 Generally, people would give thumbs up for the characters. But I won't. Personally, the only person I liked is Haruhi, because I think she's the only one I'd call decent. Others are somewhat...abnormal. Enjoyment: 4 Not much enjoyment for me at all. ... Nov 14, 2023
I REALLY like this manga. Not only is the story developed incredibly well and naturally, but the characters grow alongside it, helping each other improve and become better people. The romance is an special highlight, being incredibly heartwarming, healthy and based on feelings of admiration and respect, which is fascinating for the time. Everything, from Tamaki's family to Haruhi's character arc is given a fantastic resolution, and I can't recommend reading this enough for those who liked the anime. EVERY character gets developed and given a strong conclusion, which is very nice.
yeah, this manga has one of the best couples of all time and ... Dec 28, 2008
I think the manga is pretty good! The art is nice, and the guys are drawn outstandingly! The character developement is also very nice! It's funny, and romantic, so I'm getting a whole lot of enjoyment out of it! To sum it up, this story is very good and I will be sad once it's over.
Apr 1, 2020
Ah, where can i start! This manga is what introduced me to shojo manga and i'm so glad i read it! Hatori sensei's art really amazes me, if you look at volume 1 then at volume 18 you would see how her art changes with time. i loved this manga for so many reasons, one of which is the character growth! the twins, kyoya, haruhi, honey, tamaki, and mori (in some ways ). i cant really go into detail about how their characters grew without spoiling some things. if you only watched the anime PLEASE read the manga!! The heroine (haruhi ) is not
Apr 15, 2011
I thought Ouran High Host club was an Amazing and funny manga. I started watching this series because I just finish watching Card Captor Sakura and Fruit basket, and I was craving more of series like that one. Comedy and Romance (That was back in day with my first anime) and someone recommended this series. I finish watching the entire episode in 3 days. Then I stared reading the book. And they are both amazing. But I thought the Anime was a little better.
I always love a story that made me laugh out loud. I laugh so much reading and Watching ... May 7, 2014
Ouran Highschool Host Club...oh where to start.
Story: 7 I wish I could give this series a higher score in this area. The basis for the story is quite original (even if it does include the typical male harem), but the execution could have been better. There were too many parts that I just wanted the plot to move faster, and it felt like many of the chapters were fillers. However, the comedy presented during the entire series was consistently hilarious and was one of the best parts of the series. Art: 9 Hatori's art is beautiful and wonderfully detailed. I was constantly enraptured by the quality of ... Nov 21, 2019
I turned my review section to place where can i deliver my thought on this manga. so please be aware that this could led to spoiler.
------------------- straight to the point, I gave this manga 10/10...the reason is because at this time lately I read lot's of romance manga and most of it contain terrible, unsatisfying and uncompleted ending. so pretty much I'm searching for good manga to make me recover from this heartbroken....and the answer is this Ouran koukou host club... what I like - GOOD and VERY SATISFYING ending...probably the only romance manga that I can say this very well. - it's not even cross my ... Feb 7, 2019
How do I even put into words my feelings towards this manga. How.
Story 10/10: It has a very interesting structure, wherein it sets up a basic plot, and then it spends quite a lot of time being 'episodic' so to say, just introducing the main characters and the relationships between them and some relevant side-characters. Due to this, it might be called slow because of how long it takes to get to the serious parts, but personally I didn't mind it at all because this way the reader has a lot of time to grow to care about the characters, and the 'episodic' parts are ... Aug 1, 2023
Masterpiece. Must-watch for all romance-comedy fans- it's a classic!
People who've seen the anime might think: Oh, this was perfect, I'm sure there's no need to read the manga too. People who think this are mistaken. The anime is good but there are so many little things the anime forgets or makes different! We get to see much more about Tamaki in manga, because the anime never fully adapted the manga (I'm still waiting for season 2 ( T w T)/ ). It's an easy and quick read, with a beautiful story. Please read this manga if you haven't! P.S. My favorite quote: Because I'm a genius, I wasn't ... May 5, 2013
Haruhi, the female protagonist (who is a common girl from a poor family) enters the grand upper class Ouran High School on a scholarship. One day, lost in the school, she wanders into the high school’s male host club and accidentally knocks over an expensive vase. As a deal to repay her debt, she was recruited to join the host club under the pretence of a male. No one in the school knows her true gender identity except for the members of the host club and there, it all marks the start of this uproarious journey. Story: Great – or perhaps, close to perfect. The ... May 24, 2010
Ouran High School Host Club may seem like your typical love story. Numerous boys fall in love with single girl. It IS something like that, and at the same time, something much more.
Hatori Bisco is really creative with the making of each character-- each one has his own unique and special trait, like the idea of "brotherly love", or Kyouya being a person who takes benefit in every action, or Hunny-senpai being the lover of all things cute, but in truth a master martial artist, Mori-senpai, the man of few words, the narcissistic Tamaki cowering in a corner--- most of all, however, the fact that ... Nov 22, 2011
So this is one of my favorite mangas of all time...
It was one of the first that I was motivated to keep reading steadily, and I got very excited every time I heard a saw that a new chapter had been translated. The general story has a very typical shoujo reverse harem feel to it. The protagonist, Haruhi's mother passed away some years ago and she's having trouble fitting in to her new school which is made up of very elite rich kids. When she's looking for a quiet place to study she suddenly runs into the Ouran High School Host Club and finds herself joining. ... Feb 1, 2014
Its a 10/10 for this series from me.
Its one of the most wonderful series that I got to read. Yes its long but it doesn't matter really. Once you get hooked on reading you'll always be asking for more. And the best part of this series- the humour in the series doesn't rely on anything vulgar. Its purely from the characters and their interactions and reactions. From random internet surfing on the best shoujo anime I had come across this title many times, but was reluctant to pick it up due to the "Host Club" in the title. But I am so glad that I ... |